Characterization and electrochemical analysis of gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solution by suspended zinc particles

Characterization and electrochemical analysis of gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solution by suspended zinc particles

HydrometaUurgy, 24 (1990) 373-392 373 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands Characterization and electrochemic...

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HydrometaUurgy, 24 (1990) 373-392


Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands

Characterization and electrochemical analysis of gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solution by suspended zinc particles J.D. MILLER, R.Y. WAN and J.R. PARGA

Department o[ MetaUurgy and Metallurgical Engineering, University o[ Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (U.S.A.) (Received September 20, 1988; revised and accepted August 14, 1989)

ABSTRACT Miller, J.D., Wan, R.Y. and Parga, J.R., 1990. Characterization and electrochemical analysis of gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solution by suspended zinc particles. Hydrometallurgy, 24: 373-392. Recent research efforts on gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solutions have provided further information on the nature of cementation reactions. The experimental work reported herein includes the kinetics of gold cementation by suspended zinc particles and electrochemical measurements using rotating zinc disk electrodes. The reaction which was usually limited by film diffusion was studied as a function of such variables as gold concentration, temperature, sodium cyanide concentration and lead nitrate addition using suspended zinc particles. The critical effect of the cyanide concentration on reaction kinetics was observed. Of particular significance was a particle aggregation phenomenon which involved the rapid coalescence and growth of reacting zinc particles (45 ¢tm) to aggregates exceeding several millimeters in size. Evidence of zinc passivation and anodic closure were found from electrochemical measurements and support the analysis of the suspended particle reaction kinetics.


Zinc-dust cementation for gold and silver recovery, also known as the Merrill-Crowe Process, is one of the most common contact-reduction processes in hydrometallurgy. The efficiency of the reaction, which was commercially developed by Merrill in 1897, was improved by Crowe in 1918 using a vacuum deaerator to remove oxygen prior to zinc addition. The reaction can be extremely efficient but is sensitive to suspended solids in the leach solution, and thus solution clarification is required before cementation. Advantages of the Merrill-Crowe Process are fast reaction rates, low gold inventories, and ease of operation. However, leach liquor clarification, zinc cost, and reaction sensitivity to impurities of the leach liquor can make zinc-dust cementation tech-


© 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


J.D. M I L L E R E T AL.

nology less competitive with other process technologies, particularly carbon adsorption [ 1 ]. The Merrill-Crowe Process is generallly used for gold precipitation from dilute aurocyanide solutions and is favored especially for gold cyanide solutions containing a high silver concentration. Recently, M I N T E K researchers suggested that zinc cementation should be considered as a process alternative to electrowinning for direct t r e a t m e n t of carbon eluates in the CIP process [ 2 ]. At present, in South Africa, one operating CIP plant uses cementation for direct t r e a t m e n t of carbon eluate, and in the U.S. two other plants now use the zinc-dust cementation process in this way. Although cementation of precious metals from cyanide solution is used extensively in industry, most of the early articles published on the cementation of gold dealt only with plant practice. Research studies on gold cementation have been confined to the study of reaction kinetics with rotating disks or cylinders. Nicol et al. [3] reported the results of an electrochemical study regarding the kinetics and mechanisms of gold cementation on a rotating-disk electrode. The effect of various factors including cyanide concentration, pH, agitation, addition of lead, and the presence of various impurities on both the anodic zinc half-cell reaction and the cathodic half-cell reaction for the reduction of the aurocyanide anion were investigated. It was reported that the addition of 3 mg l - 1 lead to a gold cyanide solution results in an increase in the current density for the gold reduction half-cell reaction. Some interesting results regarding the influence of various metal ions on the rate of cementation were reported. Barin et al. [4] studied the kinetics of gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solution using a zinc-coated gold cylinder. T h e y concluded that gold cementation takes place with intermediate Zn(OH)2 formation at ( C N ) < 3.5 X 10 -;~ M. The reaction rate increased with increasing KCN concentration but increased only slightly for cyanide concentrations exceeding 3.5 X 10 -:~ M. This cyanide concentration is referred to as the critical cyanide concentration, at which the zinc consumption is minimum. Paul et al. [ 2 ] studied the electrochemical reactions involved in the cementation of gold by zinc from concentrated aurocyanide electrolytes using rotating zinc electrodes. The morphologies of the gold deposits on the zinc electrodes obtained for two different gold concentrations were reported to differ significantly. A porous layer of gold with well-defined crystals was obtained from the electrolyte containing 80 mg l- 1 Au, whereas a compact, nonporous layer was obtained from the solution with a gold content of 640 mg l - 1. The presence of the compact layer of gold could certainly account for a decrease in reaction rate due to anodic closure at the zinc surface. Very little research has been reported for suspended particle kinetics. Consequently, such a detailed fundamental study of gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solutions was undertaken. The experimental work includes kinetics for suspended zinc particles and electrochemical measurements with



rotating-disk electrodes. The study also includes a systematic SEM examination of the deposit structures obtained under various experimental conditions. EXPERIMENTAL The batch reactor, suspended particle cementation experiments were done in four-necked 1-1 glass reaction cells supported in a constant-temperature bath. A condenser, stirrer, nitrogen-dispersion tube, and sampling device were placed into the reactor through the opening in the lid. In all studies, purified nitrogen was passed through 500 ml of solution, via a dispersion tube, before and during the experiment to maintain an oxygen-free environment. Prior to the beginning of an experiment the solution was adjusted to the desired pH and temperature, and the nitrogen gas was bubbled for at least 15 min. The particulate sample of zinc ( 1 g) was washed with acetone and cleaned with acid to remove any surface oxide film before being introduced into the reaction flask. In order to follow the course of the cementation reaction, solution aliquots of 5 ml were taken periodically and analyzed for gold with a direct-coupled plasma spectrophotometer. After each run, the reaction product was filtered, washed with deionized water, rinsed with acetone, and dried in a vacuum dessicator. The surface deposits were studied using a scanning electron microscope, Hitachi S-530. Standard electrochemical measurements were carried out with rotating-disk electrodes. A platinum electrode was used as the counter electrode. IR drops in the system were minimized by positioning a Luggin capillary close to the surface of the disk electrode and by maintaining a certain concentration of background electrolyte. Potentiodynamic polarization experiments were designed to understand the fundamentals of each of the half-cell reactions and the effects of various experimental variables. The scan was typically 2 mV s- '. The apparatus employed to carry out the potential scan was a EG&G PAR Model 173 Potentiostat/Galvanostat used in conjunction with a PAR Model 175 Programmer and a Model 376 Logarithmic Current Converter. Mixed potential measurements versus time were carried out to analyze the A,,/Aa ratio during the cementation reaction. All mixed potentials were measured relative to a saturated calomel electrode using a high-impedance voltmeter. BATCH REACTIONWITH SUSPENDEDPARTICLES Variables such as noble metal ion concentration, temperature, sodium cyanide concentration, and lead addition were studied using suspended zinc particles. The rate of the cementation reaction is expected to be a function of the surface area, and consequently the cementation reaction kinetics were studied using zinc particles of different size. Experimental result are discussed in terms



of the kinetic features of the reaction as influenced by surface deposit characteristics. First-order reaction kinetics

The cementation reaction kinetics were studied using zinc particles of different size. As expected, the results were found to conform to first-order reaction kinetics with over 99% removal of gold from the gold cyanide solution, as shown in Fig. 1. The micrograph of the reacted zinc particle shown in Fig. 1 reveals the nature of the gold deposit. Further examination of the cementation reaction product showed that the gold formed a uniform layer around the zinc particle, apparently with sufficient porosity to sustain the first-order kinetics. Table I lists the values of the reaction velocity constants for the cementation 10 °


o z

_o r,k-




Z (3 (J







r~ -2 lO













10 12 T I M E , rnin











Fig. 1. First-order plots showing the rate of removal of gold from cyanide solution by suspended zinc particles of various size.



TABLE 1 Comparison of experimental reaction velocity constants with calculated mass-transfer coefficients for suspended particles in the Au (CN)~/Zn system NaCN = 10-2 M, pH = 10.5, stirring speed= 1000 rpm, Au = 10 mg l- ~ (5 × 10 5 M) Particle size (mesh)

Experimental reaction velocity constant (cm s-X)

Calculated mass-transfer coefficient (cm s 1)

70×100 100×150 150X 200 200X270 270X400

1.7×10 2 1.7X10 -2 1.8X 10-2 1.9X10 ~ 1.9X10 2

1.28X 10-'~ 1.36X10 ~ 1.60X 10 2 1.64X 10-2 2.15X10 2

of gold by zinc dust which were d e t e r m i n e d b y using the geometric m e a n size for each particle size interval. F r o m these data, it is e v i d e n t t h a t the c e m e n t a t i o n of gold b y zinc dust c o n f o r m s to well-behaved first-order r e a c t i o n kinetics. F u r t h e r analysis of t h e s e rate d a t a by c o m p a r i s o n with the e x p e c t e d m a g n i t u d e of s u s p e n d e d - p a r t i c l e m a s s - t r a n s f e r coefficients s u p p o r t s the hypothesis t h a t the r e a c t i o n is limited b y t r a n s p o r t in the aqueous phase. T h e m a s s - t r a n s f e r coefficient for s u s p e n d e d spherical particles can be p r e d i c t e d from the H a r r i o t t correlation [5], which involves reactor design, stirring speed, a n d p o w e r input, a n d is e x p r e s s e d b y the agitation intensity, I:

I=ND~/:~ (DI/T) (T/Z) 1/;~


where: N = stirring speed ( m i n - 1); DI = impeller d i a m e t e r ( i n c h e s ) ; T = t a n k diameter (inches); and Z = suspension depth (inches). T h e r e a c t i o n velocity c o n s t a n t s were f o u n d to be similar to the e x p e c t e d m a s s - t r a n s f e r coefficients u n d e r these c o n d i t i o n s as shown in T a b l e 1. T h i s a g r e e m e n t d e m o n s t r a t e s t h a t , for low initial gold c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , the cement a t i o n r e a c t i o n exhibits the p r o p e r d e p e n d e n c e on particle size (surface a r e a ) , a n d t h a t the r e a c t i o n is c o n t r o l l e d b y a m a s s - t r a n s f e r b o u n d a r y - l a y e r diffusion-limited process.

Temperature effect and aggregation phenomenon T h e t e m p e r a t u r e coefficient of the r e a c t i o n rate, or the a c t i v a t i o n energy, can provide useful i n f o r m a t i o n regarding rate control. P r e v i o u s studies [4] with a r o t a t i n g cylinder have r e p o r t e d an a p p a r e n t a c t i v a t i o n e n e r g y of 3.1 kcal m o l - 1 ( 13.0 k J m o l - 1) in the t e m p e r a t u r e range b e t w e e n 283-313 ° K, for an initial Au (CN)~- c o n c e n t r a t i o n of 2 X 10 5 M a n d a free cyanide concen-



tration of 5 × 10 -'~ M. It was concluded that under these circumstances the rate is controlled by film diffusion of the Au (CN)~ anion. In this current study with suspended particles, the cementation kinetics for gold were studied at different temperatures for two different initial gold concentrations. The Arrhenius plots for low, 10 mg 1-1 ( 5 X 1 0 - 5 M), and high, 85 mg 1-1 (4.3X10-4M), initial concentrations of gold are shown in Fig. 2, where the reaction velocity data (calculated from the first-order rate equation ) are plotted versus reciprocal temperature on a semilog plot. Examination of the data suggests that at higher temperatures well-behaved film diffusion-controlled first-order reaction kinetics are observed. Generally, ~;he reaction velocity constants are independent of initial gold concentration and an activation energy of about 3 kcal mol-1 (12.6 kJ mo1-1 ) is calculated. As the temperature decreases, deviation from expected behavior occurs, and a

60 l .05

50 I



40 I

20 I

30 I

0 I

10 I


(o (D (9


~a .=33.5 K J / m o I

< 0 _.1 I..LI

.01 m 85 mg/I

;> Z 0 F--


"\ ",,



LU n"

10 mg/I



















XlO 3

F i g . 2. Arrhenius plots for the cementation of gold by zinc dust particles at two different concentrations of gold, 5 × 10 - 5 M a n d 4 . 3 X 10 4 M .



higher activation energy of about 8 kcal mo1-1 (33.5 kJ mo1-1) is found at lower temperatures depending on the initial concentration. In the case of 85 mg l- 1 (4.3 X 10- 4 M) gold, this transition seems to happen at 35 ° C, while for 10 mg l- 1 (5 × 10 -~ M), the transition occurs at a lower temperature of 23 ° C. These results might suggest a change in rate control at lower temperature, a phenomenon which has been observed previously in several different cementation systems [6]. In some cases, this transition has been related to surface deposit effects and in fact does not represent a change in rate control. Such appears to be the case for the gold cyanide/zinc system. In this study, a change in the morphology of the gold deposit with change in temperature was observed. Figure 3 shows the deposit at 23 ° C and 66 ° C from the more concentrated gold solution, 85 mg l- 1Au (4.3 × 10 4M). At the lower temperature, a smooth deposit is produced whereas at the higher temperature the deposit morphology changes significantly, becoming quite botryoidal and rough in appearance. However, the increase in surface are (due to roughness) seems, in this case, to have an insignificant effect on the reaction rate for suspended particles. The reaction velocity constants do not exceed the predicted values. Two-stage or enhanced reaction kinetics could not be observed for the first-order reaction plots, as is frequently found in rotating-disk or rotatingcylinder studies [6]. It seems that the surface roughness factor is of minor importance for suspended particles [6 ], unlike the situation for rotating disks or rotating cylinders. Such a finding is not surprising, because, in the case of the rotating-disk and rotating-cylinder studies, the surface velocity takes on a finite value of substantial magnitude (the slip velocity is significant), and consequently distortion of the boundary layer and/or microstreaming at the surface leads to increased mass transfer and an increase in the reaction velocity constant. For the suspended particle, however, the slip velocity relative to the liquid phase is small. Consequently, the nature of the surface deposit has little impact on the reaction velocity constant. Distortion of the boundary layer or microstreaming would not be expected, and any increase in the reaction velocity should be of minor importance. Similar results have been observed for the Ag(CN)~-/Zn system [7]. The unexpected or unusual decrease in reaction velocity constant at low temperature is mostly due to a reduction in surface area because of particle aggregation, an interesting phenomenon which has been observed and characterized during these experiments. Under certain circumstances, low temperature and/or more concentrated gold solutions, particle aggregation occurs. That is, during the first three minutes of the reaction, the initially dispersed 45-~m zinc particles aggregate, and the originally opaque suspension becomes clear. In many instances, the aggregates were found to attach to the reactor wall and/or the gas sparger and become immobilized. In this regard, the reduction in the reaction velocity constant is not surprising due to a reduction in reaction area and an increase in the effective diffusion distance. An SEM



Fig. 3. SEM micrographs showing the gold deposit at two different temperatures. Magnification 1000 × .

micrograph of such an aggregate is shown in Fig. 4. These aggregates have considerable stability when wet and a brilliant gold color when formed at lower temperature. Anodic closure During the cementation reaction, the anodic zinc surface may be closed by an adherent gold layer or may be passivated by an oxide film at low cyanide concentrations.



Fig. 4. S E M micrographs showing aggregates of gold-coated zinc particles at high gold concentralion (lOOmgl l ) a n d 2 3 ~ C .

Adherent gold layer Theoretically, if the reaction kinetics are limited by mass-transfer, boundary-layer diffusion-control, the reaction velocity constant should be independent of the initial gold concentration. However, the experimental results indicate that the cementation reaction rate decreases with increasing gold concentration. Table 2 lists the reaction velocity constants (taken from Fig. 5 ) for different initial concentrations of gold. The apparent deviation from the first-order reaction kinetics might suggest a change in reaction mechanism, but it is doubtful that such an explanation can be supported.



TABLE 2 Comparison of the reaction velocity constants for different concentrations of gold. NaCN = 1 0 - : M, pH = 10.5, stirring speed = 1000 rpm, 23 °C Initial gold concentration ( m g l l)

Reaction velocity constants (cm s - l )

Layer thickness calculated (pm)

1.7 10.6 66.0 100.0

2.20X 10 1.90X 10 1.30 X 10 0.94X 10

2 2 e ~

0.002 0.015 0.080 0.127



10 0

o o z

o_ I,er k., Z UJ 0 Z 0 0 (D

.1 10

UJ ,,.J Z 0

Z w





, min

Fig. 5. First-order plots showing removal of gold from cyanide solution for various initial concentrations of gold.



The results presented may be interpreted in several ways. First, particle aggregation occurs significantly at lower temperatures and/or high gold concentrations ( > 50 mg l- 1) as was observed during these experiments. This aggregation phenomenon definitely reduces the reaction surface area and increases the effective diffusion distance, leading to a decrease in the apparent reaction velocity constant. Second, the presence of the gold layer itself might cause the reaction velocity constant to decrease. At a low gold concentration, 1.7 mg 1-1, the reaction

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of cross-sections of gold-coated zinc particle as prepared from alkaline gold cyanide solution. Excess zinc remains inside the particle. Magnification: (a) 3000X; (b) lO,O00X.



velocity constant was 2.2× 10 -2 cm s-1, and an increase in the initial gold concentration to 100 mg l-1 caused the first-order reaction velocity constant to decrease by about a factor of two, as presented in Table 2. If an increase of the gold layer thickness accounted for the decrease in cementation rate, the kinetics would not be expected to be linear on a first-order plot but, rather, would have a continual decrease in slope. Such is not the case, as shown in Fig. 5. Of course in the extreme case, the gold layer on an individual zinc particle could become significant and lead to anodic closure. Paul and Howarth [2] found that for a high concentration of gold (640 mg l- 1) the presence of the compact layer of gold caused passivation of the zinc surface. When the results in Table 2 are considered together with electrochemical measurements as we will discuss later in this paper, the possibility of anodic closure should be considered. Even at a relatively high C N - concentration (10 -2 M) it was found that the cathodic to anodic area ratio can vary by a factor of two as determined from electrochemical measurements and analysis (see Fig. 10). Further, when the initial gold concentration is increased, the gold deposit layer was clearly observed by SEM analysis. Figure 6 shows the SEM micrographs of the crosssections of 30-~m zinc particles (0.1 g) after 3 days of cementation in 500 ml of solution with an initial gold concentration of 1000 mg 1-1 and 0.1 M in sodium cyanide. Examination of these micrographs indicates that the gold layer which formed on the zinc particles was sufficiently strong to maintain structural integrity during the anodic dissolution of zinc. Finally, it should be pointed out that rate control by mass transfer boundary layer diffusion can still predominate during anodic closure as can be established from electrochemical theory [2 ].

Hydroxide passivation It has been known for a long time that the formation of a "white precipitate" of hydrated zinc oxide inhibits the cementation rate of gold and silver with zinc dust and is detrimental in plant operation. Barin et al. [3] found that, for [ C N ] - < 3 . 5 × 1 0 -:~ M, gold cementation takes place with intermediate Zn (OH)2 formation, and that above a critical C N - concentration the influence of hydroxyl ions in gold cementation disappears; i.e., Zn(CN)24- may be formed directly during the cementation reaction. Nicol et al. [3] have also explained that the lower rates obtained for gold cementation at lower concentrations of sodium cyanide are associated with the dissolution of zinc under conditions during which the rate is controlled by the diffusion of free cyanide to the zinc surface and concluded that this effect can be expected to be more pronounced if a heavy gold deposit is formed on the surface of the zinc, thereby restricting the diffusion to take place within the open pores of the deposit. Figure 7 shows the sodium cyanide concentration effect. For high concentrations of free cyanide, 10 -1 M and 10 -2 M, well-behaved first-order rate




0.5 0~'~

Na CN, M


[] 10. 3





0 10 -~




o \ .05


EJ. . . . .

0 \Lx





~ .








Zi.g ~,


AulCN] 2 5 x l O - 4 M pH 10.5

\ \






\\ I




\\ LX~ 20

I '~








Fig. 7. Effect of sodium cyanide on the cementation of gold at p H = 10.5 a n d r p m = 1000.

kinetics were observed. For a low concentration of cyanide, 10 -~ M, an inhibiting effect on the reaction rate was observed, apparently due to the formation of zinc hydroxide at the surface of the zinc particle, thus protecting the zinc from the alkaline cyanide solution. The results shown in Fig. 8 indicate that the passivated surface can be activated on addition of cyanide because the rate increased immediately when the free cyanide concentration was raised from this initial low level of 10 - s M to 10 -2 M after the reaction had stopped. Also note that the rate is almost the same as it was prior to passivation. These results indicate that increasing the free cyanide concentration removes the zinc hydroxide which had formed on the surface of the zinc particle, restoring electrical continuity between anodic and cathodic half-cells, which leads to the original mass transfer-limited cementation rate. Figure 8 also shows the scanning electron micrographs of the




\ O '~


• -

\ [3



NaCN 10-3M

Z 0 Z 0 0 or)



\ \ i

iii ~Z . 0 2 O


Z w ~ .01 D





30 40 T I M E , min



Fig. 8. Effect of increased free cyanide concentration by injection after passivation.

gold deposited on zinc particles when passivation occurs and after the addition of free cyanide when the original rate is restored. From these SEM micrographs, it can be seen that when the reaction stopped there were some empty places on the zinc surface where zinc hydroxide appears to have formed and blocked the anodic sites. When the free cyanide was increased, the zinc hydroxide, no longer being stable, was dissolved. Gold cementation was then possible, and the passivation areas originally present became covered with a layer of gold completely enveloping the zinc particles (anodic closure), but with sufficient porosity to sustain the first order reaction.



Effect of lead addition Finally it was found that, at low cyanide concentration, 10 -:3 M, gold cementation is terminated apparently due to zinc hydroxide formation at the zinc surface. This inhibition effect that was found at low concentrations of free cyanide was eliminated by the addition of lead to the alkaline cyanide gold





5X104 M

pH 10.5 k



i o_ 1 61- -









U 0'3 U') U,,I _1

z O z ul


Pb lOmg/I




18 T I M E ,rain



Fig. 9. Effect of lead a d d i t i o n o n t h e c e m e n t a t i o n of gold at 10 -~* M s o d i u m cyanide.



solution. The results are shown in Fig. 9. The presence of lead in the system and its fixation at the zinc surface may reduce the surface concentration of zinc in the anodic interfacial region and decrease proton reduction, thus reducing the tendency for zinc hydroxide to form. This analysis is supported by the electrochemical measurements and will be discussed later. ELECTROCHEMICAL


The cementation reaction is a metal displacement reaction which is similar in many ways to electrochemical corrosion reactions. In this regard, the cementation reaction can be analyzed in terms of the respective half cells; the cathodic reduction of the aurocyanide anion, Au(CN)~ +e=Au+2CN-


which is coupled to the anodic dissolution of the zinc, Zn+4CN- =Zn(CN)]



A common electrochemical technique to analyze the mechanistic features of leaching, corrosion, and cementation reactions is the Evans diagram approach [6]. In essence, the diagrams are simply the superposition of the polarization curves for the cathodic and anodic half-cell reactions. The mixed potential Em is established at the point of intersection of the anodic and cathodic polarization curves. The current at that point is a measure of the expected reaction rate, assuming the polarization curves to be independent of each other. The mixed potential during a cementation reaction can be used to analyze the system with respect to the relative importance of the anodic and cathodic half-cell reaction areas [8]. For a rotating-disk electrode, if the cathodic reaction is mass-transfer controlled, then the cathodic current can be expressed as

i~. = - 0 . 6 2 n c F D

2/;~ u -1/6 0) 1/2 ( C - C s )


where ic = limiting current density, amp cm -2 n¢. = valence of the ion being discharged, F = Faraday constant, amp s tool -1, D = diffusion coefficient, cm 2 s - ~, v = kinematic viscosity, cm 2 s - 1, (o = angular velocity, rad s - 1, C = bulk concentration, mol cm -~, and Cs = surface concentration, mol cm -3 For the case of a fast surface reaction, Cs = 0, the anodic half-cell reaction, if the reaction is in the Tafel region, is:


(1--~-a)~a F





where (~a=transfer coefficient of the i~,,,= exchange current density. At the mixed potential in,ix = ia = -- i¢~. T h u s Eq. 5 can be expressed as,



ln ia,o--





(5) half-cell




where C~a is the transfer coefficient of the anodic half-cell reaction and i.... is the current density. For cementation reactions, we can use the Wagner-Traud Theory of corrosion [8], which assumes t h a t the surface area available for each half-cell reaction is the same, and equal to the total area of metal in contact with the solution, However, in certain circumstances, the anodic zinc surface may be passivated by an oxide film at low cyanide concentrations or may be covered by an adherent gold layer at high gold concentrations. Thus, it is expected that the cathodic and anodie surface areas will not remain the same during the course of the reaction, and, because of this possibility, changes in cathodic and anodic surface areas should be taken into consideration,

i~A, = -icA,,



i~ =






Then, substitution of Eq. 8 into Eq. 5 and setting E as E' in order to take into consideration the relative change in anodic area and cathodic area, gives





{(X-~ai~/~F} l n i a . o - - { 1 - - ~ a } l n i ~ + { ( 1 - ~ ) ~ / ~ F }


lnA a

(9) Combining Eqs. 6 and 9 then provides an expression relating the change in the mixed potential E - E' to the relative change of the cathodic and anodic halfcell areas:

RT E' -E= { ( I_~)~I~F} ln ~


Here E is the mixed potential at the initiation of the cementation reaction,




















A¢ _

(1 - n l n F



)] (Ecorr(t)-Ecorr(O)


2 •











- - ~


i 6







Fig. 10. Plots of the calculated ratio A¢/Aa in the Au(CN )~/Zn metal displacement reaction. I






./" 0









. •

CN-IO 3 M Au 5X10 4 M

-'" /if 10




Pb 2mg/I







7.5 TI/~E ,




Fig. 11. Plots of the calculated ratio AJA, in the Au(CN)~-/Zn metal displacement reaction showing the effect of lead addition• A a = Ac, and E' is the mixed potential for the cementation reaction at time t. From Eq. 10, the significance of the anodic closure during the cementation reaction of Au ( C N ) 2 - / Z n can be determined by the change of the mixed potential during the course of the reaction. Eq. 10 enables us to determine the ratio Ac/A a during the cementation reaction,



d~a =exp

{E(t) - E ( 0 ) }



The variation of the A c / A a ratio for the Au (CN) ~ / Z n reaction with a rotatingdisk geometry at low and high concentrations of cyanide is shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that, for a low concentration of sodium cyanide ( 10 -3 M), the anodic area decreases due to the formation of zinc hydroxide. These electrochemical measurements agree with the previous results for suspended particles, when inhibition of the cementation reaction occurred at low concentration of sodium cyanide. See Figs. 7 and 8. To further examine the electrochemical nature of this system, the mixed potential measurements were used to test the effect of lead addition. Results shown in Fig. 11 indicate that, for a low concentration of sodium cyanide (10- '~ M) and without lead, the anodic area suddenly decreases after several minutes' reaction. However, in the presence of lead, the relative decrease in the anodic area is not as significant. SUMMARY

Experiment results indicate that gold cementation from alkaline cyanide solutions by suspended zinc particles conforms to well-behaved first-order reaction kinetics under certain circumstances. Under these conditions, experimental reaction velocity constants correspond to the expected magnitude of the limiting mass-transfer coefficients and support the position that the cementation reaction is limited by mass transfer of the aurocyanide species to the reaction surface. The Arrhenius plots for the Au ( C N ) ~ / Z n cementation reaction support the notion of mass-transfer rate control at high temperature with an activation energy of about 3 kcal mol-1 (12.55 kJ mol-1). Although there is some change in gold deposit morphology, especially at a higher temperature, unlike rotating-disk or rotating-cylinder systems, this phenomenon seems to have little effect on reaction kinetics for suspended particles. Of greater significance is the particle aggregationphenomenon. At low temperatures and high initial gold concentrations, particle aggregation occurs, which accounts for an increase in the apparent activation energy. The aggregates were found to form from reacting 45-/tm zinc particles during the initial stage of reaction and to reach a size of several millimeters in diameter. Cyanide concentration is critical in the cementation reaction. Low concentrations of free cyanide lead to passivation of the reaction due to the formation of zinc hydroxide at the zinc particle surface. Generally, an increase in the concentration of free cyanide eliminates the passivation in a reversible fashion. Also, the addition of lead ion reduces the tendency for zinc hydroxide passivation.



Electrochemical measurements support the analysis of the suspended particle reaction kinetics. Evidence for zinc hydroxide passivation and anodic closure were found from mixed potential measurements at a reacting rotating zinc disk electrode.


2 3 4 5 6 7 S

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