r~nrelated to the SH"-U.H1';u suggest iP(lPE,ro;x1;cta1c1cn rnay not have a fondarnental role in the acute doxorubicin ~·-'"''"'"V"'.Y in rats, 2
32 references.
n1ation of estrogen rt=_;cepto:· 1n 11eteJroi,er1e(,us tu1r1.or and assessment of nuclear receptor trn.nslocation. a cmou,'lv;~,""'uy excellent permafresh or frozen tissue is available_ The authors studied 26 cases with dextran-coated fluorescein-labeled estradiol conjugate and 1rnm unop;erox1ct1::1se Of the patients 25 had carcinoma of the breast primary and 2 metastatic) and 1 had a lymphoma of the breast. There was complete correlation among the 3 methods in 62 per cent of the cases, All but 1 of these concordant cases had neoplasms positive for estrogen receptor_ Of the nonconcordant cases 5 with negative results by the dextran-coated charcoal method had differentiated infiltrating tumors, including 3 in whom the dextran-coated charcoal method agreed with 1 of the other techniques. Immunoperoxidase alone was negative in 4 cases and fluorescein-labeled estradiol conjugate alone was negative in L No correlation was seen between histologic tumor type or location and receptor content. However, only small numbers of less common breast tumor types were included_ A majority of poorly differentiated tumors were positive by all techniques, The case of lymphoma was negative all methods_ M. G. F. 4 16 references 3 -·v,va,•uv
Effect of Uidne 0§molality rm the Antibacterial Activity of Gel!ltamicl.:r.1
SOFER, A- DANON AND R. GORODISCHER, Pediatrics "A" and Clinical Pharmacology and of Health ¾:n,,n~nn° n.,,,,,.,,..,,1.1.v of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Res. Comm_ Chem_ Path_
41: 323-332 (Aug.) 1983
Gentamicin has a broad spectrum of activity against gramnegative and gram-positive bacteria, and it often is used to treat urinary tract infections. Gentamicin is excreted memlar filtration into the urine where levels several fold greater than serum are reached. owing to tissue binding gentamiein is detected in the urine for a µ,aJ1uu.-;eu interval after single dose administration. The authors studied the concentration and antibacterial of gentamicin in concentrated and dilute urine after a single dose in They found that the minimal bactericidal concentration of gentamicin ln dilute urine vvas lower than in the concentrated urine. Doses smaller than those used for infections should suffice in the treatment of tract infections. Therefore, ulation of urinary osmolality and pH 1s to affect the success of therapy. N. V. R. 1 1 table, 12 references
Un:recog:i-,Azed Renal Cat'd.noma: Aspeets of Lymphatic and Meta@tatic Spread Tl.rn,1mn"
and Pathology, Malmo General Sweden 55: 166-170
node dissection has the a.uthors to attempt to further information about the -·,,·-~··"-· behavior and spread of .renal tumors_ the aim of this the and extent of lymphatic and hematogenous metastatic spread 1n ""·H''-"'U.Y nr,ec,:ig1m,iea renal caxcinoma, and u,,~,u,;o in relation to the r,,.,w,.,nt·cw1
E§troge:n Receptors ht Ca:rd:m:m1a of the BL:em,L A Comof the Dextran-Coated :!:mmu111ofluoresce:!l.t, and ImmIIl!1.0:peroxidase Tecbnics
M. D. O'CONNELL AND J, W. Cedars-Sinai .Medical nw Amer. J. Clin.
80: 1-5
of Anatomic
In th.is series of 235 cases of
carcinoma r.netast~.tic
1\1:easurement of estrogen receptor content of
who 1nay ,..,,,nn,nn include biochemical measurement of estrogen receptor in cytosol fractions of tumor tissue Hvun,",,,uc,,,,~.,, histochemical localization using fluorescein-labeled estradiol more recently, 1rn,munoper,ox; localization in formalinfixed ;,asalH,lr>OHJ,UC,UC
almost as common in the i:nediastinum as in the "'"'''"'""''"'''"''";c, space_ In cases with involvement ef these sites davicular nodes concomitant metastases in the observed in 86 per cent and in other organs in 11 pe,' cent. In view of their 1um1u~;"' the authors state that since node invasion is a strong indicator of therapeutic benefit of radical m1::inactenec·t01ny seems low, whereas a limited unilateral dissection is justified mainly for its value as a staging procedure. E. D. W. 1 figure, 3 tables, 17 references
Late Effects of Treatment for Wilms' Tumor
p_ R M.
B. B. FINEBERG, C_ A. of Radiatwn Oncology,