Characterization of [3H] corticosterone binding activity in adrenal incubation media

Characterization of [3H] corticosterone binding activity in adrenal incubation media

2925 445 OF [3Hl CORl?ICWTEXBE BINDING XTIVITY IN ADRENAL -2ATIoN IXUBATION MEDIA P. G. Canpbell, J. F. Pritchett, D. N. Marple, M. L. Till and ...

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P. G. Canpbell, J. F. Pritchett,

D. N. Marple, M. L. Till and C. H. Pahe

Departments of Animal and Dairy Science and Zoology-Hntanology; Agricultural HxperimentStation; Auburn Univ., Alabama36849 Received 2-11-82 Glucocorticoid-binding activity in adrenal incubation media was investigated with regard to characterization of a protein-like ligand. Scatchard analysis of corticosterone binding activity indicated the presence of a single non-in ratting protein with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 8.81 x 1018 M (OOC), a value which is different from that of plasma and cytoplasmic glucocorticoid binding proteins. In addition, an observed lack of affinity of the protein for dexamethasone distinguishes the protein fran Type II cytoplasmic receptor proteins. Thus our data suggest a glucocorticoid-binding protein which is distinct frcm the two krmn groups of glucocorticoid-binding proteins, corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG)and cytoplasmic receptors.

Cmpetitive corticoids

protein bihding KPH) radioassay procedures for plasma

routinely involve an initial

extraction to remove proteins

which might otherwise compete with the assay protein for the steroid being guantitated.

Such extractions have been perform& in our

laboratory using dichloranethane as described by Murphy (1). Since

our laboratory is involved with nvmitoring invitro


responsiveness to ACIHduring successive incubations and

since plasma protein concentrations were expected to be minimal in adrenal incubation media, we attempted to mdify CPHprocedures for steroid assay through elimination of the extraction step. caqarisons

of corticosteroid

were consistently


values obtained fran nonextracted saqles

lower than those obtained from the sams samples

extracted with dichloranethane, an cbservation which suggested the Vohme


Number 4







existence of a steroid-binding ligmd(s) in the media. Biological evaluationsof this bindingactivity haveindicated thatit is sensitive

to bothin X&Q andin yi&r~stimulation, thatit exhibits a circadian rhythmsimilarto thatof corticosteriod secretion in the rat,and that it is of probableadrenalorigin(2). In yifrcr adrenalreleaseof potential corticosteroid-binding proteinshas alsobeensuggested by others(3). The presentinvestigation was conducted to characterize the 1igandW so as to providea basisof coqmrisonwith otherknown corticosteroid-binding substances foundwithinthe adrenal. !WlJWXSZ4NDMGIHcoS

Male,Sprague-Dawley ratswere obtained and housedfor 1 to 3 monthsin a controlled environment maintained at 24 at1oC witha 14 hr light:10 hr darkphotoperiod. PurinaLaboratory Chowand tapwaterware consumed &J&&urn. All experimental procedures were performed on rats rangingfrom90-160daysof age maintained in groupsof 1 to 3 per cage. Animalsweremovedto singlecages1 hr priorto sacrifice and placedin a rocmseparatefrcmthe housingfacility.Animalswere sacrificed by decapitation betwe= 1900-2100 hrs sincerat adrenals exhibittheir*ak glucocorticoid production activity duringthe early trunkbloodwas collected fOK eveninghours (4,s). Upondecapit&iOn, serumand plasma,and the adrenals were remwed,quartered, and maintainedat4oCinKrebsRingerbicarbonatebuffer containing 2nq!ml glucose(KREC)and thanplacedin separate plasticincubation beakers in a Dubnoffmetabolic containing 2ml of KFBG. Tissueswere incubated shakerat 37oCand 60 oscillations/min undera 95% 02:5%Co2 atmosphere for 60 minutes.

Mediafrom7 separate adrenalincubationswere pooledtoestimate bindingproperties of therredia protein(s).The er&genous glucocorticoids were remOvedfranthe mediaby mixing500 ~1 of the pooledmedia (freshor flash-frozen in liquidnitrogen) withan equal. volumeof 2.5%dextran-coated charcoalWC) in 0.01M, pH 7.4 phosphate bufferedsalineW3S) and shakingthismixtureat 370cfor 45 min. The mediawere thencentrifuged (4W for 30 min (2000x g), and the supernatants were filtered twicethrough45 urnfilters(Millipore Corporation: B&ford, MA).To 500 ul of pooledstrippea mediawere added 25 pg of tritiated corticosterone (Specific activity = 182.1CifmnoL;

New England Nuclear; Boston, MAI in 100 ~1 of PBS containing 1% gelatin,

#I 7.4 GE’S) and 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 pg of unlabeled corticosterone in 100 ~1 of GEBS. Duplicates were prepared for each concentration of unlabeled corticosterone. Tubes were vortexed and incubated at OOCfor a minima of 6 hrs. Separation of free from bound steroid was via charcoal adsorption (500 u 1 0.25% DCC) followed by centrifugation (2000 x g for 10 min, 4W. Nine lmndred ~1 of the supernatant (representing the bound fraction) were counted in a scintillation solution of toluene-Triton X-100 (2:l) with Qmifluor (6 g/l; NewRqland Nuclear: Boston, MA). The ratio of bound to free corticosterone was plotted against the molar concentration of corticosterone bound according to the method of Scatchard (6). Rat plama was strip@ in a manner similar to that used for media. The stripped plasma was then incubated at dilutions corresponding to 0.5 and 0.25% of tile plasma and a Scatchard plot was constructed as above.

Fooled incubation media were prepared and stripped of endogenous glucocorticoids in a manner similar to the method used for the Scatchard analysis. Following stripping, tritiated corticosterone (Specific activity = 182.1 Ci/mnol; New&gland Wzlear; Boston, MA) (25 ~1 was added to 500 ul str@ped mediumin cunbination with either 0, 130, or 1000 pg of unlabeled corticosterone or dexamethasone ImX;9-fluorc-118r 17,21-trihydmxy-16a-mthyl1,4-pregnadiene-3,2O-diane) in 100 u 1 of GPBS. Tubes were incubated at OOCfor a minima of 6 hrs. Percent binding of the tritiated c%qonentJas d??te+ed and the degfee of x;zAz for a specific cortxold at a specific concentratmn . RFSULTS

Scatchard analysis of corticosterone-binding


incubation media resulted in an estimated dissociation 8.81 x lo-10 M (Figure 1). class of specific protein.

in adrenal

constant U(d) of

The linear Scatchard plot suggested a single

sites for corticosterone,

The Kd of corticosterone-binding

thus a single species of globulin



nm-incubated stripped rat plasma, was estimated to be 5.00 and 2.40 x 109 M for 0.5% and 0.25% plasma respectively.




Representative Scatchardplot utilizingL3Hlcorticosterone in strippedadrenalmedium. Five replications utilizing differentmedia pools resultedin an estimatedKd of 8.81 + 0.64 x lo-10M.





Corticosterone and dexamethasone competitionfor specific t3Blcorticosterone-binding sites in strippedadrenal incubationmedium. Total specificbindingin the absenceof a canpetitoris assigneda value of 100%.

s The affinity corticosterone

of media protein for DEXin the presence of

was investigated by cuqaring

unlabeled corticosterone

readily with tritiated any great extent.

the ccmpetition of

and DEXwith tritiated

are presented in Figure 2.






Corticosterone was observed to compete


whereas DEXfailed

to cmpete to

Thus, using the degree of ccmpetition as an

the affinity

of the media protein was high for corticosterone

but very law for DEX. DI!XlJSSION The Kd estimate of 8.81 x lo-10 M (OW for the media protein of adrenals is compared to Kd values of glucocorticoid

cytoplasm and glucocorticoid-binding

receptors in the

proteins in the blood in Table 1.

The Kd for the protein in adrenal media is approximately one-tenth that for any other glucocorticoid Type I receptors.

binding protein cited with the exception of

However, the media protein can be readily

distinguished fran the Typa I receptor since in caqetition

studies it

has been demonstrated that the Type I receptor has a lower affinity that of aldosterone) for corticosterone


and DEX (7).

A direct canparison of Kd values to those for adrenal cytoplasmic receptors CQpe II) cannot be made since those Kd estimates exist only for DEX, but the lack of a high affinity

for DEXby the protein in the

media of adrenal incubations readily distinguishes receptors.

The observation that the media protein has a high affinity

for corticosterone affinity

it from cytoplamic

while being very low for DEXis in contrast to the

of cytosol proteins

both corticosterone

(Type II) of rat adrenals which is high for

and DEX (8).

Similar canparisons can be made to

v 0

2 w






f v


9‘;;‘ 0

3. rr)





w5; 9s 0


. m



ws ? =: “x m

1. 0

u v














u h



cytosol proteins higher affinity

(T&e III)

fran the bovine adrenal cortex which have a

for DEXthan cortisol

The binding affinities

or corticosterone

for corticosterone

similar to those of the media protein (10). !l?ypeII cytosol

and DEXby CBGwere The differential

binding of

receptors and CPGfor DEXis used to differentiate

two glucocorticoid affinities

(9) .

binders (11).


However, the similar binding

of media protein and CBGdo not necessarily

indicate that the

media protein is CBG. CDGas well as !FypeIII receptors have similar affinities

for DEXbut still


with respect to other indices (12).

The present results indicate that CBGand the media protein from adrenal incubations have similar binding affinities

for corticosterone

and DEX.

However, it is doubtful that the media protein is CBGsince the principal

source of CBGis the liver.

Previous reports havs suggested

that the adrenal produces the protein in question, since media binding activity y&m

may be altered by the addition of XTH to adrenal tissue i,n


Furthermore, binding activity

rhythm of steroidogenesis In conclusion, glucocorticoid-binding


the circadian

(2) whereas CBGdoes not (13).

our data suggest the existence of a protein distinct

groups of glucocorticoid-binding

frm the two presently knmn


CBGand cytoplasmic


The secretarial assistance of Mrs. Wilrm MaddoxarCi Mrs. Charlotte Barnes is gratefully acknawledged. This manuscript is No. 4-810153 of the AlabamaAgricultural Experimant Station Journal Series.





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J. F. Pritchett PhysiologyLaboratories Department of Zoology AuburnUniversity,AL 36849