215A 866O15 New Zealand seismic hazard analysis Matuschka. T: Bcrryman, K R: O'Leary, A J McVerry, G H; Mulholland, W M: Skinner. R I Bull N Z ,%'at Soc Earthq Engng VI8. N4. Dee I985, P313322
These results of a seismic hazard analysis for the country by the Seismic Risk Subcommittee (SRS) of the Standards Association are based on carefully conceived models of scismicity and spectral acceleration attenuation, developed as part of the study and considered appropriate for New Zealand, Results of the SRS survey are in terms of 5% damped horizontal response spectra for 50, 150,450 and 1000 ,,'ear return periods.
See also. 866147. 86614,~'
866016 Earthquake engineering of tunnels - revisited Owcn, G N: Scholl, R E Proc of the 1985 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, New York, 16-20 June 1985 VI, P63-70. Puhl ,V{'II" York." .4IME, 19<75 The progress in earthquake engineering of tunnels over the past five years is reviewed. Those areas where analysis and design procedures need further de,,elopmcnt are noted.
Frost action, permafrost and frozen ground See altar" 866125
866017 Closed-system freezing of soil in earth dams and canals Jones, C W Can Geotech J l"23. N/, Feb 19.~¢6. PI-¢? Field and laboratory experiences ,.~ith closed-system freezing related to hydraulic structures are presented. This type of freezing can cause redistribution of soil density and moisture, with possibilities of shrinkage and cracking, and should be considered in the design and construction of earth structures in cold regions. Frost depth measurements on two earth dams under construction and the remnant of the failed Teton Dam, Idaho. USA, tire presented and fitctors affecting frost depth are discussed. Possible changes due to freezing in earth dams in contact ~ith rock abutments arc considered with safety m mind.
866018 Rock moisture content in the field and the laboratory and its relationship to mechanical weathering studies Hall, K Earth Surf Land Process VII. N2, March-April 1986. P131142 Field moisture contents have been measured for quartz mica schist and quartz rocks taken from a variety of conditions and positions in the maritime antarctic. Laboratory testing provided additional information about how much water the rock would take up. Results indicate that current freeze-thaw simulations may produce exaggerated results. The saturation coefficient was seen to be a good indicator of frost susceptibility. Distribution of water content is an important but unknmvn factor. Results from field measurements suggest that freezethaw simulations should use rocks at water contents based on field observations.
866019 Origin of land subsidence and earth fissuring, Northeast Phoenix, Arizona Larson, M K: Pewe, T L Bull Asset Engng GeM 123. N2, 3lay 19,~6. PI39-165 The objectives of this study were to investigate land subsidence, causes of the fissure in northeast Phoenix, and to determine the relationship of subsurface bedrock topography to fissuring, A detailed gravity survey, supplemented b5 geologic mapping, precise repeated land surveying, and interpretation of well records in the vicinity of the fissure constituted the basis for geologic and hydrologic interpretation. Based on the groundwater history and inferred subsurface bedrock configuration of the area, general predictions of future fissuring ~erc made. 866020 Radial injection tracer experiment in a confined aquifer, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada Palmer, C D: Nadon. R L Ground Water l'24, N3, Alav-Jum' 19S6, t'322-331 A series o1" field and laborator,, tests was undertaken to cvaluale the thermal and hydrogeological properties of Ihe Scarborough tiqoifcr, the site ot" the first Aquifer Thermal Ellergy Storage (ATES) project in Ctinada. A radial injection experinlent tisin,, a chloride tracer ',',as ctcsienect to determine the variation in dispersi~it) and in the ratio of h',dr:.lulic conductivity to porosity over the thickness of the aquilcr. Data stlggest that the aquifer is hlhonlogcneous. The effect of inhomogcneity on efficiency of energy rccoxcr} is discussed. 86602 i Contaminant movement under pumpage-recharge condition in steady ground-water flon system Das Gupta, A; Onta Shrestha, P R Ground Water V24, ,V3. May-June /9,~'6, P342-350 The pattern of contaminant movement in stead5 ground~atcr flow under pumping and recharge condition~ is anal.,,sed numerically using a finite clement analysis based on the Galcrkin technique. Time step. space increment and boundary conditions are considered in the validation of the model. The effect of pumpage is significant in restricting movement of the contaminant downstream, and some inferences as to the effectiveness of a hydraulic barrier to retard contaminant movement can be drawn. 866022 Integral formulation applied to the diffusion and Boussinesq equations Taigbenu, A: Liggett, J A lnt J Num Jh, th Engng f'23, N6. June 19<'¢6. PIO57-1t)79 A new method, based on Green's theorem, is proposed to solve the diffusion equation (confined flowl and the Boussinesq equation {unconfined flow) in a t~o dimensional porous medium. The method is applied to the problems of drawdown due to constant pumping from tin extensive confined aquifer (Theis problem) and tin extcnsi,,e leaky conlined aquifer (Jacob problem).
~ 1986 Pergamon Journals IAd. Reproduction not permitted