Classification algorithm based on semantic judgment and its application in image classification

Classification algorithm based on semantic judgment and its application in image classification


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Microprocessors and Microsystems

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Please cite this article as: Guanghui Yang , CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM BASED ON SEMANTIC JUDGMENT AND ITS APPLICATION IN IMAGE CLASSIFICATION, Microprocessors and Microsystems (2020), doi:

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CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM BASED ON SEMANTIC JUDGMENT AND ITS APPLICATION IN IMAGE CLASSIFICATION Guanghui Yang College of Science, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, Hebei, 063210, China Email: [email protected]

Abstract With the rapid development of the national economy and the widespread use of computer applications platforms, we are analyzing the explosive growth of data, and, data binding and loading delays become a significant problem for this application. Asymmetry of semantic information between a source of the application and the image memory problems. In recent years, intelligent computing, has become a major research analysis of the semantic content. It is also in the order that is generating the offline and online learning characteristics, machine learning, and has become a hot research. The meaning of the image such semantic relatedness, classification, annotation, and in larger environments, tasks such as meaning analysis of such content hash mapping application image, learning. Caption of the image is an important issue in the semantic content of the image analysis. Comments can establish a relationship between the image classification and semantic content. Intelligent learning computer analyze and solve problems, to extract large amounts of data based on the views of a large image. The image semantic content analysis and visual vocabulary and metadata are combined, in planning. Hash value is a semantic metadata, additional metadata to obtain in-depth research, as well as the structure and semantic metadata management at different levels. Keyword: Semantic Metadata, Additional Metadata, Semantic Relatedness, Classification, Larger Environments. 1. INTRODUCTION Vision is an important way of human perception and understanding of the objective world. When a person receives information from an external source, visual information from the information exceeds the number of sensory information from other sources, and to occupy the amount of information psychology. The study is "a thing that it should look better." Picture characterization and comment methods give a viable answer for the above issues. Picture grouping alludes to an innovation that consequently relegates content pictures to at least one

classifications of mark PCs. The technique for arrangement is additionally prepared by the picture substance of understanding the importance and translation with the PC. Through excellent picture characterization results, you can arrange huge picture datasets on the Internet, improve more compelling administration, execution, and fundamentally quicker Internet picture search. Through excellent picture comment, picture content-based ventures can be changed into more complex watchword based hunts that are semantic and text-put together and can be based with respect to huge arrangements of pictures progressively. Today, the picture is based on the mid-level representation, primarily as a basis for visual features. Visual image may have very different semantics on, because the influence of the underlying visual characteristics, does not contain semantic information. This formula is far from the way human perception of the image. In the center of the visual features include semantic meaning and image objects in a scene. Based on the function of the intermediate layer, the image represents an effective solution to the problem is the "semantic gap". By limiting the image quality of the segmentation, image is represented by the visual feature extraction region intermediate layer image, and the semantic scenes and effective semantic object in the image. Could not be retrieved. In order to improve the image representation of semantic information, wherein extraction needed to bring represented above, it can hold a high-dimensional vector in the form of more visual feature information of the image. The inevitably represented to distinguish and to increase the size of the image. The introduction of the redundant information will decrease the performance of the algorithm. In addition, the efficiency of the algorithm in, in the real-world application, exacerbated by the difficult problem "dimension disaster" and overhead algorithm of time and space. Thus, the fusion feature extraction method for extracting semantic information, one of the most urgent study, effectively the image to design an effective method for the rich semantic information and image representations. With the advent of the Internet era of big data, image classification and labeling of the research focus has shifted from the traditional limited size of the data sets to the Internet using large data sets and is difficult to use in large-scale data environment "curse of dimensionality". Therefore, in the design classification and labeling algorithm, the complexity of the algorithm,

considering the cost, and efficiency, simpler model design, it is necessary to use the introduction of parallel computing mechanism. Appearance is not, at this point a potential element of conventional displaying techniques dependent on similitude coordinating. The element by and large presents incredible adaptability for planning viable calculations for different employments of picture order and show. Picture arrangement and human view of huge datasets are the primary examination bearings in understanding the importance of pictures, and in presenting from the earlier information on client input on measure models to imitate. At last, the quantity of enormous datasets, continuous substance updates, and this change requires another calculation update system. Existing calculations frequently do not have a powerful component for refreshing preparing sets. The displaying procedure relies upon the preparation set. When the preparation is finished, the relating significance is fixed and no new substance can be included. This is intolerable, especially for large data sets, and can consume a long time, especially if you need to process modeling and retraining in order to update the calculation of the cost. As a result, a new generation of algorithms are updating their training set affordable, timely and effective manner and to continue to keep up with the Internet and style to keep up with large amounts of data. Personalized Search is an intelligent Big Data era of development, the inevitable result of the Internet search engine. Personalized search method is used to search the primary user support multimedia data types. The user can use the image, text, natural language, or mixed media type’s expansion keyword matching existing text search method. Requesting a search model to represent the abstract semantic multi-output mode, and allows the media data input by the user. In this context, we support the design ideas, theories, work and purpose of the validation process for the introduction of high-speed large measure of self-sufficiency required image data. From deep semantic image content hash learning framework has been proposed, it can be used in really large data storage environments. Design has always been a basic image features in computer vision and important issue. In previous studies, some typical features are contrived so well, such as the, HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients), and so on. It has been shown to achieve the effect of the functional expression. However, these man-made designs also suffer

from a lack of good generalization performance. Convolution neural network has a layered depth learning play model. Functional representation is the basis of computer vision research. How to learn by using convolution neural network universal characteristics and excellent generalization, extraction of a broader overall computer vision has a strong discrimination, analysis of information expression Suppose you have a wider influence. 2. RELATED WORKS In picture order, picture qualities is a significant factor in deciding the grouping execution. Low-level visual highlights of the calculation is generally utilized for picture include extraction and picture grouping depends on a solitary, most normal low-level visual highlights, for example, shading, surface. Or on the other hand shape. This is our objective. HSI humeral head, and a PC helped conclusion framework capacities HSV space everlasting extraction includes and said change humeral head recognize a typical picture and edema. At the point when the Fourier shape descriptor acquiring the shading appropriation of each picture removed from the picture amazing component, so as to improve the phone structure of the tissue, a subtype of the state of the infection. The current picture examination technique dependent on the state of our kidney tumor. I is, moreover, different calculations depend on a solitary picture highlights for picture arrangement when all is said in done. Edge SIFT descriptor is proposed classification algorithm iteration spectrum hyper spectral image based on spatial relationship function characterized by a predetermined spatial remote sensing image. The researchers chose a different characteristic, use for image classification, but a single function often cannot accurately describe the image content in certain applications. Ray et al. [2] The crude low-level feature set theory is applied to construct our image table determined, and the proposed low-level features of semantic features to identify an image based on the rough set extraction algorithm. Additionally proposed a calculation for extricating semantic highlights and capacities dependent on the standard relationship examination melded picture. So as to guarantee the powerful utilization of the calculation between the low-level highlights and elevated level semantic consistency. Distant detecting picture, Wang et al [3] wherein intended to look for the

scene coordinating semantic visual highlights of a picture by consolidating the spatial relationship of the item picture. While the effect of semantic highlights can communicate the substance of the picture, and semantic highlights is mind boggling, it is a troublesome exertion to extricate. Currently, the most significant feature extraction algorithm based on visual features of images [4] is low. To distinguish between benign and malignant breast tumors, we extract the texture and shape features of the ultrasound image. Lee et al. We propose a functional classification using texture and context is intended for computer-aided diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma in the use of computed tomography (CT) automatic detection and segmentation of the image. Consequences of the correlation cycle with each capacity, shading, based surface, and shape qualities were affirmed by tests and 42CrMo diverse apple ailment order. Liu et al. This improves the productivity of the characterization and recovery of pictures, utilizing a nearby twofold example (LBP) administrator for removing surface highlights from a picture, and gives thorough shading data somewhat. Method of dietary patterns Zaple. Rehashed tests by hyper spectral picture including the unearthly picture surface data and shape decide the best blend of highlights, in [5]. This technique can improve the proficiency of the hyper spectral picture order. It is the best combination to determine weights of different features. It is very important. This method is often subjective and improve the effectiveness of the classification of certain types of images. Therefore, the identification multifunction weighting algorithm, is strongly influenced by the human factor, low complexity, and integration of the function is visible effectiveness has become an important research topic. Possible highlights of a picture of different sorts might be utilized to adequately portray the most regularly used to depict the degree normal for the shading data contained in the histogram of the picture [7]. Likewise, the LBP work has significant focal points, including dark invariance, can be handily determined. Further, the picture include SIFT highlights of scaling, pivot, and relative invariant [8], and they show a ground-breaking [7]. Accordingly, the analysts found that these three characteristics are generally utilized in the field of PC vision, for various kinds of picture characterization.

Bayesian classification makes use of different feedback strategies related image retrieval algorithm is reported that the new feedback function. Han et al. [9] to create a different integration algorithm ensemble of basic training by changing artificial examples (decorative) of remote sensing image classification labels and rotating against the proposal on improving forest [10]. By affecting the analysis results of the classification of the different features of natural images, we propose an adaptive weighting function K nearest neighbor classification [11]. Then again, the improvement of related innovations and distributed computing gives a suitable stage to enormous grouping information [12] [13], these methods might be performed when an equal preparing [14] [15]. Distributed computing stage. It incorporates information arrangement calculation being used, as various exceptionally valuable attributes, dispersed figuring stage, high proficiency, dependability, adaptation to non-critical failure, and to open the versatility. Huge numbers of the characterization execution of the calculation will make arrangement preparing of information that can be acquired by Hadoop has been enormously improved [16]] [17]. Hadoop map is the center innovation, in this way lessening the product engineering [18] [19] for preparing huge informational collections. Hadoop's greatest bit of leeway is that it utilizes equal calculation to handle a lot of information, which makes it truly solid and adaptation to internal failure Many PC bunch. Alter and run Map Reduce viable program [19] [20]. 3. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY To be improved to gain new experience and knowledge, and unique access to information law in computer training data. See. Today, learning machine has gone through the tortuous course of 70 years, which is the key focus and academic research and industrial applications. Machine learning is an intelligent way of learning and cognitive processes is the closest to the human brain, as expressed deep learning. Therefore, the basic goal of unsupervised learning is similar to the principle of distinction, in the learning process. Unsupervised learning has welcomed artificial intelligence, similar to the most valuable human learning place. For the typical unsupervised learning algorithm, typical applications include clustering and anomaly detection, automatic encoder, limit Boltzmann machine, deep trust network, and so on are to be adopted. In short, learning machine can automatically recognize new samples and some of the wisdom of this machine.

Multi-input data samples or data structures can learn to implement the inherent law of future predictions. According to the algorithm, it is a computer. Target machine learning is to continuously adjust the network parameters, and internal data structures of learning input data in the model, select the appropriate training and learning methods, and solves the optimization model. It is a mathematical model to predict the structure of the network based on the use of mathematical tools. Improve feedback and marketing capabilities, and to prevent over-fitting. Machine learning algorithms reference procedures and methods to solve optimization problems, mainly by mathematical and statistical methods. Early Models of Data-Driven Currents After long periods of exploration, picture explanation innovation has developed and depends on datasets that are restricted to huge web based datasets. The model-driven methodology gives calculation preparing AI, or information model planning mode, which gives a visual picture of the gathering and obscure semantic explanations under elevated levels of semantics. The picture is utilized to build up the association rate. An iterative technique dependent on neighborhood search to limit the goal work, which is the target capacity of the K-implies strategy, totals the squared mistakes in the group, and along these lines accomplishes bunching of information focuses. Utilize the. This is a typical grouping calculation. Here, the list of capabilities of the preparation picture information base is thought to be a d-dimensional dataset. 𝑋 = {π‘₯𝑖 | π‘₯𝑖 ∈ 𝑅 𝑑 , 𝑖 = 1, 2, ..,𝑁 } At that point, the essential thought of K-implies bunching calculation is to isolate W highlights into classes A(𝑆1 , 𝑆2 , . . . , 𝑆𝐾 ) and make the sum of the squares of the variances of all classes minimum: 2 𝑆 βˆ— = arg min βˆ‘π‘˜π‘–=1 βˆ‘π‘ 𝑗=1 ℡𝑗𝑖 ||π‘₯𝑗 βˆ’ π‘Šπ‘– ||

------- (1)

Among them, ℡𝑗𝑖 i is an indicator variable that indicates characteristics π‘₯𝑖 whether it is a visual wordπ‘Šπ‘˜ . 1, π‘₯ < 0 ℡𝑗𝑖 = { π‘€π‘˜ = arg min ||π‘₯𝑗 βˆ’ π‘Šπ‘– ||2 ---- (2) 0, π‘₯ β‰₯ 0 π‘Šπ‘– =

βˆ‘π‘— ℡𝑖𝑗 π‘₯𝑖 βˆ‘π‘— ℡𝑖𝑗

-------- --- (3)

When given last visual words there is a phase cycle gathering of E and M step. In order to hinder the occasion of a ceaseless hover, generally speaking, to set the most extraordinary

number of accentuation. This in itself is definitely not hard to achieve on a fundamental level strategies computation is essential is a result of a limitation figuring, nevertheless, K is - , explicitly, a segment of the visual word reference of the cycle on the issue to comprehend it is gathered thing, it should be careful to be. For example, the visual language and visual word reference is delivered by questionable issues and indivisible from the non-capable, it doesn't maintain the dynamic turn of events. If there is any size larger than a given threshold value, a given d-dimensional image feature vector, corresponding to the size of the binary number is 0, otherwise, the binary hash function is defined as: 1, β„Žπ‘– (π‘˜) = { 0, 1, β„Žπ‘– (π‘˜) = { 1,

π‘₯ π‘₯ π‘₯ π‘₯

<0 𝑓 (π‘˜) > π‘šπ‘’π‘Žπ‘› (𝑓𝑗 (𝐾)) ; βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ (4) β‰₯0 𝑖 <0 𝑓 (π‘˜) < π‘šπ‘’π‘Žπ‘› (𝑓𝑗 (𝐾)) ; βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ (5) <0 𝑖

1, β„Žπ‘– (π‘˜) = { 0,

π‘₯<0 𝑓 (π‘˜) > π‘šπ‘’π‘Žπ‘› (𝑓𝑗 (𝐾)) ; βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ (6) π‘₯=0 𝑖

1, π‘₯=0 β„Žπ‘– (π‘˜) = { 𝑓 (π‘˜) > π‘šπ‘’π‘Žπ‘› (𝑓𝑗 (𝐾)) ; βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ βˆ’ (7) 1, π‘₯β‰₯0 𝑖 Here, the average of all the dimensions of the image features are used as a threshold. If the size is larger than the threshold value, it is encoded. Or may be formed to correspond to the function of the visual word is 0 and d-dimensional binary vector. 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A first network using different test parameters, and labeled comparative tests and environment. Network parameters for comparison are mainly sliced using MLP network and the network is compared using sigmoid activation functions and the impact of Batch Norm used. Formerly, optimal technology, teacher hashing algorithm in an environment marked by comparing the unlabeled environment is without hashing algorithm training.

Figure.1 Image Classification

Figure.2 Object Detection from Image

Comparative experiments done in different network parameters. Comparative image features Google network and Alex net in the first stage. Then, it is finally determined by using the LE algorithm performs a hash map form and hash tag. The second stage uses a complete hash of a simple learning network. MLP and its effect sections are compared with the sigmoid activation function k. Correlation model image automatic annotation method is based on the initial probability correlation model. The difference between probability correlation model is not only, simply does not establish a relationship between the image and the semantic keyword, to calculate the symbiotic probability of the image area and keywords. Stochastic correlation model is: by the correlation of the model, the marked image is, to find a set of keywords with the meaning of the highest correlation probability and marked image is. Image of the annotation is shown in Figure.1 and 2.

Figure.3 Accuracy of image classification and image detections

The accuracy of the recall rate for generating hash dimensions under different network parameter configurations is shown in Figure. 3.











Figure.4 Hash dimension recall rate and accuracy rate comparison Compared to the overall performance characteristics of the low refractive index F + BatchNorm coarse and fine category is generated using a different network shown in figure.4. It is shown a maximum score piece of code length analysis beta = 5.0 in Comparative Example. 100 90 Max Fmeasure(%)

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1







No.of bits a-mlp




Figure.5 Large classification method performance In addition, it is not difficult from a detailed breakdown of the above, it is almost the same, the result of large classification in the figure.5 This indicates that the result of the hashing algorithm defines also has strong generalization ability in the case of different categories and a good correlation between the ability of the semantic content of the expression. 5. CONCLUSIONS

In this article, propose a framework to study the depth of our own hashing algorithm, using existing patterns, and the combination of deep hashtag functions provided and obtained by the network. In the overall framework, a number of independent learning and hash function hash tag collection unmarked only learning. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of learning problems outside of this algorithm for the sample, with good general explanatory power. The final results showed that better classification results may lead to a better depth of functionality, and depth of the hash function can affect the accuracy of the label. It just does not meet the time line under the big data environment, relearn and stability requirements. The general performance of the semantic description of the different categories of hash results and semantic association. Experiments show that the algorithm can meet those needs. Goal is to solve this problem through a new metadata generation and management solutions. Conflict of interest The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work. We declare that we do not have any commercial or associative interest that represents a conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted.

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Dr. Guanghui Yang is a lecturer working on Department of Intelligent Science and Technology, in the College of Science, in North China University of Science and Technology. He graduated from University of the West of Scotland, and His research interests include data mining, knowledge discovery, and machine learning.