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INFLUENCES OF RESPIRATORY ATOPY ON DISTRIBUTION OF EC2 POSITIVE ACTIVATED EOSINOPHILS IN SKIN LESION OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS. o hi :Mi Department of Dermatology, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan. Although vartous authors have stated that tntiltration of activated eosinophils plays an important role in the pathogen&s of atopic dermateis(AD). activated eosinophils are not always observed in skin lesions of AD. To see what the factors mizht be that are related to the infiltration of activated eosinophtls in some AD skin lesions, we took biopsy specimens from both scratched and unscratched lesions of 44 consecutive patients with AD. The specimens were stained with monoclonal anti-eosinophil cationic protein anti bodies, EGl and EGZ. Activated eosinophils were rarely observed in unscratched skin lesions, but were often seen in scratched lesions. The scratched lesions of AD patients with personal history of respiratory atopy showed greater number of activated eosinophtls compared to the scratched skin lesions of AD patients who did not have both oersonal and family history of respiratory atopy. These findings suggeste that the increased number of activated eosinophils is characterstic of scratched skin lesions of AD patients who have predisposition to respiratory atopy.
Areas of active dermatitis in &tv&s with atopic dermatitis are colonized with Staphylococcus aureus. However. the degree of colonization by staphylococci ,staph, in normal areas or in areas of slight dermatitis is unkno*n.In order to clarify the difffrence in bacterial flora between patients with atopic dernatitls and healthy sukqectz. bacteria were sat&d frw derrwtitic faces and from non&4 or mildly dermatitic -s of 23 patients by a contact-plate sampling technique. Saqliw *as similarly performed from faces and ante of 20 healthy subjects as a control. Staph were selectively sampled using rmnnitol salt medium. and species were determined on the basis of the API-Staph-System and ccagulase test. Personal varmtion in ccqasition and density of staph species in patients and healthy subjects u.w noted. The density of S.aureus was different between patients and healthy subjects From faces of patients with severe dermatitis m3re than 101colo”y forming units(cfu) per IDcm’were counted. Large numbers of S.epidermidis were detected in ;aces of healthy subjects. On arms of patients. the iwan density of S.aurcus was 13 cfu/lOcmz,caaparcd to 0.5 cfu/lOc&on arsls of healthy subjects(P
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485 CATARACT IN ATOPlC DERMATITIS WITH FACIAL fNVOLVE.bfWT. Shmya Hxino, Nonto Katoh. Saburo K,shmmto, Hrokazu Yasuno, Hnosht Ikebe’, Yoshm Akaw*, of Dermatology and Ophthalmology*, Kyoto Prefectural Umventty of Me&me. Kyoto. Japan Cataract and retmal detachtttent are ,mpartant ocular comphcauons m adolexent and adull patwXs wttb atoptc dermat,tts (AD), and atqx cataract has been reponed 10 occur frequently m the mwe were pauenfs wth facnl nwolvement. Our purpose was to study (he factors relevant to cataract formauon. So far 1I? AD pawas wtth factal mvolvement were referred to the Dqwtment of Ophthalmology. and clmtcal data of pauents wttb atq+c cataract were compared wth those of pluents wthoul catarax. serum levels of eamoph!l Ca”oNC protan (EcP). ma,or Lwx pman (MBP) and blood eosmophd counts at the tune of exacerbated fac,al dem,atlt,s were also measured. Atopc cataract was observedI” 23% of all patrents,and the levels d MBP and emnophtls were s,gntRcanUy htgher 1” the There was no patients With cataract than I” the patients WltbarI catarxt. stgtuftcant dtfference tn the faaal demutrtls sccie, wbch wrrelati s~gntficantly wth ECP and total extent of AD, between the pauenu wth cawact and thaz wthouL but rhe duranon of fac,al dermaotls and exacertated fawl dermauus waF slgntfwxly longer 1” the patlenrsw,“, cataract Retmal detachment or break was prwnt I” mne of II2 pat,enu, but IX, s~gmfunt d~lferences m chmc.4 and laboratory dala were found between the pa”ents wth the retmal &sord-ersand those wthout. The development of atoptc cataract IS suggested to be associated wlfJ, the lactcn rewnslble for detenorat,on of factal damaut,s.
LEUKOTRIENE A4 HYDROLASE IN PERIPHERAL LEUKOCYTES AND SKIN OF PATIENTS WITH ATOPIC DERMATITIS. Hiroko Okano-Mitam, Yuii Horiauchi. Kouichi lkai and Sadao Imamura, Department of Dermatology. Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine. Kyoto, Japan The biochemical events underlying inflammatory changes in atopic dermatitis (AD) remain unknown. Leukotriene (LT) 84. the 5-lipoxygenase product of arachidonic actd possesses various biological activities such as leukocyte chemotaxis and smooth muscle contraction. which can lead to cutaneow inflammation. LTA4 hydrolase. which catalyzes the conversion of LTA4 to LTB4. is a rate-limiting enzyme for LTB4 biosynthesis. We measured the enzyme activity of LTA4 hydrolase in the 100,000 x 8 supernatant of peripheral polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) of patients with AD using HPLC. Based on the extent of dermatitis, AD patients were classified into three groups; “severe” (>50%), “moderate” (50.10%) and “mild” (