Case of Poisoning in a Cow by Arsenite of Copper

Case of Poisoning in a Cow by Arsenite of Copper

P oz'SO/1l'Jlg by Ars(Jlilc 0/ Copper. 333 and , as stated elsewh ere, th e H ernia can be eils ily reduced. All this is the reverse of the conditi...

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P oz'SO/1l'Jlg by Ars(Jlilc

0/ Copper.


and , as stated elsewh ere, th e H ernia can be eils ily reduced. All this is the reverse of the condition of a scro tum a nd ing uinal canal in \\'hi ch a S trang ulated H ernia exists. The same in CEd ema-the scrotum is so ft, and docs not feel like an inflated bladd er. Aga in , in "Orchitis," the testicle and cord are swollen; but the test icle ca n be easil y moved in its sc rotum and feels as h ard as a stone, and it is e\-id ent to th e touch that there is no fluid or air between it and th e sc rotum; but, above all, th ere are no col icy pains. T h is tensen ess of th e scrotum and canal from inflation, is essentia lly pathognomonic of the disease; a nd ",\"11e n once known t o th e p ract itione r, he feels safe a s to his diagnosis eve r after. F or in all cases of Colic or Enteritis, if thi s symptom is absent, he m ay rest satisfi ed that it is not a case of Stran g ulated In guinal H erni a. On th e other hand, if it is prese nt, the sooner h e opera tes the better; for the case will not cu re itself.




0 1 May the 20th last, in the early morning, Mr. Appleton, of Upleatham, requ ested my advice with regard to a cow which he thoug ht had got the "Milk-fever." She h ad calved a week before ; had milked well , and appeared all right when put in the byre th e previous night ; but on going into th e byre in the morning, he found her lying prostra te, moaning, and foamin g at the m outh. I told him I was of op inion that it was not the " Milk-fever," but that she had got so m eth ing poisonous. This, he said, could not possibly b e, as sh e h ad been brought in from the field the night before, and placed in the byre without anything to cat. In the meantime his son came t o say that she \\'as dead. I made a post-1IlOrtelll exami nation, and found all th e organs perfectly h ealthy, until I opened the abomasum, the mucous coat o f which was covered with a g ree nish-colou red powder, a nd g reatly inflamed and corrod ed. Laying the stomach


The Vcteri1lary Journal.

aside, I then opened the rumen, and in this I discovered at once the source of poison, viz., several fold ed pellets of paper, which had been stripped from the walls in the dwelling-house during re-papering, and thrown out. The cow had picked a large quantity up, and apparently having a relish for refuse, swallowed a sufficiency to cause d eath. The paper was largely dashed in fancy designs by the pigment known as "Scheele's green." PARTIAL NECROSIS OF THE PEDAL BONES IN TWO HORSES. BY THE SAME.

Two horses, the property of Messrs. Stevenson, Jaques, and Co., of Boosbeck Mines, are at present under my care. From these animals I have removed several portions of the infe rior surface of the os pedis, which has exfoliated. This exfoliation is the result of Laminitis, incurred through continued bruises to the feet in the mines, from insufficient protection by shoeing. One horse is affected in both fore feet, and has suffered most excruciating pain . The other has only one fore foot involved. With regard to treatment, I had n ea rly all the horny soles removed, and the feet were poulticed and dressed with digestives. H ealthy granulations are now present in both cases, and the animals appear to be approachin g convalescence, though a fortnight ago each might be h eard moaning heavily a considerable distance. During the early stages, the hoofs were dry, h ard, a nd hot, aAd there was threatened sloughing at the coronet. On auscultation in one case, the heart for several days gave peculiar rasping and blowin g sounds, with single dull thumps, from which I suspected pericardial and valvular complications, due to a rheumatic diathesis manifested previously by stiffness, and fluctuating swellings about the limbs. But since suppuration has tak en place, the heart disturbance and the irritative fever and other complications appear t o have vanished; the form er has rega ined its normal action, and the latter are not visible. There are several small pieces of semi-detached bone to be removed yet in both cases; but I consider it · bad surgery to