rxl The art and science of Medicine and the Internet - the concept of ‘MEDNETICS
what will, undoubtedly be a significant force over the coming years.
This is a special invitation to pioneers, visionaries and daring innovators.
I have registered the Internet domain mednetics.org and the trade mark ‘Mednetics’. I shall be creating the web site very shortly.
Mednetics’ encompasses the convergence of the two worlds of Medicine and the Internet. It has its focus firmly planted on two domains: 1.
The Science of that convergence: research, education, technology frontiers and the endless possibilities. The commercial development of applications and tools.
These two overall domains require further elaboration, but the headlines will suffice for now. I invite you to share with me the vision: 1. 2. 3.
Assemble a body of learned and competent professionals That body would begin the process that ultimately will lead to: The creation of the World’s first Graduate School of Mednetics in Britain
Serious expressions of interest are invited from: and people with visionaries Pioneers, chutzpa!; Hard grafers, nitty-gritty and detailobssessives; Academics; Clinicians; Business and Project experts; Fund locators and raisers; Commerce and Industry champions; Civil Servants from home and Europe.
The round table body planned will need to meet in order to: 1. 2.
Map the road to the creation of the Graduate School of Mednetics Develop plans to raise 1 million pounds to kick start the project
This is an ambitious undertaking. However, anything can be achieved with determination and chutzpa. The time is now. ‘Mednetics’ is NOT about health informatics, medical informatics, telematics, IM&T, GP computing and such like. Nor is it a club, society or association. It is important to appreciate that this project represents an unimaginable investment in
Debate about this vision on the respective lists is welcome. However, please send me directly your expressions of interest. This is important in the sense that the early pioneers need to get down to business as soon as possible rather than drown in endless debate. This could be a life time commitment and the rewards can be enormous. Think before you apply. a Ahmad Risk, E-mail:
[email protected] SIM-L archives can be found at: http://www.venus.co.uk.hypermail/sim/welco me. Html; SIM-L subscription form: http://www. mednet.org.uk/mednetlist_form.html, E-mail
[email protected]
Calendar of meetings - new entries only For meetings marked with ’* ‘or/and ‘(VOL./NO).’ you can find more information in this column of former issues of the Statistical Software Newsletter. The calendar is printed in its complete version in the January, April, July, and October issue. 23.3.98: Workshop on Time Series Analysis. Montreal, Canada (until 27.3.98) Time series analysis continues to be a major field of interest in statistical research as almost every scientific discipline is concerned with data collected over time. In recent years, there have been important developments in this field, particularly on non-stationary, non-linear and non-parametric methods. This workshop will focus on recent theotetical and practical advances on these three topics. Registration for attendance and accommodation: Match 9, 1998, for attendance only: March 16, 1998. Information: Workshop on Time Series Analysis, CRM, Univetsite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville, Montreal (Qubec) Canada H3C 357. Fax: +1.514. 343-2254, Email:
[email protected] 23.3.98: A Series of Lectures: Recent Advances and Trends in Spatial Statistics. (until 24.3.98) Information: CRM, Universim de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursale centm-ville, Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +1.514.343-2254, E-mail:
[email protected]
THE STATISTICAL SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER 30.3.98: Workshop on Image Aw1ysi.r. Montreul, Canada (until 3.4.98) l%ere is a clear interest and a necessity to be able to analyse
data coming in the form of, or closely related to, images. Often these observations reveal a stochastic component or behavior in the image. In the past 15 years statisticians became more and more interested by the problems this raise. Appropriate stochastic models and new inferential tools were proposed or adapted. The fact that probability models permit to incorporate scene-specific knowledge in the processing of images begins to be exploited.Recent results will be presented and discussed. Both the modelisation-inferential aspect and applications will be considered. Topics: Bayesian image analysis. probabilistic image models using formal grammars, modelisation and comparison of segmented 2D views of objects, estimation of motion in images, random sets to models forms, estimation of shapes, applications in brain mapping, atmospherical physics and biomedical engineering. Call for extended abstracts abstract (100-200 words in TeX/LaTeX or plain ASCII): February 28.1998 Registration: March 15, 1998 for attendance and accommodation, or March 23, 1998 for attendance only. Information: Workshop on Image Analysis, CRM. Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville, Montreal (QuCbec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +I .514. 343-2254, E-mail:
[email protected] April 98: Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology. Card@ Wales
Information: Dr Michael Krawczak, E-mail: Krawczak@ cardiff.ac.uk or Margaret Black, Department of Applied Statistics, The University of Reading, P.O. Box 240, Earley Gate, Reading RG6 6FN, UK. Phone: +44.118. 9875123 x 7926, Fax: +44.118.9753169, E-mail:
[email protected] 2.4.98: European Mathematical Genetics Meeting. Reading. UK. (until 4.4.98)
Topics: Molecular evolution; Genetic epidemiology; Quantitative genetics; Population genetics. Fee: 90 pounds including accommodation and all meals (2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners). Information: Dr Michael Krawczak, E-mail: Krawczak@ cardiffacuk or Margaret Black, Department of Applied Statistics, The University of Reading, P.O. Box 240, Earley Gate, Reading RG6 6FN, UK. Phone: +44.118. 9875123 x 7926, Fax: +44.118.9753169, E-mail: M.Black@?reading.ac.uk 6.4.98: Workshap on Statistical Inference for Spatial Processes. Montreal, Canada (until 9.4.98)
Spatial processes are important in many situations (modeling, forecasting, image analysis...). This has generated an important and rapid development regarding the statistical inference for these processes. This development is partly based on more fundamental disciplines Jike probability and statistical mechanic, but a very special place is given to Markov random fields. The processes may be defined on a lattice (e.g. Markov random fields on Zd) or on a continuous part of R2, or are spatial point processes. Both the asymptotic properties of the statistical procedures and their application to applied problems will be considered. A particular attention will be given to the Monte Carlo Markov chain techniques. More specifically: interpolation and extrapolation, inference for spatial point processes, inference for Markov random fields, inference based on pseudo likelihood, spatial birth and death processes, information and Markov fields, MCMC.
Registration: March 15, 1998 for attendance and accommcdation, or March 23, 1998 for attendance only. Information: Workshop on Statistical Inference for Spatial Processes, CRM, Universite de Montmal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville, Montreal (Qu6bec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: + I .5 14. 343-2254, E-mail:
[email protected] 20.4.98: Conference on Natural Resource Surveys over Time sponsored by USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Natural Resources Inventory & Analysis Institute, US Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Research Center on Statistics and the Environment (NRCSE). Seattle, WA., USA (until 22.4.98)
Focus is on the state-of-science regarding surveys over time for natural resources. Information: Loveday Conquest, NRCSE, University of Washington, Box 355645, Seattle WA 98195, USA. Phone +l. 206.543-6605, Fax: +1.206.543-6393; E-mail conquest @cqs. washingtonedu; or Tony Olsen, USEPA Western Ecology Division, 200 SW 35th St, Corvalhs OR 97333, USA. Phone +I .503.754-4790, Fax +I .503.754-4716; E-mail tolsen @heart. cor.epa.gov 27.4.98: Workshop on Applications of Sputiol Statistics in Earth, Environmental and Health Sciences. Montreal, Canada (until 1.598) The focus is on a variety of applications of spatial statistical methods broadly falhng under the categories of the earth, environmental and health sciences. Many of the following applications will be touched on: design of networks of monitoring stations for air pollution, measurement of forest health; analysis of an index of foliar damage to trees in the northeast US, abundance of organisms; analysis of counts of mites in a spatial lattice, water and air quality monitoring; analysis of water chemistry variables in a network on a midwestem US river; analysis of particulate matter observations in and around Pittsburgh, cancer mapping, biological monitoring via species composition; analysis of stream fauna data from the Cascades or of benthic invertebrate data from Delaware, assessment of the impact of logging on the hydrology of streams in the Pacific Northwest, surface ozone, stochastic precipitation models, air quality models; spat& temporal solar radiation models, acid deposition, precipitation, imputation of ambient air pollution exposures. Emphasis will be on science and on identifying opportunities for research collaboration. Call for extended abstracts (100-200 words in TeXILaTeX or plain ASCII): March 15, 1998 to: Registration for attendance and accommodation,: April 10, 1998; for attendance only: April 20, 1998. Information: Workshop on Applications of Spatial Statistics in Earth, Environmental and Health Sciences, CRM. Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128. succursale centre-ville, Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +1.514. 343-2254, E-mail: activities @crm.umontreal.ca May 1998: The 2& purr of the Andre-Aisenstadt Lectures by Sir David Cox. Montreal, Canada
Information: Louis Pelletier, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universim de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursale centreviBe, Montreal (Qu&ec) Canada H3C 357. Fax: +1.514. 3432254, E-mail:
[email protected] 2.5.98: The EDEN Congress, 2”4 International Meeting on Epidemiology and Prevention of Skin Diseases. Ban&erg, Germany (until 4.5.98)
Epidemiological research is becoming one of the most important fields for solving health problems of the next millenium in dermatology and allergology. Therefore, this conference will bring together dermatologists, allergologists, epidemiologists and public health researchers from all parts of Europe to discuss the latest developments and the forthcoming issues in chronic inflammatory, infectious, allergic. autoimmune skin diseases and skin cancer. There will be four large combined interactive symposia which cover descriptive studies, analytical studies, interventional studies (including clinical trials), and health care research for all aspects of dermatology. Courses in basic epidemiology (Intro- duction to sample sire and hypothesis testing; Understanding clinical trials in Dermatology) on May 2,1998. hrformatiom: EDEN Congress 98, Dermatologische Universititsklinik, Prof. Dr. T.L. Diepgen, Hartmannstr. 14, D-9 1052 Germany. E-mail:
[email protected], erlangen.de, URL: http:Nwww.detma.med.uni-erlangen.de/ org/edetiedenbam.htm 3.5.98: Workshop on Statistics and Epidemiology. Montreal, Canada: (until 9.5.98) This workshop will look at recent developments in descriptive epidemiology, etiologic studies and clinical epidemiology. Information: Workshop on Statistics and Epidemiology, CRM, Universite de Montmal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville, Montreal (Qu&ec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +1.514. 343-2254, E-mail:
[email protected] 9.5.98: Workshop on Genetic Epidemiology. Montreal, Cana& (until 16.5.98)
A discussion of statistical and genetic principles (segregation analysis, linkage analysis, association analysis, population genetics, isolated populations, linkage disequilibrium mapping); complex pedigmes and complex traits (gene identity by descent families, gene identity by descent individuals). Information: Workshop on Genetic Epidemiology, CRM, Univetsit de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursale centte-ville, Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +1.514. 343-2254, Email:
[email protected] 13.5.98: Short Courses during 3dh Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Bradley P. Carlin & Thomas A. Louis, Division of Biostatistics, Univ. of Minnesota, “Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis”; Wolfgang H&rdle 8t Marlene Miiller, Inst. for Statistics and Econometrics, Economics Department, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, Germany, “Non- and Semiparametric Modellmg Submission of Title: March 15, 1998 Submission of Abstract: April 1.1998 Submission of Papers for Proceedings: June 15, 1998 Information: Sanford Weisberg, Interface ‘98, Department of Applied Statistics, University of Minnesota, 352 Classroom Gffice Building, 1994 Bufoni Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55 1086042, E-mail:
[email protected], URL: http:// www.stat. umn.edu:80/interface98.html 18.5.98: Workshop and Symposium on Longitudinal Data Analysis for Complex Surveys. Ottawa, Ontario (until 22.5.98) Longitudinal data analyses are increasingly used in the social sciences in the past decade. The tools for this type of analysis include event history methods, gross flows, conditional and marginal models, and hierarchical linear modelling. ‘Obese techniques have been developed without taking into account
complex surveys. Focus is on recently developed methods and in required adjustments for use for data arising from complex surveys. Information: Workshop and Symposium on Longitudinal Data Analysis for Complex Surveys, CRM. Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville, Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +1.514. 343-2254, E-mail: activities@ crm. umontteal.ca 20.5.98: “Collaboration between statisticians and managers, engineers, and policy makers”. The 1998 Quality & Productivity Research Conference, Santa Rosa, California, USA (until 22.5.98) Information: Dr. Ai-Chu Wu, SRSD Marketing, Quality Programs Manager, 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway, 3LSY, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, USA. Phone: +1.707.577-3446, E-mail:
[email protected]), or Professor C. S. Cheng,UCB, Phone: +1.510.642-9968, E-mail:
[email protected]). URL: http://www.hp.com/info/qprc/ 21.5.98: International Conference in Reliability and Survival Analysis jointly sponsored by George Washington University and Northern Illinois Universi~. DeKalh, Ill. USA (until 24.5.98) Sstatistical issues, problems and solutions which have been motivated by engineering and medical concerns will be discussed. Information: Nader Ebrahimi, Division of Statistics, Northern Jllinois University, DeKalb, JL 60115, USA. Phone : +1.815. 753 6864, Fax : +1.815.753 6776, Email :
[email protected]
23.5.98: Weekend Seminar on Fitting Linear Models with Many Regressors. Heidelberg, Germany (until 24.5.98) Prof. Rudy Beran, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, USA, will give a series of lectures on a new approach in regression analysis with high dimensional parameter space. Moreover, there will be computerdemonstrations and a discussion forum. Mainly younger graduated statisticians with mathematical education are addressed. Outline: Interest in signal processing with wavelets has prompted statisticians to advance the ideas of C. Stein, C. Mallows, and M. Pinsker on estimation when the parameter space is of high or infmite dimension. This seminar treats consequences of this recent work for fitting linear models with many regressors. It has been known since the 1950’s that maximum likelihood or related estimators may ‘overfit” a high-dimensional parametric model, paying too much attention to bias and not enough to variance. Stein (1956) proved that the best unbiased estimator of the mean is inadmissible when the data consists of a discrete-time signal plus Gaussian white noise. In his rarely read 1966 paper, Stein demonstrated the merits of the following idea: express the data in terms of a suitable orthonormal basis; shrink the ccefftcients of the data towards zero so as to reduce estimated risk within a certain class of procedures; then use the reduced coefficients to construct an estimator of the mean. lbis approach might Justly be called a signal processing method. For fitting a linear model, Mallows (1973) discussed using the submodel fit that minimixes estimated risk (the Cp criterion). Estimated risks may similarly be used to select the order of nested principal component regression or the tuning parameter in ridge regression. Each of these fitting techniques is equivalent to shrinking the least squares regression coefftcients in a suitable canonical form of the linear model. Pinsker (1980)showed that shrinkage estimators for the mean of a Gaussian process can achieve as-
ymptotic minimaxity over ellipsoids in the parameter space among all estimators. His result distinguishes usefully among competing model-selection or shrinkage procedures.Beran and Wmbgen (1997) studied shrinkage estimators that monotonically taper the coefficients of the data toward zero. Subject to the monotonicity constraint, the shrinkage factors are chosen to minimize estimated risk. When applied to a suitable canonical form of the linear model with many regressors, the monotone shrinkage procedure yields a better fit (smaller quadratic risk) than either principal component regression or ridge regression. Numerical implementation of monotone shrinkage reliqs on the PAV algorithm for isotonic regression. Fitted linear models obtained by monotone have an attractive asymptotic minimax property of Pinsker type and yield asymptotic confidence sets for the true mean vector. Costs (participation, lodging and boarding): DM 90,-. Date of Registration: 1I March 1998 by e-mail . The participants will receive more detailed information in April 98. Information: Dr. W. Polonik, Jnstitut fiir Angewandte Mathematik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Phone: +49.6221.54-5716, Fax: +49.6221.54-533 1, EURL: http:// mail:
[email protected]. statJab.uni-heidelherg.de/termine/ManyRegressors.html. 25.5.98: Fh International Meeting on Statistical Climatology Whistler, British Columbia, Canada (until 29.5.98)
This meeting is dedicated to the memory of ABan Murphy, who initiated the series of meetings on statistical climatology. Jnformation: Peter Guttorp.
[email protected], URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/peter/7lMSU 25.5.98: Workshop on Event Canada (until 295.98)
Event history analysis deals with events which occur to individuals in some population over time. Applications are common in most branches of science, including demography, epidemiology, medicine, engineering, economics. Challenging modelling, planning, and analysis problems arise and there has been a proliferation of models and techniques for analysis. Topic: review and critically appraise the current state of event history analysis, and to discuss areas where work is needed. Call for extended abstracts (100-200 words in TeX/LaTeX or plain ASCII): March 1, 1998 Registration for attendance and accommodation: April 30, 1998, for attendance only: May 11,1998. Information: Workshop on Event History Analysis, CRM, Universid de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursalecentre-ville, Montreal (QuCbec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +1.514. 343-2254, E-mail:
[email protected] 3.698: 1” Meetingon Public Statistics of the Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI) jointly organized wioth the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of Argentina (INDEC) with the auspices of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). Buenos Aires, Argentina (until 5.698) The meeting is mainly oriented to the analysis and discussion
of the Redesign of the Current Household Survey of Argentina, addressed to the study of the lahour market. Call for Abstracts: March 1. 1998 To: Technical Secretariat of JASI. Balcare 184 - 2 piso - Gfficina 221. (1327) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fax: +54.1.3495576, E-mail:
[email protected] Complete Papers: April 15. 1998 to e-mail: ctrab@indec2. meconar
Information: Centro Estadistico de Servicios. Julio A. Rcca 615 PB, (1067) Buenos Aims, Argentina. Phone: +54.1.349%50/62, Fax: +54.1.349-9621. E-mail: ces@?indec.mecon.ar 4.6.98: June 4-6, 1998: Making Statistics More Effective in Schouls of Business, 13th annual conference, sponsored in part by the Quality and Productivity Section and the Business and Economics Section of ASA. Iowa City, Iowa, USA (until
6.4.98) Information: Professor Jonathan D. Cryer, Phone: + I .3 19.3350819, E-mail:
[email protected] 9.6.98: International
Conference on Stochastic Models in celebration of the work of Professor Donald Dawson. Ottawa, Canada (until 12.698)
Information: Mrs. Gillian Murray, Coordinator, Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, 5230 HP, Carleton University, I I25 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Kl S 5B6. Phone: +1.613.520-2167, Fax: +1.613.520-3822, E-mail:
[email protected] 13.6.98: Workshop on Statistics of Brain Mapping. Montreal, Canada (until 14.698) The theory of random fields, image analysis and multivariate statistics is fmding new applications in the rapidly emerging area of brain mapping by Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI). This workshop, to be held immediately after the 4th Intemational Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (Montreal, June 7-12 1998). is designed to bring together statisticians interested in image analysis, and researchers interested in brain mapping. Information: Workshop on Statistics of Brain Mapping, CRM, Universitt? de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succursalecentre-ville, Montreal (QuCbec) Canada H3C 3J7. Fax: +I .514. 343-2254, E-mail:
[email protected] 14.6.98: “Radiation Health Effects at Low Doses” - The ASA Conference on Radiation and Health. San Diego, California. USA (until 176.98) l%e purpose is to provide a forum for evaluation of new methodologies and ongoing research related to the potential health risks of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Mission: Educate and update epidemiologists, statisticians, and radiation scientists on the status of the latest research in issues of radiation health; Provide an atmosphere for the exchange of ideas, encourage critical review, and promote synergism between the various disciplines represented by the participants; and Identify key areas where additional research is needed and stimulate interest in exploring new approaches to the key problems. Information: ASA, 1429 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314 3402, USA, Phone: +I .703.684- 1221, E-mail: meetings @amstat.org 22.6.98: 3”’ International
Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo Methods. In Scientific Computing. Claremont, CA, USA (until 26.6.98)
Call for Abstracts: March 1, 1998 Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 1998 Information: Professor Jerome Spanier, Department of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA 9 1711, USA. URL: http://www.cgu.edu/math/mcqmc98 28.6.98: Statistics in Chemistry Newport, RI. USA (until 3.7.98)
and Chemical
Talks and discussions focus on new research directions in applied statistics and in the analysis of chemical phenomena. ‘lhe conference provides a highly stimulating opportunity for exchange of new ideas among leading statisticians, chemists, and chemical engineers from industry, government, and universities. While emphasizing the “frontiers of science”, it does so with a practical bent, i.e., it focuses on innovative, state of the art approaches to deal with real problems faced by practitioners. Application: May 18. 1998 Information: Dr Sijmen de Jong, Unilever Research Laboratorium, P.O. Box I 14, 3130 AC Vlaardingen, The Netherlands. Phone: +3 1.10.460-5547, Fax: +3 1.10. 460-567 1, E-mail:
[email protected], URL: http:l/www.grc.uri.edudu/ progra-Ystatshttn 24.7.98: The 11” Annual Conference an Camputaiional Learning Theory. Madisson, WI, USA (until 267.98) The conference wilI be co-located with the 15” International Conference on Machine Learning (ICMLPS) and the 14” Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence ( UAI 98). It will be directly followed by the l5u National Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( AAAI ‘98). Information: URL: http://theory.lcs.mitedu/COLT-98/ 9.8.98: Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Short Course during Jaint Statistical Meetings. Dallas, TX, USA (until 13.8.98) This short course is based on the book Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling by D. Draper (see Net news section), through the ASA Continuing Education progn;n. The first day will be at an introductory/intermediate level and will essentially repeat last year’s Anaheim short course; the second day will cover mote advanced topics. Each day can be taken in a standalone fashion. Information: ASA, 1429 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314 3402, USA, Phone: +I .703.684-l 221, E-mail: asainfo@ amstat.org, URL: http://www.amstat.org 20.8.98: Warkshop an - Prahohility, Theory and Applicuticms (until 24.8.98) Information: Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham NGl 4BU, UK. E-mail: pconf @maths.ntu.ac.uk Phone: +44.115.941-8418 x 3177, Fax: +44.115.948-6420, URL: http:/leuler.ntu.ac.uklpconf/html/ 24.8.98: International Society fur Clinical Biustutistics, 19th Annual Meeting. Dundee, ScotLmd (until 28.8.98) Call for Abstracts: April 15.1998. Information: Andrew Lawson, University of Abertay, Kydd Blde. Bell Street. Dundee DDl 1GH. Scotland. E-mail:
[email protected], Fax: +44.1382.308627, Phone: +44.1382. 308604 22.10%: 42nd Annual Fall Technical Conference an Munagement Analytics: Statistics, Quality, and Decision Making co-sponsored by American Society far Quality Cantral (Chemical and Process Industries Division & Statistics Division), American Statistical Association (Section an Physical and Engineering Sciences). Corning, NY, USA (until 23.10.98) Management Analytics is the scientific approach to quality decision making for management. Applied and expository papers are needed for parallel sessions in Statistics, Quality Control, and TutoriaVCase Studies. Work should be strongly justified by application to a problem in engineering, process/chemical industry, or physical sciences, and it should be relevant to
management decision making. The mathematical level of the papers may range from none to what is used in the Journal of Quality Technology or Technometrics. and may include handson approaches from the fields of Operations Research and Simulation. Information: Randy Tobias (SPES), SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Gary, NC 27513-2414, USA. Phone: +1.919.677-8000 x7933, E-mail:
[email protected] 13.12.98: XiXth Meetings: IBC98 - International Biometric Conference. Cqe Town, South Africa (until 19.12.98) (2613) Call for detailed Abstracts for presentation in oral or poster or video modes: July 31, 1998, Electronic submission of abstracts in LaTeX is preferred, to facilitate loading of abstracts on the website. Hardcopy will be accepted, but will not necessarily get to the website. To:
[email protected] or a paper hard copy to IBC98 Local Organizing Committee, Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, 7701 RHODES GIFT Post Office. South Africa Information: lI3.SInternational Business Office, 1444 I Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005-2210, USA. Fax: +I .202.216-9646, E-mail:
[email protected] or Chair, IBC98 LGC, Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private bag, 7700 Rondebosch, South Africa. Phone: +27.21.650-3219, Fax +27.21.689-7578, E-mail: IBC98@ maths.uct.ac.za, URL: http://www.uct.ac.za/depts!maths/ibc98 31.8.99: The IEA XV International Scientific Meeting: Epidemiologyfar Sustainable Health. Florence, Italy (until 4.9.98) Topics: The Ageing Population; Health and Migration; Women’s Health; Reproductive and Child Health; Equity in Health, Genetic Epidemiology; Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases; Psychiatric Epidemiology; Environmental Epidemiology; Occupational EpiNutritional Epidemiology; demiology; Pharmacoepidemiology; Clinical Epidemiology; Health Services Research, Primary Health Care; Primary and Secondary Prevention; Methods in Epidemiology; Ethics in Epidemiology; Theaching and Training in Epidemiology. Call for Papers, Posters, Exhibition. To: Scientific Secretariat, IEA Florence 99. Viale G.B. Morgagni, 59, I-50134 Firenze, Italy. Phone.: +39.55.4223561, Fax: +39.55.414277, E-mail:
[email protected], URL: http:// iea99.ds.unifi.it/ Information: Organizing Secretariat, IEA Florence 99, c/o SlNEDRION, Via G. Marconi, 27, 50131 Fitenze - Italy. Phone: +39.55.570502. Fax: +39.55.570502 11.8.02: 2002 Joint Sfatisticul Meefings. New York, NY, USA (until 15.8.02). Sponsored by ASA, ENAR, WNAR, IMS, SSC. Information: Phone +I .703.684-l 221, E-mail: meetings@ amstat.org
Organizers of forthcoming events are asked urgently to submit material for the CALENDAR as soon as possible - preferably at least 3 months before any deadline via email to
[email protected] or write to: SSN Redaktion, GSF Medis Institut, Ingolstidter Landstr. 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany, Fax +49.89. 3 187-4448, Phone +49X9.3 187-4199. =