CHANGES IN ΤΗΚ FORM OF THE JOURNAIv. I t seemed desirable to change the form of the Journal at the same time that the title was changed to P o u l t r...
CHANGES IN ΤΗΚ FORM OF THE JOURNAIv. I t seemed desirable to change the form of the Journal at the same time that the title was changed to P o u l t r y Science. W i t h t h e approval of the Officers of t h e Association and members of the Publication Committee the present form was decided upon. I t was believed best to print only six issues this year inas much as it was more economical in both time and money. T h e Journal will appear b i - m o n t h l y and not for ten issues as formerly. T h e subscripton rate has been changed to $3.00 a year to meet the increased cost due to the increase in size of the J o u r n a l and to t h e fact t h a t t h e $1.00 formerly paid did not even cover t h e cost of printing. Believing t h a t a u t h o r s will furnish material more freely if given a fair number of reprints it was decided to give the a u t h o r s of the principal articles 50 copies free. Additional copies may be obtained at cost. W h i l e summaries of work will be given first place a few longer articles will be very acceptable. T h e editor proposes to at once start a campaign for increased subscription to the Journal so that it will be possible to increase the amount of material published. I t is proposed to spend additional money obtained from new subscriptions in increasing the size. I t is hoped t h a t it will be possible to publish a 64 or 96 page journal. T h e editor would appreciate a list of possible new members or subscribers from each member of the Association. W e should have at least 1000 subscribers and members by March i, 1922. If each member will propose a new member and give the names of two likely subscribers this should be easily possible. T h e editor will gladly solicit new members and new subscribers if you will send in the names and addresses. W i t h the cooperation of all the members it will be possible to quickly p u t the J o u r n a l on a sound financial basis. T H E EDITOR