Can nigthtime hypertension be predicted by left ventricular geometry
POSTERS: Blood Pressure and Behavioral Factors in Hypertension
AIR-APRIL 1996-VOL. 9, NO.4, PART 2
POSTERS: Blood Pressure and Behavioral Factors in Hypertension
AIR-APRIL 1996-VOL. 9, NO.4, PART 2
025 CAN NIGTlITIME HYPERTENSION BE PREDICTED BY LEfT VENTRICULAR GEOMETRY Jose Carmona. Paula Amado. Nuno Vasconcelos. Isabel Santos. Jose N3I.are. Vasco ArauJo. CardlolOg)' Department. Egas MonIZ Hospital. Lisbon. Portugal NIghttime hypertenSion and non-dtpper status has been related to end organ damage m several sludles We evalualed prospectively 162 consecutIve patients (P) "lth mild to moderate essenclal hypertenSion (H) and WI controls from an urban Portuguese population to determine the prevalence and repercussIons of nocturnal H All P were submItted to chmcal evaluation. 24 hour blood pressure momtormg (Spacelabs 90207). Holter (Mortara). EchocardlograIY (HP Sonus 1000). Treadmill Stress test (Qumton 3(00) and Signal Averaged ECG (ART 1200 EPX) In 125 P we looked for the relatIOnshIp between the type of left venlncular geometry (LVG) and status. dipper (D) or nonlhppcr (NO absence of nocturnal BP dechne >= 10%). and the presence of nocturnal hypertenSIon (NH) or only daytime hypertenSion (OH). Results NH DH 0 NO 80 46 63 N 62 20% 21% LVMI>125g 16% 26% 3(7%) 9 (11%)· 7(11%) 5(8%) Concentric 6(13%) 8 (10%) 9(15%) 5(8%) Excentnc (35%) 9(20%) 28 16(26%) Conc.Remod. 20(32%)