Capillary samplesfor hemoglobinelectrophoresis Jaeobo Ghitisl M.D. e
A s I M p L E technique to prepare samples for paper hemoglobin electrophoresis is desirable. I have found the following method satisfactory in terms of reliability, practicability, and economy, DESCRIPTION
Blood obtained by finger prick is drawn into a capillary tube.t After flame sealing one end the tube is centrifuged$ for 5 minutes. I t is then placed in the deepfreeze overnight after which it is recentrifuged for 15 minutes. A scratch is made 7 mm. from the sealed end with an ampule file, the tube is broken at the scratch mark, and the cut end of the small fragment is touched to the starting point of the filter paper. For the actual run I have utilized the following material: (t) A.H.T. apparatus,w (2) 7.5 cm. by 28.5 cm. W h a t m a n No. 3 M M
Fig. 1. Four hour run; veronal buffer, pH 8.6, ionic strength, 0.05, 250 voIts. 1, Hemoglobin AS, sample prepared the usual way. 2 and 3, Hemoglobin AS from 2 different subjects, capillary method. 4, Hemoglobin S, capillary method. (Unstained. filter paper, (3) 10 cm. by 24 cm. by 0.3 cm. window-glass plates for the "sandwich" technique, and (4) veronal buffer p H 8.6, ionic strength 0.05. A potential of 250 volts applied during 4 hours has been found sarisfactory to indicate the presence of hemoglobins C and S. Results. Examples of results obtained are illustrated in the figure.
From the Department o[ Medicine, Universidad del Valle Medical School and the Hospital Universitario, Cali, Colombia. Supported by a grant o[ the Rocke[eUer Foundation. ~Address, Hospital Unlversltario, Cal~, Colombia. tDiameter 1.2 to 1.4 ram.; length 75 ram., Scientific Products, Evanston, Ill. Adams miorohematocrit centri[uge, Clay-Adams, New ork. ,~Paper electrophoresis apparatus, Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, Pa,
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I wish to thank Dr. Edgard Terreros for his help in testing the validity of the method. 933