Combined effects of cadmium and lead on some biochemical markers in rat bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Bcreenlng of ihe Imm -0 Poplltesl Lymph Node Asesy (PLNAQVH)
PorwmSl usly( the In Grsf-vs4icm1 Madlflsmtlar
The Purpose of the study was to evaluate...
Bcreenlng of ihe Imm -0 Poplltesl Lymph Node Asesy (PLNAQVH)
PorwmSl usly( the In Grsf-vs4icm1 Madlflsmtlar
The Purpose of the study was to evaluate tbe usefulnc55 of the PLN& ‘“H in pmdlClfnQ the immlmos”ppprBss,va propwtles 0: chemical corn pounds. We have tested three substances with knoweror suspected ~mmuncsuppreasiveeffects: cvclaphosphamlde. benzo(s@yrene B,a,P and7.12dimelhylheozla)anrhraceneIDMEAl.TheGvHreaction\hasinduced locrllv by s-c injections of parental LewHAN rat l@phoc@es into male rat (DIVHAN * LewHAN, Fl hind footpads We haw found that the optimal schema of the assay is when tha GvHR and ~qeclion of the testcompotmdare & sionof parenta!lymphacyresand test compoundf SsvendaysaHerthe infection. an ensuing immune reaction w:iasassessed by determining the PLN weight index and the number of culls in local PLNs. We ha,e found a very strong immunastlppressivs effect of cvclophosphamlde expressed as the decreax in PLN weighrindexand the numberof iefls in the local compound-exposed PtN-s Howewr. Bfa)P and OMBA did not produce a”” Ca”Se lmm”nosuppresswe effects m Ihis assdv
simultaneouoly(~e. usmgsuspenperitoneal lavage. number of antitalv plaque fwmmg ce:fs (QFCI her Immunwtion wlh sheen red b&d cells fSRBC1.The diminatkxan of L
acute and subchronic admm-
A Isrye number of workers I” pig found? ?s are exposed to free caystalline silica which may cause silicas is. In this study. the air samples of five small sized p!g foundfieo were taken bv gravimelrrc and personal dust samplers The dust and quartz cOnCeMra,iansof these samples were evaluatedbv 9ra,,me,r,c and twctm-photometric methods. The samples were divided as two groups.. According 10 the tvpe of the work &armed group A corn. prisss cd the wholework expectcleaning which was cited as group 9. there was a StrfkinQ difference between tha Npes. The lgveh of mean resp~rabfe dus: c~ncentranon~ and quwu concentrations were 3 38 * 0.59 mglm’ and 0.07 f 0.01 rnq& respec. tivef,’ far group A. These levels were 12.97 f 2 73 mgim and 0.17 f 0.09 mglm3 respctivefv for group 9 LungFunctian Testsof slrtvmaleworkersworkinginthssefoundries were compared to the s~xtv maI_ workers wcrkxg in dust free occupatianalenvsonment. There was a stat!sticaflv signifwnt reductmn fP < 0.01 in the fwg funcinns of p,Q foundn, workers
Xq-.wwds: pg foundries: occupational exposure. free silica: lung luncrion test
treatment With cadmiumand lead shows a clear tendencv ICI additive toxic damage of rat lungs in the earfv periodsof time Kewrdsr