Cabot launches new carbon black products for tyre applications

Cabot launches new carbon black products for tyre applications

MATERIALS ...Continued from front page According to Oxea, it is currently the second-largest manufacturer of oxo products worldwide and has the large...

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...Continued from front page According to Oxea, it is currently the second-largest manufacturer of oxo products worldwide and has the largest commercial market share, supported by the successful expansion of its product portfolio towards high-margin oxo derivatives in recent years. In 2012, Oxea generated revenues of about E1.5 billion and had some 1400 employees worldwide. Contact: Oxea GmbH, Oberhausen, Germany. Tel: +49 208 693 3100, Web: or

MATERIALS Cabot launches new carbon black products for tyre applications


oston-based Cabot Corp has launched two new carbon black products for tyre tread applications. Targeting long-haul and shorthaul vehicle applications respectively, the first new product in the Propel™ range provides reduced tyre rolling resistance while the second improves tyre tread durability. The company reports that in-house laboratory tests on Propel E7 demonstrate that the new carbon black reduces the hysteresis (energy loss) of typical tyre tread compounds by 1% when compared to the same laboratory tests on its Vulcan® 7H product. This reduction results in lower tyre rolling resistance (without sacrificing tyre durability) and thus contributes to improved fuel economy, Cabot explains. Primary applications for this product are onhighway, long-haul truck tyre treads and retreads, it says. Propel D11 carbon black, on the other hand, is engineered to provide a ‘high level’ of rubber reinforcement, according to the company. This enables tyre treads that resist cutting, tearing and abrasion, and extend the useful life of a tyre, it claims. Cabot laboratory tests on the new product demonstrate a 10% improvement in laboratory abrasion resistance in natural rubber compounds when compared to the same laboratory tests on the company’s Vulcan 10H carbon black, it reports. Primary applica-


Additives for Polymers

tions for Propel D11 are short-haul truck and off-road vehicle tyres where the emphasis is on eliminating infield failures and maximizing uptime, Cabot explains. It also can be used in passenger car and light truck tyre treads that require maximum durability. Commercial vehicle operators recognize that tyre performance is an important contributor to total operating cost, and they increasingly demand tyres that are optimized for use in specific applications, Cabot comments. In addition, many countries are implementing programmes to promote the use of transportation technologies that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby creating demand for more-durable, fuel-efficient tyres. Both the US Environmental Protection Agency SmartWay® programme and the European Union energy labels for tyres seek to educate consumers about the impact of tyre performance on fuel economy. The EU legislation also establishes minimum performance thresholds for rolling resistance on all truck tyres, and the state of California has introduced a similar regulation requiring long-haul trucks to use low rolling resistance tyres. According to Cabot, its new reinforcing materials were developed to help tyre manufacturers meet these current and future market demands. ‘We recognize that tyre manufacturers need new reinforcing materials that enable them to develop differentiated and high-performance product offerings’, says John Reese, VP global marketing with Cabot Reinforcement Materials. The company’s ‘deep understanding’ of customers’ needs, their industries and the global trends that impact their businesses, enables it to create and deliver differentiating solutions, he says. ‘With these new carbon black products we can help tyre manufacturers significantly improve tyre performance through enhanced durability and reduced rolling resistance’, Reese adds. In its recently reported results for the first quarter of its 2014 fiscal year (FY), ended 31st December 2013, Cabot achieved sales of US$899 million, up almost 10% from $820 million in 1Q FY 2013. Net income quadrupled to $80 million. The Reinforcement Materials segment delivered its second best quarterly performance, with sales of $517 million ($475 million in 1Q FY 2013) and EBIT of $64 million ($50 million), and the Performance Materials and Advanced Technologies segments also performed well. Contact: Cabot Corp, Boston, MA, USA. Tel: +1 617 345 0100, Web:

April 2014