Journal ofMdecular
Liquids,4i(i08!3)~166-180 EY#vieTscieI~PublishereB.V, Ammkdmm-Prir~tadinTheNetherlands
De artnxnt of Chcmisay and Instituteof Molecular Biophysi&, Florida State University. T a# ahassc~Fkuida3230S
ABsrRAcr S&c of the chflkultics in devel~ng fi.~ndamcnud concepts and principles for the dynamical aspects of molccula~levcl b~ol?~gyare discussed_ Use is made of similarities between phyrncalprocesses involved in biomolecular mechanisms and thosa encountered commonrobottlafcpointcdouSand in molecular spcctroscopy~ Concepts and p it is shown how the approach we used forTrti=vcloplng reduced subsystem equations fm Im~tfeahlrcs ic pxxcscs is applicable also for biomolcc+ar_ pv. specm include“p (1 a fundamental cbchotomy leading to the m and Qlimits of subsystem dynamics and (2) the distinction between equilibrium diffusion and uilibriumflow in hasc (Hilbut) space. The concept of Macromola%ll Activation as a p” undamcntal enuty in biomolccular mechanisms ix pXScntcdn$K%Qcles Conjuxurcs am made regardingboth the.thcxmodynamicand uantummcchamcal mtture of MAC cycles. The a-helix soliton model of Davydov. CarelI. end Scott is rtformulatcd without using the assumptions that produce tha nonlincfu Schroedingcr equation: Calculations show thatthe soliton dots not exist in the a-helix; rather,theexcitor migmtts mora in accxxd with the dissipativelimit. INTROIkTION One of the most subtle and difficult ptiblcms facing the physical and biological sciences concerns thaquestion: What are the underlyingconcepts and principleswhereby complex assemblies of biomoleculcs opuate to carry out biological fun&&s?
Most of
agree thatphysics and chemistryprovidua bssis for understandingmolecular-level biologyBut thequestion is whether existing concepts and principlesof physical th&ny as they apply to chemistry and solid-state physics. for example. arc sufficient - or do they havu to be recombined and rcshap& &to somethingrecognizably new aid different?
The background
for this question is clear when we observe the eagerness with which every new idea of the physical and mathematical sciences is transferredto biology; for cxampl~ - elec&~ cclnductionbands. excitons, solitons, strange attractors.and fiactals, to name a few:.. Yet none of thy
thus far. offers an underlyingprincipleor paradigmfor biology;
8 19fIQElsevierSciencePubliaherpB-V_
Fromanothtrptrspbctive.b~olo~calsyste~maybtvIcwcdascxtcnsionsof of systems t&ted by &densed &p&h
matter physics.
As such, they arc cond&tscd systems which
to h&c a high degree of structural heterogeneity and. accordingly. thay bring to bear
all of the problems and difficulties encountered in the theory of large systems having many degrees of freedom_ The latter includes the formuladon of appropriate subsystem equations of motion and the developmetit of mcthod6logiw
for quantitativ&ly applying such equations
to reasonable models for real systems. Over the years, numerous physical scientists have devoted their attention in part or in whole, to the fundamen tal aspects of biological systcmS_ Giorgio Car&
[ I] is one of thcsa
It is appropriate that a special issue of this journal be dedicated in his honor. The relation of our work to his on soliton dynamics in polypeptidcs will be discussed below. It is our view that the existing concepts and principles of physical theory provide the building blocks from which an understanding of biology can be constructed_ Thult is no intellectual demur!
that we go beyond
the fiarnework
of statistical thermodynamics,
qua&urn and classical mechanics, and field theory_ To be; sure many. rl3xarchershavcbccn self-limited in their applications of the than-y. r&ulting in misconceptions and too-severe restrictions on the nature of the system and, consequently, calling for a drastic departure .fivmcurfentthcory_ While
we do not believe that a departure from cumnt
thcoty is necessary, we do
believe that &tensions 3nour thinking about hoti theory applies to microtipic. level dynamics is required (the reshaping r&red understanding the basic functions of biology
to above)_
We are a long way from
bmch as, &If-assembly.
replication. The mechanisms whereby energy and information flow arecoordinated remain amystery. New couccpts of association arecalled for, relatingmicroscopicand macroscopic live1 dynamics of highly-organized
molecular assemblies. 77iat arc few, if tiy. principles
Ft known that ar& unique to the dynamic behavior of biomolecular systems. The purpose of this paper is to put forth our views on fundamental biomolccular
is placed on the role of cyclic
in which
such as proteins, operate by going through clectronic-confmmational
cycles. WC refer to these as macromolazulc activation cycles (MAC aspects of such cycles are of key importance.
cycles)_ Tht~
A maj& point of the paper is to present
conjtiturcs concerning the them&dynamic and quantum mechanical nature of MACcycles. Our views on biomolccular dynamics have been influenced by our ongoing ~heorctical studies on ni~lccularexcitation and relaxation prxesses of thctyptencountercd in molecular spectroscopy_ These studies have led us to consider the fundamental equations of modon for a molecular subsystem whose dynamics are modulated by other subsystems and by a
The following
background which may act as a dissipative medium on these points amcaming
the conceptual
fundamental subsyottm cqt&io~~
thrca sections elaborate
interplay among mOlccular spectroscopy.
ofmotion. and biomolecular
dynamics (MAC
BACKGROUND Biological thumodynamic
systems am driven
arc both nonequillbrium
in a
sense and nonstationary In a quantum mechanical sense_ Overall. they arc
driven by their en vironmcnt which serves as both source and sink with rtsptct to energy and matter flow. Intunall~4 a biological system (ag.. a cell) is further composed of coupled subsystems which drive one another according to a hiuaxchkal extremely high degree dsuuctural
This makes for an
heterogeneity whereby there may be only kc
or a few
must take ink atxount &is aaanp&& nature-
theory and statistical Mynamics
On the other hand, many of the systems and phenomena of molecular specaoscopy are quite similar nonequilibrium
to biological
systems in that they involve
arc modulated
driven, by
their cnvironuxnt.
S~lthcorIwofmoltcularspectroscoWmustincludtthecompo9i~nanrrcofsysrtms withrcgal7I to the various kinds of moIccularstructurcs
and thtla&ation
It is reasonable to expect that most of the contipts and physical features that arc opcmfivc in spectroscopic processes arc aso important in biological proasses.
are some
ofthemoreimportantofthcse. (1)
is perhaps the m&t fundamental quantum mechanical concept
It refkrs
to the existence of a dcfinita phase relation in th& probability amplitudes for the values of obscrvablcs.
It is the basis of tbc Superposition Principle and of &zr&cn&
quantum mechanics_ (2)
to thedepcndcnct of &probability
of one observable on the values of another. It involves the concept of e_ Each coordinate (and each spin) variable of each particle in a system is a ~&IU Furthermore. each photon mode is a dcgrce of worn.
of freedom.
composite systems consist of .&any
degrees of freedom, usually of diffkrcnt types_ In general. the states of a real system involve a high degree of corrcl~tion akng degrees of frudoti A &en
degrees of freed&m arc combined to form m.
subsystem may be a molecule, a part or a molcculc (a &mm&ho&
group), or a collccdon of molecules. The &&
of freedom which co&&c
or a substitucnt a subsystem
a& sor&imcs
referred to as mu&.
For the states of real systems the v
It is such corxclation which leads to the meaningful conctpts of v
A g&d example of the physi.Cal cff&ts of the tim&cvolution of subsystem &rmlation is found in the excitation of mol&ulcs cm&ping
by stationary light which has a frcqucncy spectrum
mom than ant ahsorption frequency for transitions from a given molecule state
[2]_ With incmasing t. them is in creasing correlation between the axcited-molecule and the frequency of the absorlxd bccouic ir&casingly is lost
is that the excited statis
hidependent. behaving as though coherence between them
Each uccitcd state fluoresces
The physical &f&t
comzlation sets in.
for small t, bcfom
thaexcitation forms a coherent superposition of excited
states which exhibit interference effects in the form of so-called quantum beats in emission
131. (3) m
of sf~ff=s. and dilution
arc concepts which. in addition to
correlation, arise from the existence of more than one dcgrcc
of freedom
The fact that the
Hilbcrt space for a Composite system is spanned by a climct product basis for all degrees of fxtxilommcans that each eigenvaluc for a given degree of fmcdom. or subsystum, has many cigcnvcctors m.
Interactions among the dcgnx%s of freedom v
remove the dtgenuacy,
thus leading to the cigcnvcctors for a given subsystem Cigenvaluc
being spread over a range of energy (&t&y
nf ,s
concept)_ Consequently. transition
strengths corrcspondilrg to the given subsystem cigenvaluc- become M
for transitions
to any one energy level. For transitions between two given subsystem states. dilution ef%cts can occur in either the initial or the final state, An cxamplt of the forma [24]
is the uncxpectcdly long Iifetimeo
(associated with excitation of statistically independent excited states as discussed
above) of fluorescence
of S&and
and of the latter is the kinetic slowing of radiadonlczu
transitions due to spectral broadening [Z,!TJ. Note ‘that such dilution cffixts
arc intimately related to the correlation
mentioned above, An example of final state degeneracy effixts is formed in coherent light scattering by an cnsemb!e of molecules_ For Rayleigh scattering the initial and final state of thi molecule system is the same. Each molccul~ contributes a probability amplitude to photon scattering. thus, the probability involves interferences among the m&cults. other hand, for Raman scattering. one moleculi
CIn the
is vibrationally excited in the final state.
The scattered photon does not care which molecule is excited (final state dcgenctacy)_ H&ever,
onIy that molecule which is excited can scatter the photon. so there arc no
interference ~crms; the scattering probability is simely the sum of the probabilities for the mOlCCUlCS. (pjam
arc fiirthn
15-71. Often. we arc interested in the dynamics
of subsystem
ofa particular subsystem,
we call the Primary Subsystem (K’S)_ The remainder of the total system is Background (EG).
In the stochas&
(or dissipative) hrnit. the &relation
termed the function for tha
189. PS-BG
interaction & aI&ac
delta fimctiori in time [S]. This n%ans that the coherence terms
hetwecn PS state relax nponcntially
relaxation) and. for fast decay; the result is
kiuetic transitions among PS mtcs (rather than coherent dynamics).
~KKUECS such as quantum heats and intramolecular vibrational xdistributioi~ (IVR) greatly affix%& by PS-BG (5)
is one of the most usecful concepts in molecular physics-
subsystem (slow) movcoinapottntial~bythuavuagamotionofanorhersubsystGm (f&t)_
The Born-Uppa&Cmer
model. wha-cby
potential given by the electron ic enagY conceptual framework
plus Internuclear Coulomb potential. tides
of structural chun&xy
electronic transitions are conamed
the vilmuions of a molecule move in a and molazular
one may say that the dynamics of electronic motion are
modulated by motion of the nuclei. This leads to the FranckCondon
WC have deyelopcd au adiabatic modylation aplproach to the efi?cts of the BG or mediumon the dyuatniw of amolecult;
Another example
as a basis forunmg
dissipation 13.581.
of adiabatic modulation is the soliton model proposed by Davydov
[9] and modified by Can+, of proteins.
et aL. [lo]
Here. a vi&ational
involving thahydrogen-bonding
and by Scott [ 1 L] for energy migration in the *helix
motion is modulated by a low-frcqucnj
proton &f the &-helix, This model AI
be discu&d
example of_-
mode f&th&
iti which the cxciton
and lattice vibration move in concerL Above anz three examples of adiabatic modulation in mol&lar which the physical consequence is radically diff&ent:
dynamics, in each of
&ecu-al structure.
dissipative relaxation, producing diphasing (coherence relaxation) effects and entropy. and concerted (soliton) motion of diff&ent kinds of degrees of &uiom
SUBSYSTEM EQUATIONS A sy&n concsponding
in a pure quantura state is represented by a single vector I u(r) z-. state (density) operator is Hf)
1 u(t) x
u(c) 1. On the otkr
system in a statistically mixed state is represented by a “statistical” cor&nation P0)
hand. a of vectors
F I u&r) > pi < U,(C) I. in which p, is the probability of state 1 z+ >.
WC am interest& in the dynamics of a Primary Subsystem (PS) as it is modulated by the remaining Background
always hu written in the fcrrm
A pure state of the composite system can
for the BG.
of correlation.
CC,(r) L
The Liiuville
to he normalie
vqfp(f =
but they are not
vary from one 1IL > a, another
simple dinxt
is a
are the same, so For maximum
for the system is
The difficulty of solving the LE for many degrees of frudom Sinccourfocusison
arc associated
of correlation means that all a_
Equation (IE)
G(r) =
are assunxd
The fact that the a_(r)
I n > *p(r)
cortclation WC have x a_
the F’S and the a-0)
The e_(r)
necessarily mutually orthogonal mea&e
is generally appnxiati
the PS. we traceovertheBG
variables to produce the Reduced Liouvillc Equation (RLE),
where ;ft(o, t) is an effitive
operator and CFis the reduced density operator fW
thi PS.
Of cow of u(t).
Eq_ (3) is a formal statement and the problem is to determine the smxtum
Note that the RLE is. in gcncral. a m
for the PS. nonlinearity is
intrc~Iuced by the modulational effects of the BG_ Another
approach to the Liouvillt
is with use of projection
formalism. Let P be a projection supu-opcratoron Liouvik
space [12]. It is straightkward
to show that the projected equation of motion has the general fokn , (4)
where Q
1 -P.
If P projects diagonal elements, then J5q_(4) is the familiar Zwanzig
equation [ 13). Often. P is defined so that Qp(0) vanish-
and we assume that to be the case
For oti purposes.
WC assurnc that P projects onto diagonal
subsystem and onto some suitable subspacc of the Liouville trace over the BG, we obtain a Projected-Rcduccd
elements for the BG
spaec for the PS.
Liouville equation (PRE)
If we then
of the form
171 I
i&t) =
0 Sevefalfcanrrwr (iii
Tha secoud term ou the rhs is a memory term khich arises from the pt-ojedon. (iii>
Physically, the memorytamresultsfxnnthehistoxyof~
the subspace of the PS belonging to Q. Eq(5)isthebasisfora . . _ &uumhm on the other.
fl.uAm&taldichotomy; Diipation
is produced by the memulytcml_inparticula.rinthe
dissipative-linear limit. whereby
i;r = This is the Stochastic Liouvilk
Equation (SLE)
damping operator- In the SLE$?tends pHxitigaansvGlsc
developed by Kubo f14]. iu which r is the
tomaintain coherence; while ITis purely dissipati~
and longitudinal relaxation of noudiagcmal and diagonal elements of
a, respectively_
Ona may fbthcrr;oject the SLE onto thadiagonal &lements of cr and, in the strongly dissipative limit, Eq. (5) leads to a master equation for the probabilities of the PS.
n This is the limit
of ordinary kinetics.
Ou the othn hand, if dissipation is negligible,
the PRE of Eq_ (5) gives rise to the
coherent-nonlinear limit
This is the flu& discussedbelow_
form compatible with the soliton model of Davydov-Car&i-Scott of course_ in
to tm
thalinear limit and for a pure state, Eq. (8) is cquivaltnt to
tha Schrotdinger equation_ We are interest& in systems for which ihc BG is at thamaI equilibrium_
This is the
situation frequently encountered both in biological systems and in molecular spcctroskpy. In particular the initial PS state may be a(O)
172 where
where 8 = (kT)-’ and H is tha system
in which the PS is “coufikd”
accordiug to Eq_ (3. (1)
is a state of consttained thtxmd
to a subspace
In general. such a system evolves
Ph enomenologically~ two kinds of situations are widely kuowu:
equilibrium iu subspace P, but diffiuces over into QI which is also at thermal equilibrium_ Thescantattimetis a(0 where q,#sa(O)
P&t) q
of EQ. (9), CT,is the countcqxut of CT*with P replaad
by Q. and PO(t) and
PI(t) are the time-dependent probabilities, Two examples of equilibrium diflkion
are (a) Kramers theory {l!FJ for a patticle
diffusing out of a potential &ell and (b) Absolute Rate Theoq
of chemkal reactions [lq.
Note. however. that Kramers theory does not require thermaI equiliirium.
merely a gCneral
stoclia&c BG. A simpla physical model of equilibrium flow is the leakage
of a gas through
a pinhole
into a lower pressure chamber at constant T. (2)
which the rhs of Eq- (5) is complicated by either strong inua-PS coupling (first tetrn) or by strong PS-BG
iutemctious (memoqr tam).
The latter produces nonlinearity if the BG
responds greatly to PS trausitions. so that thermal equilibrium of the BC3is lost and the BG state dtpcnds on the state of the PS. Even in cases where the xzmory iutra’PS.coupliug applicable.
term is stochastic and the BG remairu at equilibrium.
may cause nontquilibrium &low within the PS. Then Eq. (6). the SLE, is
This is a very important situation for many aspects of biomolecular dyuamics
and for molecular spectroscopy. examples. The
Coherent laser-excitation dvlzpmics off&~
many good
formerwilt he dis4zussediu the next section_ MACROMOLECULAR
Tha field of tkchckistry biochemical reactions
has traditionally been concerned with the energetics of
Standard thermodynamic quantities, such as AC’. AHo. and AS’ arc
dctcrminadandcatalogcdfortach~epofcvtry~tabolicpathway. how much useful energy is available at a given temperature, T_
173. Along The
staudard approach
tif tnzymk catalyzed reactiouk is also ti central f-
is Absolute
FZate Thbory.
the smudard
thermodyuamicquantitiesalzmtao~ The important point here is that our concepts of both biacrkr@cs based on a picture in which the system is at thermal equilibrium accordkg
to rho equilibrium
and kinetics arc
and processes occur
limit discussed in this pmccdiug section-
In this
section, we shall develop an aIteruativc pictures One of the ky mechanisms whereby cucrgy is trausfa-rcd in bioIogical systems is by coupled reactions. For example. the syuthcsis of acctyl coenzymc A from acetate and CoA rcquirts energy which is providedby
the hydrolysis
of ATP.
Since the mechanism iuvolves
the intermediate fonnati on of acctyI adcnylatc. the reactions arc _ sense that ATP is not hydrolyzed in the abkncc as
in the
of acetate
On the other hand. there is another class of coupled reactions which we T&& to here “” e These involve the intermediate role of a macromolecule (usually
a protein) in the transfei of energy. The idea is that two subsystems (reactions) arc coupled via a macromolccula in.a manner that the energetically “downhill? k&on in the absence of the other reaction membranes which rcque
could proceed
Good examples cau be found in ion uansport ackss
the hydrolysis of ATP_
Two important features of noncsscutial couplihg arc: (I) one subsystem relaxes toward equilibrium,
while the other is driven away from equilibrium;
mediated by a kcromokcule,
which operates in cycles. This is analogous to photochemical
processes in whkh one molecule absorbs a then undergoes reaction
and (ii) the coupling is
and transfers the euu-gy to another, which
(The first molecule is the intermediary_)
Let us focus upon the macromolecule, denoted by X During the course of the mtion X is activated by the driving subsystem and is deactivated by the driven subsystem:
where x’ represents a set of one or more act&cd Macromolcculc
Activation (MAC)
Some relevant questions arc as follows: cycles most efficiently?
(excited) states. We refer to this as a
How cau biological systems use MAC
(2) What is the thermodynamic nature of X?; Le.. to what extent
is x’ a quantum mechanical stationary, thermally equilibriated state? (3) ckctronic-conformntIonal
structure of r;
We assume at the outset that MAC
What is the
how many states (species) are involved? cycles operate as p
Cocsider the energy-entropy plane. in which energy. E. is thu ordinate and entropy, S. is the abscksa
A hypothetical MAC
cycle might appear ofi the ES
plant as follows:
Xl0 and &- dcnotc the ground (unactivated) and two activated thumodynamic
Here &
states. The slope of the dashed lIns is the temperature, T. To understand the thermodynamics of tha MAC
cycle. we begin with the fuudamcntal
wh&e the last term represents the contribution of all mechanical and “compositional” (e.g.. chemical potential) forces, F* acting on the subsystem’s extensive variables- For the special case of c~n~fanf T. WC have
for the Hchnholtz potential (fke
This leads lo the well-known
constant T
relation A& for each step of the MAC
Note that the dashed lint in the Es
plant is also a line of constant k
the left of the dashed line have AA > 0 relative to state X,
The value of AA for
All points to
the transition
from X,, to a point representing X; is given by the vertical distance from that point k the constant A (dashed) line for X, According to the first law of th&modynamics
for a closed subsystem, we have
AE=q+w, and for the second law, at constant T,
f&r th& heat absorbed by. and the work done on. the subsystem Now consider the MACcyclc
The activation stepX, +Xi
has AA > 0.
may occur spontaneously with a possibility of work lxing done by X on a.nothCrsubsystemForeachstep.AEandASar&mzero_ At first sight. this appears m be an ideal system for mrnsfarring w&k potential from one subsystem m another. But. there is the foIlowing which~cOrcquircd(2dlaw)lhatq
cave&z Each of the (two) steps fm one might
argucthatthc-hcatl~insocpo~X,~X~.~comptnsatedinmtptwo.X~~X~.f~which AS > 0, However* it ti
not follow namssarilythatq~Oforsacptwo,infac~qhamtha of maximum work efficiency_ In reality. it may have
maximum value TAS only for t&case any value less than that.
BothstopZandstcp3artspontancous;ic,McO,sothey~norn~ydrivul The question is not whether they occur spontaneously, but whether they tend m occur with maximum WbXc
transfer of work potential m another subsystem.
<0,soncccssarilyq<0,whichmcans Thug
even for maximum efficiency,
Cixxidcx step 3: AS
work potential tmnsfer (m another subsystem)
tha ovcmll efficiencyof the MAC
cycle hinges gristly on the
efficiency ofstep2,
We present the argument that. in (closed) nxural sy4tma. wbichAS~Otendmoccurwith minimumworkefficiency!
isothermal proaxes
maximum spontaneity (irreversibility) ar& consequently. Machanismsof(~hanical)couplingwhichpmvi&meximum
work potential transfer from X should involve AE < 0. rather than AS > a m our &uppusiti&. it would appear that MAC be relatively inefficient
This brings us m the following
e #1:
Thus. accord@
cycles having large AS values would tend m
For proaxes
importan t point of summary.
in which tran&r
&f work potential f&n
one subsystem to another is an essential factor. Nature tends to use MAC
cycles for which
the individual steps have minimum [ AS 1 values. What about the s&xure
and dynamics of X? It is frequently a protein molecule or
an organized aggregate of such molecul&_ low-energy
Usually. X,, is the ground clecuom -c state fora
conformation; and the Xrg am confonnational
configuration space Because
of the
m nearby r&ions
presence of many local minima [ 171. it is
many Of the state8 of X,O are nearly degenerate.
expected that
In the them%cdynamiC limit, each Xr* is a
thermodynamic component whose properties are goverued by its partition fbnction. quantum states of each are statistically independent.
Thus, if X,* has N,quasi-degenerate
states. there is a contribution m thu entropy given by S,* = k In N1. The associated loss in quantum mechanical phase can greatly affect the dynamics (kinetics) of the system. as was discuss4
in the previous section (fa
by dilution cfftcts)_
On the other hand if the transitionsof X arc quantum-mechanicallycoherent, there is a one-to-one correspondencebetween the states of X, and the preparedstates of X,,; the lattcra+ikc doorwaystatcsofspcctroscopy W]_
iszero- Thisbringsustoaftmhcrpointofsummary. MAC
The entropy incmmcnts of MAC cycles arc minimized
if the preparedstate of the X,* arc coherent (nonstationary)quantum staocs. _.
Accordingly. thc~ -of
of quantummechanicsreplacesthe-
statisticalmechanics. Possible advan~s
to the biological
system arc (a) high cfftciency of transferof work potenti& (b) enhancedkinetics (absence of dilution cff&cts, and (c) temporalco&-di~ticr_ sf p_roccsses.
SQLlT0NMEcEMNIsn-i An example of coherent macromolecular dynamics which fits the criteriaof a MAC cycle is the a-helix soliton model introducedby Davydov [9] and modified by Carcri [IO]. et al.. and Scott [ 111, The idea is thatchemical energy (e.g., energy of hydrolysis of ATE”) can be propagatedalong the *helix from one site to anotherby means of a coherent soliton wavepacket. Thi soliton consists of an amide vibration(mainly carbonyl) which propagates as a coherent txciton whose dynamics is modulated by a certain kind of background BG) mcxkzbelonging to the a-helin
For the Davydov mode] the BG mode is a l&ration of the
amide group itself; whereas,for the Car&/Scott model it is low-fi-equcncyvibrationof the H-bond pmronof thea-helix. In tither case, accordingto the solitonmodel, theBG coupling introducesa no&car
term into the Schrocdingcr equationfor the cxciton_
The basis for the model is that the BG mode moves in a Potentialwhich depends on the stateof the carbonyl vibration, Thus. excitation of a given cat-bony1changes the force on the BG mode which tends to displace its coordinate. Thii is an example of adiabatic modulation which we have used extensively in other aspects of subsystem modulation dynamics (5-7 ]_ The Hamiltonian for the system has the simple form H
Here H.’ is the Hamiltonian for the BG (proton) mode of amide group n, y. is the proton coordinate,b,’ and 4, arc creationand annihiIationoperatorsfor the amide v%ration x is a coupling parameter,and V is the excitation transfercoupling for neighboring amides. WC
Thccliticalr4ssumptionofthcthowyistbcAnsatt:)u(t)> that the systan
I ~A0
) I *,@I
r, n&y
sta@ is quantum mechanically ~~~asaproductofanexkz+rt
X I n > C,W I *,@I >
next step is fo f
for the cxciton amplitudes as
follows: (19)
t assumptiou is that the time-dependent effkctivc Hamiltiad
for the
cxciton. resulting from FQ_ (19). can be averaged over the period cf the proton vibration_
By doing this and using m_ (18) ~JOget w
which is the nonlink isthtfonx
pc, +
1 cm
Schrmdingcr equation for the cxciton (soliton) amplituk
Eq_ (20) has been formulated and calculated extunsively by Guai. [ 113,anclLomdahl[19].
produccsoliton-like wave
We have recently carried our a rigorous fmulation of motion. JZq_ (l?).
packet dynamics.
and calculation of the equation
avoids the soliton Ausatz. FJ.q.(IS),
procedure needs3 u) produce Eq_ (20).
et al. [lo].
and tit time-averaging
Our purpose is to evaluate the integrated form of
Es- (17).
lW:r)> for various initial state I &B somewhere iu the polymer.
I yo ’
in which a single ami&
vibrational excitation is localized
Tha Hamiltonian is that given by J2q.(16).
1.78 A tractable fcam of the timc-cvoXution opaator
In Eq_ (213 can bt
topera- fortheproton mofdhatts,
fcmmd by using
y.: namely. DZypm
= 3%+ d,,
whau =
D. HCXCp,iStht
[RI= l]
momentum operator conjugate
to Yp’
using a
harmonic m-1
for the
proton mcxlcs.
H,” = it follows, with d, = k”fizb_.
(2ml-W +
that D+(H” -C+D~Dl]D
HO 6
k I
The linear potential term iu y, has been shiitcd to the cxciton term_ The equation of motion can thus be written
It&)> wi*h H
wh&c s* Ad &
I%& (a,*--a.3
for y modes of mass m and frequency (10.
Eq. (25) provides the folbwing
physicti picture: At t c 0, the p&ytxr
state (no ami& excitations and no y-mode photins). propagates at amide n until the excitation is uansfm
is in its ground
Amide n is excited at t = 0. at which
point D disppIaccs the ground state of phonon made y,. D+ shii
3p src the creation and annihilation operators for the ym- mode quanta and
It is helpful to express D, in the form
c D CD+.
This displaced (coherent) statu
to, say, amide (n + 1). at which point
the y. state “backward” and D shifts the ya+, ground state “forward”_ This shifting
y-modes. themby creating phonon excitations (via the opxators
a, and &’ in Eq. (26).
179 We have devclopcd
for solving Eq. (25) by a noupertmb~dou method
[18]; It COII&~S of first transforming to the interaction picture in H”, which eliminates the @ in Eq. (25)_and installs a, exp (-ia
and h* exp tjcut) in place of a, and q,+ iu Eq_ (26)_
The resulting V(r) is expanded in a series
WC have shown that only the k = 0 term makes a significant contribution. leading to I do>=
Computer codes were developed for the Cyber 205 Supercomputer and extensive calculations of E.q_ (28) were made for various properties associated with exciton motion in the a-helix [IS]_ Thedetails of the method and theresults show unequivocally that soliton motion does not hold for the a-helix
interactions which cause the &x&on to
spread greatly as it migrates dominate this motion. This is a-ue for a broad range of values for all parameters of the model: x. CO,IL and I (expressed in units relative to V)_ The reason for the failure of the soliton nxxlcl appears to lie in the Ansatz. Eq. (18). that the siats evolves & a simpIe product. which quantum mechanicalIy is un&rrelated. Subsystem intemca*ens naturally
and our results show that they are not
negligible- In fact, in arelated shady Brown, et al. [20] have shown that a product ofcohc xnt states ests variables.
in time only if H is a homogetius how,
results of &own,
function of tot& degree one in the action
the two components of Fq_ (18) are not ~uir&to tt al., do show
the severe
he coherent, but the
placed on H when conditions
placed on the m-ucture of the state vector_ CONCLUDING
In this paper. we have discus&d a number of similarities cnzountered in the study OF molccutar spectro&opic processes and of biomolecular dynamics_ Both of these areas have been instrumental in shaping our own approach to subsystem rn&lulatio~ dynamics and the as&at&
subsystem equations of motion. OF particular interest is the distinction between
equilibrium diffusion and nonequilibrium flow in phase (Hilbert) space_ The most important feature of this paper is the discussion of the fundamcnml
role of
cyclic l&ocessts involving biological n&ct-oruolccul~_ We refer to the& as macrom 0tecuIe activation invoIvcd.
cycles and present conjectures
on the nature
of the “excited”
The solit& model of Davydov. and modified by Carti and Scott, came to our attention some time ago as a possible mechanism ofcoherent local&d an example
of nonequilibrium
Schroedinger &ation,
energy transfer. representing
A careful formulation
without the soliton Artsa-
and calculation
of tbt
shows that the soliton mechanism is not
opcrativc rather. the excitation migrates as disptrsing cxciton waves. This is adisappointing result, since the soliton mechanism
is such an attractivu concept.
originators of the soliton model have made a contribution ofheuristic value of c&hcrent and conccrtcd motion in biomohxular
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thii work was supported in part by Contract No. DE-FGO586ER60473 Division of Biomedical and Environm ental Research of the Dquutment
between the of Energy and
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