W.H. Gispen and A. Routtenberg (Eds) Progre.%.c in Bruin Re.seurch, lbf.69 t 1986 Flsevier Science Publishers B.V (Biomedical Division)
The role of protein kinases in the control of prolonged changes in neuronal excitability L.K. Kaczmarek, J.A. Strong and J.A. Kauer Departments of Pharmacology and Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, C T 06510, U X A
Introduction Long-lasting changes in the pattern of behavior of a mature animal may be divided into at least two general classes: ( a ) the onset of long-lasting, relatively fixed, patterns of activity, such as feeding and reproductive behaviors, which can be triggered by internal or external stimuli and (bj modifications of behavior that can be attributed to learning. In cases in which the neuronal basis of such modifications in behavior have been investigated, it has become clear that changes occur in the electrical properties of neurons in the networks that control the behaviors. There is accumulating evidence that the activation of protein kinases, under the control of cellular second messenger systems, contributes to these changes in excitability. One direct mechanism which has now been shown to modulate excitability is the alteration of the amplitudes and kinetics of specific ionic conductances in the plasma membrane of neurons by protein kinases (Kaczmarek et al., 1980; tastellucci et al., 1980; Adams and Levitan, 1982; DePeyer et al., 1982; Alkon et al., 1983; for review see Levitan, 1985). In addition to the modulation of ionic conductances, there exist, at least in theory, several other ways to modulate excitability. These include, for example, modulation of the diverse mechanisms that influence the amount or type of neurotransmitter that the cells release. One feature of second messenger systems is that, when activated, they may act on several different cellular targets and can therefore coordinate changes in ionic conduct-
ances with, for example, changes in peptide metabolism. The way that such different cellular mechanisms are, in fact, coordinated within neurons to control or modulate any specific behavior is, however, not yet fully undzrstood for any one type of neuron. One particularly tractable experimental preparation in which the mechanisms that modulate neuronal activity may be investigated is that of the peptidergic bag cell neurons of Aplysia. These neurons undergo a sequence of changes in their cellular and electrical properties and, in so doing, control the onset of a sequence of behaviors that comprise egg-laying in this species. This review gives an account of the properties of these neurons, with a major focus on the modulation of potassium and calcium currents by different second messenger systems linked to activation of protein kinases. A brief account is also given of the evidence that peptide synthesis may be modulated in these neurons and that their excitability can be modulated by the cell's own released peptides. Finally, a description is given of the way in which a change in the nature of the response to a second messenger system is associated with a prolonged modification of excitability.
The bag cell neurons Within the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia, one finds two clusters, of 200-400 neurons each, situated at the junctions of the pleuroabdominal connective nerves with the remainder of the ganglion (Frazier et al., 1967). These neurons have been
termed the bag cell neurons. The morphology of these neurons is typically multipolar with elaborate neuritic branching patterns that extend out of the clusters into the surrounding connective tissue and up along the connective nerves as well as into the neuropil of the abdominal ganglion. Transmission electron micrographs reveal the processes to contain numerous 200-nm moderately electron-dense core granules. Freeze-fracture replicas have shown that the processes of these neurons are joined by gap junctions (Kaczmarek et al., 1979). The bag cell neurons usually show n o spontaneous activity. On brief electrical stimulation of one of the pleuroabdominal connective nerves, however, the cells depolarize and start to fire repetitively (Kupfermann and Kandel, 1970). The onset of this afterdischarge can also be induced by
peptides that have been purified from the reproductive tract and triggers a sequence of changes in the properties of these neurons which serve to initiate egg-laying behavior (Heller et al., 1980; Schlesinger et al., 1981) (Fig. 1). The afterdischarge begins with a period of rapid (3-6Hz) firing, lasting about one minute. After one minute the action potentials of the bag cell neurons begin to increase in height and width and the firing frequency falls to a lower level ( < 1 Hz) (Fig. 2). This steady rate of discharge is then usually maintained for about thirty minutes (Kaczmarek et al.. 1982). During the discharge the bag cell neurons release several neuroactive peptides which act on other neurons in the abdominal ganglion and on peripheral targets to coordinate egg-laying behavior (Kupfermann, 1970; Branton et al., 1978; Dudek et
T 3
2 min rig. 1. Extracellukdr recordings of the onset of afterdischarges in the bag cell neurons on exposure of abdominal ganglia t o crude extracts of the atrial gland of the reproductive tract or to purified reproductive tract peptides A and B (Heller et al., 1980).
- --O--.......A.......
(spi keslsec)
4 m
l -
OL 5 I I 0I 0
1 I
T I M E (minutes) Fig. 2. Onset of an afterdlscharge in the bag cell neurons. A: Intracellutarly recorded action potentials during stimulation of afterdischarge. B: Enhanced action potentials 10 min after the onset of afterdischarge. C: Stimulated action potentials after the end of an afterdischarge. D: A plot of firing rate and action potential height and width during the afterdischarge (Kaczmarek et al., 1980).
al., 1979; Pinkser and Dudek, 1979; Stuart et al., 1980). The behaviors comprise a sequence of individual components which includes the cessation of feeding, locomotion to a vertical substrate, a characteristic set of head movements and the deposition of the egg mass. This entire behavioral sequence may take the animal several hours to carry out, and considerably outlasts the duration of the afterdischarge in the bag cell neurons (Fig. 3 ) . Following the termination of the afterdischarge the bag cell neurons enter a state in which further stimulation fails to generate a long lasting afterdis-
charge, although intense stimulation can sometimes generate a short, low-frequency discharge. 'rhis relatively inexcitable state lasts for many hours and therefore is the state that these neurons are in during the majority of the ongoing behaviors that have been triggered by the discharge. The ability to generate full length afterdischarges recovers gradually over 10-20 hours. This longlasting inhibited state has been termed the refractory period of the bag cell neurons and it is believed that it serves to prevent major release of neuroactive peptides from these neurons after the
80 0
20 hr
5 hr I
W m i n Ihr
,’ ,I
Fig. 3. Diagram showing the time scale of changes in excitability of the bag cell neurons and of the behaviors triggered by afterdischarge in these neurons.
behaviors have been initiated (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1983). The different states of excitability that the bag cell neurons display are summarized in Table I. The role of cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation in the control of potassium conductances in the bag cell neurons The onset of afterdischarge in the bag cell neurons is associated with an increase in the levels of cyclic AMP in these cells (Kaczmarek et al., 1978). Evid-
ence suggesting that this elevation of cyclic AMP is causally related to the change in excitability has come from the finding that pharmacological elevation of cyclic AMP within these neurons, using either membrane-permeant phosphodiesterase-resistant analogs of cyclic AMP or the activator of adenylate cyclase, forskolin, can trigger the afterdischarge. Moreover, elevation of cyclic AMP levels at the end of an afterdischarge can reinstate and significantly prolong the duration of the afterdischarge (Kauer and Kaczmarek, 1985a; Table I). To analyse the ionic conductances that are sensitive to cyclic AMP in the bag cell neurons, experiments have been carried out using isolated bag cell neurons maintained in cell culture. Such isolated neurons retain many of the characteristics of bag cell neurons in intact abdominal ganglia. They retain their multipolar morphology and extend elaborate neuritic branches. Physical contact between the neurites or somata of adjacent neurons in cell culture leads to the re-establishrnent of electrical contacts (Kaczmarek et al., 1979). After microelectrode impalement, intracellular stimulation of action potentials in these isolated neurons does not normally lead to afterdischarge. Exposure to cyclic AMP analogs such as 8-benzylthio-cyclic AMP, however, leads to a significant chaIzge their electrical properties (Kaczmarek and Strumwasser, 1981). The three most striking changes observed are a marked enhancement of the width of evoked action potentials, the onset of
TABLE 1 Excitability states of the bag cell neurons State
Typical duration
Characteristic features
Many days if cells are not stimulated.
High resting potentials. No spontaneous activity.
Afterdisc harge (phase 1)
- 1 min
Firing rate 3 6 Hz. Relatively narrow action potentials.
Afterdischarge (phase 2)
Firing rate 1 Hz. Action potentials increased in height and width
-30 min
Refractory state
18 h
Electrical stimulation fails t o trigger long-lasting discharges but afterdischarge can be restored by an elevation of cellular cyclic A M P levels. Electrical stimulation fails t o trigger long-lasting discharges. Discharge cannot be induced or prolonged by elevations of cyclic AMP.
oscillations in membrane potential which can lead to repetitive discharge and a significant increase in input resistance. Similar effects are seen with the adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1983). The ionic currents that are sensitive to cyclic AMP have been investigated using both a twomicroelectrode voltage clamp and the whole-cell patch clamp technique in isolated bag cell neurons (Kaczmarek and Strumwasser, 1984; Strong, 1984; Strong and Kaczmarek, 1985). In the latter technique the internal ionic composition of the cells is exchanged with that in the recording pipette to provide complete control over both the external and internal ionic composition of the cells. These studies have found that the properties of three distinct components of potassium current are modulated by elevations in cellular cyclic AMP concentrations: (a) the delayed voltage-dependent potassium current ( I , sometimes termed the delayed rectifier), ( b ) an apparently independent component of potassium current whose voltage dependence resembles that of the delayed rectifier but which inactivates much more rapidly on depolarization (IK2)s and (c) the transient inactivating potassium current (I,) (A -curren t ).
The effect of an elevation of cyclic AMP on the delayed potassium current, I , , , is to produce a diminution in its amplitude with no apparent change in its kinetics, whereas its effect on the more rapidly inactivating component ( I K 2 ) is to produce ajp increase in its rate of inactivation (Strong and Kaczmarek, 1984, 1985) (Fig. 4). These two components of potassium current both contribute to the repolarization of action potentials and the effects of cyclic AMP on these components is consistent with the enhancement of action potential width that is produced by cyclic AMP. The A-current is activated in a voltage range that is subthreshold for the generation of action potentials and is believed to play an important role in regulating the firing rate of neurons (Connor and Stevens, 1971). Experimentally this current can be observed, in relative isolation from
* h
o--=-15 mV
Fig. 4. Depression of delayed potassium c1 .rrents by elevation of cyclic A M P in an isolated bag cell neuron. The neuron was dialyzed internally with a medium containing 20 n M EGTA to eliminate calcium-activated conductances. Currents we recorded on stepping the membrane potential from - 6 0 m V to the potentials indicated. The upper trace in each case is the control and the lower trace that recorded after elevation of cellular cyclic A M P levels using forskolin (50 pM) and theophylline 1 mM). Strong and Kaczmarek, 1985).
other potassium currents, on depolarization of the membrane from a negative potential (-95mV) to potentials between - 50 and - 30mV. Elevations of cyclic AMP produce an increase in the rate at which this current inactivates following its activation by such depolarizations (Fig. 5) (Strong, 1984; Kaczmarek and Strumwasser, 1984). Such an increase in inactivation rate would be expected to allow the cell to fire more rapidly on depolarization and is consistant with the onset of spontaneous activity and increased firing rate in response to depolarization that is seen in cells exposed to cyclic AMP analogs or to forskolin. Although the alterations in these three voltagedependent potassium currents may account for a major part of the effects of cyclic AMP on the electrical characteristics of these neurons, they probably do not account for all of the changes seen in either the intact clusters of neurons or the isolated cells. In particular, two characteristics whose ionic bases are not, as yet, clearly defined are the increase in input resistance seen in currentclamped cells (Kaczmarek and Strumwasser, 1981) and the emergence of a region of negative slope resistance in the steady-state current voltage relations in cells voltage-clamped using micro-
-40 d
-SO x
Fig. 5. Depression and increase in rate of inactivation of Acurrent by elevation of cyclic A M P in an isolated bag cell neuron. The cell was dialyzed internally as described in the legend to Fig. 4. Currents were recorded on stepping the membrane potential from -90 mV to the potentials indicated at the left side of the traces (Strong, 1984).
electrodes (Kaczmarek and Strumwasser, 1984). The latter phenomenon has not been observed using the internally dialyzed cells and is therefore probably sensitive to dialysis. These findings suggest that additional components of ion conductance that are modified by elevations of cyclic AMP will be found in these neurons. The only way by which cyclic AMP is known to act in eukaryotic cells is by activating a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (Nestler and Greengard, 1984). Evidence that the effects of cyclic AMP on ionic conductances are also mediated by this enzyme has come primarily through experiments which have investigated the electrical effects of exogenous kinases and related proteins. Injection of the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase into isolated bag cell neurons has been shown to enhance their action potentials, increase input resistance and generate subthreshold oscillations in membrane potential (Kaczmarek et al., 1980). Moreover, microinjection of the protein kinase inhibitor protein, which binds to endogenous catalytic subunit and prevents the catalysis of protein phosphorylation (Ashby and Walsh, 1972), both prevents and reverses the effects of cyclic AMP elevations on the. action potentials of cultured bag cell neurons
(Kaczmarek et al. 1984). Ongoing work also indicates that this protein can reverse the specific effects of elevations of cyclic AMP on the kinetics and amplitudes of the voltage-dependent potassium currents in int.ernally dialyzed bag cell neurons (unpublished results). These results are consistant with the hypothesis that cyclic AMP exerts its electrical effects through the agency of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. In other types of neurons that have been subjected to internal dialysis the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase has been shown to enhance the calcium current and to help prevent the loss of calcium current during dialysis (Doroshenko et al. 1984; Chad and Eckert, 1984). Elevations of cyclic AMP over resting levels using forskolin or cyclic AMP analogs have not been found to have a significant effect on peak calcium current in isolated bag cell neurons (Kaczmarek and Strumwasser, 1984). It is not known, however, whether the maintenance of calcium current in dialyzed bag cell neurons is sensitive to the catalytic subunit.
Protein kinase C and the modulation of calcium current In addition to the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, the bag cell neurons contain several types of calcium-dependent protein kinases. The major form is a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase that by immunoreactivity, substrate specificity and peptide mapping resembles the enzyme calmodulin kinase I1 isolated from mammalian nervous tissue (DeRiemer et al., 1984). The function of this enzyme in the activity of the bag cell neurons is not yet known. These neurons also contain the calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase that has been called protein kinase C and that requires phosphatidylserine and diacylglycerol for its activation (Fig. 6) (DeRiemer et al., 1983, 1985a). Under physiological conditions, the activity of this enzyme is believed to be enhanced by stimuli that activate a phosphodiesterase which hydrolyzes membrane phosphoinositides to inositol polyphosphates and to diacylglycerol (Nishizuka, 1984). Recent work has indicated that stimulation of the pleuroabdominal connective
205 116
29 Cat+ PS/DAG
t t
Fig. 6. Protein kinase C activity in cytosolic and particulate fractions prepared from the bag cell neurons. Enzyme activity was stimulated by addition of Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine with diacylglycerol (PS/DAG) and was measured on this autoradiogram by the degree of incorporation of 31P from [ y 32P]ATP into an exogenous protein substrate which is specific for protein kinase C (De Riemer et al., 1985a).
nerve to trigger afterdischarges in the bag cell neurons results in the activation of such a polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase (Milburn and Kaczmarek, unpublished results) and suggests that protein kinase C could play a role in the transformations of the properties of the bag cell neurons. As has been described in other tissues, the activity of protein kinase C in the bag cell neurons may be stimulated by phorbol esters such as 12-0tetradecanoyl-13-phorbol acetate (TPA) at concentrations of l(r100 nM (DeRiemer et al., 1985a). Exposure of isolated bag cell neurons to these concentrations of TPA results in a significant enhancement of the height of their action potentials (Fig. 7). This effect differs from that of elevations in cyclic AMP in that no significant broadening of the action potentials or change in input resistance is observed. Voltage clamp experiments using isolated, internally dialyzed neurons
Fig. 7. Enhancement of action potentials of bag cell neurons by phorbol ester and by protein kinase C. A: Action potentials evoked in an isolated bag cell neuron by a train of depolarizing current pulses before and after exposure to TPA. B: Action potentials evoked by a single dcpolarizing current pulse before and after microinjection of protein kinase C. Scale bars 20 mV, 200 ms (De Riemer et al., 1985a).
have shown that this effect results from an increase in the amplitude of the calcium current in these cells (Fig. 8) (DeRiemer et al., 1985b). TPA has no effect on the voltage-dependent potassium currents whose properties are modulated by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Data to support the idea that these actions of TPA are caused by the activation of protein kinase C have come from experiments in which this enzyme was directly microinjected into isolated bag cell neurons in-cell culture (DeRiemer et al., 1985b). This was shown to enhance the height of action potentials evoked by depolarizing current pulses in a manner similar to that produced by TPA (Fig. 7). These data are consistent with the notion that TPA acts to enhance calcium current via the activation of protein kinase C , although voltage clamp studies using the enzyme have yet to be carried out.
84 B
7 -15 -5 5 25 15
1100 nM
Fig. 8. Enhancement of calcium current in bag cell neurons by TPA. Isolated bag cell neurons in cell culture were dialyzed internally with a solution containing tetraethylammonium and cesium ions and containing n o potassium ions t o eliminate potassium current. Inward calcium currents, evoked by stepping from - 60 mV to the indicated potentials, are shown for a control and a TPA-treated cell. Scale bars 0.25 mA, 20 ms (De Riemer et al., 1985b).
Protein phosphorylation, peptide synthesis and peptide processing during neuronal discharge Studies using 32P-radiolabeled clusters of bag cell neurons have shown that at least two bag cell phosphoproteins undergo a change in phosphorylation state on stimulation of an afterdischarge (Jennings et al., 1982). These proteins were visualized on autoradiograms of onedimensional sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) gels and it is certain that changes in minor phosphoprotein components, such as those that might regulate the activity of ion channels, escaped detection. Current evidence indicates that these two proteins have roles related to the synthesis and processing of the neuroactive peptides of the bag cell neurons. One of the phosphoproteins whose phosphorylation state is enhanced on stimulation of afterdischarge has an apparent molecular weight of 33 000 and has been shown to be a substrate for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in vitro. This protein is not specific to the bag cell neurons, being found in all regions of the nervous system (Jennings et al., 1982). Preliminary work, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, supports the hypothesis that this protein is S6, a protein component of the small subunit of ribosomes (Kaczmarek, Jahn, DeRiemer and Knorr, unpub-
lished results). In the bag cell neurons, depolarization and elevation of cyclic AMP levels have been shown to increase the rate of synthesis of the precursor to the neuroactive peptides released during an afterdischarge (Berry and Arch, 1981; Bruehl and Berry, 1985). It is therefore possible that changes in the phosphorylation state of S6 within the bag cell neurons are related to this stimulation of peptide synthesis, although the full details of mechanisms that coordinate electrical activity with alterations in protein synthesis remain to be explored. The second protein into which a change in the rate of incorporation of 32Pcan be observed on stimulation of an afterdischarge has a molecular weight of 21000 and is specific to, or very much enriched in, the bag cell neurons (Jennings et al., 1982). This protein is a major component in bag cell neuronal membrane fractions prepared from large mature Aplysia. This protein was eluted from one-dimensional SDS gels of membrane fractions from such animals and a partial amino acid sequence of the N terminus was determined. This sequence was subsequently found to match a region within the cloned sequence for the precursor to the bag cell peptides (Scheller et al., 1983), suggesting that this protein is part of, or closely related to, this precursor (Azhderian et al.,
1984).The precursors to a number of other biologically active peptides have been shown to undergo phosphorylation within cells although the physiological significance of such modifications to the precursors is not yet known (Bennett et al., 1981; Eipper and Mains, 1982; Bhargava et al., 1983). An elevation in cyclic AMP, in addition to influencing the synthesis of the precursor to the secreted peptides may also promote the processing of the protein precursor. The precursor to the bag cell peptides and its processing intermediates may readily be labeled using [T3H]amino acids (Arch et al., 1981). Current work indicates that elevation of cyclic AMP levels and electrical stimulation of afterdischarge each promote the conversion of labeled precursor intermediates to lower molecular weight forms (Azhderian and Kaczmarek, unpublished results). It is not yet known if this effect is in any way related to direct phosphorylation of components of the precursor. A similar effect of cyclic AMP has been proposed for the processing of opioid peptide precursors (Wilson et al., 1984). Feedback actions of neuropeptides released during neuronal discharge
Is there any link between the amount of peptide stored and released by these neurons and the mechanisms that regulate their electrical properties? Evidence is accumulating for one such link: the regulation of changes in excitability by
one of the peptides released during the afterdischarge. The bag cell neurons release several peptides including a 36-amino acid peptide, egg laying hormone (ELH) (Chiu et al. 1979), and a-BCP, a 9-amino acid peptide (Rothman et al. 1983). The sequence of the precursor to these peptides suggests that two other short peptides, B-BCP and yBCP, which have sequences that are similar to aBCP, may also be synthesized in these cells (Scheller et al., 1983). There is an interesting homology between a-BCP and the peptides from the reproductive tract that can trigger an afterdischarge in the bag cell neurons (Table 11). Rothman et al. (1983) have found that a-BCP can act on certain other neurons in the abdominal ganglion to modify their properties during a bag cell afterdischarge. In addition, they found the effects of a-BCP,-, and a-BCP,-, to be more potent than those of the complete 9-amino acid sequence. a-BCP can also be shown to exert a potent influence on the bag cell neurons themselves. When 1 pM a-BCP,,,,, a-BCP(,_,, or a-BCP(,_,, is applied to the bag cell neurons shortly after the onset of an afterdischarge they prematurely terminate the afterdischarge (Fig. 9) (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1985b). A likely explanation for this effect is that a-BCP attenuates the production of cyclic AMP. Brief exposure to 1 pM cl-BCP(,-,, results in a potent inhibition of the ability of forskolin to elevate cyclic AMP levels in clusters of bag cell neurons. A similar inhibition of forskolin stimula-
TABLE I1 N-Terminal sequences of reproductive tract and bag cell peptides ~
Reproductiue traet peptides
Peptide A Peptide B ERH
- -Thr-Pro-Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe-Tyr-Pro-Ile - -Thr-Pro-Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe-Tyr-Pro-Ile - -Thr-Pro- Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe-Tyr-Pro-Ile
1 1 2
Bay cell peptides E-BCP /3-BCP y-BCP
Ala-Pro-Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe-Tyr-Ser-Leu Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe-His Arg-Leu-Arg-Phe- Asp
3 4 4
"1, Heller et al. (1980); 2, Schlesinger et al. (1981); 3, Rothman et al. (1983); 4, Scheller et al. (1983).
2I0 llv I min
Loss of response to cyclic AMP after the onset of the prolonged refractory period
In summary, there is evidence that a-BCP may act to modify the electrical characteristics of the bag cell neurons. The physiological mechanisms by which such feedback occurs, whether they all act through autoreceptors or through other neurons, and the way they influence parameters such as pattern of firing, duration of afterdischarge and onset of the refractory period have yet to be investigated fully. Such feedback mechanisms are of particular significance because they provide a direct link between the states of peptide synthesis, processing and storage and the excitability of these peptidergic neurons.
10 20 30 Afterdischarge Duration (min)
Fig. 9. Inhibition of afterdischarge by a-BCP. A: Extracellular recordings of the onset of a normal afterdischarge and of an 2 afterdischarge terminated by application of 1 pM a-BCP(, min after the onset of discharge. 3: Mean durations (+SEM) of control afterdischarges and of afterdischarges in which 61BCP,, -,) was applied after the onset of afterdischarge (Kauer and Kaczmarek, unpublished results).
tion of cyclic AMP levels is seen at the termination of a normal afterdischarge (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1985a,b). In addition to this biochemical effect, a-BCP may have additional effects on ionic conductances in the bag cell neurons. Rothman et al. (1983) have provided data that a-BCP(,_,,,when applied to intact abdominal ganglia at concentrations of 1 pM to 1 mM, may depolarize the bag cell neurons and occasionally trigger an afterdischarge. This depolarizing response appears, however, to be very labile and to desensitize rapidly. On the other hand, studies with isolated bag cell neurons in cell culture have shown that a-BCP can hyperpolarize these cells directly through a mechanism that is probably an increase in a potassium conductance (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1985b).
For several hours after the termination of a normal afterdischarge, electrical stimulation, comparable to that which triggered the afterdischarge, is relatively ineffective in triggering subsequent discharges. More intense repetitive stimulation, however, can often result in shorter, lower-frequency discharges. As described above, this period of relative inexcitability may serve to allow the behaviors released by the bag cell peptides to proceed t o completion. There is evidence that the onset of the refractory period depends on calcium entry during the afterdischarge. If either sodium or calcium ions are omitted from the external medium, afterdischarges can still be evoked if tetraethylammonium ions are present in the medium to block some of the potassium conductance. In such media lacking calcium, multiple high-frequency afterdischarges may be stimulated with no evidence of a refractory period. O n the other hand, in media containing calcium, but lacking sodium, only a single afterdischarge can be evoked after which the cells become refractory to further stimulation (Kaczmarek et al., 1982). Moreover, in normal media, a prolonged refractory period may be triggered by treatments which elevate intracellular calcium levels without triggering afterdischarge (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1983). This change in the electrical properties of these neurons during the refractory period is associated with an alteration in their sensitivity to elevations
of cyclic AMP by forskolin. When cyclic AMP levels are increased in the bag cell neurons either before stimulation of a first afterdischarge or within 10 min of the termination of afterdischarge, the duration of subsequent discharge can be prolonged significantly over that induced by stimulation alone. Moreover, elevations of cyclic AMP frequently trigger discharges at these times without additional stimulation. Within one hour of the termination of a normal afterdischarge, however, elevations of cyclic AMP are without effect on duration of evoked discharges (Fig. 10). IntracelMar recordings have been carried out using forskolin-treated bag cell neurons within clusters of cells that were isolated from abdominal ganglia after the onset of the refractory period. These experiments have shown that these cells still display enhanced action potentials and changes in excitability which suggest that the effects of cyclic AMP on the delayed potassium currents and the
10 min POST-An
60 rnin POST-AD
5- 6 0 * LL 2
0 W
2 40V I
n L?
1st AD
Fig. 10. Loss of the ability of elevations of cyclic A M P to prolong afterdischarge in the refractory period. Mean durations ( fSEM) are shown for afterdischarges stimulated in the presence or absence of forskolin (50 pM) and theophylline (1 mM) (FT) to elevate cellular cyclic AMP levels. Forskolin prolongs afterdischarges stimulated in the resting state (1st AD) and those stimulated within 10 min of the end of a first afterdischarge. In the refractory period (60 min post AD), however. forskolin fails to prolong or initiate discharge, even though its ability to elevate cyclic AMP levels is unimpaired at this time (Kauer and Kaczmarek, 1985a).
A-current are, at least qualitatively, unchanged in the refractory period (Kaczmarek and Kauer, 1985a). The ionic or biochemical basis for this inability to trigger or prolong discharge is therefore not yet known. One attractive possibility, which would perhaps not be apparent in a straightforward analysis of ionic currents, is that the concentrations of releasable peptides, with autoreceptor actions which influence discharge, are altered in the prolonged refractory period. Summary The bag cell neurons have proved to be a model system for the investigation of mechanisms regulating changes in neuronal excitability that result in alterations in animal behavior. The phosphorylation of proteins, coordinated through the activation of second messenger systems, results in alterations of the properties of ionic currents which regulate the excitability of these neurons and in changes in the synthesis of peptides to be released during neuronal activity. The changes that occur in the properties of specific ionic conductances following the activation of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C fall into two classes: changes in the amplitude of currents with no apparent change in their macroscopic kinetics (I,, and ICa),and changes that are caused by significant alterations in kinetic behavior (IK2and IA).It should be noted that although specific second messenger-related protein kinases have been shown to modulate the properties of these ionic currents, neurons may possess additional, as yet uncharacterized, protein kinases which may also be able to modulate the activity of ion channels and which may induce changes similar to those of the characterized second messenger-related protein kinases. The way in which such modifications of ion channel activity are brought about are a major task for future research and may only be fully understood after the biochemical identity of these channels has been clarified. General possibilities are (a) that the channel proteins themselves undergo phosphorylation, ( b ) that the modification occurs via some other cytoplasmic or membrane component which is the direct substrate for
the protein kinase and which modulates the activity of the ion channel, and (c) that changes in the activity of certain ion channels are the result of a more general cellular changes, perhaps involving altered interactions with the cytoskeleton or endocytosis and exocytosis of associated plasma membrane. The first of these hypotheses is the simplest and evidence in favor of such a direct action of phosphorylation has been adduced for one class of potassium channel from Helix (Ewald et al., 1985). Biochemical evidence also exists for the phosphorylation of one class of calcium channel which is known to be modulated by cyclic AMP (Curtis and Catterall, 1985). There exists, however, suggestive evidence for a role for cytoplasmic factors in the regulation of some ion channel responses to second messenger systems (Schuster et al., 1985). Moreover mechanisms such as (c) have been demonstrated for some non-neuronal cells (Lewis and de Moura, 1982) and may be able to produce longer-lasting modifications of excitability. A parallel role for second messenger-induced protein phosphorylation is the modulation of the intracellular synthesis and handling of the neuroactive peptides that are released during neuronal activity. On stimulation of neurons these processes presumably occur relatively independently of the changes in properties of specific ionic conductances. Once released, however, the peptides may directly influence the excitability of the neurons. Investigation of the range of biochemical and electrical effects that specific bag cell peptides may have on these neurons, and the degree to which the releasable pool of such peptides can be modulated, has only begun. Modifications in the releasable pool of peptides that act through autoreceptors could, however, constitute a powerful mechanism for the induction of long-lasting changes in the excitability of a neuron. References Adams, W.B. and Levitan, I.B. (1982) Intracellular injection of protein kinase inhibitor blocks the serotonin induced increase in K + conductance in Aplysia neuron R15. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 79:3877-3880. Alkon, D.L., Acosta-Urquidi, J., Olds, J., Kuzma, G . and
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