Am. J. Obst. & Gynec. December. 195 I
controversial nature, is presented in a clear, instructive manner. The discussion covcr~ the effects of posterior pituitary extracts derived from a wide variety of animals from the wallaby to the sperm whale and categorizes responses in four classes of vertebrates. The pharmacoIogica1 effects of neural lobe extracts are summarized in two double-page tables. This impresses the reviewer as one of the most complete and readily accessible summaries of the physiological properties of the posterior pituitary. A statement hp the authors concerning the possibility of discrepancy between hiolagical assay potency and clinical effectiveness should be of interest to the obstetrician: “. . . the only thing in common between the assa?- method using the guinea pig uterus in vitro and intramuscular injection into the human subject is the name of the effector organ to be activated. Tt is importanl fu emphasize this point because many clinicians are misled into belie\-ing that an extracf with high oxytocic titer will necessar1.y stmulate the human uterus ill. I~~IYI. All we arc justified in saying is that zlnder certain circzcmstances the official oxytoeic figure gives a cluck to effectiveness of the extract on the human womb.” The authors emphasize that in vie\z of the fact that pure hormones have not as yet been isolated from the posterior pituitary it would be more correct to think in terms of pressor and oxytocic properties or act&iti,~+~ rather than in terms of specific substances. This volume completes an exhaustive survey of a very complex and rapidly moving It, together with Volume I, places at one’s finger tips references to branch of science. a.uthoritative articles on all the endocrine glands and their internal secretions and offers :I ’ * systematic presentation ’ ’ of information concerning hormones by recognized authori ties. Although the material is presented at the research level, both volumes will be most helpful to anyone engaged in or planning investigations in this ever expanding field. GARDNER M. RILEY This book, Syllabus of Human Neoplasms,]; presents the pathology man types of neoplasms occurring in the human body. Embryological types of tumors originating in various types of tissues are carefully followed by a presentation of the neoplasms occurriug in the various The book is profusely illustrated with excellent photomicrographs. In in connection wit,h ovarian neoplasms, the text is somewhat abbreviated, it: an cxc.ellent hook of its kind and should prove of particular value intern.
of the more corn. factors and the presented. This is systems and organs. places, particularly perhaps, but it to the student and
In Cancer As I See It,18 a general outline of the cancer problem is presented. The author emphasizes the unproved hypothesis of a mold fungus as Ileing the particular factor in the etiology of cancer, n-ith no satisfactory proof to support the theory. KARL &I. WJLSON This little book, Trephine Technique of Bone Marrow Infusions and Tissue presents very adequately the various techniques for hone marrow infusions fasions in the sternum, long bones, etc., techniques for which are used with frequency. The trruudes,
techniques f’or lbiops)- on deep-seated structures such ai volume also includes bones, lit-er, prostate, and other structures when special methods for biopsy are This is :t very \~;lluahlr tc~hnical \.IPIUIILV which should enjoy wide distribution. KAKL M. WILSON
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