B (Proc.
of Moments of Structure
119 (2003)
M. GGckeler a,b, R. Horsley’, D. Pleiterd, P E. L. Rakowb, A. Schaferb and G. Schierholzdse “Institut
fiir Theoretische Physik, Universitat
Leipzig, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany
fiir Theoretische
Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
Physik, Universitat
‘School of Physics, University
of Edinburgh,
dJohn von Neumann Institute
NIC / DESY Zeuthen, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany
eDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
EH9 352, U.K.
DESY, D-22603 Hamburg,
The progress on the lattice computation of low moments of both the unpolarised and functions is reviewed with particular emphasis on continuum and chiral extrapolations quenched and unquenched fermions.
1. INTRODUCTION Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) experiments, such as eN + eX or UN + p-X form an important basis for our knowledge of the structure of hadrons. In these processes the current probe’ (either a neutral current, y/Z*, or charged current, W+/W-) with large space-like momentum -q2 E Q2 breaks-up the nucleon. The (inclusive) cross section is then determined by the structure functions Fl, F2 when summing over beam and target polarisations and, in addition, F3 when using neutrino beams, and 91, g2 when both the beam and target are suitably polarised. The structure functions are functions of the Bjorken variable 2 (0 < - I -< 1) and Q2. (Another class of structure functions - the transversity hl - can be measured, in principle, from Drell-Yan type processes or in certain semi-inclusive processes [a].) While th e original pioneering discoveries were made over thirty years ago at SLAC, more recently experiments with polarised beams have been reported and the field remains very active. Recent experiments and proposals, [3,4], include Hl and Zeus at DESY (unpolarised F2 at small 2, [51 and F3, PI), Hermes at DESY (polarised g1 and g2, [7]), El55 at SLAC (polarised 91, g2, ‘Plenary talk given by R. Horsley. lA more complete set of structure functions DIS processes is given, for example, in [l].
0920-5632/03/$ - see front doi:lO.l016/S0920-5632(03)01490-7
0 2003 Elsevier
structure between
[8]), Jefferson lab (structure functions in the resonance region, [9,10]), COMPASS at CERN (polarised gluon distribution, hl, A matrix elements, [ll]), CCFR at Fermilab (unpolarised F3, [la]) and RHIC (spin physics, [13]). Recent results are given in the DIS conference series, [14]. A direct theoretical calculation of the structure functions seems not to be possible (but see [15171); however using the Wilson Operator Product Expansion (OPE) we may relate moments of the structure functions to matrix elements of certain operators in a twist or Taylor expansion in 1/Q2. Thus if we define ~-wl~~‘hz
QYYs;~Pl...Pn r
then we have the Lorentz decompositions2 (N(@)lOy~{pl”‘pn~ - tr(N(p3) = 2v, Lppl .pP’” - tr]
polarised nucleon and comparison
All rights
M. Giickeler
.?)Ic1°~5~o{~~ -&tn
et al. /Nuclear
prLJ - t~rlN($,
i?)) =
-s IL’JfypP2
.pPL” - tr]
and the v, , a,, d, and t, can be related to moment,s of the structure functions. For example we have for vn and F2 I F2(z, Q’)
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- Aq (with a connection component of the nucleon and gA to the Bjorken sum rule), a2 - Aqc3), tl - Sy, [22,23], dz. We shall mainly discuss 3), ao, to, dl and dz. Earlier
to the quark spin also for Au-Ad E al N A&“), [al], t2 - 6g(‘), dl and here v, (n = 1, 2, (lattice conference)
= (z-l)‘?,
notations, a?’
reviews include [24,25]. Since t’hen emphasis has been placed first on results with O(a) improved fermions, considerations of continuum and chiral limits, simulations with dynamical fermions and recent,ly on the use of chiral fermions (which can ease the operator mixing problem). Also possible higher twist, contributions and r, /, and :\ matrix elements have been considered. We shall here briefly review progress in these fields. 2. THE
and similar relations hold between gr and a,; gz and a linear combination of a, and d,; hl and t,. Note t,hat v,, a, (including the a, part of gz - the so-called Wandzura-Wilczek contribution) and t, correspond to twist-2 operators and have a partonic model interpretation3; d, is twist-3 however, and does not have such an interpretation. Although the OPE gives vu, from Fr (or Fz) for even n = 2,4,. .; w,, from Fs for odd n = 3,5,. .; a, from 91 for n = 0,2, .; a,, d, from gz for n = 2,4, ., ot,her matrix elements can be extracted from semi-inclusive experiments, for example al by measuring X* in the final state, [18]. The sum in the previous equation runs over f = u, d, s, g, We shall only consider f = u, d here and mainly the non-singlet, NS, or proton minus neutron (p - n) matrix elements when the f = s and g (gluon) terms cancel. These latter terms are less significant for higher moments anyway as the integral is more weighted to 2 - 1 when sea terms have- less influence. The Wilson coefficients, EMS( 1, gMS( Q)) are known perturbatively (typically 2 - 3 loops). Present (numerically) investigated matrix elements, [19,20], are ~2 E (x) (which may also be considered as a piece of the momentum sum rule
119 (2003)
Matrix elements are evaluated on the lattice? [‘L6], from rat,ios of (polarised or unpolarised) three-point nucleon correlation funct,ions t.o (unpolarised) two-point correlation functions,
fb(t, Tip3 =
(Na(t;p30(T)X,(o:p) (N(t;y’)qO:p3)
as depicted in Fig. 1. Using transfer matrix meth-
Figure picture, picture.
1. The quark-line-connected diagram. left hand and quark-line-disconatcted diagram, rfght hand The cross denotes the operntor irwertznn O(T).
ods, it can be shown that R x (A’(p3)C?1N(@‘)) provided that 0 << T << t <, k;\‘, (t#he latt,ice is of size Nz x NT). As the quark line disconnected diagrams (RH figure of Fig. 1) are difficult. to compute (for some reviews see [27,28]), it is again advantageous to look at non-singlet mat,rix elements, such as v,,NS = 1;:’ - ~1;~)E r$ - 11::. Finally most computations have been carried out in the quenched approximation, when the fermion determinant in the partition function is ignored. This is simply much cheaper in CPU t,ime, but, as will be discussed later, unquenched results are beginning to appear. Although the Minkowski matrix elements discussed in section 1 can be written in a Euclidean form in a straightforward way. t,he discretisation
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onto a hypercubic lattice is not so restrictive as for the continuum and thus more representations appear, [29]. For example choosing the operators ok,.
+y1~4]q -
+ YzD2
+ Y3D3)lQ
both lead to a matrix element determining 212. The first representation requires a moving nucleon, while for the second a stationary nucleon is sufficient. An example for R for these bare matrix elements is shown in Fig. 2. Due to the increase ‘8
Figure ditions
2. The ratio R, normal&d 0 << 7 << t <, ANT are met,
so that when the resulting
the conplateau
gives the bare matrix element. The picture shows the results for quenched O(a)-improved jermions at p = 6.20 and n = 0.1344 on a N: x NT E 243 x 48 lattice. t = 17 and a typical jit range for the plateau is taken from 7 = 6 to 11, shown by vertical dashed lines. The LH picture shows the ‘diagonal’ representation, vzb with a stationary nucleon, while the RH picture shows the ‘off-diagonal representation vzo, which requires a moving nucleon with (lowest possible) momentum p’= $1 E (2~~fN,9,0,0). The empty symbols refer to u and d matrix elements, while the full symbols give the NS matrix elements.
in noise in the signal, it is clearly advantageous to take a stationary nucleon - but this is unfortunately only possible for the lowest moments. The operators (or raw results) must be renormalised. If using O(u)-improved Wilson type fermions, one also wishes to improve the operator. At present these additional operators are known for local (ie no D) and one-link (ie one D) operators [30], but not for higher-link operators. Numerically when known these additional
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operators do not seem to be significant, [31]. Perturbatively 2 is known for all the local operators, and for the one-link operators, [30]. For the higher-link operators only the unimproved results are presently known. For Ginsparg-Wilson (GW) fermions, the situation is simpler as the improvement coefficients are simple numbers, [32], while the renormalisation constants are given in 1331. Furthermore renormalisation constants for local operators for Domain Wall (DW) fermions have also been calculated in [34]. As most of the perturbative one-loop coefficients are known, then tadpole improvement (TI) of the renormalisation constants is possible. There are several variants, the one we shall use here is given in [35]. Here the renormalisation group invariant form of the renormalisation constant is directly computed. This can then be converted into the conventional MS-scheme. Non-perturbative renormalisation has also been attempted using both the Schriidinger Functional (SF) method, and the RI-MOMscheme. The SF method was developed mainly by the ALPHA collaboration, and presently in quenched QCD most of the improvement coefficients and renormalisation constants for O(a)improved Wilson fermions for the local operators are known, [36,37], while for one-link operators (~2~) the renormalisation constant has been determined for both unimproved and O(a)improved fermions, 1381. An alternative approach, RI-MOM, based on generalising the perturbative procedure for the determination of the renormalisation constants has been applied to local, [39,40], and higher link operators, [40,35], for unimproved Wilson fermions. For O(a) improved Wilson fermions local [41] and one-link operators [42] have been investigated. For DW fermions 2 for local operators have been found in [43]. For unquenched fermions, very little is known at present, [44]. However as we later want to compare quenched and unquenched results, we shall use for consistency the TI Z (except for Z,, , [42]). Finally the operator mixing renormalisation structure is partially known. There is possible additional mixing with operators of the same dimension for 21s and 214, [29]. Also mixing with lower dimensional operators occurs, in particu-
M. Giickeler
et al. /Nuclear
lar for da, [45], and dl. These are due to additional chiral non-invariant operators which occur for Wilson fermions (but not for DW or GW fermions). This point will be discussed further in section 6.1. Also the formalism for the SF method has been developed for singlet operators mixing with gluon operators, [46]. 3. CHIRAL AND TRAPOLATIONS
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vzt,Ns(P=o) . 0.2
0.0 0.4
0.0 0.4
“4 dP=PJ
The next step is to attempt a chiral extrapolation. An example for quenched O(u)-improved Wilson fermions for ?&b is shown in Fig. 3. The
: .
.: 000
0 01
a scale of 2GeV using the results from Fig. 9. filled circles with the linear extrapolated result being given by the empty circle. Also shown is the LHPC+SESAM result. [20] using unimproved Wilson jermions, empty diamond. The stars are the MRS phenomenological values. 14’71.
Figure 3. 4&&Gev) p = 6.0,
N romp
and 6.1 for O(a)-improved quenched Wilson For orientation, the dash-dotted lines reprejermions. sents (roughly) a strange pseudoscalar meson (m, quark mass, determined from mr;), and the long-dashed line to the pion (ud quark mass). The chiral limit is given by the short dashed lines. Also shown is a linear extrapolation.
points have been scaled to MS at p = 2.QGeV (using TO = 0.5fm - (400MeV)-l). Also shown is a linear extrapolation to the chiral limit,
which seems to be adequate, but one should remember that all the data points lie at the strange quark mass or higher. For 21sand 214similar extrapolations can be performed, but as they need a moving nucleon yield much more noisy signals. Finally to obtain the phenomenological result, an extrapolation to the continuum limit must be
performed. These extrapolations are shown in Fig. 4 for ~2, vg and ~4. One can see the degradation of the signal as one goes to the higher moments, which makes the continuum extrapolation rather noisy. At least for uzb one can say that lattice effects appear to be small. Also shown is the result from [20] f or unimproved Wilson fermions. Good agreement is seen, which again tends to suggest that lattice effects are small. The results of the extrapolation are also compared to the phenomenological MRS results, [47]. It is at present difficult to make any definite statement about the higher moments v3 and 214except to say that due to the continuum extrapolation the ordering has been inverted (we would expect wug> ~4). The problem seems to lie in the continuum extrapolation and can only be cured with more [J-values. For 212three ,!Yvalues seem to be sufficient; but the extrapolated result then seems to be about 30% higher than the phenomenological value. One might be worried that one should perform the continuum extrapolation before the chiral extrapolation. The previous fits can be thought of as finding the best p-(~m,,~)~ plane to the data, so a variant procedure is to try a joint fit,. [48],
M. G&keler
et al. /Nuclear
where the first two parameters represent the ‘chiral physics’, the third parameter potential 0(u2) effects and the fourth parameter 0: umq urgrniJ is to account for any residual quark mass effects. (With three p values, one actually reduces the number of free parameters by one.) In Fig. 5 we show the results of this type of fit. The same continuum result is obtained.
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119 (2003)
/ : v,,,,F(2GeV) L unquenched
l QCDSF quenched,O(a)-improved e LHPC+SESAM quenched,unimproved I QCDSF+UKQCD unquenched,O(a)-improved o LHPC+SESAM unquenched,unimproved
Figure 6.
Figure 5.
ie vzb - c~(a/rc)~ - d2arom& showing olation for the quenched O(a)-improved
3 and
as in Fig.
the chiral extrapWilson results of 3.
One possible explanation for the discrepancy between the lattice result for 212 and the phenomenological result is the use of the quenched approximation. Indeed one might expect that due to the momentum sum rule the quenched result is greater than the unquenched result (as the sea term part is suppressed in the quenched approximation). While most of the data at present uses quenched fermions, some recent results using unquenched fermions has appeared: from the LHPC and SESAM Collaboration, [20] (using unimproved Wilson fermions with p = 5.5, 5.6) and from the QCDSF and UKQCD Collaboration (using O(a)-improved Wilson fermions at p = 5.20, 5.25 and 5.29, [35,49]). (Both Collaborations have three quark mass values at each p value.) Again, as in the quenched case, a linear chiral extrapolation (at fixed /3) seems adequate. In Fig. 6 we plot the results against (a/rs)2. Are there quenching effects? Although the unquenched results are not as good as the quenched results, it seems that in this quark mass (>, m,) and a range quenching effects are small.
Quenched and unquenched results from the QCDSF+UKQCD and LHPC+SESAM Collaborations. Note that to determine a different scales have been used (either ro or rn~ being extrapolated to the chiral limit), and also slightly different renormalisation procedures.
Further quantities that have been considered include the axial charge (ie Bjorken Sum rule)
s 1
with Au”“(p) charge
- AdMS(p)
= gA and the tensor
with 6u”“(p) - 6dMS(p) = tEs(p), In Figs. 7 and 8 we show equivalent pictures to Fig. 6. Again little difference between the quenched and unquenched simulations is seen. 5. TOWARDS
The results shown previously have all been characterised by having data points at quark masses at or above the strange quark mass, and then a linear extrapolation in the quark mass to the chiral limit. There has been much recent work developing chiral perturbation theory, X-PT, [5053] which has shown the existence of a chiral log-
M. Gdckeler
et al. /Nuclear
B (Prm.
1.2 quenched
I .
. unquenched
1.1 unquenched
i L
: 1.0
QCDSF quenched,O(a)-improved . LHPC+SESAM quenched,unim#woved OCDSF+UKQCD unquenched,Q(a)-improved : LHPC+SESAM unquenched,unimproved
1 .o
OCDSF quenched,O(a)-improved . LHPC+SESAM quenched,unimproved OCDSF+UKClCD unquenched,O(a)-improved LHPC+SESAM unquenched,unimproved
’ 0.00
- -o.oi
Figure 7. QCDSF+UKQCD go
119 (2003)
QA 1.2
and unquenched results from and LHPC+SESAM Collaborations, the same notation as in Fig. 6.
arithm of the form - m4 In m4, t n,NS
Tn(l - ;c@rz;, ln(m;&))
An (1 - Cm&
- C3m& ln(m&/&))
Figure 8.
Quenched and unquenched results from the QCDSF+UKQCD and LHPC+SESAM Collaborations, for (6~. - Sd)Ms(p) using the same notation as zn Fig. 6.
using unimproved quenched Wilson fermions at p = 6.0 (as the problem of ‘exceptional configurations’ then seems to be less severe). The present status, [56], is shown in Fig. 9. All quark masses
where C,, = (ngi + 1)/(4~f~)~ for (full) &CD. For quenched QCD an expression for Cs in terms of F and D constants can be found in [54]. (Note that for quenched QCD for the nucleon there is no ‘hairpin’ contribution giving rise to the logarithm - In mq for v,.) What is a suitable value for the chiral scale pLx? Roughly for mps > ,uLx, pion loops are suppressed and there is a linear variation in m, ie constituent quark behaviour, while for mps < pX we have non-linear behaviour. Often a value for ,ulx - 1GeV is taken. We shall also use a comparison value of 500MeV here. From the above formulae, we see that X-PT always decreases the value of the matrix element as rn& -+ 0. Thus the lattice result should always be larger than the x-limit result. Also we would expect more effect for 21, than for a,. (Recent work in [553 indicates however that when including A as well as the N then effectively bending only occurs for ZI, but not a, and tn.) As it is not so clear to which quark mass X-PT is valid, and as the results shown so far at m, >, m, yield a linear behaviour it is necessary to go to lower quark masses. In [35] this was started
qcd.1 GeV
0.30 i I
qcd,SOOMeV o.20 ;
0.15 LLo,G
i : .~
.~. 1 .oo
.~ 150
Figure 9. fermions
at ,B = 6.0
results uFNS(2Gel/).
are for heavier quark massds on a 243 x 32 lattice, O(200) configurations, while the filled circles for the lighter quark masses are on a 323 x48 lattice, 0( loo/SO) configurations,
1561. Finite volume effects are checked at the second lightest mass. The dashed line is a linear fit to the data. From the MRS value (star), (471, the x-PT formula is applied, with C3 fr,’ N 0.28, 0.67 for quenched or full &CD respectively and for two values of the chtral scale py.
have ampsNS 24. As (r&?m,)” - 0.5, the lightest mass used in the simulation is - 2m,d (this corresponds to mps/mV - 0.4). Little curvature in the numerical results is seen, but is &ill possible, as we expect the coefficient C’s to be smaller than in the unquenched case, [54]. Also, as noted before, quenching might give a higher value for
M. Giickeler et al. /Nuclear Physics B (Pmt. Suppl.) 119 (2003) 32-40
i 32m,,
: ; j
m, 0.8 i
~ ' 0.00
.-----..i---? 1.50
Figure 10. at p
= 6.0 for
results for Notation
unimproved as in Fig.
Wilson 9.
2126than the phenomenological value anyway. In Fig. 10 we show results for gA. Note that xPT goes in the wrong direction. It is less clear if there is a finite volume effect. Ref. [57] suggested that the charge is delocalised in the chiral (and infinite volume) limit, gA + 2/3gA. This was further discussed in [58], which showed that for finite volumes, there are no (large) volume effects. Nevertheless the questions of finite volume effects and the range of applicability for Wilson fermions near the chiral limit remain, and recently there have also been results using DW These fermions by the RHB Collaboration. have much better chiral properties than Wilson fermions and so are more suitable for investigating small quark masses. In [59], ‘&b is computed on a 163x 32[x 161 lattice at u-l - 1.3GeV. Thus the lowest pion mass there, (ur+)” - 0.1, corresponds to about (romps)2 - 1 in Fig. 9. At this point some curvature in the signal is present. For gA, [60], finite volume effects are seen. Thus the general situation is not completely clear. 6. OTHER
6.1. Non-perturbative mixing A further source of discrepancy between lattice results and phenomenological results can lie in the incorrect treatment of non-perturbative mixing of the lattice operators. An example is given by &, which can be found from 92,
where a2 and d2 are given in section 1 as nucleon matrix elements of certain operators Sfp,),, 7jyysDDq. The a, operators have twist two, but d, corresponds to twist three and is thus of particular interest. A ‘straightforward’ lattice computation, [19,20], gave rather large values for d;. A recent experiment, [8], however indicated that this term was very small. This problem was traced in [45] to a mixing of the original operator 02) with a lower-dimensional operator SLq) - qgDq. This additional operator mixes K l/u and so its renormalisation constant must be determined non-perturbatively. In [45] this was attempted using RI-MOM, and led to results qualitatively consistent with the experimental values. Note that this is only a problem when using Wilson-like fermions. as we would expect the operator to appear like - m,@Dq and hence vanish in the chiral limit. Thus there should be no mixing if one uses GW or DW fermions. In [59] this was investigated for dl using DW fermions and compared with unimproved Wilson fermions dl results from [20]. The same phenomenon was seen: dl using DW fermions gave a small value in the chiral limit, while the unimproved Wilson fermion results increased strongly as the quark mass was reduced. 6.2. Higher Twist effects Potential higher twist effects are present in the moment of a structure function, see section 1. These 0(1/Q2) t erms have four quark matrix elements. A general problem is the non-perturbative mixing of these new dimension 6 operators with the previous dimension 4 operators. At present results are restricted to finding combinations of these higer twist operators which do not mix from flavour symmetry. In [61] the lowest moment of the pion structure function was considered, 1
Q2) = t c
1 dxx2g1(x, s 0
c q=u,d
- Ei;)uF)]
,,(,,pdQ2) Q2
+ O(4
where the SUF (2) fl avour symmetry group gives the combination Fiz2 = Fz’ + F.$- - 2F.f. For the nucleon the sum flavour symmetry group
M. G&k&r
must. be considered. ie Ming cl and s quarks, [62]. giving
et al. /Nu&ur
mass degenerate
(To access t,his nioment csperimentally needs t,he nieasurement of struct.ure functions of p. 77, :\, S a11cl 2 baryons.) These resu1t.s for quenched unimproved \Vilson fermions at $ = 6.0. and are very sn~all in comparison with t.he leading twist result.. However these are rat,her esot.ic comhinations of matrix elements and say litt,le about individual contribut8ions. Severt,heless t,his might, hint t,hat, higher twist cont,ribut.ions are small. 6.3. Pion. Rho and Lambda results Moments for pion and rho structure funct,ions were computed in [M]. for unimproved \Vilson fermions. Ilsing the SF met.hod, ~~~~~was calculated for t,he pion. 1641 for both unimproved and 0( cl)-improved fermions, giving numbers in agreement. with [6:3]. Finally t,here have been results for moments of A struct,ure funct,ions, [G5], These are pot,entially useful as one can compare with nucleon spin struct,ure and check violation of 5’1;~ (13) symmet r;. First indicat8ions are t,hat t,here is little flavour synimet~ry breaking.
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estrapolat.ious. SOI~P dynamica. results are 110~ available, there are at,tempts t,o undcrst~and lower quark mass both numerically (using both \Vilson fermions and D\V fermions) and f’rconi \-PT. C Ilearly everything depends on t lie data itlltl tltfx ClUest. for hf’tkr rcsdt~s ShOUld C(Jlit~illllf’. ‘I’0 kavf’ the region vvhere con&it urnt quark itlasses give a reasonable description of t,he (lilt a. sf’f’tlls ulifort~unately to require quark li1assfs rat her close to the ~(1 11iii.s~. .l‘his will presuniabl!; also entail the use of unc~u~iict~f~d chiral fermiotis (siicll as GLV/D\V). This will need much faster tiiachirws and is. perhaps, a cautionary tale for the determination of other inatris eleine1it5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The QC-‘DSF collaboration niimcrical c~alcuhtions were performed OII the Hita(.hi .s’RYOOO at LRZ (.2lurlich). the AI’lXlOt). .Zf’!&riillr at NICm’ (Zeuthen) and on t,lrc (~‘ray ‘f‘{Es at NIC’ (Jiilich) and ZIB (Rerlin) while t,he IVKQC ‘D collaboration unquenched configurations were obtamed from the Cra!; T3E at, EPC ‘C ‘ (Edinburgh), This work is supported by t,lre DP‘CG. by RSIBF and by t,he European C’onmunity‘s Hunran potent ial programmr under HPR N-C “f-2000-00 14.5 Hatlrons/LattitreQC~D. REFERENCES
Clearly the comput,at,ion of many mat,ris elements giving low moments of structure functions is possible. 1Ye would like t,o emphasise t.hat a successful comput.ation is a fundamental test, of QC’D t,his is not, a model computat.ion. There are however many problems t,o overcome: finite volume effects, renormalisat8ion and mising. continuum and chiral extrapolations and mquenching. At. present, alt,hough overall impressions are fwcouraging. st,ill it is difficult t,o reproduce esperiment~al/phenomenological result,s of (relat,ively) simple nia.tris elements (eg 02 1 gA), Improvenicnt~s are t.hus necessary in all areas. kevertjheless progress is being made: t,here are now considerations of both chiral and continuum
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