17 Energy (supplies, policy, economics, forecasts) dollars per ton of carbon enhance substantially the consumption of natural gas in electricity generation sectors, as a substitute fuel for coal. Such carbon taxes will make COz sequestration economically viable while increasing the cumulative amount of COz sequestration up to 15 gigatons (Gt) of CO*.
Automotive power source in 2lst century
Morita, K. JSAE Review, 2003, 24, (I), 3-7. This paper describes the state and future trends of the conventional vehicles as well as advanced vehicles. In the twenty-first century, owing to social demands for low emissions, low energy consumption and oilalternative resources, it seems that the keen competition for the advanced vehicles such as alternative fuel vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) has been intensified. Above all, hybrid technologies will perform an important role because they can be combined with not only internal combustion engines but also FCVs.
02/01529 a survey
Dehavioural responses to energy-related taxes:
Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. et al. International Journal qf’Global Energy Issues, 2002, 18, (2/3/4), 202-217. This article examines behavioural responses to changes in energy prices by surveying the magnitude of energy price elasticities. Price elasticity estimates can be used to understand behavioural responses to changes in nrices due to environmental taxes. A theoretical framework is preiented followed by an overview of the range of price elasticity estimates for energy found in the literature. The empirical estimates are classified on t& basis of a selection of characteristics. It is argued that presenting a range of price elasticities provides more information than a unique estimate. The findings suggest that environmental taxes can create a significant reduction in energy use.
China’s rural electrification and poverty reduction
Yang, M. Energy Policy, 2003, 31, (3), 283-295. This paper aims at quantifying the impact of rural investment in power sector on the rural economic development and poverty reduction in China. An econometric model was developed and six Chinese provinces with different economic background are studied. These provinces comprise Jiangsu and Liaoning with well-developed rural economy, Hebei and Henan with medium-develooed rural economv. and Shannxi and Xinjiang with the least-developed rural economy. ‘Gver 20 years historical data for the six provincial rural areas has been collected in rural economic development, households, population, per capita income. communih infrastructure develonment, cauital investment, electricity consumption, output values hi agriculture sector, and township and village enterprises. SPSS V10.0 software program was used in the research. This paper concludes that priority of capital investment in rural power sector should be given to Jiangsu-and Liaoning if the objective of the investment is to develop rural economy, and that the priority should be given to Hebei and Henan if the objective is to reduce poverty in rural area.
02/01541 Comparing reoommendationr from the World Commission on Dams and the IEA initlatlve on hydropower Gagnon, L. et al. Energy Policy, 2002, 30, (14) 1299-1304. During the 1996-2000 period, two parallel international initiatives had the aim of improving the planning, design, and operations of large dams. One was under the auspices of the International Energy Agency and the other was the World Commission on Dams. Both produced recommendations for future development. Many of these recommendations were similar, pointing out the need to assess options properly, to obtain public acceptance of projects, to share their benefits and to make sure that affected populations are fairly treated and adequately comeensated. However. when the detailed nuidelines are comuared. therk is wide divergence between the two-reports. This is due to fundamentally different conceptions of development. The WCD proposes a set of guidelines that could delay projects indefinitely and assumes that develooment is oossible with almost comolete consensus: by contrast, the IEA’considers that governments have a’ keyrole to play in setting up an effective and efficient decision making process which avoids endless negotiations. Furthermore, the IEA report considers that final decision on large hydro projects should be made by a national or state government, whereas the WCD report would give a strong role to international organizations. Moreover, the WCD assumes that other renewable energy options, such as wind power, could realistically replace the energy services provided by dams without considering the relative magnitudes involved, or the intermittent nature of windpower compared with the sustained nature of hydropower. The IEA Hydropower Agreement report considers that coal generation is the main competitor of hydropower, and any limits placed on hydropower development would result in severe negative environmental impacts due to the increased use of coal.
Comparlng structural decomposition analysis
Hoekstra, R. et al. Energy Economics, 2003, 25, (I), 39-64. To analyse and understand historical changes in economic, environmental, employment or other socio-economic indicators, it is useful to assess the driving forces or determinants that underlie these changes. Two techniques for decomposing indicator changes at the sector level are structural decomposition analysis (SDA) and index decomposition analysis (IDA). For example, SDA and IDA have been used to analyse changes in indicators such as energy use, CO*-emissions, labour demand and value added. The changes in these variables are decomposed into determinants such as technological, demand, and structural effects. SDA uses information from input-output tables while IDA uses aggregate data at the sector-level. The two methods have developed quite independently, which has resulted in each method being characterized by specific, unique techniques and approaches. This paper has three aims. First, the similarities and differences between the two aooroaches are summarized. Second. the possibility of transferring specific techniques and indices is explored. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate differences between the two approaches. COa taxation on electricity generation for trees replanting in Malaysia
Mahlia, T. M. I. Energy Conversion und Mmagemmt. 2003, 44, (5), 725.-732. Because environmental consciousness all over the world, many countries have been forced to abate the emissions, especially CO*. One of the policies is to introduce COz taxation on electricity generation companies for replanting trees. The electricity generation in Malavsia has used the fuels: 70% eas. 15% coal. 10% hvdro and 5% petroleum in the year 2000 and projects a change to 4tj% gas, 30% hydro, 29% coal and only 1% petroleum in the year 2020. This study attempts to predict the- potential taxation on- COz production by electricity generation for replanting threes in Malaysia. The calculation is based on a COz tax of 57 MR$/tCOz (1 US$=3.8 MR$), the cost of replanting of 3.04 MR$/tree and the trees survival factor of 60%. The study found that a large number of trees can be replanted by introducing this strategy, which will reduce COz emission in this country. OS/O1544
Dematerialization in Finnish energy use, 1972-
1995 Sun, J. W. Energy Economics, 2003, 25, (I), 23-32. This paper analyses dematerialization, particularity decarbonization and energy saving with regard to Finnish energy use. The results show that Finland has achieved good results in decarbonization and energy saving. However, the results are not as impressive when compared to other developed countries.
Diminishing marglnal utility: the respectable case for discounting?
Price, C. ht. J. Sustainable Development, 2003. 6, (l), 117-132. Diminishing marginal utility is a potentially reasonable basis for discounting increasing future consumption per head. However, it applies to a different extent to those whose income growth prospects differ, to different growth scenarios, and to products whose output is differently constrained by natural resource and technological limitations. Diminishing marginal utility is irrelevant to non-marginal consumption and to the totality of consumption. It may even, perversely, lead to some non-marginal values increasing through time. As for that means of increasing consumption - reinvestment of revenues - it is constrained by circumstances and in practice does not happen to the extent required to justify customary discount rates. The simplifying assumption of a uniform discount rate depends on possibilities for trading that actually do not exist.
Does energy integrate? 03101546 Hira, A. and Amaya, L. Energy Policy, 2003, 31, (2), 1X5-199. Amidst the international movement to privatize and deregulate electricity and gas sectors of economies, the question of the integration of those sectors has been somewhat underestimated. In fact, the integration of energy markets across boundaries is occurring. This process was examined in three regions: Europe, Central America, and South America. The forces driving integration in each area were analysed and the prospects for progress estimated. This study takes a close look at Nordpool, which is now the most integrated market in the world, to see if it can serve as a model for other regions. Finally this paper suggests a set of conditions that the authors feels are necessary for a successful international integration of energy markets. 05/01547 D namic translog and linear logit models: a factor demand anarysis of interfuel substitution in US industrial energy demand Urga, G. and Walters, C. Energ_v Economics. 2003, 25. (I), l-21 Fuel and Energy Abstracts
July 2003