Cardiac and Great Vessel Calcifications
in Childhood
By George S. Bisset. III COMMON
Pericardial (eg, inflammatory, postsurgical, radiation, neoplasm,cyst) Ductus or ligamenturn arteriosum Valved or nonvalved conduits UNCOMMON
Myocardial (eg, trauma, infarction, postsurgical) Neoplasm of heart (especially fibroma, myxoma) Thrombus in chamber or great vessel Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm Coronary aneurysm (eg, congenital, Kawasaki syndrome) Coronary calcinosis Atherosclerosis (eg, progeria) Pulmonary arteries (pulmonary hypertension) Valvular (especially aortic or mitral) Endocardial fibroelastosis Idiopathic REFERENCES 1. Shabetai R: The Pericardium. Orlando, Fla: Grune & Stratton, 1981; 197 2. Prichard RW: Tumors of the heart: Review of the subject and report of one hundred and fifty cases. Arch Path01 1951;51:98-128
Fig 1. Case 1. Calcified coronary patient with Kawasaki syndrome. onstrating curvilinear calcifications right coronary arteries. (B) Lateral cation in the proximal left coronary Yutaka Sate.‘)
artery aneurysms in a [A) PA radiograph demin proximal left and view illustrating calcifiartery. (Courtesy of Dr
From the Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati. and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. George S. Bisset, III: Pediatric Cardiologist, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and Fellow in Pediatric Radiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Address reprint requests to George S. Bisset. III. MD, Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Elland and Bethesda Aves. Cincinnati, OH 45229. o 1985 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0037-I 98X/85/2003-0005$05.00/0 194
Fig 2. Case 2. valved right ventricular
Seminars in Roentgenology,
Postoperative outflow
Vol XX,
calcification conduit.
No 3 (July),
a non-
pp 194-
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