Posters - It~ctiorls/lnfesfatio,rs
mg/24 h) and 5-flucytosine (1500 mg/8 h) obtained resolution of the purpura and fever. Systemic candidiasis commonly occurs in the setting of immunosuppression among patients who have hematologic malignancies or organ transplants. About 10% of patients with systemic candidiasis may exhibit cutaneous lesions. Cultures are often positive for C. tropicalis. In patients with leukemia, the pathologist must be aware of the clinical suspicion of a fungal infection in order to perform special stains and avoid to give the diagnosis of a simple cutaneous leukemic infiltrate.
Skin lesions due to stings and bites are clinically polymorphous; nevertheless, a careful clinical history and a close observation of the morphology and distribution of the lesions can sometimes allow the identification, if not of the responsible species, at least of the order to which it belongs. We present a mini-atlas related to skin manifestations caused by insects living in our climates which either sting or bite, and in particular Hemiptera (bedbugs), Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, hornets), Diptera (mosquitoes, horseflies) and Siphonaptera (fleas).
I P226
I P229
Mycotic epidemic in young by trichophyton equinum
N. Er6s, Zs. Ktiolyi, Miskolc,
E. MolnBr. Senunehoeis
Epidemic-like skin and scalp mycosis was seen among 8-17 year old wrestlers in 26 cases. The fungal cultures revealed Trichophyton equinum as causative agent in five cases, the other cultures were negative because of the previous antimycotic treatment, probably. Antrhopophilic spreading of this zoophilic dermatophyton was frst reported by Simon et al. in our country in 1997, among young wrestlers in Budapest. The infection was spreading from there to our city, probably. Topical antimycotic treatment was made in cases of skin infection with combination of oral terbinafine in cases of scalp mycosis. Authors recommend usage of antimycotic shampoo as prevention for the wrestlers. The aim is to cut infection’s chain by screening and treating infected boys in other sport clubs, as well. Chromoblastomycosis
and psoriasis:
A. RCgo, R. Lanzini, A. Budel, M. Muro. Hospital de Curitiba,
2Departnlent iztnir, Titrkey
ofDennatoof Milan, Milan,
The term “entomodermatitis” is generally used to indicate an inflammatory reaction of the skin, almost always acute or subacute, caused by the “contact” with arthropods belonging to the Insecta class. Even the concept of “contact” is rather generic and refers not only to a sting, but also to a bite or contact with urticant hair or ,toxic, irritant and sensitizing substances produced by the insect.
of Physical
Widespread fungal infections involving the trunk and extremities are not common. Such infections can be seen in immunocompromised patients because of steroid use. organ transplantation or HIV infection. Although dermatophytes are not generally considered opportunistic pathogens, they can present atypically and occasionally aggressively in a patient whose immune system is compromised. Likewise a case of Pemphigus vulgaris with generalized Trichophyton rubrum infection involving the whole abdomen, lomber. gluteal and inguinal regions bilaterally spreading to almost the whole lower extremities due to ummunosupressive therapy is reported. I P230
Orungal in the treatment tinea pedis
L. Kaliuzhna, J. Koroljova. Kiev’s
I P228 Entomodermatitis S. Veraldi, C. Carrera, R. Schianchi. lnsfitute Sciences,
Department of Dermatology; Medicine and Rehabilition,
The authors report a chromoblastomycosis case, due to Fonsecae pedrosoi. the patient; a 53-year-old woman is a carrier of psoriasis in its classical form. After an injury to the lesion - a pick of a parrot at it, the patient has noticed a certain change in the clinical aspect of the lesion which is placed on the outer side of the right arm. The lesion has gradually showed a warty aspect. and, the psoriasis diagnosis has remained for 4 years. The lesion was submitted to a biopsy which, through a mythological and culture tests (examination), has supported that diagnosis. The treatment was based upon the use of itraconazol 200 mg/day and crioterapy with liquid hidrogen.
F. ozdemir’, S. Erboz’, i. onal’, S. Alper’, D. Aytimur’, A. ~zol’, M. Aytimur’. ‘Ege University, Medical Faculty,
A generalized trichophyton rubrum in a case of Pemphigus vulgaris
of children
with of
Treatment of interdigital tinea pedis often involves long-term therapy with topically applied preparations. Effective oral preparations such as the “Onmgal” taken over a shorter period, could provide a useful therapeutic alternative. We investigated often tinea pedis with exematization through the teenagers. 15 patients in age from 10 to I2 years were given oral “Orungal” daily for 2 weeks. The dose was formulated according to size 100 mg between 20-40 kg. Mycological cure (negative culture at week I and negative results on microscopy and culture at week 4 onwards) and effective treatment (mycological cure plus no or minimal signs and symptoms were measered at week I, 4.8, and 12. In conclusion, itraconasole is single daily dose for l-2 week is effective in treatment of tinea pedis between the chi1dre.n. I P231
Widespread facial papllloma virus infection’ responsive to diphenylcyclo-propenone immunotherapy
E. Weisshaar, H.-J. Neumann, H. Gollnick. Departtnenf Dermatology Magdeburg,
and Venereology, Germany
Disseminated flat warts an? a common problem in immonocompromized patients. However, disseminated infection in the