Archs oral Bid Vol. 34,No. 2. pp. 89-92, 1989 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
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0003s9969/89 $3.00+O.OO 1989 Pergamon Press plc
CHANGES IN LEVELS OF OSTEONECTIN IN BOVINE DENTINE DURING TOOTH DEVELOPMENT R. FUJISAWA and Y. KUBOKI Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan (Received I5 March 1988; accepted 19 August 1988) Summary-Bovine incisors were classified into three developmental stages and non-collagenous proteins extracted from them. Sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis of the extracts showed a reduction in osteonectin with the various stages. The reduction was confirmed by enzyme immunoassay using antiserum against bone osteonectin. This change is in contrast to dentine phosphoprotein, indicating functional diflerences between these two proteins.
used for the comparisons. These incisors were freed of pulp, soft tissues and soft enamel, and then ground into powder. The powders were washed with 4 M guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn/HCl), 50 mM trisHCl, pH 7.4. Demineralization was carried out with 0.6 M HCl (1 litre/g of powdered teeth) at 4°C for 4 days (Tagaki and Veis, 1984). Completeness of demineralization was checked by measuring the calcium content of the demineralized matrix (less than 0.01 pg/mg of matrix). Non-collagenous proteins were extracted from the demineralized matrix residue with 4 M Gdn/HCl, 50 mM tris-HCl, pH 7.4 (40 ml/g of demineralized matrix) at 4°C for 4 days with agitation. Femurs of calves were demineralized and extracted by the same procedures.
Dentine contains several non-collagenous proteins, some of which are also present in bone (reviewed by
Butler, 1984). These proteins were studied intensively by Leaver and his co-workers (Jones and Leaver, 1974a, 1974b; Thomas and Leaver, 1975, 1977; Smith and Leaver, 1979) who classified them as anionic glycoproteins, less acidic glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Later investigators reported a less complex composition as precautions were taken to avoid proteolysis (Termine et al., 1980; Linde, Bhown and Butler, 1980; B’utler et al., 1981a, b). The most abundant non-collagenous protein in dentine is phosphophoryn, which is a highly acidic protein rich in phosphoserine and aspartic acid. Among the other non-collagenous proteins, Gla proteins (Linde ef al., 1982), dentine proteoglycan (Rahemtulla, Prince and Butler, 1984), 9.5kdalton glycoprotein (Butler et al., 198 la, b), osteonectm (Termine et al., 198 1a, b; Tung et al., 1985) and several serum proteins have been identified. The composition ‘ofthese non-collagenous proteins changes with the maturation of dentine; the amino acid composition of total extracts of non-collagenous proteins changes significantly (Smith and Leaver, 1981). There are qualitative (Fujisawa, Kuboki and Sasaki, 1985) and quantitative (Fujisawa and Kuboki, 1988) changes in phosphophoryn with dentine formation. We have now investigated quantitative developmental changes in dentine osteonectin.
Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) gel electrophoresis was carried out according to Laemmli (1970), using 11.5% acrylamide gels. The first dimension of two-dimensional electrophoresis was isoelectric focusing (Wrigley, 1971) using 4% acrylamide gels containing 2% Pharmalyte 3-10 (Pharmacia) and 8 M urea. The second dimension was the SDS gel electrophoresis.
MATERIIALSAND METHODS Extraction of non-o~llagenous proteins
The extraction procedures were essentially those of Fujisawa and Kuboki (1988). First permanent incisors of 2-year-old (calves were classified into three development stages, stages I, II and III, before crown completion, just after crown completion, and near root completion, respectively (Fig. 1). As the composition of non-collagenous proteins differs between crown and root dentine (Takagi, Nagai and Sasaki, 1988), the root was removed and only the crown was
Stage II
Stage 111 Fig. 1. Classification of the bovine incisor into three developmental stages. 89
Immunochemical procedures
Bone osteonectin was purified from Gdn/HCl
tracts of demineralized calf femur (Sato et al., 1985). Fifty to eighty milligrammes of the extracts were applied to a Sepharose CL-6B (Pharmacia) column (2.6 x 100 cm) and eluted with 4 M Gdn/HCl, 50 mM
tris-HCl, pH 8.2, at a flow rate of 22 ml/h. The peak corresponding to osteonectin was further purified by DEAE-cellulose (Whatman DE-52, 2.5 x 1Ocm) chromatography and rechromatography, equilibrated with 6 M urea, 50 mM tris-HCl, pH 8.2, and eluted with a linear NaCl gradient up to 0.5 M over 600ml of the buffer at a flow rate of 80ml/h. Chromatography was performed at room temperature and monitored with absorption at 230 nm, and fractions of 5 ml were collected. Purity of the preparation was checked by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Antisera were raised against osteonectin by injecting rabbits subcutaneously with 500 pg of the osteonectin preparation mixed with Freund’s complete adjuvant. Injections of the mixture of osteonectin and Freund’s incomplete adjuvant were repeated five times at l-week intervals. The rabbits were bled a week after the final injection. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was carried out (Termine et al., 1981a, b). Microtitre plates (Corning) were coated with 500 ng of osteo-
PH 5.0 5.560 65 ZO 75
4’5 -I ,
1-94 & -
4 0
-43 5.56.0 6.5 7.0 Z5 - 30
5.0 B
-67 ;
50 C
Fig. 3. Densitometric tracings of SDS gel electrophoresis of dentine Gdn/HCl extracts of stages I, 11and III, respectively. Samples run on 11.5% gels and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. K = kdalton.
nectin in 20mM sodium bicarbonate. Samples were incubated with antisera diluted in phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween 20 (PBS-Tween), 1:3000, at 4°C overnight. The mixtures were transferred to the wells coated with osteonectin. After 2 h of incubation, wells were washed twice with PBS-Tween. The binding of antibody to immobilized antigen was detected using goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody conjugated with alkaline phosphatase (Bio-Rad). The colour development was measured in a Titertec Uniscan filter photometer (Flow Laboratories) at 405 nm. RESULTS
-43 3 I 55 6~657.OoZ5 3o =
= -30 Fig. 2. Two-dimensional electronhoresis of bone and den-
tine Gdn/HCI extracts. Gels were stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. (Al Bone GdniHCl extracts. (Bl Purified bone osteonecun: (C) Dcntine’ Gdn/HCl extracts: l-Collagen a 1 and a2 chains; 2-serum albumin; 3-a2-HS-glycoprotein; 4-osteonectin.
Non-collagenous proteins insoluble in 0.6 M HCl were recovered in Gdn/HCl extracts. Several proteins were identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis (Fig. 2); identification was based on the report by Delmas et al. (1984). Major spots were common to both bone and dentine extracts. Among these were serum albumin, 012HS-glycoprotein and osteonectin. The Gdn/HCl extracts from the dentines at different stages were analysed by electrophoresis; a densitometric tracing of each gel is shown in Fig. 3. Some major bands were observed at apparent molecular weights of 67, 40 and 28 kdalton. Osteonectin migrated with an apparent molecular weight of 40 kdalton after reduction (Sato et al., 1985; Romberg et al., 1985). In stage III dentine, the relative amount of osteonectin decreased prominently. To determine the amounts of osteonectin, an ELISA was developed using antisera against bone osteonectin. Osteonectin was purified from calf bone (Fig. 2B) and used as antigen. The antisera showed a single precipitin line with bone Gdn/HCl extracts or osteonectin in an Ouchterlony test or on immunoelectrophoresis. The inhibition curve in ELISA
Changes in dentine osteonectin
B i= 5 50I z z
ol 0.01
gjc__&~-._:*2d:$ 0.1
, 10
Fig. 4. Inhibition ELIISA of osteonectin; osteonectin (O), serum albumin (0) or bone Gla-protein (A). The ordinate indicates percent inhibition of colour development comparing with the control.
(Fig. 4) showed no cross-reaction with serum albumin or osteocalcin. Using this technique, osteonectin was quantified in Gdn/HCl extracts from dentine of the three stages (Table 1). Osteonectin was detected only in Gdn/HCl extracts and not in HCl extracts. The level of osteonectin in stage III was almost half of that in stage I or II. The total amount of proteins extractable from dentine, however, did not decrease. DlSCUSSlON
The composition of matrix proteins in dentine is known to change with mineralization and maturation. The most drastic change occurs between predentine and dentine (Linde, 1984). Phosphophoryn (Jontell and Linde, 1983; Takagi, Fujisawa and Sasaki, 1986) and dentine Gla protein (Jontell and Linde, 1983; Bronckers et al., 1985) are absent in predentine but present in dentine. Predentine is, in contrast, rich in proteoglycans (Linde, 1973; Hjerpe and Engfeldt, 1976; Jontell and Linde, 1983). The changes continue even into the later stages of dentine development. Cros&linkings and cleavages are introduced into phosphophoryn (Kuboki et al., 1984; Fujisawa et al., 1985; Masters, 1985) resulting in a shift of the distribution of its molecular weight to lower values (Lee, Kossiva and Glimcher, 1983). In spite of this degradation, the total amounts of phosphophoryn have been shown to increase in stage III (Fujisawa and Kuboki, 1988). We also found changes in the composition of Gdn/HCl extracts in stage III (Fig. 3). Among these changes, reduction in osteonectin was significant (Fig. 3 and Table 1). Osteonectin is a phosphorylated
glycoprotein of bone (Termine et al., 198la, b). Recently, its primary structure was deduced and shown to be homologous with mouse SPARC (Bolander et al., 1988). It is synthesized by osteoblasts (Whitson et al., 1984; Otsuka et al., 1984) and is rich in mineralizing osteoid (Termine et al., 198la, b). Osteonectin is associated with early mineral deposition (Bianco et al., 1985). Its content is higher in lamellar bone than in woven bone (Conn and Termine, 1985). Osteonectin mRNA level is lower in osteocytes than in osteoblasts (Holland et al., 1987) and is expressed in an earlier stage of embryonic bone formation than other non-collagenous proteins (Yoon, Buenaga and Rodan, 1987; Nomura et al., 1988). Osteonectin or its mRNA is also detected in non-mineralizing tissues, including platelets (Stenner et al., 1986), basement membrane and steroid-producing glands (Holland et al., 1987). In dentine, odontoblasts synthesize and secrete osteonectin (Tung et al., 1985; Holland et al., 1987). In contrast to phosphophoryn, osteonectin has been detected in predentine immunohistochemically (Tung et al., 1985). The reduction in osteonectin in later developmental stages indicates that this protein is not synthesized in such large amounts by mature odontoblasts and/or is degraded during maturation. At this stage phosphophoryn is the predominant product. The wide distribution of osteonectin in various tissues, and its early expression in bone and dentine development indicate that this protein has a more general role than specialized proteins such as phosphophoryn. Acknowledgements-We acknowledge the helpful scientific discussion of Dr. W. T. Butler and the assistance of MS Karen Stewart in typing of the text. This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan.
Bianco P., Hayashi Y., Silvestrini G., Termine J. D. and Bonucci E. (1985) Osteonectin and Gla-protein in calf bone: ultrastructural immunohistochemical localization using the protein A-gold method. Cult. Tim. ht. 37, 684-686. Bolander M. E., Young M. F., Fisher L. W., Yamada Y. and Termine J. D. (1988) Osteonectin cDNA sequence reveals potential binding regions for calcium and hydroxyapatite and shows homologies with both a basement membrane protein (SPARC) and a serine proteinase inhibitor (Ovomucoid). Proc. nafn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 29 19-2923.
Table I. Levels of dentine proteins at three stages of development @g/mg of insoluble collagen remaining after demineralization and extraction, means + SD of four different extracts) Dentine
4 M Gdn/HCI extracts Osteonectin in Gdn/HCl extracts* Osteonectin in HCl extracts* Phosphophoryn**
Stage I
Stage II
Stage III
41*3 4.6 f 0.7 0.0 15+ 1
42 f 3 5.6 + 1.1 0.0 22* 1
53 f 3*** 2.6 f I.O*** 0.0 33 * 5
39 * 5 8.1 f I.0 0.0 -
lOsteonectin was quantified by ELISA using antisera against bone osteonectin. **Fujisawa and Kuboki (1988). ***Significantly different from values at stages I and II (Student’s f-test; p < 0.05).
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