Clavatospora filiformis sp.nov., an aquatic hyphomycete from Malaysia

Clavatospora filiformis sp.nov., an aquatic hyphomycete from Malaysia

Transactions British Mycological Society 39° NICOT, J. ( 1960). Some characteristics of the mic roflora in desert sands. The ecology of soilfung i (...

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Transactions British Mycological Society


NICOT, J. ( 1960). Some characteristics of the mic roflora in desert sands. The ecology of soilfung i (ed . D. Parkinson and ] . S. Waid), pp. 94-97. Li verpool University Press. WAKSMAN, S. A. (1916). Do fun gi actually liv e in soil and produce my celium ? Science N.S. 44, 3 20-322. WARCUP,]. H. (1950). The soil plate method for isolation of fungi from soil. Nature, London 166, I I7-II8.



ofBiological Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

The fungus reported in this short communication was first observed as free floating spores in a Petri dish which contained several pieces of decayed petioles collected from a small stream in the University of Malaya Botanic Gardens. Further search revealed the presence of the fungus on a length of one of the petioles. Similar spores were figured by Ingold (1956, 1958) from samples of scum collected in Nigeria, Uganda and Rhodesia. This fungus is considered to represent an undescribed species of Claoaiospora. Clavatospora filiformis sp.nov. (PI. 41). Fungus aquaticus submersus, mycelio hyalino demum paIlide brunneo, sep ta to, ramoso. Conidiophora brunnea , simplicia, septata, 90-280 Jlm x 5-7 Jlm. Conidia [phialosporae) acrogena, hyalina, unicellula, sub aqua evoluta triangulata, 1'5-2'5 Jlm ad basim, ad 12-20 Jlm apicem dilatata, apice processibus tribus, 15-34 usi», ad 12-20 Jlm apicem dilatata, apice processibus tribus, 15-3 1 pm, supra aquam efformata ellipsoidea, 7"5-12 pm x 3"5-5'5 psi», sine processibus. In petiolis putrescentibus submersis, in f1uminibus in horto botanico Universitas Malaysia. Typus H erb. IMI 177451 et UM/AH 12.

On the or iginal substrate the mycelium is brownish, occurring superficially or immersed. Conidiophores which proje ct out prominently into the water are simple, straight or flexuous, mid to dark brown, paler towards th e apex , thick-walled, up to 10 septate, 90-280 pm long, 5-7 pm wide at the base, tapering only slightly above, arising singly or in groups of 2-4 from a small stroma (PI. 41, fig. a). Each conidiogenous cell has a distinct collarette (PI. 41, fig. b). Old conidiogenous cells have been observed to proliferate. The conidium starts development as a small swelling at the end of the collarett e. This soon becomes oval (PI. 41, fig. c). Gr adually the upper half widens and becomes turbinate and finally triangular-shaped (PI. 41, figs. d, e). Viewed from above the developing conidium is also triangular and from each corner of the triangle a long, hair-like divergent process, 15-34 pm long and approximately 1'5-2'5 pm wide at the base grows out more or less simultaneously. These divergent proc esses are not continuous with the main part of th e conidium but appear to be septate at their points Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 61 (2), (1973). Printed in Great Britain

Notes and Brief Articles


of origin. A cleavage line develops at about th e sam e time as the arms are developing, demar ca ting the conidium from the conidiogenous cell. As soon as the conidium is fully grown it is abstricted and a new conidium begins to form. The mature conidium is hyaline, uni cellular , 1'5-2'5 fJ,m at the base, broadening to 12-20 fJ,m at the top (PI. 41, fig. f ). Some conidia develop four diverg ent arms and when viewed from a bove ar e square in outline (PI. 41, fig. h). The conidium germinates readily in wa ter and on agar producing a germ-tube from one or two extremities or from the base (PI. 41, fig. g). On 2 % malt agar the fungus forms a compact colony which attains a diameter of 10 mm in 14 days at 22°. The colony is at first colourless but soon becomes olivac eous green to dark grey with a thin white margin. The aerial mycelium is grey and tends to become ropy towards the margin as the colony ages. The appearance of the colony is quite similar to that of Claoatospora stellata (Ingold & Cox) S. Nilsson ex Marvanova & S. Nilsson and C. longibrachiata (I ngold ) S. Nilsson ex Marvanova & S. Nilsson as reported by Ingold & Cox (1957). Both are stated to be slow growing and form dark grey coloni es with a narrow margin on 2 % malt agar. Sporulation occurs abundantly at the cent re of the colony within 4-5 da ys. Conidiophores are simple and arise singly. They are hyaline at first but become dirty grey to brownish as they age and are shorter (40-60 fJ,m x 4'3-6 fJ,m ) and less septate than those formed under natural conditions. The process of conidial developm ent is similar to that described above (PI. 41, figs. i,j). However, the conidia which result are of a different type, being mor e or less oval or ellipsoidal, hyaline, unicellular, 7'512 fJ,m x 3'5-5'5 fJ,m and devoid of any divergent pro cesses (PI. 41, fig. k). They tend to collect in small clumps at the tips of the conidiophores. Spores of the original type are produced when pieces of the colony are submerged in sterile water. This species differs from all other known species of Clauatospora in having a broader, triangular-shaped conidium, each furnished with 3 long characteristic hair-like processes. The conidiophore which is dark, thickwalled and septate, is also unique among species of Clanatospora. REFERENCES

INGOLD, C. T. (1956). Stream spora in Nigeria. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 39, 108-110. INGOLD, C. T. ( 1958) . Aquatic hyphomycetes from U ganda and Rhodesia. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 41, 1°9-114. INGOLD, C. T. & Cox, V.]. (1957). Heliscus stellatus sp.nov. , an aquatic hyphomycete. Transactions of the British My cological Society 40, 155-1 58.

Trans. Br. mycol, Soc. 61 (2), (1973). Printed in Great Britain


Transactions British Mycological Society EXP LAN AT ION OF PLATE


Claoatospora filifo rmis Fig . a. T wo conid iophores from petiole ( x ISO). Fig. b. T ip of ph ialide ( x 1600). Figs, c-e. Conidia in different stages of developm ent ( x 1600). Fig.J. Side view of a typical conidium (x 625). Fig. g, Top view of a germ inating conidium ( x 625). Fig. h. Top view of a conidium with four di vergent pro cesses (x 625). Figs. i,j. Phialide with conidium developed on agar ( x 1300). Fig . k, Conidia developed on agar ( x 1600).


Department of Botany, University of Kuwait, Kuwait Coloniae in agaro amylo et extracto faecis additis mod ice crescunt, post 7 dies 25 °C ad 2 em diam, tenues, albae, confertae, in medio pulvillum aureum formant; post 14 dies 4'7 em diam, aurantiae, demum cinnamomea. Post 4-6 dies gametangia bina aequalia eomplectuntur. Asci singuli in hyphis ascogenis brevibus formantur, saepe acervati in mycelio aerio , rarissime catenulati. Ascorum acervuli laxe textis hyphis circumdantur. Asci subglobosi vel ovoidei, 12-15 x 10- 13 ps«, membrana fere persistente, plerumque 8 sporas continent. Ascosporae lenticulares vel oblatae, rubrobrunneae, 6-7'5 x 4'5 -5'5 pm, duobus oristis obtusi s aequatorialibus praeditae. Arthroconidia copiosa , 7'5-9'5 x 5'0-6'0 pm. Typus CBS 634.72 (l M l 163480) isolatus e solo halomorphico, Kuwait.

Colonies on YPSs agar grow moderately, attaining a diameter of 2 em in 7 days at 25°, forming a thin, white, close-textured basal felt and goldenyellow raised centre with 3 mm faint, white margin. After 14 days the colony attains a diameter of4'7 em and the colour changes to deep orange (Rayner, 1970). The colony after 21 days attains a diameter of6 em but the colour turns from deep orange to brownish to cinnamon with age especially in the colony centre. The reverse is shades of orange. Initials consisting of two similar gametangia coiling about each other, are formed after 4-6 days. Asci borne singly or in short chains on short ascogenous hyphae are often densely clustered and surrounded by loosely woven, finely warted hyphae, The asci when mature are subspherical to ovoid or nearly so, 12-15 x 10-13 fLm, with a relatively resistant hyaline membrane, mostly with eight conglomerate ascospores. Ascospores lenticular or oblate, reddish-brown, 6-7'5 x 4'5-5'5 fLm, and with two very faint equatorial rims surrounding a very shallow furrow. An imperfect state may be represented by arthrospores measuring 7°5-9°5 x 5'0-6'0 fLm. Growth at 30° on the same medium (YPSs) gives the same morphological characteristics but with less colony diameter, 1'7 em after 7 days , Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 61 (2), (1973). Printed in Great Britain