C9 COMPARISON BETWEEN THE HEART HYPERTROPHY IN ELDERLY, HYPERTENSIVES AND ATHLETES SUBJECTS AN ECHO-DOPPLER STUDY. Mazzei B., Zottola C., MO08CS V., Pranno L., Pingitore M., Gaudio G., Cundart E., Commtello F.,Corsonello A.*. INRCA-Cosenza.Depatt. Medicina.”Mesahra University Background :Previous studies showed an increas of the Left Ventricular size in hvo different models of cardiac adptation :athlete’s heart and myocardiopathies hypertensive.The study was evaluetad thys condition in Elderly. Methods :We enrolled 10 essential Hypertensive patients,(Group H), 15 veteran iantonic athletes, (Group A) and 12 sedentary heatthy rmttrols,(Gmup S) ;all subjects graeter when 60 yeats old and matched for aax,life style and body surface area. Was evaluated the morphological and functional indexes ,siatolic and diaatolic,by Echo-Doppler, Results :The result shmved a Lefl Ventricular Mass overlapped between Group H and Group A,(P=NS) ;whiie was obviously smaller in Group S,(PC=.005 vs.both) ;acccwdingto induaion criteria,both septum and poateriorwall thiekneaa were comparable in athletes and hypertensive subjeda,wfrile were higher than in confml group S,(W=.05).Not significant difference were observed for systolic function indexes in all 3 Group at reat,if,alao in the athletes,the systolic indexes was lower than Group S and H.The ratio MaasfVolume was overloppd befwean Group Group S(1.52) and in A(l.55),(p=NS),while were Inwer than Group H(l.69),(Pc0.01 for both) .The diastolic function pswametars were normal in group S and Group A,buf abnormal in Group H by a significant decrease of Earty peak(E vel.)(~o,ol vs bofh),and ratio Earfy to Late peak velceify fillhtg(pcO.05 vs both). Conclusion :The study showed thet,in spite of an increase in Ventricular Maas,in Athletes diastolic function and ratio MaaarVolume are nonnsl :the Hypertmptty of athlete hemtmsry refxwaent a physiological mechaniame of adaptation from enduranoe training ;the LV hypartmpfry in hypertension may represent Ora mtpmsaion of pathological mechaniame. Key Words: Athfetea, Systemic Hypertension, Elkfedy, L.V.Fundion,EohoDoppler.
AJH-APRIL 1997-VOL. 10, NO, 4, PART 2
Clo AFFEW3WCAKDfACVAGALGHBERSfNTHECDNTROLOF RHtALSYMYATHEflCN ERVEACflVTfY DURfNGCHANGES OF CARDfAC HLIJNG PN3XURER Veelken, KF Hilgws, A Stctter, K Scrngin,RE Schmieder*, Universityof Edangen, Germany. Renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) controls volume homeostasis in health and disease e.g. hypertension. RSNA is decreased during stimulationof cardiac afferent C-fibcra if cardiac filling pressure is increased. However, RSNA has also been reportedto decrease below baseline activity during hemorrhage,We tested the hypothesisthat decreases of RSNA during hemorrhage (HEM) are dependenton irrcreasedcardiac vagal C-fiber activity in spite of decreased cardiac filling pressure. 4 groups of rats (n=6) were implantedwith arterial or venous catheters and electrodes to measurebloodpressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and RSNA. Blood was withdrawn for 5 min to lower blood pressure to 50 mmHg m a 15 min volume expansion(VE) with saline (5% BW) was induced in these groups either with or without cervical vagotomy.80 cardiac affercnt C-tibara were recorded in 20 rats during graded increases (2, 4, 8 nmrHg) and decreases (-2,-4,-8 mmlfg) of cardiac tilling pressure. Six cardiac vagal afferent Ctibm were recorded in 2 groups (n=6) for 15 nrin during VE or and VE (HEM. RSNA decreased during HEM (-43*4%) 40+6%); these rcapooaescould be abolished by bilateral cervical vagotomy. Graded de- and increases of cardiac filling pressure increasedcardiac vagal C-fiber activity stimulus-dcpcndcntly(4 mrnffg:4.OeO.4Hz ; -6 mmffg: 6.5+IHz ;-8 mrnffg: 16.5*2 Hz ; +4 rrrrnffg:3,4*0.6 Hz; +6rnrnHg:4+0.6 Hz; +8 mrnffg: 15.9*1.5 Hz ). HEM and VS did stimulate C-fiber activity to the snmc extent (HEM:12Hz,VE:14Hz;[median]). Cardiac C-fibcI activity
irweaaed during short tcnn and pmlongcd de- and increases of csrdiac tilling pressu~. RSNA decn?asesduring hemorrhage and VS were dependenton cardiac vagal affemnt fibem. Tbc primary pressure but stimulna of these fibers was not the cardiac filling prcaaurcgradientawithin the cardiac tissue that rould be rather @.F@fexlYaltc~d in hypertension or heart disease. Key Words: hea% vagua, rsnsl sympathetic nerve activity
TOTAL VASCULAR TONE,LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPER1’ROPHYAND AUTONOMIC NERVOUS .ACTIVITY IN ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION. H.Morix, A.Satoh, H.Toyamori an~ Y.Hoshi, H.Hitotui,. T.Yamamoto. Aomorl Prefectural Central Hospital,Aomori,Japan. We studied the relat. iOnshiD between total vascular tone (TVT)index (calculated as total vascular resistance), left ventricularhypert. roptw (LVH) and autonomic nervous activity (ANA).The subjects were 15 patients with essential hypertension (EH) according to WHO”s classification and 15 healthy individuals used as a control group. Noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitors, noninvasive centinuous cardiac output (CO) monitors and a Holter electrocardiograptrv were attached over 24–hour period. LVH was determined by echocardiographiccriteria using left ventricular mass (LVM) index. BP,heart rate, CO and TVT ((MBP/CI)X 1,332 dyne/see/cm-’) were measured, and a power sr,ectrumanalysis of the heart rate variabiiity was done. The value of low fre– quency power (LF,O.04 to O.15 Hz) and the ratio of LF to high frequency power (HF. O.15 to O.40 Hz), and HF were measured. ‘TVTindex was calculated based on the value at 2:00 a.m. as follows:[(each hourly value—value at 2:00 a.m./value at 2:00 a.m.1X 100. The TVT index, the LVM index and LF/HF were significantly higher in EH than in control.HF was significantly lower in EH than in controi. TVT index showed significant posit ive correlation with LVM index and LF/HF, and negative correlation with HF. It suggests that there is close relationship between TVT, LVbfand ANA.
OemranY Schmieder*;Int. Medicinefv, Universityof F%Iangen, Vagal affcrent C-fibers of LIEheart cOUStiNEan important input tn the ccnrral regulation nf the circulationin hesfthan disease.
Thesefibersreactm alterationsin cardiactiffingpressuresas well as endogenousagentafikeaemtnrdn.tfrat nccurin increasedconcentrationsin injurrdcoronaryarteriesas irrhypertemion..We testedwhethercardiacvagalC-fibersreactexclusivelytn onestimulus(chcmicafor mechanical)or whetherthosefibersareMrs@ dal,i.e. responsivem eitherstimulus.Aaa mechanicalathmdus, an indwellingballonnwas inflatedin the aorta to increaseleft ventricularend-diastofic pressure gradusfly by 4-8 mmHg. llre aemtmdn 5HTs receptnr agorristphenylbiguanidewax injected into fmm 77 carthe pericardial sacas a chemicalstimulus.Activity
diacvagalC-fibers(meauconductionvelnchy0.78m/s,range0.71.5 m/s) was recmdrdin 43 rata. Nerve fiber activitywas samplednmoa cnmputerharddiskandsubjectedrnunbiasedoffline analysisusinga prioriactdefirritiona.An increaseof fiber activityovermorethan two standarddcviatiuns,comparedtn a contni Frind, wasccmaidemd a rcapouaeta a sdmufus. Most fibers (57 nf 77) rcspmkd to either stimulus and were thus caregorixed as bimodal, 13 fibxa were exclusively mecbanosenaitive, The reapnnsenf the biand 7 were exclusively chemoaenai!ive.
modalfitxxstn balkmninflationorphenylbiguanide wasnotdifferentfmmthatof theunisnndalnncs. Therespnnscof the bimndaf fibersto phenylbiguanide correlatedwiththe Isspnnsem ballcon intlatinn. frr addition, 8 bimndal fibers were reconled during gradual volmne cxpanaion with a saline load; all fibers rcspon&d
withincnz+sed activity. WeconcludethatOremajorityof cardiac vagafC-fibersis bimcdal,respondingto trothcardiactiflingpressure and aemtnnin5HT3receptorstimulation.Our resuftaemphasizethe potentialmle of endogcnouschemicafslike cardiac aemtonisr, in theafferentlimbof Afexesfmmthebeart Key Words: C-fi&x, heart, affemnL vaWs, semt~
Key Words:
total left and
vascular ventricular autonomic
tone, hypertrophy nervous ac’civity