Cell surface receptors in development and immunity: A speculative review

Cell surface receptors in development and immunity: A speculative review

DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. iO, pp. 279-284, 1986. O145-305X/86 $ 3.00 + .00 Printed in the USA. Copyright (c) 1986 Pergamon Journa...

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DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. iO, pp. 279-284, 1986. O145-305X/86 $ 3.00 + .00 Printed in the USA. Copyright (c) 1986 Pergamon Journals Ltd. All rights reserved.


Scott F. Gilbert Department of Biology Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081

The past two years has seen dramatic changes in our conception of cell surface receptors and intercellular communication. On one hand, new cell surface molecules are being discovered weekly, such that one hesitates to pick up one's Journals for fear of having to find time to learn of still yet another set of new cell surface molecules. A quick literature search shows that whereas total articles referenced in BioAbstracts has increased 1.4-fold since 1970, the nu]nber of articles listing receptors in their titles or abstracts has Increased 13-fold. On the other hand, this tendency towards mu/tiplicity has been balanced by discoveries suggesting that the multifarious lig~_nd-receptor ~ s t e m s described may operate by common rules, and indeed, through common molecules. The past two years have seen the translocation of the elusive T-cell antigen receptor from a useful hypothesis to a set of 2 polypeptides having amino acid sequences derived from eight genetically separate regions (I-2). The T4 antigen of human helper T-lymphocytes was shown not only to be neces~ary for antigen recognition in self-context (3,4) but was also demonstrated to be the receptor for LAV/HTLV-III, the viral cause of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS (5,6). Since the T4 molecule is important in inducing the transformation from B-lymphocyte to plasma cell, it is an important cell surface signalling molecule in both developmental and i~_~unologlcal studies. The use of B-cell induction by T-cells, macrophages, and antigen to model developmental inductions in embryos has become more important as similarities have been found between the developing cells of the embryo and the developing immune cells of the adult. The crossllnking of Bcell antigen receptors has been found to produce changes in the actin cytoskeleton (7,8), changes in second messengers (9) and the formation of a new set of growth factor receptors (10). These four phenomena, the crossllnking of cell surface receptors, changes in cytoskeletal architecture, secondary message production, and the expression of new growth 279




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receptors upon induction are also being seen in e:bryological interactions (for instance 11, 12-13). The ~nduction of the transferrin receptor after cell contact in kidney morphogenesis (14) is especially interesting in this conte~-t, since changes in extracellular matrix binding and intermediate filament cyto~:eleton organization are also observed (15,16). During the past two years, the use of monoclonal antibodies has identified more and more cell surface proteins and has correlated them with intercellular events such as compaction, trophoblast attachment, primary endoderm formation (17), lymphocyte differentiation (18), lineage separation (19), and positional information (20). In r any cases we now have identified antigens for which we can associate no known function. This situation should yield new information concerning functions of which we are not yet aware. The year's headlines on cell surface receptors were capped, of course, by the awarding of the ~obel Prize for Physiology and F edicine to ~.tichael Brown and Joseph Goldstein for their characterization of the receptor for low density lipoprotein. Thus, the ~fristotelians who delight in diversity and in structure/function correlations have ~ o w n great joy these two years. Moreover, so have the Platoni~ts who glory in seeing the common unity underlying the apparently disparate phenomena. One facet of cell surface receptor research that has united immunology and develop~.~ent is the notion of a triggering reaction. During the past two years, it has been shown that the binding of an agent to its receptor in several different cellular systems leads to the ~roduction of two new molecules. These newly discovered second messengers are diacylglycerol and inositol triphospate. The receptors can be as diverse as the acetylchollne receptor of ~ o o t h muscle or brain cells, the antigen receptors of B-lymphocytes or leukemic basophils, the photon receptors of retinal neurons, or the sp.er~ receptors of sea urchin eggs (reviewed in 21). In each case, the reception of the signal on the cell surface is transduced into the cell by the er~ymatlc synthesis of those two messengers. To make the story more complete, it appears that oncogenes act at any of three stages of growth regulation. Their products may mimic growth factors, occupied growth factor receptors, or some molecule on the intracellular pathway Icadirg to cell division. The v-s~_s oncogene carried by the simian sarcoma virus and the v-fins o~cogene of the feline sarco-a virus produce proteins re~e:bling platelet-derived growth factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, respectively (22-24). ~3~en tLe~e viruses infect cells bearing the receptors for these factors, the cells divide in what appears to be the result of autocrine" stimulation. The avian erythroblastosis virus carries an oncogene v-_erbB which seems to resemble the epithelial growth factor receptor ~n its activated form (25). Berrldge and Irvine (21) have speculated that diacylglycerol and inosine triphosphate might be involved in relaying the growth signal from the membrane to the nucleus. Diacylglyeerol stimulates the C-kinase (the site of phorbol ester tumor promotion) to activate the Na+/H + exchange which elevates intracellular pH, and inosltol phosphate releases Ca ++ from the e n d o p l a ~ i c reticulum. The free calcium ~ons and high pH are thought to prepare cells for DNA synthesis. Thus, the cell surface receptor-dependent activation of egg development, lymphocyte differentiation, cell growth, and hormone regulation may all be related to a common mechanl sin. Other common features of intercellular communication are appearing in studies of sperm-egg attachment. For developmental biologists, this is the archetypal cell-cell interaction, and it may be the interaction that links protists to multlcellular organisms. The pattern that emerges from studies of sperm/vitelline envelope binding in sea urchins (26) sperm/zona binding in mice (27,28) and sperm/chorion binding in ascidlans (29) is that a sperm cell surface protein recognizes carbohydrate groups on the egg surface. Furthermore, glycoslytransferases are found on the isogametic cell surfaces of

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_C_h_l_e~_dom_o_nas as well (rc%.iewed in 30). It a[Fears that protein-carbohydrate interaction may be a general mechanism in binding gametes together. What's good for gametes might well have been modified for the e~bryonic cell interactions. Cell surface g/ycosyltransferases have been implicated in the migration of gastrulating cells, in the inductive interface of optic cup/ectoderm, medullary plate/prescmitic mescderz, and notochord/sc-ite (31), and in the condensation of c.hondrocytes during i~mb d e v e ! o ~ e n t (reviewed in 30). Furukawa and coworkers (32) have ~hown that class II ]<~C g!ycoproteins have g!ycosyltransferase activity, and antibodies to a [urified g!ycosyltransferase cross-reacts with im~,unoglobulins (33). The carbo,~Jydrate chains of glycoproteins are essential for cezFaction and for the adhesive properties of the neural cell adhesion mc!ecule .'~-CAF. (34,35). It is possible, then, that the protein-carbohydrate bonding utilized in protist cor~jugation t ecame specialized for sperm-egg binding, later specialized for c.--_bryonic cell-cell interactions, and then later still modified for cell-cell interactions in the immune sD'stem. Another feature of cell-cell interactions coming cut of fertilization research is the need to cluster one's receptors. Eossignol and ccworkers (26) have speculated that whereas ~ a l l ligands such as hormones can bind to and effect charges in solitary receptors, you may need a cluster of them to hold a wiggling sperm. Toposomes or adherons have been isolated in several ~ b r y o n i c o r g a n i c s and may have two functions (20,36). The first is to hold the cells together while the second is to provide positional information by altering the geometry of those receptors. Clustering of receptors may also be needed to effect the immune response of B-cells (37) and to fasciculate neurons together

(35). The integration of irnunology and develo.~ent was clearly seen by F.R. Li/lie (38) who studied sperm-egg binding using ir_~,unolcgical techniques and discussed it in immunological language. He had to apologize to his readers for this new tongue: "The terminology has been largely adopted from immunology, because it s e ~ e d best suited to express the facts, if it seems rather bizarre to the zoological reader, I must ask him not to conceive prejudice for this reason against the facts thc~selves... " Lillie's paper is fascinating to read for its s;ecr/ation concerning bow the reception of sperm by the egg created changes within the egg. He postulated a molecule, fertil~zin, which had a s~erm binding site exposed outside the cell and which had another site inside the cell. This latter site was not active until the outer site bound the s~
I would like to thank Dr. David Sonneborn for pointing out the transduction aspect of Lillie's fertillzin model.


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