Cryptogamie, Bryol., 2001, 22 (3): 175-I 77 0 2001 Adac&ditions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits reserves
Chromosome studies on some llu-kish species of Grimmia Hedw. : G. kzevigata (Brid.) Brid., G. ovalis (Hedw.) Lindb., G. pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm., G. trichophylla Grev. Jule AYDIN (Saruhan)“*, Teornan KESERCiOGLp
“157. Sok. No : 24/2 35170 Kemalpafa-izmic
bDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Education, Dokuz Eyliil University, 35160 Buca-izmir, Turkey
(Received 28 August 2000, accepted
19 March 2001)
Abstract - In this research, mitotic chromosome numbers in four species of Grimmia Hedw. from Turkey were reported. Mitotic chromosome numbers of three species : Grimmia laevigata (Brid.) Brid. (n = 26), Grimmia ovalis (Hedw.) Lindb. (n = lo), Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. (n = 26) were reported for the first time. Grimmia trichophylla Grev. (n = 13) showed the same chromosome number as in a previous study. 0 2001 Adac / I&ions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS Grimmia / chromosome / mitotic metaphase
R&umC - Dans cette recherche, nous avons chromosomes mitotiques de quatre espbces premiere fois, on a compte le nombre des (n = 26), Grimmia ovalis (Hedw.) Lindb. (n caryotype de Grimmia trichophylla Grev. (n
fait les analyses caryologiques, et fixe le nombre des de Grimmia Hedw., recoltees en Turquie. Pour la chromosomes de Grimmia Zaevigata (Brid.) Brid., = lo), Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. (n = 26). Le =,13) est precise, mais dam none etude, nous avons
fait le cariotype de ce dernier. 0 2001 Adac / Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS Grimmia / chromosome
/ metaphase mitotique
INTRODUCTION Compared with the flowering plants, little is known about the mosses of Turkey. Information available about the moss-flora in this area shows several interesting features concerning bryogeography, morphological variation and cytology. Cytotaxonomical studies can be useful for taxonomists. But unfortunately, they are rarely used in bryology, because for many species only one or two counts are available. In Turkey a lot of Musci species have been found, but only one cytotaxonomical study has so far been made (Nyholm & Wigh, 1973), whose work was based on mitosis in 16 Turkish species. * Correspondence and reprints:
[email protected]
E$ Aydin, T. Kesercioglu
In this paper, chromosome numbers of four species of Grimmia are reported and the taxonomic value of the results is discussed in the context of literature records.
The material used for this study was collected in Turkey by S. AYDIN between1997 and 1999. Voucher specimens are preserved in the Herbaria of Eagean University, Izmir. Localities for each species are as follows: Grimmia Zaevigata (Brid.) Brid. - B6: IZMIR; Kemalpapa-Nif mountain, 1500 m, 1997.02, EGE 18800. Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. - B6: MAN&A; Spil mountain, canyon, 1200 m, 1999.10, EGE 18802. Grimmia ovah (Hedw.) Lindb. - B6: IZMIR; KemalpaOa-Nif mountain, 500m, 1998. 02, EGE 18801. Grimmia trichophylla Grev. - B6: IZMIR; KemalpaOa, on the rock, 50 m, 1997.02, EGE 18803. The living material brought from the field was cultured in moistened glass pots at a temperature of 10-15 “C. When new shoots developed, their tips were cut and fixed in modified Camoy’s fluid (ethanol: chloroform: acetic acid = 1: 1:l) for 3 h at 18 “C. After fixation, they were soaked in 45 % acetic acid for several minutes and then put in 0.2 % aceto-orcein for more than 10 h at 15 “C. Later, the shoot tips were squashed in the usual way and the cover slip was sealed with valap cement (Inoue & Iwatsuki, 1976). Chromosome numbers were counted in mitotic preparations. Photographs of chromosomes were taken by Carl Zeis Jena microphotography apparatus and the shapes of the chromosomes were drawn with the help of a camera lucida.
The metaphase chromosomes of four species are shown in Figs 1 and 2. Based on these cytological results, the genus Grimmia has three different chromosome numbers: n= 10, n= 13 andn=26. Grimmiu Zaevigutu (Brid.) Brid. (n = 26) (Figs la, 2a). This is the first report on the mitotic chromosome number of this species. Other cytotaxonomical research on this species is rather limited. Two different chromosome numbers, IZ= 13, 26 + m, have been reported (cf. Fritsch, 1991). Grimmia pulvinatu (Hedw.) Sm. (n = 26) (Figs lb, 2b). This is the first report on the mitotic chromosome number of this species. But five different chromosome numbers, n = 10, 13, 14, 26 and 26 + m, have been reported from meiotic preparations (cf. Fritsch, 1991). Grimmia ovalis (Hedw.) Lindb. (n = 10) (Figs lc, 2~). This is the first report on the mitotic chromosome number of this species. Although two different chromosome numbers, n = 10, 13, have been reported from meiotic material (cf. Fritsch, 1991). Grimmiu trichophyllu Grev. (n = 13) (Figs Id, 2d). The mitotic chromosome number is the same as that of a previous study. Thus, Nyholm & Wigh (1973) reported the mitotic chromosome number of this species from Turkey as n = 13. Other cytotaxonomical research on this species is rather limited, but has always resulted in chromosome counts of n = 13 (cf. Fritsch, 1991).
Studies on Grimmiu species
Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of the rnitotic metaphase chromosomes in gametophytes of Grimmiu. a: G. Zaevigutu (n = 26). b: G. pulvinutu (n = 26). c: G. ovulis (n = 10). d: G. trichophyllu (n = 13).
Fig. 2. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes in gametophyes of Grimmiu. a: G. luevigutu (n = 26). b: G. pulvinatu (n = 26). c: G. ovulis (n = 10). d: G. trichophyllu (n = 13).
CONCLUSIONS The species belonging to the genus Grimmia are particularly difficult to cultivate and the chromosomes are also difficult to stain. These difficulties probably explain why the chromosome numbers of only a few species of this genus have previously been reported. Cytological characteristics of these species presently known are still insufficient, and more mitotic and meiotic studies are required. However, we can say that the basic chromosome number of this genus is x = 13 and that there is polyploidy in a few species as, for example, G. pulvinafa, G. plugiopodu. On the other hand, the chromosome number of G. ovulis is n = 10 and this shows that it is possible that this genus has two basic chromosome numbers, x = 10 and x: = 13.
R., 1991 - Index to bryophyte chromosome counts. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 40: I-352. INOUE S. & IWATSUKI Z., 1976 - A cytotaxonomic study of the genus Rhizogonium Brid. (Musci). Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 389-403. NYHOLM E. & WIGH K., 1973 - Cytotaxonomical studies in some Turkish mosses. Lindbergiu 2: 105-113.