products CASE tools for portable application software Family of expert system development A suite of software tools designed PSE can develop machine- and for prototyping, developing and test- device-independent code, resulting tools A family of expert system development tools has been announced by Software Generation International Ltd. The tools were developed by Aion Corporation (Palo Alto, CA, USA) and are called the Aion Development System (ADS). By using expert systems technology, ADS enables programmers to develop rule-based procedures for complex application areas in IBM environments. According to Software Generation, applications can be reviewed and changed rapidly, and maintenance costs are reduced. ADS consists of two main components: • Application Building System. Creates and edits a knowledge base, using simple, declarative statements that represent business problem descriptions. • Application Execution System. Set of programs that interprets the knowledge base for a business application. The system controls execution of the application program and organizes the knowledge base into the most efficient development path. Consistency, completeness, or syntax errors in the incremental definitions and statements are tested for. Development in one environment can be combined with execution in another. Once an ADS knowledge base has been created, it can interact with COBOL-based CASE applications, CASE tools swapping data with ADS through memory. ADS can deliver applications to a range of processing environments, including PC-DOS, OS/2, VM/CMS, MVS/TSO, MVS/TSO, MVS/CICS, and 1MS/DC. (Software Generation International Ltd, 1345 High Road, Whetstone, London N20 9HR, UK. Tel: (01) 446 8407)
vol 3(t no 10 december 1988
ing portable application software has in transportable software, through a been launched by Pafec. The tool, library of routines that interface called Pafec Software Engineering between machine-independent code (PSE), is a CASE tool developed and hardware. Where hardware does inhouse by Pafec's software en- not support a particular feature, PSE gineers and system analysts. The tool emulates the feature. is available either in a modular form Other features of the software or as an integrated development include testing and error checking, aids for assisting in code generation, system. PSE offers a user interface man- and a support management tool that agement system that enables soft- automatically builds and releases ware engineers to prototype and software as needed. refine user interfaces of applications (Pafec Ltd, Strelley Hall, Nottingprograms before the background ham NG8 6PE, UK. Tel: (0602) code is built. Supported features 292291. Tx: 377764 PAFEC G. Fax include pop-up menus, icons, view- (0602) 390695) ports, and X-Windows.
Agreement leads to db/CASE environment A joint development and distribumodelling tool, allowing automation agreement between Relational tic schema generation. Technology Ltd and Cadre Tech- • Combination of Teamwork's nologies Inc. (RI,USA) has been analysis and design tools with announced that will lead to the Ingres' application development integration of the former's Ingres environment, to generate multiusrelational database management er database applications. system with the latter's Teamwork • Combination of both tools to give CASE tools. This will provide a a generalized CASE interface, database/CASE environment that defining an open data dictionary covers the whole development lifecythat allows programs to access objects within the two environcle. The combination will provide ments. This dictionary will be a workstation-based solutions for superset of the emerging SQL and high-end, multiuser technology, and CASE dictionary standards. will be targeted at application deTeamwork is available on Apollo, velopers in government, manufacDEC, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and turing, engineering, and DP/MIS Sun workstation platforms. markets. (Relational Technology Ltd, The integration will be in several Anchor House, 15-19 Britten Street, phases: London SW3 3TY, UK. Tel: (01) 351 • Interface of Ingres' data diction- 7722. Tx: 947086. Fax: (01) 35l ary with Teamwork's information 9560)
Corrigendum. In
the paper ' R a n d o m testing revisited' (Vol 30 No 7 September 1988 pp 402-417), one of the authors' names was not included. We apologize for this error. The full list of authors should read: P S L o o , W T Tsai and W K Tsai. Professor W T Tsai is, like Mr Loo, at the University of Minnesota.