Clinical course and outcome of pregnancy in hyperprolactinemia
Int J Gynecol Obstet, 1992, 38: 251-253 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Citations from the Russian Literature Thisis a sel...
Int J Gynecol Obstet, 1992, 38: 251-253 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Citations from the Russian Literature Thisis a selection of abstracts taken from the literature
in the field of obstetrics and gynecology which the Journal’s Editors feel may be of interest to our readers*
Fetoplaeental system in pregnantpatients soffering from habitual abortions during combined therapy including metabolic COrrCCtiOll
Mamedaliyeva NM; Burlev VA; Sitnikov VF; Sidelnikova VM; Volobuyev AI; Zukin BJ 1991 7 (22) Fifty-two women suffering from habitual abortions, defined as a high-risk group in respect to placental insufficiency development, were followed up over the course of pregnancy. Metabolic correction was necessary in some of these patients; the rest received only basic therapy. The examinations revealed placental insufficiency signs in 78% of these women. Placental insufficiency in the examined group was characterized by an enlarged intervillous space with a prolonged tilling period, a reduced linear rate of blood flow in this space, as well as by reduced levels of the fetoplacental hormones and activation of lipid peroxidation. Addition of metabolic therapy to the complex of therapeutic measures helped to reduce the incidence of placental insufficiency by 17.4% and reduced more than twofold the incidence of fetal hypoxia and hypotrophia. Effect of antichlamydial agents on effective treatment of habitual abortion Mezinova NN; Chuchupalov PD; Yevdokimova NS; Fokhridina LI 1991 7 (30) In an examination of 163 females suffering from habitual miscarriage, 41.7% were diagnosed with chlamydia. The miscarriage rate was 59.1% in the patients with chlamydiasis. All the females treated for chlamydiasis delivered at term. Antichlamydial agents should be supplemented as part of a combined therapy of habitual abortion in patients with chlamydiasis. Clinical course aad outcome of pregnaocy in hyperprolactinemia Pamfamirov YuK, Markovsky VN; Kichikhanov SSh; Lapayeva YeV 1991 7 (35) Specific features in the course of pregnancy and labor were studied in 24 hyperprolactinemic women after parlodel stimulation. A high incidence of threatened abortions (7 cases), late gestosis (7 cases), fetal hypoxia (5 cases), early rupture of amniotic fluid sac (4 cases), surgical delivery (3 cases) was *All citations from Akusherstvo i Ginekologia.
noted. Regular clinical and biochemical check-ups are necessary during pregnancy and postpartum. The data permit a conclusion that women with a pregnancy resulting from parlodel stimulation, should be referred to a high risk group. Clinical, immunologic aod hormonal parallels in obese women during the climateric period Khashayeva TKh; Magatayeva MN; Tsadkina GG 1991 7 (59) A total of 178 women during climacterium with obesity of various degrees were examined. The time of onset of the menopause was found directly related to body mass. A higher incidence of the climacterium syndrome and predominance of its complicated forms were characteristic of obese women. This may be explained by reduced functional activity of the T immunity system. A significant direct correlation between the immune response parameters and thyroid function was revealed. Also a reverse correlation between these two characteristics and blood serum follicle-stimulating hormone, hydrocortisone and testosterone levels was found. The authors claim that the clinical picture of the climacteric syndrome is governed by the hormonal status and the immunity parameters and recommend immunomodulating therapy for such patients. Cytolaglc analysis of urethral and e&cervical smears for the dhgnosis of infectious diises Zinzerling AV; Shastina GV; Vetrov VV 1991 7 (65) Cytologic studies of smears of the endocervix and urethra from 130 women suffering from various diseases, including 61 pregnant patients with gestosis demonstrated structural changes of the cells, that permitted the diagnosis of mycoplasma infection in 43% of patients, chlamydiasis in 52.3% and herpes simplex in 72.3% of patients, in 63.9% of patients these infections were combined. Cytologic studies may be useful in the tentative diagnosis of urogenital infections, including cases where it is necessary to elucidate the causes of the unfavorable course of a previous pregnancy or when preterm babies are born. Predllon of gesto6is Mikhailenko YeT; Vasilenki LV; Zimina IL; Veropotvelyan PN 1991 6 (IO) Red cell osmotic and peroxide resistance characteristics were Int J Gynecol Obstet 38