Circadian Variation in Platelet Function in Healthy Volunteers Syed M. Jafri, MD, Mike VanRollins, PhD, Tsunenori Ozawa, MD, Eberhard F. Mammen, MD, A. David Goldberg, MD, and Sidney Goldstein, MD
Circadian variation in hemostatic factors may contribute to a higher frequency of cardiac events observed in the morning and with activity. Diurnal changes in these factors were investigated by measuring in vitro platelet aggregability in response to epinephrine and adenosfne diphosphate together with @-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 as indexes of in vivo platelet activation. Activation of coagulation was measured by thrombinantithrombin Ill complexes and D-Dimers. Tests were performed in 9 normal healthy subjects. Circadian changes occurred in /3-thromboglobulin (p
ircadian variation of factors that increase the risk of thrombus initiation or decreasethe rate of thrombus removal can be an important trigger mechanism for coronary thrombosis. Platelet activation and antifibrinolytic tendency have been shown to follow a diurnal rhythm and possibly relate to the peak time of onset of myocardial infarction and sudden death.lv2 Platelet responsesto activation include adhesion,aggregation and secretion. Platelet aggregability is determined by evaluating in vitro responsesto platelet aggregating agents.3,4Increased plasma levels of platelet release proteins &thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 reflect platelet release reaction and are considered an index of in vivo platelet activation.5.6This study was performed to investigate the relation of diurnal changes in in vitro platelet aggregation’**to the simultaneous in vivo releaseof platelet releaseproteins. Furthermore, we investigated the diurnal changes in markers of activation of coagulation, thrombin-antithrombin III complexes and D-Dimers.7,s
METHODS Study group: The study group comprised 9 healthy subjects(4 men and 5 women, mean age 51 f 10 years) who had no known diseaseand had not received any medication within the preceding 2 weeks before the study. The protocol was approved by the human rights committee, and written informed consent was obtained from all patients. Study pro&d: Patients were admitted to a private room, and venipunctures were performed with the patient in a seatedposition at 3, 6 and 9 P.M. on day 1 of the study. Patients were ambulatory until 10 P.M., and slept at 11 P.M. On day 2, blood sampleswere obtained with the patient resting and in a supine position at 7 and 8 A.M. Between9 and 10 A.M. they walked down the hallways, climbed stairs and useda stationary exercisebicycle, and remained active for the remainder of the day. Blood sampleswere obtained in a seatedposition at 10 A.M., 12 noon and 3 P.M. Blood sample collection: Precautions were taken to minimize the potential for activation of platelets and clotting during blood sampling. A separatevenipuncture was performed at each time point. An initial 3 ml blood sample was discarded. The next 27 ml of blood were collected in a plastic syringe containing 3 ml of 1.24 M From the Heart and Vascular Institute, Henry Ford Hospital, and sodium citrate and 1.36 M glucose (pH 6.5) for platelet Wayne State University Schoolof Medicine, Detroit, Michigan. Manu- aggregation studies. The next 9 ml of blood were colscript received September 16, 1991; revised manuscript received De- lected in a plastic tube containing sodium citrate, cember 6,199 1, and acceptedDecember 7. Address for reprints: Syed M. Jafri, MD, Heart and Vascular theophylline, adenosine and dipyridamole (Diatube-H, Institute K-14, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, American Bioproducts, Parsippany, New Jersey), and placed on crushed ice. The next 9 ml of blood were colMichigan 48202. CIRCADIAN CHANGES IN PLATELET FUNCTION
lected in a plastic tube containing 1 mg of 2.8% sodium citrate solution, and also placed in ice. These blood specimenswere centrifuged at 4’C at 2,000 g for 30 minutes, and plasma sampleswere frozen at -70°C for batch analysis. The upper third of the plasma was separated from the first tube for analysis of platelet factor 4 and @-thromboglobulin. D-Dimer and thrombin-antithrombin III complexeswere assayedusing the titrated plasma. Platelet aggregation sWii: Platelet-rich plasma was prepared by centrifuging the anticoagulated blood at 150 g for 15 minutes. Blood samples were centrifuged at 3,330 g for 10 minutes to obtain plateletpoor plasma. After counting the platelets with the Coulter Counter (Model 2B1, Coulter Electronics, HighCal, Florida), the platelet-rich plasma was diluted with platelet-poor plasma to 200,000 platelets/mm3. Platelet aggregation was monitored photometrically (Monitor IV Aggregometer, Helena Laboratories, Beaumont, Texas)ly2;platelet-rich and platelet-poor plasma absorptions were used to calibrate the 0 and 100%aggregation responses,respectively, of the instrument. To test platelet thresholds, 450 aliquots of platelet-rich plasma were heated at 37’C, and mixed at 1,000 rpm for 2 minutes with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (Chronolog Corp., Havertown, Pennsylvania) or epinephrine (Parke-Davis, Morris Plains, New Jersey). The minimum concentration neededto produce an irreversible, biphasic increase in light transmission was consideredthe threshold value. To find the threshold, 6 concentrations of epinephrine (0.2 to 50 FM) and ADP (0.5 to 15 PM) were used in order of increasing concentration. The tracings obtained were then analyzed, and the lowest concentration of the aggregating agent to produce biphasic aggregation was evaluated as the index of platelet aggregability. Platelet
factor 4, &thromboglobulin
and D-Dimer:
For assaysof platelet factor 4, fl-thromboglobulin and D-Dimer, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used (Asserachrom, American Bioproducts).4,9 The plasma samples were placed on microwell titer plates that were precoated with specific antibodies of the 3
proteins. An antiplatelet factor, anti+thromboglobulin or anti-D-Dimer peroxidase conjugate was added to form a sandwich. The color change was read on a microplate reader (Bio-Tek Instruments, Model El-305, Vincoski, Vermont) at 492 nm. Calibration curves were then constructed by standard solutions provided with the kit. lhrombin-antithrombin III complexes: Thrombin-antithrombin III complexesin plasmaswere affixed to antibodies to thrombin, which were precoatedon the inner wall of a plastic tube of the enzymgnostkit (Behringwerke Marburg, Germany).7 Peroxidaseconjugated antibodies to antithrombin III were then added, which bind to the available free antithrombin III determinants. After removal of the free conjugate, the bound enzyme activity was measuredby adding hydrogen peroxide and orthophenylenediamine. The color intensity was again read at 492 nm on the microplate reader. A referencecurve was also obtained using a thrombin-antithrombin III complex standard plasma provided with the kit. Statistical analysis: Data in the figures are presented as mean f standard error. To assesswhether overall differences were present, analysis of variance with repeated measureswas performed. Log transformations were performed for some of the variables to adjust for unequal variancesamong the time points. Testing for all variables was performed at the 0.05 level. Pairwise comparisons were performed to compare differences for individual time points when overall significant variation or trends were detectedduring the 24-hour observationperiod. Pairwise testing was performed at the 0.01 level (instead of 0.05) to adjust for multiple comparisons. RESULTS Platelet fun&on studies: Circadian changesin plasma levels of platelet releaseproteins, fl-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 are summarized in Figure 1. Betathromboglobulin levels were highest at 3 P.M. on both days 1 (134 f 32 IU/ml) and 2 (147 f 29 IU/ml) of the study. Beta-thromboglobulin levels were lowest at 7
150 -
E 3 s g m
FIGURE 1. Cii tinges in plasma le!vokof~roleaso~,platolof factor 4 (W 4) md /3-tflrombogkbulln (BTG). circa&a dmgos of in vitro platolotaggregcltionweroassodatodwithin vlvo roleaso of plate&f factor 4 ad & thrombogbbu&.
APRIL 1, 1992
A.M. (43 f 10 IU/ml) and 8 P.M. (31 f 3.6 IU/ml) when patients were resting and in a supine position. Platelet factor 4 levels also increased with activity and peaked at 3 P.M. on both days 1 (34 f 10 IU/ml) and 2 (28 f 7.3 IU/ml). Platelet factor 4 levels were again lowest at 7 A.M. (5.0 f 2.0 IU/ml) and 8 A.M. (3.0 f 1.0 IU/ml). Circadian variation was detected for P-thromboglobulin (p <0.05) and reached borderline significance for platelet factor 4 (p cO.06). Furthermore, there were significant differences in @thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 levels obtained at 7 and 8 A.M. when compared with those at 3 P.M. (p
trends of increasein both in vitro platelet aggregability in response to epinephrine and in vivo release of pthromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 occurring at the same time of the day. Markers of coagulation: An absence of circadian variation of thrombin-antithrombin III complexes (p = 0.36) and D-Dimer (p = 0.44) is displayed in Figure 3. An apparent increase in thrombin-antithrombin III complexesat 10 A.M. was due to abnormally elevated levels in 1 patient. Thus, in contrast to platelet function, circadian changesin activation of the coagulation system were not present in our study group. DISCUSSION The results indicate that platelet activation was lowest when patients were resting in a supine position and that it increasedwith activity. Changesin in vivo release of ,&thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4, were accompanied by similar trends in in vitro responseto platelet aggregating agent epinephrine. Circadian changes in
--2 -5
FIGURE 2. Circedim dutnges in tlmdold
-4 3 '5
s J
i: -10
- -6
vitropieteM~waaklwesl withpauentslvMingandrrpineat7and 8 A.M., haeased with adivity and peaked et 3 P.M.
- -6 -
EP~ ADP ! -10
-20 15:
Tima of day (hour)
E a 150Q
FIGURE 3. Absence ef circedien chenges ecthman,tlBraminmerkersefthmbin binIII complexes (TAT) end ffMdyh,D-Dimers.
2 1
z is * loo-
50 -
DDimer TAT 0
0 15:
lima of day (hour)
-I 953
activation of coagulation (as detected by plasma levels plaque. This study confirms circadian variation of plateof thrombin-antithrombin III complexesor D-Dimers) let activation. were not demonstrated. A circadian variation of cardiac ischemic eventshas beendocumentedfor silent myocardial ischemia,10angina pectoris,’ ’ myocardial infarction12 and suddencardi- REFERENCES 1. Tofler GE, BrezenskiDA, Schafer AI, Cziesler CA, Rutherford JD, Willich ac death.13A primary morning peak has been reported SN, Gleason RE, Williams GH, Muller JE. Concurrent morning increase in and a lesserprominent evening peak. Several physiolog- platelet aggregability and the risk of myocardial infarction and suddencardiac N Engl J &fed 1987;316:1514-1518. ic changes occur with activity, which can trigger rup- death. 2. Brezinski DA, Tofler GH, Muller JE, Pahjola-Sintonen S, Wellich SN, ture of an atherosclerotic plaque, and production of cor- Schafer AI, Czeisler CA, Williams GH. 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