New Book Annotations General Anesthesia and Sedation in Dentistry. Hill CM, Morris PJ. Littleton, Mass., John Wright, 1983, 151 pages, illustrated, paperback, $14.50
Killey’s Fractures of the Mandible, 3rd ed. Banks P. Littleton, Mass., John Wright, 1983, 118 pages, 66 illustrations, paperback, $13.50
A simple summary of the scientific basis and practical aspects of dental anesthesia and sedation that is directed primarily at the dental student. Major emphasis is placed on basic principles and, particularly, management of the airway.
This edition has been substantially revised, with separate chapters now devoted to surgical anatomy and fractures of the edentulous mandible. The bibliography has been thoroughly updated, and many additional references have been added to the text.
Guide to Antibiotic Use in Dental Practice. Newman MG, Goodman AD, eds, with 13 contributors. Chicago, Quintessence, 1984, 194 pages, paperback, $21.50
Pathology of the Tumors of the Oral Tissues, 4th ed. Lucas RB. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1984. 427 pages, illustrated, $79.00
This easy-to-use book provides current information about the use of antibiotics in periodontics, endodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Special considerations in female patients and cancer patients are also discussed. The book is divided into sections dealing with general principles, clinical considerations, adverse reactions, and special considerations. Ample tables, lists, and appendices summarize the important areas of clinical concern.
In the eight years since the last edition there has been considerable new information added to the field of oral oncology. Much of this material has been added to this volume. Some new illustrations also have been added, and others have been changed. Changes in typeface and layout make the book easier to read. Surgery of the Skull Base. Sosaki CT, McCabe BF. Kirchner JA, eds, with 17 contributors. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1983, 254 pages, 209 illustrations, $72.50
Oral Cancer. Shklar G, ed, with 26 contributors. Philadelphia, WB Saunders. 1984, 324 pages, illustrated
Although this is not an area in which the oral and maxillofacial surgeon is directly involved, this well-illustrated book provides an excellent discussion of the surgical approaches to a region with which he or she may be concerned as part of a surgical team dealing with the management of severe craniofacial trauma and the correction of craniofacial anomalies.
This book deals with the various aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of malignant disease of the oral region. The thirty chapters, each written by a person knowledgeable in the subject, include detailed discussion, appropriate illustrations, and an extensive bibliography. Surgical management and the use of radiation and chemotherapy are described, as well as rehabilitative procedures for the cancer patient.
Cancer Rehabilitation. Gunn AE, ed. with 15 contributors. New York, Raven Press, 1984, 223 pages, illustrated
Advanced Dental Histology, 4th ed. Osborn JW, Ten Cate AR. Littleton, Mass., John Wright, 1983, 209 pages. illustrated, paperback, $17.50
This book provides an interdisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of the cancer patient. Included among the ten chapters are discussions on physical rehabilitation, psychiatric care, nutritional support, speech pathology, and pain control. There is also an extensive section on the role of maxillofacial prosthodontics.
This new edition covers the rapid advances made in recent years in the field of dental histology. Nearly all of the 20 chapters have been revised and updated, and many new illustrations have been added.
Computers for Professional Practice. Neiburger EJ. Waukegan, Ill., Andent, Inc., 1984,269 pages, illustrated, paperback, $14.95
Monheim’s Local Anesthesia and Pain Control in Dental Practice, 7th ed. Bennett CR. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1984, 404 pages, 155 illustrations
This book is designed to provide the reader with the knowledge to buy, set up, and use computers effectively in private practice. It contains information about computer hardware and software, applications for their use. and a discussion of potential problems and their solution. Because it is written by a dentist, the material is directly applicable to the oral surgery office.
Although the general format of the previous edition has been maintained, recent data about pain mechanisms and pharmacologic innovations, as well as information about the latest concepts of local anesthesia and pain control, have been added, and outdated material has been eliminated.