(2-aI&3.+aett+~t*,5-flguinolinE?~ and related aqlowds OcwTing
The anhali?w
sacrificedat 1 day befona ard 5, 8, 12, 15, 18 days after az!l&treabb&andfurthermne after 1,2, 3, 5 nulths phelrbrbital(PB)treatment. olaparisanisalaolnade~theuseof shift W
Tblsstkxlyrenelsa kploid hepabcallular
in for tracing of early leskxls dllrirq lleqa~is; the analysis of the early l@sials is finally bQrovedbycur TV-basedbageanaly8is sysbn.
(Hs,+pende activaticxl the or&r: iao IQ > IQ > NI>> den&@-IQ (wild arr3.DagPll,Qrcinogeaesis,1987, in aeees). &tabol5SlldIQandanaloas arachadc
nar been studied by HPIL! and TLC: NI, de&?@-IQ, IQ atd h-IQ vere cxidbed by HiFDero*idas MO. 68. 54 and 18% Ifsqktlvely) a&ield &lalred pYzcw&s with different @ffkiency. c!cwxi&tial and/arcoaKypesultianofI*~ocwpcurds fca twx m zE*T pE?rwuwurlder~E scarcely metabolizedIQ,andinterestingly, itdidnotactivateIQtoar&agen. ~datapoiattnESasanactiEking systenlfor feed-borne arylamin8s of th? IQ-type. lismay be lzebvae for their extra-heqatictlnmurigenicactiaL Deutsche Fora(
Centre I-knri- Becqxel, 76000Rcuen,France
rue d'Amiens,
I-xyalLl?Tonic acid was E&czbed onto plasticmicmtsstplates. It waswith anMirecterlzyne~cal techncque taking advantageof itscapacity tobinda nlycan WaluxnectWHN sugp~wlthduBLinephoeq?hatase ctnjugated ra&it anti-IwaeibSes. nle of active hyalm was eaf inaolubilized EzzLytha hyalurcnicacidin propxtia to the hyaluraniaase ccwentratial of sanples. cell lines HFqG2 and I-umn hwaw ET@!fu?/5 wrecultivatedti~,eAenwithalt Cellculturelnediaas foetalcalfsenah WllaScell&XaCtS ccnllddigestadsceed hyalurcaicacid. soluble hyalu.rcrlkacid WasdegradedintoSIliSll~lQiXleaiLesaSshavn byliquid~~.Thesecretianin culturenedim was estimalzdat 2 x lo-11 NSU/Cell/llliLThe activeywas~ bjheathqat 50° C for 5 nhnkesorby probasedigfHicn. lbopt.bunpHwas3.5.