Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions

ANNOUNCEMENTS REGIONAL MEETING OF THE WORLD PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION, in conjunction with the Pakistan Psychiatric Society, will be held March 20-22, 1...

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ANNOUNCEMENTS REGIONAL MEETING OF THE WORLD PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION, in conjunction with the Pakistan Psychiatric Society, will be held March 20-22, 1996, in Lahore, Pakistan. Specific focus will be on recent advances in research, treatment, and management of depressive illness with special emphasis on culture and the understanding of disorders within the context of the socioeconomic environment of developing countries. A preconference I-day symposium on child and adolescent psychiatric will be featured. For more information, write to Professor Khalida Tareen, Organizing Secretary, P.O. Box 621, G.P.O., Lahore, Pakistan.

Call jor Papers. THE 43rd ANNUAL MEETING of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY will be held October 22-27, 1996, at the Philadelphia Marriott, in Pennsylvania. Review and publication abstract proposals are prerequisites for acceptance of presentations for any papers, workshops, symposia, institutes, or new research posters. Topics may include: normal development, pediatrics and consultation/liaison, service descriptions, training issues, biological psychiatry, emotional or neurotic disorders, diagnosis, treatment, crosscultural programs, community psychiatry, and research. Abstract proposals must be received by AACAP by March 1, 1996, or by July 1, 1996, for new research. The submission guidelines and appropriate forms are mailed to all members in late December. For more information, contact the AACAP Meetings Department at (202) 966-7300.

Mid-Year Institute. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry will sponsor a 3-day institute on "Psychopharmacology," March 20-22, 1996, at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, California. The Mid-Year Institute immediately precedes the Annual Meeting of the Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, which will be held March 22-25 at the Hotel Del Coronado. Registration information is mailed to all Academy members on December 31, or can be obtained by calling the Meetings Department at (202) 966-7300.

JAMES' COMER MINORITY RESEARCH FHLOWSHIP FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. This Fellowship offcrs $2,200 for minority medical students to work during the summer with a child and adolescent psychiatric researchcr-mentor, plus all related expenses to the Academy's 43rd Annual Meeting, October 22-27, 1996 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Funded through the NIMH, the fellowship encourages outstanding minority medical students to pursue careers in child and adolescent psychiatry research and provides early exposure to state-of-the-art research on child and adolescent mental disorders. Applications from minority students in accredited US medical schools are due March 1, 1996, and awards will be announced in April. For more information: Jamcs Comer Minority Research Fellowship, Office of Research, AACAP, 3615 Wisconsin Avenue, N'W, Washington, DC 20016, 202-966-7300.

ELI LILLY PILOT RESEARCH AWARD FOR JUNIOR FACULTY OR CHILD PSYCHIATRY FELLOWS. This award, funded through Eli Lilly and Company, is designed to provide support to child and adolescent psychiatry junior faculty and fellows for pilot research. Recipients of the Eli Lilly Pilot Research awards receive $4,000 each to conduct their pilot research plus paid travel and lodging expenses to the Academy's 44th Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, October 1997. Applicants must either have a full-time faculty appointment at an accredited medical school, or be in a fully accredited child and adolescent psychiatry clinical or research program, not have more than 2 years' experience following graduation from residency/fellowship training, and not have any previous significant, individual rcscarch funding. The application deadlines arc November 15, 1995, and February 15, 1996. Applications not accepted in November will be held for consideration in February. For informarion: Eli Lilly Pilot Research Award, Officc of Research, AACAP, 3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016.

Call ftr Submissions. A new AACAP Psychorherapy Research Award ($5,000) will be given for an article in this journal of a study thar best advances our understanding of the essential elements of psychorherapy, encompassing theory and technique. Rescarch developing the methodology for measuring efficacy, specificity, and outcome is particularly encouraged.

All noticesmust be receivedno later than 4!f months beforethe first day ofthe month ofdesiredpublication. Requests, typed double-spaced, as one concise paragraph, should be sent directly to john F. McDermott, [r., M.D., Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University ofHawaii School ofMedicine at Kapiolani Medical Center, 1319 Punahou Street, Room 635, Honolulu, HI 96826-1032. The Editor reserves the right to edit announcements selected[or publication.


J. AM.