Combined thermal energy processes for hard rock fragmentation. Conference. 16F, 3T, 7R

Combined thermal energy processes for hard rock fragmentation. Conference. 16F, 3T, 7R

179A are evaluated and preventive measures involving policy and regulation a3 well as engineering design criteria are suggested. Auth. Influence of ...

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are evaluated and preventive measures involving policy and regulation a3 well as engineering design criteria are suggested. Auth.

Influence of dynamic loads due to explosions or earthquakes 1818 H E ~ O N , ~7 UNIV. ILLINoIS,URBANA, USA DOWDING, CH MASS. INST. TECHNO L,US A Ground and structural response due to blasting. Conference. 7F, 2T, 8R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.DEh~I~,1974 , V2, P ~ T B, 1974,P1359-1364.

PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH.DENV~,I974, V2,PART B,1974,P1460-1467. The principles end effectiveness of combination methods for breaking rocks using thermal energy to initiate subsurface fractures and rock weakaning are discussed. Based on theoretical predictions of water Jet cutting of ther. mally weakened rocks, a ther~x)mechamlcal combination process for hard rock kerfimg is advanced.

Drilling See also abstract: 1783.


Experimental and numerical techniques 1819 DOVN~.~OV ICH, SV Installation for measurem~at of vertical displacement in mass backfill.3 F. SOIL MECH. FOUND. E~GNG,Vll, NS, SEPT.OCT. 197h, P315-317.

C o r n m i n u t i o n of Rocks Rock fracture under dynamic stresses 1820 FEDU!OV, AI SIBER .BR.ACAD. SC I.NOVOSIBIRSK, USSR Breaking of the rock by d~nsallc lo~d of impact pneu. matic hsmm~er.Conf ar en-_e.4F. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.D~.~V~,I974, V2, PART B,1974,P1395-1398. 1821 AV~qY,RT UNIV .CALIF .BERE~EY, USA KEEFE, D UNIV. CALIF . B E R ~ ~Y,USA BREK~, TL UNIV. CALIF . B ~ K E L ~ , USA Use of intense sub-~Licrosecond electron bursts to produce rock shattering. Conference.8F,2T, iR. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.D~IER,197h, V2, PANT B, 1974, P1415-1420. 1822 CL~RK, GB UNIV .MISSOURI-ROLLA, USA LEHNHOFF,TF UNIV .MISSOUR I-ROLJ~A,USA Thern~%l-mechanical fragmentation of hard rock-field tests .Co~fer ence .llF, 2R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK ~qCH.D~{FER,1974, V2, PART B, 1974,P1428-1h33.

1823 RoWLEY, JC UNIV.CALIF .LOS ALJ~MOS,USA Rock melting al~lied to e
1824 THIRUMALAI, K MIN .RES.CENT .BUR.MINES, TWIN CITIES,USA CH~JNG, JB MIN .RES.C ~T. BUR. MINES, TWIN CITIES, USA Combined thermal energy processes for hard rock fr agmant ation. Confer enc e .16F,3T, 7R.

MOSKALEV, AN TANTSURA, VA SOLOGUB, SI Increasing the effectiveness of thermal end mechanical drilling. In Russian. Textbook. 106R. MOSCOW .NEDRA, 1973,106P.

1826 VAN THIEL,M UNIV. CALIF. LIVERMORE, USA WILKINS, M UNIV. CALIF .LIVERMORE, USA MITCHELL, A UNIV. CALIF. LIVERMORE, USA Shaped charge sequencing. 8F,11R. INT. J.ROCK MECH .MIN.SC I.GEOMECH. ABSTR., V12, N9, SEPT. 1975,P283-288. 1827 ROLLINS, RR UNIV .MISSOURI, ROLLA,USA CLARK, GB UNIV .MISSOUR I,RoLLA, USA BROWN, JW MIN .ENF. SAF. ADMIN. D~IVER, COLO .USA Statistical study of rock drilling by hy~ervelocity jets from explosive shaped charges.CoDference.2OF, IT, 17R. ROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH .DENV~,1974, V2, PART B, 1974, P138~-1391. 1828 JACKSON,RE M. MAR IETTA LABS.BALTIMORE.USA M A C M I I ~ , NH M .MARI E ~ A LABS.BALTIMORE.USA WESTWOOD, AR M.MAR IETTA LABS.BALTIMORE.USA Chemical enhancement of rock drilling.Conference. 7F,14R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.DENV]~,1974, Vz,PART B, 1974,PI~87-1493.

Blasting See also abstract: 1818. 1829 BALBACHAN, IR SHLO IDO, GA IURKO,AA Breaking up frozen ground with explosives. In Russian. Textbook. Refs. MOSCOW, NEDRA, 197h, lOhP.

1830 BHANDARI,S UNIV.NEW SOUTH wALES,AUS VU~I,VS UNIV.NEW SOUTH WALES,AUS Rock fragmentation with longitudinal explosive charges. Confer enc e. 8F s20R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS,INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.D~V~,1974,V2, PART B,1974,PiB2B-13h2. Utilizing longitudinal explosive charges breaking to bench geometry, fragmentation studies were conducted end it was found that Livingston's crater theory is also applicable for longitudinal charges.