Bibliography of the current world literature This
is drawn from the journals
listed at the end of this issue and is selected from a comprehensive
that is compiled by structural
and 31 st May 1995
are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication).
the bibliography
The bibliography
contains every paper annotated by reviewers;
databases and published
between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography
l l
In addition,
these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic
grouped into topics that relate to the reviews
is based on literature entered into our database between 1 June 1994
Papers considered
0 Papers considered
in square brackets following
by the reviewers
by the reviewers
to be of special interest. to be of outstanding
a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number corresponding
has been
in this issue.
in the annotated references of the
Contents Carbohydrates
and glycoconjugates
Oligosaccharide structure and conformation
Neoglycolipids and glycolipids
Glycosylation Structural
and functional
and synthesis
studies of c:arbohydrate binding
proteins Protein
and proteoglycans
Carbohydrates Oligosaccharide conformation Related reviews:
of oligosaccharides
(pp 591-598);
of target-cell
(pp 622-635H
Abe Y, Harata K. Fujiwara M. Ohbu K: Crystal Structures of Methyl 6.0-n-alkanoyl-beta-D-gl~opyran~d~. Carbohydr Res 1995. 269:43-51. Acquonl D, Cantu L. Ragg E, Sonmno 5: l* Geometrical and Confornwtional Properties of GanRliosidc GaINAc-Go,,, IV4 CalNAclV3. Ne”5A&~Neu5AcCgOse4Cer. Eur I Biochem 1994. 225:271-288. 1551. Adler P, Wood SI, Lee YC, Lee RT, &tr; Jr WA, Schwa RL: . High Affinity Binding of the fntamoeba tfistolytica Lcctin to Polyvalent N-acetylgalactusaminides. / Btof Chem 1995. 270:5164-5171. l65tl. Albert Ml, Holme T. Landberg 6, Lindbetl: 1, Mor~hurzaman M. Qadn F, Rahman MM: Structurd Studies of the Shiwlla Bovdii Tvw 5 0.ant&n Polvsaccharide. Ca&hydr kes 1594, 265:121u-127. Anderson AN, Parohs LAS, Parohr H: Structural Determination of the Capsular Antigen of Escherichia Coti 08:K2S:H9. Carbohydr Res 1994, 265:41-+7. Andersson M, Kenne L. Stenutz R, Widmalm C: Synthesis Of, and NMR and Cd Studies On, Methyl 4-0-[(R)And (S)-l-Carboryethyl]-alpha-1.Rhamnopyrano and Methyl 6-O-[(R)- And (S).1.Carboxyethyl]. alpha-D-Galactopyranoside. Carbohydr Res 1994, 254:35L41. Andre C, Luger P, Bach R. Fuhrhop ,H: On the Conforrnattonal and Packing Behaviour of Acyclic Sugar Amphiphiln: the Crystal Structures of N-(l-octyl)-D-arabinoMmidc and N-(l-dudecyl)D-ribonamide and the Supramolecular Assembly forming Properties of N-(l-octyl)-D-pentoMmi~. Cadwhydr Res 1995, 266:15-35. Andre C, Luger P, Nehmzow D, Fuhrhop )H: The X-ray Crystal Structure of the Double-headed Amphiphile
X-ray structure Automated
Field gradient techniques
in NMR
in NMR
Laser desorption
mass spectroscopy
Surface plasmon
resonance techniques
717 717
and glycoconjugates
resonance assignments
(lS,2S)-1,2-bis(D-gluconamido)cyclohexane. CarbohydrRes 1994, 261:1-Il. Angstram I, Ten&w S, Karlrson KA: Delineation and l*‘ Comparison of’Cangliosidc-binding Epitopes for the Toxins of Vibrio Cholerae. fscherichia Co/i. and Clostridium Tetani: Evidence for Overlapping Epitopes. Proc Natl Acad Sri U S A 1994, 91:11859-11863. [42:1. Angyal 51. Craig DC: The Unusually Stable Crystal Structure of Newinositd. Carbohydr Res 1994, 263:149-154. Asens~o IL, Imwnez-Bartxro I: The use of the Amber Force Field in Conformational Analysis of Carbohydrate Molecules: Determination of the Solution Conformation of Methyl a-lactosidc by NMR Spectroscopy, Assisted by Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics Calculations. Blopolymers 1995. 3555-73. [451. Banac 2. Kojicprodlc B, Kroanbatenburg 1, Keglewc D: Conformational An&sir and Cornwter Modellinc of Muramic Acid D&a-l&am St&tures. Cad&ydr Res 1994, 259:159-l 74. Bardet M, Vlncendon M: High Resolution Solid State C-13 NMR Study of Crystalline Methyl Dxylopyranoside Anomeric Mixtures. Carbohydr Res 1994, 264:135-140. Barone C, Corsaro MM, Decastro C. Lanretfa R. Manxon L, Parrllli M: Structural Investigation of Ccratozamia Spinosa Mucilage. Carbohydr Res 1994. 260:259-270. Becker B. Lommerse IPM. MelLonIan M, Kamerhng JP, Vltegenthart JFC: The Structure of an Acidic Trisaccharidc Comoonent from a Cell Wall Pdysaccharide Pr&ration of the Green Alga Tetraselmir Striata Butcher. Carbohydr Res 1995, 267:313-321. Bell AF. Barron LD, Hecht L: Vibrational Raman Optical Activity Study of D-glucose. Cxbohydr Res 1994, 257:11-24. Bell AF. Hecht L, Barron LD: Disaccharide Solution Stereochemistry from Vibrational Riman Optical Activity. I Am Chem Sot 1994, 116:5155-5161. Benesi Al, Falzone CJ, Banerjee S, Farber CK: NMR Assignments fur the Aldopentoses. Carbohydr Res 1994. 258:27-33.
0 Current
Ltd ISSN 0959-440X
Bernab M, Jim Ner-Barbero J, Planas A: The Conformation . of the Tri- and Tetrasaccharide Produced in the Hydrolysis of Barley Clucan with the Enzyme Endo1.3.1.4~BRlucan Celucanohvdrdare frum RaciNus licheni&nis. / Ca&hydr them 1994, 13:799-817.
[6x1. Bernlmd
C, Oscarson
S, WadmaIm
G: Synthesis,
and Conformational Studies of Methvl Aloha-Dmannopyranoside 2-, 3., 4.. and 6.monophosphates. Carbohyd, Res 1994, 263:173-180. Bevnon LM. Richards IC. Perrv MB: The Structure of the Lipopolysaccharide 0 A&igen from Yersinia Ruckeri Serotype 01. Carbohydr Res 1994. 256:303-317. Bezemer L. Ku11ME, Leyte IC: The Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Conformational Transitions of Native Xanthan. Carbohydr Res 1994, 263:197-207. Blzlk F, Tvaroska I, Remko M: Conformational Analy$s of Ester and Ether Linkages in Lignin-arabinoxyian Comolcxes. Carfwhvdr Res 1994. 261:91-102. Boume l
Y, Bolg~ano
8, L,ao
T, Camballau
C, Cantau
C: Crosslinking
of Mammalian
Lectin (galectin-1) by Complex Biantennary Saccharides. Nature Srrucr &o/ 1994. 1:863-870. 1741. Brown CM, Huckrrby TN, Morris HC, Abram BL, Nedusrynski IA: Oligusaccharides Derived from Bovine Arlicular Cartilage Kentan Sulfates after Keratanase II Digestion -Implications fur Kera(an Sulfate Structural Fingerprinting. Blochemrsrry 1994, 33~4fi7h-I846 Bullough l*
PA. Hughron FM. Skehel II, Wiley DC: Structure of Influenza Hemagglutinin at the pH of Membrane Fusion. Nature 1994, 371:37-l3. [2t].
Bundle l*
H, Bnrson
A. Cvelet
M: Sdution
J-R, Cagn Structure
SM. of a
trisaccharide-antibody Complex: Comparison of NMR Measurements with a Crystal Structure. Emchemistry 1994, 33:5183-5192. [40]. Bundle DR. Erchler E, C,dney MAJ, Meldal M. Ragauskas A. Sigurskrold BW, Smnott B, Watson DC, Yaauchb M, Young NM: Mdrcular Recognition of a Sal&n& Trisaccharide Epttope by Monoclonal Antibody Se155-4. 6,ochemisrry 1994, 33:5172-5182.
Carbohydrates and glycoconjugates Oligosaccharide Chat WC. Hounsell EF. Barer Cl, Lawson AM: Characterization by 1%MS and H-l NMR Spectroscopy of T&a-, Hexa-, and Octa-saccharides of Porcine Intestinal Heparin. Cxbohydr Res 1995. 269:139-l 56. Chandrasekaran R, lee El. Thallambal VC. Zevenhulzen . LPTM: Molecular Architecture of P Calactoelucan From Rhizobium Melilofi. Carbohydr Res I <94, 261:279-295. IS,]. Colquhoun II, R&t MC, Thibault IF, Faolds CB, Williamson G: Structure Identification of Fendoylated Oligosaccharides from Sugar-beet Pulp by NMR Swctrwoov. Carbohvdr Res 1994. 263:243-256. Cook; RM, Hale’RS, Liaer’SC, Shah C, Weir MP: l* The Conformation of the Sialyl Lewis X Lignd Changn Upon Binding to E-selectin. Biochemstry 1994, 33:10591-10596. [53]. Cower I, Moesby L, Erukulla RK. Reddy KC, Bmman R, . Wllschut I: Sphingolipid-dependent Fusion of Semliki Forest Virus with Cholesterol-containg Liposomes Requires Both The 3-hydroxyl Crwp and the Double Bond of the Sphingolipid Backbone. I Vim/ 1995. 69:3220-3223. [17t]. Cros S, lmberty A. Bouchemal N, Herv Du Penhoat C, P . Rer S: Modelinn of Arabinofuranose and Arabinan. II. NMR and Conf&mationaI Analysis of Arabinobiose and Arabinan. Bropolyrners 1994, 341433-l 447.
Da15 P: A Quantitative Approach to Describe the Overall Motion of Monosaccharides in Solution. A C-13 NMR Relaxation Study of 1,6-anhydrwbeta-Dglwopyranose in Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Carbohydr Res 1994, 263:13-24. Dallocchro F, Tomasl M, Eellmr T: Activation of the Sendai l* Virus Fusion Protein by Receptor Binding. Bmchem Emphys Res Common 1995, 208:36-41. [14t]. Dantas L, Courto~r 1. Cwrtois B, Segur” IP, Cey C. Heyraud A: NMR Spectroscopic Investigation of Olinonlucuronates PreDared bv Enzvmic Hrdrolvsis of ;(i->4)-beta-D-glu;uroMn: Carbohydr kes I b94, 265:303-310. De Beer T, Van Zuylen CWEM, Hrd K, Boelens R, Kaptem l* R. Kamerlmg IF’, Vhegenthan JFC: Rapid and Simple Appoach for the NMR Resonance Assignment of the Carbohydrate Chains of an Intact Glycoprotein. Application of Gradient-enhanced Natural Abundance tli.% HSQC and tiSQC-TOCSY to the a-subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. FEBS Lerr 1994, 34&l-6. [31]. Detrees SA, Kosch W, Way W, Paulson JC. Sabesan 5, Halcomb RL, Huani DH, lchrkawa Y, Wang CH: Ligand Recognilion by E-selectin: Synthesis, Inhibitory Activity, and Conformational Analysis of Bivalent Sialyl Lewis X Analogs. I Am Chem Srw 1995. 11766-79. Deplnto CL, Manlner M. Rlvas C: Chemical and Spectroscopic Studies of Cercidium Praecox Cum Exudate. Carbohydr Res 1994, 26D:l7-25. Dowd MK, French AD, Rally PI: Modeling of Aldopyranosyl Ring Puckering with MM3(92) Carbohydr Res 1994, 264:lm19. Edebrrnk P, lansson PE, Rahman MM, Widmalm G, Holme T, Rahman M: Structural Studies of the O-antigen Oligosaccharides from Two Strains of Moraxella Catarrhalis Serotype C. Carbohydr Res 1995, 266~237-261. Edebrmk P, lansson PE, Rahman MM, Wbdmalm G, Holme T, Rahman M, Weintraub A: Structural Studier of the 0.polvsaccharide from the Lipormlvsaccharide of Mo&~lla (Branhamella) CatarihHlis’Serotype a (strain ATCC 25238). Carbohydr Res 1994, 257:269-284. Engelsen SB, Perez S, Toupet L. Plusquellec 0: Crystal Structure and Mdecular Mechanics Analvsis of Methyl 6-0.(N-heptylcarbanoyl)-alph;-Dglucopyranoside (HECAMEC). Carbohydr Rer 1994. 264:161-171. Enale AR, Purdue N, Hyatt IA: Induced Circular Dichroism Study of the Aqu&us Solution Complexation of Cell+olieosaccharide and Related Polvsaccharides with Ar&atic Dyes. Carbohydr Res l9b4. 265:181-195. Ensley HE, Tobias B. Pretus HA, Mcnamee RE, loner EL, Browder IW, Wrllrams DL: NMR Spectral Analysis of a water-insoluble (I-73).beta-D-glucan Isolated from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Carbohydr Res 1994, 258:307-311. Epand RM, Nrr S, Parolini M, Flana&w TD: The Role of . the Canglioside CDla as a Receptor for Sendai Wrus. Brorhemrsrry 1995, 34:1084-1089. ]lSt]. Evans SV, Rose DR, to R, Youna NM. Bundle DR: Exploring the Mimicry of &Jysaccharide Antigens bv Anti-idiotvnic Antibodies - the Cnstallization. hi&c&r R&icement, and Refiner&t to 2.8 Angstrom Resdution of an Idiotope-anti-idiotope Fab Complex and of the Unliganded Anti-idiotope Fab. /MO/ Biol ,994, 241:691-705.
structure and conformation
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Glycosylation inhibitors, enzymology and synthesis Related review: Glycosylation inhibitors in biology and medicine (pp 605-611) Aeed PA, Elhammer AP: Glycosylation of Reccenb~nant Prorenin in Imect Cells: the Insect Cell Line sf9 Does not Express the Mannose 6-phosphate Recognition Signal. Biochemistry 1994, 33:8793-8797. Aieshin AE, Firsov LM, Honzatko RB: Refined Structure for • the Complex of Acarbose with Glucoamylase from Aspergiltus Awamorl var. X100 to 2.4J~ Resolution. } Biol Chem 1994, 269:15631-15639. [42]. Aleshin AE, Hoffman C, Firsov LM, Honzatko RB: Refined Cryslal Structures of Glucoamylase from Aspergillus Awaroori Vat. Xl00. / Mol Bio11994, 238:575-591. Allen KN, tavie A, Petsko GA, Rinse D: Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of a Potent Xylnse Isomerase Inhibitor, D-threonohydroxamic Acid, and Highresolution X-ray Crystallographic Structure of the Enzyme-inhibitor Complex. Biochemistry 1995, 34:3742-3749. Andersson M, Kenne L, Stenutz R, Widmalm G; Synthesis Of, and NMR and Cd Studies On, Melhyl 4 - O - ] ( R ) And (S)-1-Carboxyethyl[-alpha-L.Rhamnopyrannside and Methyl 6-O-[tR)- And (S)-l-Carboxyethyl[alpha-D-Galactopyranoside. Carbohydr Res 1994, 254:35~,1. Bernlind C, Oscarson S, Widmalm G: Synthesis, NMR, and Conformational Studies of Methyl Alpha-D. mannopyranoside 2-, 3-, 4-, and 6-monophosphates. Carbohydr Res 1994, 263:173-180. Chandrasekaran EV, lain RK, Larsen RD, Wlasichuk K, Matta KL: Seleclin Ligands and Tumor-associated Carbohydrate Structures: Specificities of Alpha 2,3-sialyllransferases in the Assembly of 3'-sialyl6-sulfo/sialyl Lewis a and X, 3'-sialyl-6'-suffo Lewis X, And 3'-sialyl-6-sialyl/sulfo Blood Group T-hapten. Biochemistry 1995, 34:2925-2936. Chiasson J L, Josse RG, Hunt AH, Palmason C, Rodger • NW, Ross SA, Ryan EA, Tan MH, Wolever TMS: The Efficacy of Acarbo~ in lhe Trealment of Palienls with Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Ann Intern Med 1994, 121:928 935. [13[. Chitarra V, Souchon H, Spinelli S, Juy M, 8eguin P, Alzari PM: Mulliple Crystal Forms of Enduglucanase COLD: Signal Peptide Residues Modulale Lattice Formation. / Mol Bio11995, 248:225-232. Chou MY, Li SC, Kiso M, Hasegawa A, Li YT: Purification and Characterization of Sialidase L, a NeuAc Alpha 2->3Gal-specific Sialidase. J Biol Chem 1994, 269:18821-18826. Coniff RF, Shapiro JA, Seaton TB: Long-term Efficacy and • Safelyof Acarbose in the Treatment of Obese Subjecls with Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellilus. Arch Intern Med 1994, 154:2442-2448. [11]. Defrees SA, Kosch W, Way W, Paulson JC, Sabesan S, Halcomb RL, Huang OH, Ichikawa Y, Wong CH: Ligand Recognition by E-selectin: Synthesis, Inhibitory Activity, and Conformatiooal Analysis of Bivalent Sialyl Lewis X Analogs. l Am Chern Soc 1995, 117:66 79. Derewenda U, Swenson L, Green R, Wet YY, Morosoli R, Shareck F, Kluepfel D, Derewenda ZS: Crystal Structure, at 2.6-angstrom Resolution, of the Streplomyces Lividans Xylanase A, a Member of the F Family of Beta-l,4-O-glycanases. J Biol Chem 1994, 269:20811-20814.
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Structural and functional studies of
carbohydrate binding proteins Related reviews: Increasing diversity of animal lectin structures (pp 612-616); X-ray crystal structures of animal lectins (pp 61 7-621 )t Adler P, Wood SJ, Lee YC, Lee RT, Petri WA, Schnaar RL: High Affinity Binding of the Entamoeba Histolytica Lectin to Polyvalent N-acetyigalactosaminides. J Biol Chem 1995, 270:5164-5171. An•start• MJ, Huang K-S: Modulation of E-selectin • Structure/function by Metal Ions: Studies of Eimited Proteo|ysls and Metal Ion Regeneration. J Blot Chem 1995, 270:8138~144. [34]. Arai T, Parker A, Busby W, Clemmons DR: Heparin, Heparan Sulfate, and Dermatan Sulfate Regulate Formalion of the Insulin-like Growth Factor-I
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