Gupta, J. C.: The Reflex Adjustment of the Circulation and the State of Respiration after Decerebration. Ztsrhr. f. Krvi~lauflorsch. 28: 4!IZ, 193B.
Collens, William S., and Wilensky, Nathan D.: New Skin Thermometer nosis of Peripheral Vascular Disease. AIll. .I . Hurg. 33: 157. 1n:rri.
for Diag-
The instrument consists of 1 mercury thet,ometer, similar to the or(linary clinical thermometer but with :i finer bore to lwrmit :L rallitl rise of 1110 nier,~,ry column. Skin temperature readings, tluring rising skin temperature, wvrv taken br means of this with the thermocouple as control. The greatest ~leC:itiun was 1.0’ I’. The time required for contact of the thermometer with the skin was not given. II. M.