Changes in subchondral bone mineral density (BMD) and cartilage histopathology in a sheep model of osteoarthritis (OA)
PATHOLOGY M A SHEEP MODEL OF 0STEOARTHRl’“s (OA) Sarah ArmsIronS’, Riihsrd Read’, Diinn Wikon and Roger Pri& ‘School of Vereritwy Srudies, Murdo...
PATHOLOGY M A SHEEP MODEL OF 0STEOARTHRl’“s (OA) Sarah ArmsIronS’, Riihsrd Read’, Diinn Wikon and Roger Pri& ‘School of Vereritwy Srudies, Murdoch Universiry: and 2Depanmenr oaf Endocrinology and Diabetes. Charles
WA, Aurn&
exists over the relative importance of rubcbondralboneandcanikge changesin initiatingOA (Radin E and RoseR: Clin. Onhop. Rcl. Reo.213: 34.1986). Fourteenadult sheep(OP) undewem right medial menkcectomy.Six sbup were.kept es unoperatedconlmls (UNOP). After surgerynkp were exercised.UNOP sheepwere eulhenased et 3 m (3) and~tBm(3). OP shcepwereeulhonased et 3 m(6).4.5 m (4) and 6 m (4). Osteophyre(Oph) developmentwas wxded. Bone slabsiwaiving tbc centrallead bearingregion were cut fmm the medial and lateral tibia and femur (MT. LT. MF. LF). MF dabs were decalcifiedandcanikge lesionsassesrcdby Mankins seotr..BMD of MT andLT VII measured(Hologic Model ?DR-IWO) and the resultdivided by slab lhickeesato give gI&. UNOP sheepdid not dexlq. 3% OFcartilagedame& bet exerciseincreasedBMD (MT 3 m 0.65 f 0.02;6m0.72~0.01:p<0.05:LT3m0.62f0.02:6m0.73f0.03:p=0.057).1n0Pshecp,MTandLT BMDroxduring3-4.5m,hcnfell(MT3mO.M~0.04:4.5m0.75;t0.03; ps0.068;6mO.7OfO.Ol). OP sheepdevelopedOPh (3 m 5.17 * 0.70: 4.5 m 6.75 f 0.75; 6 m 9.75 f 0.48: p < 0.005) andshowed2 phws of activecanilsgedamage:before3 m (7.67? 1.41) and4.5-6 m (4.5 m 7.OOf 1.41:6 m 14.75f 3.33: p = 0.076). The inidal eanikge damagecawed by mcnisxctomy did not progressbelween3-4.5 m. Daring this time BMD inereascd.possiblyresultingin further cerdlagedamage.This suppxw Badinntheory that increasedsubcbandmlbonestiffnessresuImin canikge damagein someeaxs of OA.
STRUCTURAL AND MAGNETIC PKOPERTIES OF FERHITIN CORES FROM &TXALAS SAEMIA/HALMOGLOBlN E ORGANS K.C. Tran’, T.G. St. Pierre’. D.J. Mxey’. I. Webb’ and P. pootrekul’ ‘Marhrmrxical andPhysical Sciences. Murdoch Universiw.Per/h. WA 6150. Awralia; and2Th&ssaemia Cenrre.
O-thalassarmia/Hacmoalobin E (S-tbeljHbE). a geneticdisorderof baemoalobinsynthesisre%lting in chroniceeaemie,occur at very high fquencies $ SouthEastAsia Sufferersare be&ily inm werIo& dueto high imn absorptionfmm the gut in orderto counterthe anaemia.Much of thisexcessimn is stored in the form of fenidn and hsemosiderir.wilbin the dssues.Fe&in is a soluble multisubunirwaein the stmc~ure of Lhcferritin coreveriesboth with organrypeand !x~lth&gicaicondidon.Thus.!3lhal/HbE spkensand liven yield ferridn coreswhich are lessc@el!iee and havea sligbdysmellersize thanlhose is&Ed fmm nomxdspleensand livers. Ferridnsisolatedfmm S-tbal/HbE heartad ureas were found to have larger, more crystallinecoresthan thoseof liven and splwns from bc4hB~hel/IfbE end normel subjects.Magneticpropertiesof thecoresesdeterminedusingMOs;bauerspectroscopy correlatewell wbh dx shucluralobservadonr. Thesedifferencesen possiblya eow.equencz of the higherrateof imn tumwer in Ihe liversandspleensof !3-tbaUHbEpatientstugetherwith tie mle of the heartandpancrez? aslonglam imn depositionsitesin this iron overloadpathology.