Business and the environment

Business and the environment

121 Long HL~u~LO GP~ l’oru BEDOYERE, Golver Range Owtt Planning Tlhy Vol. itz Blrritzess, 21 April QUENTIN DE L.I (1990). 718 pp.. @.OO. ...

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HL~u~LO GP~ l’oru BEDOYERE, Golver

Range Owtt

Planning Tlhy


itz Blrritzess,






(1990). 718 pp.. @.OO.

The author argues that business management is about influence, persuasion and power. Many ofthe principles apply to both individuals and organizations.

~rr~~estrt~er~t bhtkittg: .A ?-d[e qf‘Three Cities, S.I>ICEL L. HAYES III and PHILIP .V. H~~BB.\RD, Harvard Business School Press (1990), 424 pp., L30.00. Traces the evolution of international banking from its beginnings to the present day, focusing on the three markets of London, Ne~v York and Tokyo. The authors see tkvo po\verful forces as responsible for the dramatic changes in investment banking in recent years-internationalization and deregulation. Another vie\v of this subject is provided in 7% Fmre cIfFirrarrci171Syxrrtrrs md Sert~ices, Edited by EDWARD P. M. GARDESER. Macmillan (1990), 401 pp.. &47.50.



Edited by &X3.00.

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11 Golden





156 pp.,

This book demonstrates the tremendous potential of a planned market approach to the over-%. The ageing issue is likely to be increasingly important as we move through the decade and beyond.

Il$rrtl&)rl T&rrolosy Dicriorrary, G.~YNOR A~WORD and IAN ATTWOOD, XlcGraw-Hill (1989). 64 pp., A4.99. A quick and readable source for those starting out in computing and information technology. T\vo other useful introductions to this increasingly important subject are .\f‘7ti~~ettierlr It$rttiatiotr Sysrertr, JAMES C. EMERY, Oxford University Press (1987), 341 pp., Al5.00 and Busittess Itl$>rttr&xl Syrretrij, CHRIS CLARE and PERI LOUCOPOVLOS, Paradigm (1987). 191 pp., A8.50. Although published a few years ago, the basic issues are essentially the same.


ntrd rlre Etrr~irotltrlrtlt, GEORGEWISTER. McGratv-Hill

(1988). 248 pp., Al4.95. Aimed at entrepreneurs. managers and employees who realize chat the reconciliation of economics and econology is a matter of survival for our industrial civilization. Based on the Integrated System of Environmental Business Management, supported by the Commission of the European Communities.

1991 Develop

\‘ilfrr .\latfilcyett~erlr Por~~lrirll: Z-l Self-Help Guide, CH.\RLOTTE CHA~MBERS,JOHN COOPEY and ADRIAS MCLEAS, Kogan Page (1990). 174 pp.. A7.93 HO~V do YOU improve your skills and competences? How do YOU decide Lvhich particular skills you need to acquire? Ho\\ do YOU fmd out which qualifications are most appropriate for your development? Where do you go for advice? This book provides practical advice and guidance on ho\v to take responsibilit)for your own developmenr.

Itriyletnetftifr:: Clrnri$e: EtlrrepretIellrsIIip OECD (1990), 77 pp., FF70.

md Locnl Itlirintive,

The long-term health of an economy. Lvhether local or national, depends on its ability to develop and dra\v upon the talents and capacities of everyone. This volume describes ne\\ trends in entrepreneurship; examples are given of local initiatives and actions. The study also emphasizes the essential role of the local environment and business climate and reviexvs tinancial mechansims that foster enterprise and create employment. Pity still produced in o~icial/acaclernic, rather than management focused, style.

Tire Eterttdiy lMcGra\v-Hill

Stlccessfiil OrJ::ilrli:‘7iiOti, PHILIP B. (1988), 235 pp.. Al6.95.


By the author who wrote Qrraliry is Frt’c. the book that led America’s quality revolution. This time he focuses on five vital tools for effective management: People-How to get them to do the job right first time and why. as an executive or manager. it’s up to you; Grolr~rll-Honto achieve steady. ongoing profits; Market kr~a~c~-/~ot~~-Ho~~ to recognize what your customers really want: Clr,ltlge-How to approach it without fear and why it’s essential for corporate health: Cattlpotty pride-Why this is important for each and ever) employee. Practical, readable and relevant. If one had to recommend just one management book this would surely be on the final short-list, possibly even at the top.

Slcsses$r[ Bi’ Bmittesr Strmgies jk Sttrd/ Firttu, BENNETT. Kogan Page (1990), 139 pp.. Al4.95.


Owners and managers who run small and medium-sized firms may not be aware of big business strategies that they could profitably apply to their o\vn situation. This, badly needed. book seeks to fill that gap.


.\l‘lrket Iwoii~tility, ROBERT J. SHILLER, The MIT Press (1989). 464 pp., L31.50.

Offers practical advice on analysing the specific problems experienced in companies and organizations. A companion volume, ,\l&itrf Itr.urlccriotr IC’ark, also by ROBERT F. MAGER, (Kogan Page 1990, 200 pp., 418.95), provides a manual for instructors \vho prepare others for the Lvorld of kvork.

The author proposes an innovative theory, backed b) substantia1 statistical evidence. on the causes of price fluctuations in speculative markets. It challenges the standard efficient markets model for explaining asset prices by emphasizing the significant role that popular opinion or psvchology can play in price volatility. Serious reading for serious investors.


Perjortrlatrse Prab/erttx, ROBERT F. PIPE, Kogan Page (1990). 111 pp., E18.93.