(~N S E ~ A N AND E~GL~SH) Glucka~f, VllS, Ng, i0 M~y 1979, P377-hO6 (English version PI78-20B ) Presents papers from a cor~remce of the Steinkohlenbergbauv~ein Heading Ccm~Ittee, May 1979. Topics cov~ed include: l~ogress in driving techniques, new shaft construction techniques, shotfired drivages, meahanised inseam drivage, mechanised stone drifting. 805088 POSSIBILITY OF UTILISATION OF SC~E Y~SS MINING >~THODs FOR IRON-NICKEL DEPOSIT RZAN0VO, KAVADARCI (IN S~BO-CROAT ) Glusc evi, B Rud Glas, Vlg, NI, 1980, PT-I 9 Discusses the geology, the mechanical properties of the deposit showimg instability of the rock, and considers possible mini~E methods (sublevel caving, block caving). 80~089 DRIVAGE OF JUBILEE SURFACE DRIFT Northard, J H; Er~lert, R In: _"kmnelling '79, Proceedings of the 2r~ International Symposium, London, 12-16 March 1979, P127-137. Publ London: IMM, 1979 Describes the driving of a decline drift at 25 per cent at Shirebrook Colliery in n~rth Derbys~dre, b~(, usimg a Titan tunnelling machine. Support measures are also discussed.
Tunnels See a l s o : 805199
1979 Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1980, 108P
Published for the interna~iorml Turmellir4~ Association. Includes: activity reports of member nations, activity reports of working _groups, summary of contributions made during the 4th Rapid Excavation and Turmellimg Conf~ence.
80509~ FALKIRK TUNneL GIVEN ~4ERGENCY OPERATION Wade, S New Civ Engr, N]9$, 22 May 1980 , P32-34 Repcrts remedial measures at the Faikirk High Turauel, Scotland, UK, where it was recently discovered that badly stowed old mine workirgs behind the 600+~n thick brick umbrella linlz~ were about to collapse. The works involve filling the old mine workings, farming a grout curtain 8m either side of the tumnel centre line, filling the void behind the brick lining ~_th lightweight concrete and installing rock anchor bolts up to 7m lor~.
8o5o92 SUEZ BRFAKEVHROUGH SEALS A }~=PY MARRIAGE New Civ Engr, NB92, 1-8 M~y l~0, Pll-13 Briefly relx~rts on the construction aspects of the now completed Ahmed Hamdl Tunnel beneath the Suez Canal, with British and Arab contractGrs in partnership.
805093 ROAI~EADER ~ O L O G Y BITES INTO THE '80S Obermaler, H Tuxm Turmlg, V12, N4, May 1980, P17-22 Discusses the design, utilisation amd performance of the roadhead~s made by the Austrian compamy Voest Alpine. 805094 FRESH AIR FOR FREJUS: VENT SSAFT EXCAVATION IN EUROPE' S TOP TUNNEL Hardimg, P G Tunn Turmlg, V12, N4, May 1980, ~w25-27 Discusses the excavation of a pilo% raise for a ventilation shaft of the FreJus tunnel between France ani Italy, usimg raise climbing technique s. 8C5095 PAVED TRACK FOR AUSTRALIA'S BLUE MOU~TfAINs ZIG ZAG ~"IrNNELS Duncan; S D Tunn Tunnlg, \q2, .~, May 1980, P31-3~ Discusses the installation of paved track amd modifications to the tunnels, including loweri~g the track by 650me amd cutting a chase in an all brick lined turm~l. 805096 CHICAGO's TARP PROJECT Min Yag, V142, 5~, March 1960, P257-261 Presents a review of the l~oJect, the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan, which includes the construction of 131 miles of large diameter tunnels at 60-100m below surface amd of 5 reservoirs, with assOciated shafts and pumping stations. The first phase of turmelling usirg a Java fttllface tunneller is discussed in detail, in particular the design and performance of the tunnelling machine at ~resent working in dolomitic limestone. 805097 CONSTRUCTION OF SALIh]~ CREW( TUNNEL IN ATHABASCA OIL SAND ChatterJij P K; Sm~[th~ L B; Insley; A E Can Geotech J, Vl6, NI, Feb 1979, P90-107 Saline Creek Tunnel, near Fo~t McMurray, Alberta, is the first permanent tunnel constructed in the Athabasca Oil Sand. The finished diameter of the tunnel is ~.4m and the tunnel is about 107m long of which approximately 73m is entirely within medium to rich oil sand. The maximum depth of overburden above the tunnel cro~.n is 27.5m. This paper documents the geotechnical investigation and design of the turmel. The method of construction and the tempc~ary and permanent tunr_el support systems are described. Monitorir~ of swelling of the tar sand and of tunnel deformation are reported.
8o5o96 MEAsUREMeNTS ON A T U N ~
LINING IN VERY DENSE TILL Del~ry, F A; Crawford, A M; Gibson, M E M Can Geotech J, V!6, ~P~, Feb 1979, P190-199
Measurements were made on a 4.3m bored dlsmeter turmel for a sewer in ~qississauga, Ontario. Measurements included deformation of the flexible temporary lining, pressi~es on the temporary ani rigid concrete permanent linimgs, soil deformations and surface settlements as the tunnel was excavated, ar~ the effect of the