Centrifugal testing of dynamically loaded foundations (in French)

Centrifugal testing of dynamically loaded foundations (in French)

96A 853264 Centrifuge model tests on bearing capacity of cla~ Nakase, A, Kusakabe, O, Wong, S F J Geotech Engng Div A S C E VIlO, N12, Dec 1984, P174...

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853264 Centrifuge model tests on bearing capacity of cla~ Nakase, A, Kusakabe, O, Wong, S F J Geotech Engng Div A S C E VIlO, N12, Dec 1984, P17491765 The centrifuge was used successfully to model consohdated clay with undrained shear strength increasing hnearly with depth Beanng capacmes were calculated from load intensity settlement curves and compared with the Davis-Booker plasticity solution and Nakase slip c~rcle solution Measured results were located around the slip c~rcle solutmn and plasticity solution (rough) and the lower limit of beanng capacity was the plasticity solution (smooth)

853265 Lateral response of free-bead pile. Technical note Plse, P J J Geotech Engng Div A S C E VllO, N12, Dec 1984, P18051809 Results for displacement, rotatmn and maximum moment coefficients are presented for free-head pdes subjected to lateral loads and moments and embedded m a layered sods system

853266 Splice, a computer program for analysing structure-pile-soil interaction problems F n m a n n Clausen, C J, Aas, P M, Hasle, E Norw Geotech lnst Publ N152, 1984, 7P The interaction between an offshore jacket type hnear structure and a non-hnear foundation system of single piles or pile groups was analysed using the SPLICE computer program This paper describes the solution procedures used and compares the results with other stu&es

853267 Probabifistic stability analysis of gravity platforms Tang, W H, Mlchols, K A, Kjekstad, O Norw Geotech lnst Publ N152, 1984, 17P Foundations of gravity platforms can fall by bearing capacity or sliding failure Loading from storms and earthquakes is naturally random, soil strength data cannot be gathered with absolute accuracy for the entire relevant area and soil strength may increase from consohdatlon or previous preloadmg Reahsuc assessment of stability reliability must take into account stochastic variations of soil strength and loading A probablhst~c method Is proposed for evaluating the variation of stabd~ty risks with time Case studies are used to illustrate the statistical model used

853268 Centrifugal testing of dynamically loaded foundations (In French) Leguay, P, Morher, P, Rlvlere, J Rev Fr Geotech N28, 1984, P49-54 Centrifugal testing of dynamically loaded foundatmn models shows that an eqmvalent modulus of a sandy half space may be determined from the stress dlstnbutmn beneath the foundation, which if introduced into the classical theories could provide the dynamic response of any foundation

853269 Beckenried Viaduct: foundation problems in a creeping slope Vollenwelder, U Rock Mech VI7. N4. Oct-Dec 1984, P197-214 Piers of the bridge founded on solid rock were protected against creeping soil and loosened rock layers by shafts The shafts, of a new design, consisted of a rigid collar, articulated ring elements, a rigid trapezoidal cylinder and basal dasplacement rings sitting

on the pier footing This design permits both sliding of the shaft as a whole along particular slip surfaces in loosened rock at depth and dsfferentml &splacements due to creep of soft strata The shafts also act as a permanent drainage system for the slope Design and constructional cnterm are given

Slopes See a~o 853103. 853291

853270 Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Landstides, Vancouver, 16-21 September 1984. 2 vois Ontario Canadian Geotechnlcal So~wt~. 1315P 169 papers covering the following topics landslides m heawly overconsohdated clays and soft rocks, landslides In soft clays. landslides in silts, sands and loess, including subaqueous slides, recent developments tn landslide studies, analytical and probabhstlc measures, recent development in landslide studies, mapping, mstrumentatmn and shde warning techniques, climatic and groundwater aspects of landslides, slope movements m hard rocks, and landslides in weathered rocks and residual soils

853271 Stability of slopes m soils with nonlinear failure envelopes Charles, J A, Soares, M M Can Geotech J V21. N3 4ug 1984. P397-406 Failure envelopes of many soils are significantly nonlinear and the effect of this curvature on slope stability is examined Stability charts allow assessment of slope stability without relying on an assumed cohesion intercept derived from an estimated hnear approximation to the actual curved fadure envelope The effect on the factor of safety against stability failure of (1) the degree of curvature of the failure envelope of the soil, (2) the magnitude of the pore pressure ratio within the slope, and (3) the depth to a hard stratum was investigated

853272 On stability of slopes in clays with linearly increasing strength. Technical note Koppula, S D Can Geotech J V21, N3, Aug 1984, P577-581 An analysis, using the circular arc failure mechanism, of the stablhty of slopes in normally consolidated clays whose strengths are fimte at the top and vary hnearly with depth Results are presented In terms of a &menslonless stablhty number that IS dependent on the slope inclination and cohesion ratio, which is illustrated on stablhty charts Procedure for the design of cuttings In normally consohdated clays Is prowded

853273 Landslide length-width ratios as an aid in landslide identificataon and verifcation Orris, G J, Wdhams, J W C I M Bull V77, N868, Aug 1984, P371-375 Analysis of 153 landshdes in the Santa Clara lbrmatmn, California, USA, has indicated that specific length-width ratios are unique to specific faces Field checking showed that where these ratios were not observed the "landslide' reported had been wrongly identified It is suggested that where "landslides" with a length-width ratio highly divergent from the regional data set are identified from aerial photographs, specific checking is warranted