High Performance ISP
Pascal C o m p i l e r for the Sinclair Q L
A high performance Integrated Scientific Processor (ISP) a supercomputer system capable of supporting both highspeed vector and scalar computation - has been announced by Sperry. The ISP, which brings supercomputer power to the general-purpose mainframe environment, is designed for use in scientific processing including physical systems simulation, structural analysis, reservoir modelling and seismic processing. The Sperry ISP is fully integrated into its host environment, the Sperry 1100/90 mainframe, unlike other vector processors which are viewed as peripherals by the host. The job queue for the ISP is stored in main memory like other 1100/90 jobs. The ISP accesses its job queue and data directly from memory without the need to cross a channel interface as required by other supercomputers and array processors. Peak performance of a single Sperry ISP is 133 Mflops (millions of floating point operations per second) in single precision (36-bit words) and 67 Mflops in double precision (72-bit words). Two ISPs can be connected to a single 1100/90 host system. The high-speed memory supporting the Sperry ISP is capable of transferring data to the processor at 133 million single precision words per second (67 million words per second for double precision). This balance between the CPU performance and memory bandpass means that the sustainable performance of double precision programs on the Sperry ISP will be in the 20-30 Mflop range, qualifying the ISP as a Class VI supercomputer. This performance figure varies according to instruction mix and the vectorisation of the program. Contact: Sperry Ltd, Information Systems Group, UK. Tel: 01-965 0511.
Metacomco announces the launch of QL Pascal - a powerful Pascal compiler for the Sinclair QL. QL Pascal is a complete implementation of ISO 7 1 8 5 - t h e international standard for Pascal; it is therefore highly suitable for beginner and professional alike. QL Pascal has been endorsed by Sinclair Research as the Pascal compiler for use with the Sinclair QL. QL Pascal is a true compiler, which compiles quickly in a single pass, without intermediate stages. It generates native 68000 code, so programs execute fast. It takes full advantage of the QL's potential: features include interfaces to QDOS, any length variable names, 32-bit integers, very large sets and arrays, and comprehensive error handling. Contact: David Sykes, Metacomco (UK). Tel: 0272 428781.
CAD/CAM Export System MDSI Schlumberger have launched what they claim to be the world's first expert system, with CAD/CAM application, providing companies with access to the most advanced knowledge available. MDSI's expert system goes beyond the simple alphanumeric application and includes geometric application. The breakthrough occurred when preparing character combinations, for the Japanese language which required the application of artificial intelligence to expertly select the correct combination of characters. The first EQINOX software expert systems being launched incorporates 'expert' logic to cover fabrication and 3D CADCAM. Expert logic allows fabrication designs to be created, taking into account specific requirements. With a natural three-dimensional visualisation parts can be automatically folded and unfolded, for flat pattern development and manufacturing instructions. The 3-D geometric modetler contains some of the most powerful features available today. Built around user-needs, and encompassing the standard primitives and geometric building blocks, the software contains knowledge of how today's engineers deal with complex designs and manufacturing. Using interactive colour graphics EQINOX expert logic will run on the DEC VAX range of computers. Contact: MDSI Schlumberger, UK. Tel: 021-704 4422.
Graphics Software for IBM PC Two graphics packages designed specifically for scientists and engineers are now available on the IBM PC from Heyden Datasystems. Specialist programs for specialist applications, Scientific Plotter-PC and Curve Fitter-PC offer far more defined capability than adapted business packages. Scientific Plotter-PC will plot graphs from data entered from disk, via the keyboard, or calculated by a user-defined equation. Axes are scaled according to the user's requirements, in either linear or logarithmic form, so that data are
MICROSOFTWARE FOR E N G I N E E R S - The first issue of this new journal has just appeared.
The journal aims to alleviate the shortage of computer software, in particular, for personal computers. This shortage produces a serious imbalance which has delayed the exploitation of computer capabilities and has provided a negative reaction on the part of many professionals. The journal provides a forum for the exchange of information about codes developed for engineering personal computers and workstations as well as for the publication of innovative ideas in the field of engineering software. The emphasis is on papers dealing with usable software, including complete codes of part ofthem. Papers in the first issue include Some Guidelines for Developing BASIC programs (Ginsburg); A Wise Technique of Data Entry for Interactive Engineering Programs (Roth); Microcomputer Analysis of Continuous Beam Systems (Pardoen); Procedure and Computer Program for Design of Trickle Irrigation Manifolds (Gonzales and Devries); and many more. The journal is available from Computational Mechanics Int., 52 Henstead Road, Southampton SO1 2DD, UK. Or, in USA, Computational Mechanics Inc., Suite 6200, 400 West Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801, USA. Published quarterly, a year's subscription costs $90.
Adv. Eng. Software, 1985, 11ol. 7, No. 4