lyst surface. By maintaining
global warming
by CO;! impact upon the
less than 1300-15OO”C, almost no NOx is
impact of CO2 upon global warming;
in the combustor.
uses metal monoliths
The catalyst
as supports.
climate; critical feedback on the
This is an interesting
measures taken by Japan to reduce CO2
series of
articles which provide some
reading on the impact of CO2
upon our atmosphere.
CO2 and Global Warming
A series of five feature articles inTechno Japan [26 (Feb. 1993) pp. 6-521 describe:
Calendar of Forthcoming Events New Items For full Calendar see Appl. Catal., 101(1993)N5 13-18 Mar. 1994 San Diego, CA, USA
*ACS Spring Meeting on NOx Reduction Contact: SK. Agarwal, Center for Process Research, Research Triangle Institute, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 277092194, USA (+l-919)5418024,fax. (+l-919)5418000; G. Marcelin, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Dept., University of Pittsburgh, 1249 Benedum Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 16281, USA (+ l-412)6249647, fax. (+ l-412)6249639; or U.S. Oskan, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 140 W, 19th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA (+ l-814)2926623, fax. (t l-614)2923760
20-22 Apr. 1994 Brussels, Belgium
*3rd International Congress on Catalysis and Automotove Pollution Control Contact: J.-M. Bastin, Sectretary CAPoC3, ULB, Caaaaatalyse Heterogene, CP 243, Campus de la Plaine, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium (+ 32-2)6505710, fax, ( + 32-2)6505708
* Indicates new or revised entry,
Announcements are included free of charge at the discretion of the Editor. Information on planned events should be sent well in advance (preferably 6 months or more) to Ireland, fax. (+353-61) 411400 orto Applied Catalysis, Desk Editorial Office, PO. Box
applied catalysis A: General
Volume 101 No. 2 -
4 August 1993