Clostridium difficile infection in diabetes

Clostridium difficile infection in diabetes

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diabetes research and clinical practice 105 (2014) 285–294

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Clostridium difficile infection in diabetes Hui-Qi Qu a,*, Zhi-Dong Jiang b a

Human Genetics Center, The University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX, USA Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Epidemiology, Human Genetics and Environmental Sciences, The University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX, USA b

article info


Article history:

Diabetes-related hospitalization and hospital utilization is a serious challenge to the health

Received 12 August 2013

care system, a situation which may be further aggravated by nosocomial Clostridium difficile

Received in revised form

(C. difficile) infection (CDI). Studies have demonstrated that diabetes increases the risk of

26 January 2014

recurrent CDI with OR (95% CI) 2.99 (1.88, 4.76). C. difficile is a gram-positive, spore-forming

Accepted 13 June 2014

anaerobic bacterium which is widely distributed in the environment. Up to 7% of healthy

Available online 21 June 2014

adults and up to 45% of infants may have asymptomatic intestinal carriage of C. difficile. A


based molecular typing methods are available for typing C. difficile isolates. C. difficile

Clostridium difficile

virulence evolved independently in the highly epidemic lineages, associated with the

large number of strains of C. difficile have been identified. A number of PCR or sequence-


expression of toxin genes and other virulence factors. This article briefly reviews recent

Host immunity

progresses in the bateriology of C. difficile and highlights the limited knowledge of potential

Gut microbiota

mechanisms for the increased risk of CDI in diabetes which warrants further research. # 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Contents 1. 2. 3.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clostridium difficile infection and diabetes . . . . . Bateriology of Clostridium difficile . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Molecular typing of C. difficile . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Molecular pathogenicity of C. difficile . . . 3.2.1. tcdA and tcdB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2. tcdR, tcdE, and tcdC in PaLoc . . . . 3.2.3. cdtA and cdtB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4. Other virulence factors . . . . . . . . Mechanistic study on the increased CDI risk in Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ diabetes . ........ ........

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* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 713 500 9950; fax: +1 713 500 0900. E-mail address: [email protected] (H.-Q. Qu). 0168-8227/# 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

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diabetes research and clinical practice 105 (2014) 285–294


Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI) is a major nosocomial infection [1]. The infection mostly occurs after the gut microbiota is disrupted by the administration of antibiotics, which impairs colonization resistance against C. difficile [2]. CDI accounts for approximately 15% to 25% of antibiotic-associated diarrhea [3]. In addition to antibiotic use, advanced age (>65 years old), impaired immune function, contact with CDI patients or their health care providers, and the use of acid-suppressive therapy, particularly proton pump inhibitors, are common factors increasing the risk of CDI [4–6]. The clinical symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. Sigmoidoscopic examination may reveal pseudomembranes colitis. In rare case, CDI may cause fulminant colitis in which patients may develop septic shock, toxic megacolon, and intestinal perforation [7,8]. Stool culture is the most sensitive test for laboratory diagnosis of CDI and essential for epidemiological studies, whereas it is not clinical practical because of its slow turnaround time [9,10]. Stool culture takes as long as 9 days for results, i.e. 2 to 5 days for culture, 2 days for enrichment, and 1 to 2 days for the isolate toxin cell culture cytotoxicity neutralization assay (CCNA) [10]. Instead, C. difficile glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) test of stool specimens by enzyme immunoasssays (EIAs) followed by tests for toxins is recommended for CDI diagnosis in suspected patients [11]. The toxin testing by a direct stool CCNA requires only 1 to 2 days [10]. In cases that GDH testing is positive but toxin testing is negative, stool culture with isolate toxin testing is most useful and may detect additional 23% toxigenic C. difficile [10]. Stool culture followed by identification of a toxigenic isolate thus provides the standard against which other clinical test results should be compared, and the availability of an isolate also allows for strain typing and antimicrobial susceptibility testing [9,10]. Oral metronidazole or vancomycin are effective in most cases. However, 15–20% patients may have relapsing infection. Lipiarmycin (also known as clostomicin, tiacumicin, diffimicin, PAR-101, OPT-80, fidaxomicin, and Dificid), an 18membered macrocyclic-lactone antibiotic produced by Actinomycete species, is a novel antibiotic for CDI by inhibition of the switch region of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) [12]. Lipiarmycin has high in vitro activity against C. difficile but low activity against the typical intestinal flora, and is barely absorbed systemically and achieves high stool concentrations [13]. Recurrence is less frequent with lipiarmycin than with vancomycin [14]. Fecal bacteriotherapy to restore disordered gut microbiota has been shown to be highly effective for recurrent CDI patients with disease resolution in 92% patients [15]. Fecal bacteriotherapy involves infusing intestinal microorganisms in a liquid suspension of stool from a healthy donor to restore the intestinal microbiota of a diseased individual [15,16]. To date, fecal bacteriotherapy still presents significant scientific and regulatory challenges. Although donor material is widely available, the complex in stool composition raises concerns about its safety and acceptability, and prevents the procedure from becoming a standard therapeutic option [17]. Further randomized placebo-controlled study on its efficacy and

safety are still underway [18]. Monoclonal antibodies against C. difficile toxins are also under development [19]. Endospores are pivotal to C. difficile transmission. C. difficile spores can survive up to 5 months in environment [20]. C. difficile spores are resistant to prolonged exposure to high temperatures and 70% ethanol, but are effectively inactivated by sporicidal detergents [21]. The proper practice of hand hygiene to prevent C. difficile transmission is to wash hands with soap and water to remove any spores because alcohol-based hand sanitizers cannot kill the spores [9]. CDI is linked to 14,000 deaths in the US each year (http:// Due to the emerging hypervirulent strains of C. difficile, this number may still increase [22]. CDI has formed a serious economic burden to the health care system. For the US health care system, the conservative estimation of direct cost for management of CDI is $3.4 billion per year [23].


Clostridium difficile infection and diabetes

Diabetes-related hospitalization and hospital utilization is a serious challenge to health care system [24], a situation which may be further aggravated by nosocomial CDI. According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes; another 79 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Recent estimates project that as many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes in 2050 unless we take steps to stop diabetes [25]. Diabetes impairs host immunity, and increase the risk of a number of infectious diseases [26–28]. With the international pandemic of type 2 diabetes, it is becoming a major driving force of the epidemic of infectious diseases. The infectious diseases with increased risk in diabetes include CDI. Studies have demonstrated that diabetes increases the risk of recurrent CDI [29,30]. The combined effect of the two studies [29,30] has OR (95% CI) = 2.99(1.88, 4.76) for the increased risk of recurrent CDI in diabetes. In addition, studies showed that diabetes increases the risk of metronidazole treatment failure [31], and is independently associated with C. difficile positivity (CDP) status [32]. To understand the pathogenesis mechanisms of diabetes-increased risk of infectious diseases is a critical approach to gain knowledge for the control of these situations. Also diabetes can serve as a model to understand the interaction between host and pathogens, as demonstrated by our study on the molecular mechanisms of increased risk of tuberculosis in diabetes [27,28]. To discuss these issues, we reviewed recent progress of the molecular bateriology of C. difficile and highlight the limited knowledge of some possible mechanisms in the next sections.


Bateriology of Clostridium difficile

C. difficile is a gram-positive, spore-forming anaerobic bacterium. It was first isolated in meconium samples of normal newborn infants as a component of the normal intestinal flora by Hall and O’Toole [33]. Since the 1970s, C. difficile was recognized as the cause of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis [34–37]. C. difficile is widely distributed in the

diabetes research and clinical practice 105 (2014) 285–294

environment, e.g. soil, river and sea water, and won’t cause disease normally [38]. Up to 7% healthy adults [39] and up to 45% infants [40] may have asymptomatic intestinal carriage of C. difficile. The C. difficile genome consists of a circular chromosome of 4,290,252 bp encoding 3,776 predicted coding sequences (CDS), and a plasmid of 7881 bp encoding 11 CDSs [41]. For the encoded genes, 19.7% genes are conserved across different C. difficile strains [42].


Molecular typing of C. difficile

To date, a large number of strains of C. difficile have been identified. A number of PCR or sequence-based molecular typing methods are available for typing C. difficile isolates, e.g. restriction endonuclease analysis (REA), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), PCR-ribotyping, multilocus variablenumber tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), surface layer protein A gene sequence typing (slpAST), and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) [43,44]. Three of these methods have been most commonly used to type the strains of C. difficile, i.e. REA, PFGE, and PCR ribotyping [44]. REA and PFGE are restriction enzyme based methods. In the REA typing, the chromosomal DNA of C. difficile is usually digested with HindIII restriction enzyme, which has numerous restriction sites in the C. difficile genome [45]. Because of producing numerous DNA fragments after HindIII digestion, the banding pattern of REA electrophoresis is complicated to read, which limits the clinical application of REA. In the PFGE typing, the chromosomal DNA of C. difficile is usually digested with SmaI restriction enzyme, which gives 7– 15 restriction fragments ranging from 10 to 1100 kbp [46]. Compared with conventional electrophoresis which only separate DNA fragments <30 kbp, PFGE is able to separate large DNA molecules up to 2 Mbp by employing alternately pulsed, perpendicularly oriented electrical fields [47]. Intact genome DNA without degradation is important for PFGE typing, especially for the bands of the large DNA fragments. In North America, a PFGE strain type is designed as NAP (North American Pulsotype) and numerical number based on the banding patterns of electrophoresis, e.g. the epidemic strain NAP1. Compared with PCR ribotyping, the PFGE typing is more complicated, and has low throughput and high consumable costs. In addition, approaches to avoid DNA degradation during PFGE typing are important [48]. Ribotyping is the taxonomic typing method based on evolutionary neutral polymorphisms in the housekeeping genes flanking the ribosomal operons and the copy number difference of ribosomal operons among bacterial species [49]. Conventional ribotyping is based on restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA and southern blot visualization of band patterns of DNA fragments [50]. PCR ribotyping enables more expedite and sensitive analysis of ribotypes by using specific primers to amplify the intergenic spacer region (ISR) between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes. Length polymorphisms of the PCR amplicons are used to distinguish different bacterial strains [51]. The application of PCR ribotyping in C. difficile typing has been well documented [52,53]. The PCR ribotyping of C. difficile follows the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)—Cardiff nomenclature. Like the REA and PFGE methods, the PCR ribotyping is also a


fingerprint image analysis by electrophoresis banding patterns, and the availability of reference library of fully characterized PCR ribotypes is essential [52]. The restriction enzyme based methods or the PCR ribotyping for C. difficile typing are essentially based on independent reference systems, and it is difficult to correlate the nomenclatures from different typing methods. With the rapid progress of DNA genotyping microarrays and genomic sequencing technology, the unambiguous typing of C. difficile strains by genome-wide genotyping or sequencing, with the genome sequences of different strains as a unified reference system, has a great potential to become practical in the near future [54]. Such a genome-wide genotyping or sequencing based system may need to be updated continuously with evolving of C. difficile and emergence of new strains. Before the available of this kind of typing systems, the profiling of major toxins or other important functional genes of C. difficile are critical for the epidemic monitoring and control of CDI.


Molecular pathogenicity of C. difficile

The major genetic locus that mediates the pathogenicity of C. difficile is PaLoc (pathogenicity locus), which is 19.6 kb in length and contains five genes, i.e. in the sequence of physical positions tcdR (previously known as tcdD), tcdB, tcdE, tcdA, and tcdC [55,56]. Compared with the strain typing, the toxin testing is more important clinically as the strain typing described above does not reflect the existence of the toxin genes. As shown by recent study, C. difficile virulence evolved independently in the highly epidemic lineages [57].


tcdA and tcdB

tcdA and tcdB encodes two principle virulence factors of C. difficile, toxin A (TcdA) and toxin B (TcdB). TcdA and TcdB are structurally and functionally homologous with 63% amino acid (aa) homology [58]. The two toxins are the prototypes of the family of large clostridial toxins (LCTs), a family of glycosyltransferases modifying small GTP-binding proteins [59]. The toxins of the LCT family catalyze the transfer of a glucosyl moiety from UDP-glucose to the intracellular small GTPases, and render the small GTPases functionally inactive [60]. LCT toxins contain four distinct structural domains, i.e. the Nterminal glucosyltransferase domain for the biological activity, the cysteine protease domain for autocatalytic toxin processing, the translocation domain for pore formation and delivery of the catalytic domain into the cytosol, and the C-terminal receptor–binding domain (containing the C-terminal repeat region) for endocytosis [56,61,62]. These functional domains mediate the action of TcdA and TcdB in four major steps: (1) The C-terminal receptor–binding domain binds the surface of the target cell and the toxins enter the cell by endocytosis [63]; (2) low pH of the endosome induces conformational changes for translocation of the N terminus across the membrane [64,65]; (3) the cysteine protease domain catalyzes the autocleavage reaction and release the glucosyltransferase [66]; (4) The glucosyltransferase catalyzes the covalent binding of glucose to small GTPases and inactivates small GTPases [67]. Both TcdA and TcdB glucosylate Rho family substrates, while TcdA has a wider substrate spectrum [68]. TcdA is also capable of modifying Rap family GTPases [69], while Rap


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GTPases have important roles in cell adhesion and cell junction formation [70]. Initially, TcdA was taken as the enterotoxin causing disease, and the pathogenic effect of TcdB was assumed depending on TcdA [71]. Later, TcdB was found of 1000-fold higher cytopathic potency toward cultured cells [68]. Since TcdA-negative and TcdB-positive CDI outbreaks were reported, the pathogenic role of TcdB in CDI was further emphasized [72,73]. By homologous recombination, Lyras et al. found, in the hamster C. difficile-associated diseases (CDAD) model, tcdA mutant (A B+) retained a wild-type virulence phenotype, but tcdB mutant (A+B ) had a significantly attenuated virulence phenotype [74], thereby further highlighted TcdB as essential for the virulence of C. difficile. Using a different hamster model of CDI, Kuehne at al. reestablished the importance of both toxin A and toxin B by showing that isogenic mutants of C. difficile producing either toxin A or toxin B alone can cause fulminant disease in the hamster model of infection [75].


tcdR, tcdE, and tcdC in PaLoc

Besides tcdB and tcdA, there are three other genes tcdR, tcdE, and tcdC in PaLoc with important roles in CDAD (Fig. 1a) [41,76]. tcdR maps to the upstream of tcdB in PaLoc, and encodes an alternative sigma factor that directs C. difficile RNA polymerase to recognize the promoters of tcdB and tcdA [77]. tcdR serves as the major positive regulator of tcdB and tcdA expression and mediates environmental response [78]. tcdE is located between tcdB and tcdA, and encodes a holin-like pore-forming protein, whose pore-forming activity may allow the specific release of TcdA and TcdB to the extracellular environment [79,80]. tcdC at downstream of tcdA encodes a putative negative regulator of toxin gene expression, which may destabilize the TcdR holoenzyme to prevent transcription of the PaLoc [81]. A nonsense mutation causing a pre-termination codon and the production of a truncated protein of tcdC may contribute to the hypervirulence of the BI/NAP1/027 strain [82,83]. However, the roles of tcdE in toxin release and tcdC in toxin production are still contentious and lack of empirical evidence [84–86].


cdtA and cdtB

Another important locus involved in CDAD is the C. difficile transferase locus (CdtLoc). This locus encodes a binary toxin

which was first identified in the strain CD196 [87]. Three genes are located in this locus, including cdtR, cdtA and cdtB (Fig. 1b). cdtA encodes the ADP-ribosyltransferase subunit CdtA (the enzymatic component of the binary toxin), and cdtB encodes the ADP-ribosyltransferase binding protein (the binding component of the binary toxin). Either protein alone is noncytotoxic, but acquires cytotoxicity by forming the binary toxin CDT [88]. cdtR encodes a LytTR family response regulator, which plays a key role in the regulatory control of the binary toxin production [89]. The CDT binary toxin is an actin-specific ADP-ribosyltransferase. Through ADP-ribosylation of monomeric G-actin, the CDT binary toxin prevents actin polymerization, promotes depolymerization, and disrupts the cytoskeleton of the cell [90,91]. Recent study by Schwan et al. shows that the CDT binary toxin inhibits F-actin formation and causes microfilament depolymerization. Without grossly changing the cell morphology, this effect induces cellular protrusions in epithelial cells and leads to increased adherence of bacteria [92]. The role of the CDT binary toxin in CDAD is still unclear. The production of the binary toxin has no necessary correlation with the C. difficile ribotypes [93]. The binary toxin genes were detected in approximately 6–15% C. difficile Strains [94,95]. The CDT binary toxin may play an adjunctive role to toxins A and B in the severity of CDAD while itself may not be sufficient to cause disease [96,97]. However, a case of bacteremia with a LCT-negative, binary toxin-positive strain of C. difficile has been reported [98].


Other virulence factors

Numerous virulence factors of C. difficile are still to be recognized. Antimicrobial resistance genes mediated through conjugative transposons are commonly seen in C. difficile Strains, e.g. tetW and tetM encoding ribosomal protection proteins conferring resistance to tetracycline, and ermB encoding rRNA adenine N-6-methyltransferase conferring resistance to erythromycin [41,99]. Stress response proteins, including rubrerythrins, tellurium resistance proteins, bacterioferritin, catalase, and superoxide dismutase may contribute to the protection of spores from oxidative stress during germination [21]. Many adhesion factors including surface layer proteins (SLPs) contribute to the gut colonization of

Fig. 1 – The two pathogenicity loci of the C. difficile genome. (a) The PaLoc of C. difficile strain CD630. This figure is based on the NCBI reference sequence: NC_009089.1 [133]. (b) The Cdt locus of C. difficile strain CD196. The CDT toxin was first identified in the strain CD196 [87]. This figure is based on the NCBI reference sequence: NC_013315.1 [134].

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C. difficile [100]. Cwp84, a cysteine protease has been characterized, which is associated with the S-layer proteins and contributes to the degradation of the host tissue integrity [101]. Detection of virulence factors is important for the control of CDI epidemic and for clinical decisions of individualized treatment. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) testing have been used for the detection of C. difficile toxin A and B in stool specimens [9,102]. Toxinotyping based on the restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of the tcdB and tcdA genes remains to be a practical approach to monitor the epidemic strains [103,104]. Direct amplification of virulence genes including tcdA, tcdB, cdtA, and cdtB, etc. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is being widely adopted [94,105,106]. Futhuremore, rapid progress of genomic technologies enables transcriptome analysis of C. difficile, which is rapidly increasing and unprecedentedly sophisticating our knowledge on important molecules involved in CDI, e.g. host adaptation [107], nutrient acquisition [108], and heat resistance [109]. The application of high-throughput whole genome sequencing technologies is discovering novel genes and molecular mechanisms within the evolving C. difficile [57].

4. Mechanistic study on the increased CDI risk in diabetes Diabetes impairs host immunity, and increases the risk of a number of infectious diseases [26]. In CDI, the normal function of macrophages may be important to contain the infection of C. difficile spores [110,111]. After phagocytosis of C. difficile spores by macrophages, spores can remain dormant and be able to survive and produce cytotoxic effects on macrophages [110]. Our previous study showed decreased expression of ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 50/57 kDa, V1 subunit H in diabetes patients by a longitudinal investigation [27]. The principle function of V-ATPase is to acidify intracellular compartments [112,113]. V-ATPase is involved in endocytosis through the acidification of the phagosome [114]—a critical process in intracellular microbial killing [115], especially in specialized phagocytic cells such as macrophages. Among 376 genes related to human tuberculosis [116], we also observed decreased expression of the HK2 gene in diabetes [28]. The HK2 gene encodes hexokinase 2, which is a critical mediator of aerobic glycolysis [117]. Aerobic glycolysis is the unique energy source for macrophages [118]. Decreased expression of HK2 may impair macrophage function, thus increasing the risk of tuberculosis. In addition, host genes involved in the activation of macrophages may also be involved in the CDI risk in diabetes. MyD88, encoded by the myeloid differentiation primary response 88 gene, is a key downstream adapter for most Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and interleukin-1 receptors (IL1Rs) and plays a central role in the innate and adaptive immune response [119,120]. C. difficile spore-mediated transmission to mice deficient in MyD88 leads to a severe intestinal disease that is often fatal, while transmission to control mice treated with antibiotics results in self-limiting mucosal inflammation of the large intestine [121]. MyD88-deficiency also increases risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in mice [122]. Among the TLRs, Ryan et al. showed that toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) mediates the recognition of the surface layer


proteins (SLPs) of C. difficile and activates innate and adaptive immunity [123]. However, the roles of MyD88 and TLR4 in the increased CDI risk in diabetes is unclear. Dasu et al. found that subjects with type 2 diabetes had increased expression of MyD88 and TLR4 [124]. Although impaired host immunity in diabetes [26,28] may contribute to the susceptibility of CDI in diabetes, we must acknowledge that impaired colonization resistance against C. difficile is the major cause of CDI [2]. A plausible hypothesis of the colonization resistance against CDI is the niche exclusion hypothesis, i.e. exclusion of toxigenic C. difficile by nontoxigenic C. difficile [2,125,126]. Pre-colonization of the intestinal tract with non-toxigenic C. difficile may exclude toxigenic C. difficile by the ability of the non-toxigenic C. difficile strain to outcompete toxigenic C. difficile for a limiting nutrient [125,126]. Chang et al. showed that patients with RCDI had decreased species of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes in their stool as compared to patients with just single episode of CDI [127]. On the other hand, changed ratio of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes in diabetes gut microbiota has been suggested by recent studies [128,129]. According to the study by Larsen et al., the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes increased in diabetes [128]. In contrast, obese mice and humans without diabetes had a reduction in the abundance of Bacteroidetes and a proportional increase in Firmicutes [130]. Most of the components of Firmicutes belong to the class Clostridia. The proportion of Clostridia in diabetes is significantly lower than that in controls [128]. This change of gut microbiota may explain some of the increased risk of CDI in diabetes through weakened niche exclusion against C. difficile. In addition, virulence of pathogenic C. difficile may also vary depending on the community structure of the flora [131]. The known success of fecal transplantation in the treatment of refractory or recurrent CDI [15], as well as the research enthusiasm of fecal transplantation in the treatment diabetes [17,132] ( Identifier: of NCT01790711), is transmitting positive message about fecal bacteriotherapy. However, fecal bacteriotherapy presents significantly scientific and regulatory challenges on the Food Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory policies of novel live biologics to assure the safety and rights of subjects. This issue highlights the importance of mechanistic study on the microbiota change associated with CDI in diabetes. Through further study, a true and deeper understanding of the impact of diabetes on the gut microbiota, as well as a better knowledge of probiotic and prebiotic mechanisms with clinical indication may enable successful future implementation of effective bacteriotherapy for CDI in diabetes using microbial or polymicrobial consortium.

Conflict of interest statement None declared.

Acknowledgments H.Q.Q. is supported by intramural funding from the University of Texas School of Public Health. The funder had no role in decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.


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