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COMBINING POSITION AND ACCELERATION MEASUREMENTS FOR JOINT FORCE ESTIMATION ZVI LAWN and GE Wu Biomedical Engineering Department and Neuromuscular Research Center. Boston University. Boston. MA 02215, U.S.A. Abstrscc -The calculation of joint forces in biomechanics is usually based on the measurements of the kinematics of a given body seemen& the eslimation of the inertial properties of that segment and the solution of the ‘inverse dynamics problem’. Such a process results in estimates of the joint forces and moments needed 10 sustain the monitored motion. This paper presents a new approach that combines position and acceleration measurements for the purpose of deriving high-quality joint force estimales. An enperimental system that is based on an instrumented compound pendulum was designed and tested. The joint forces necessaryto maintain a swinging motion of the pendulum were measured by an array ofstrain gauges. and were compared to the forces estimated by the integrated kinematic segment that measured the position and accelerationof the pendulum. The joint force measuremenls were also compared to rhe force estimates that were based on the calculated segmental acceleralion generated by the differentiation of the segmental position alone. The results show a high degree of correlation between the lorees estimated by rhe integrated segment and those measured by the strain gauges. The fora estimates based on the position measurements alone were less accurate and noisier. The application of Ihe integrated segment to the study of human kmctics is discussedand illusrrated by the ankle and knee forces during slow walking. The results suy~~cstthat Ihe USCof accclerometcrs is necessary for the estimation of transients and high-frequency
The evaluation of the joint forces and moments that control the motion and posture of mammals has been the focus of scicntilic research for many years. Instrumenting human joints for direct mcasuremcnls ol the dynamic vari;thlcs requires highly invasive proccdurcs (Hodgc CI ttf., 19X6) and, therefore. is limited in its applicilbility. The noninvasivc study of joint loading involves the ~~rint&~n of the joint forces and joint moments based on the externally measured kinematics of body segments.The solution processis based on the analysis of single body segments as ‘free rigid bodies’, and the formulation of Newton’s equations of motion for each segment. Using estimates of the mass and inertial properties of each segment. and estimates (or measurements) of the acceleration and angular velocity of the segment. Newton’s equations ofmotion can be formulated and solved. This process, referred to as the ‘inverse dynamics problem’, results in noninvasive estimates of the joint forces and moments that arc necessary lo obtain Ihe observed rigid body motion. Two approaches have been used over the years for the assessmentof [he kinematic derivatives necessary to calculate the joint loads. (I) Measurement of acceleration information and the USCof imcgration proccdurcs for the estimation of velocity and position. (2) Mcasurcmcnl of position information and the use of numerical dilTcrentintion for the estimation of time dcrivarivcs.
The USC of accelerometers is the more direct appreach to the mcasuremcnt of the acceleration of body segments.ahhough its wide use is limited by two factors: the sensitivity of the acceleromc(crs to the field of gravity, and the dilficulty in monitoring the segmental center of mass. The frequency content of extensively studied biomcchanical phcnomcna such as gait was reported by Antonsson and Mann (1985) IO extend from steady-state levels to values that arc under 100 Hz. Such a frequency range requires the use of accelerometers that are sensitive to the lield of gravity. The acceleration signal recorded from such devices is composed of the kinematic acceleration (i.e. the second time derivative of the position vector), and the gravitational acceleration. Since the gravitational component depends on the orientation of the accelerometer in the field of gravity, this information has to be available in order to extract the kinematic variables that are of interest. The need to measure the acceleration of the segmental center of mass, and the obvious difficulty in attaching an accelerometer to that point, presents a second limitation lo its broad applicability. Some researchers have tried to overcome the above difficulties by using multiple accelerometers to rcsolvc the full segmental kinematics, i.e. the six dcgrces of freedom that comprise rigid body motion. and then USCtime integration to calculate the spatial oricnta(ion of the rigid segments. Morris (1973) used six accelerometers, Padgaonkar et al. (1975) described a system based on nine accelerometers, and Kant et al. (1974) described a twelve accelerometer system. More rccenlly, Hayes er al. (1983) described a four accelerometer system for studying the kinematics of gait, and
2. LADIN and GE WV
Gilbert er al. (1984) described a system of eight uniaxial accelerometers for the study of the sagittal plane kinematics of gait. Such an approach is faced with the need to identify an initial orientation that could serve as the initial condition for the integration process. This information can be either assumed. as was done by Morris (1973) and Hayes et al. (1983), or measured, as was done by Seemann and Lustick (1981). In both cases the integration process introduces errors that increase with time, leading to significant errors in the calculated orientation of the rigid body. This was documented in the pendulum studies by Hayes et al. (1983) and in the head motion studies of Seemann and Lustick (1981). The second approach to the assessment of kinematic variables is based on the measurements of the position. and the calculation of the first and second time derivatives for the estimation of the joint forces. Since the differentiation process amplifies the highfrequency components of the noise in the position signal, it requires the use of low-pass filters that can distort some of the original signal contents. The application of this approach to the dynamics of gait was originally dcscribcd by Breslcr and Frankcl (1950) and was later followed by other rcscarchcrs including Crowninshicld ct ul. (1978). Hardt (1978). Winter and Robertson (1978). Whittlc (1982). Patriarco YI 01. (1981) and McFadycn and Winter (1988). The intcrprctation of force cstimatcs gcncratcd by this process rcquircs sonic information on the inhcrcnt accuracy or such a computational approach. Since the quality of the force cstimatcs dcpcnds directly on the quality of the accclcration data. some studies have been conducted in an attempt to assessthe accuracy of estimating second time derivatives from noisy data. These studies included experimental systems that measured both the position and acceleration of mechanical devices (Pezzack cr (I/.. 1977; Ladin er ul., 1989). theoretical algorithms that quantilied the expected noise in second time derivatives (Lanshammar, 1982a. b), and ditTerentiation techniques to minimize that noise (Usui and Amidror. 1982; Busby and Trujillo, 1985). Pezzack et ul. (1977) conducted synchronous measurements of the position and acceleration of a mechanical arm that was moved at two speeds. Ladin et al. (1989) described an electromechanical system that was designed to test the accuracy of acceleration estimates over a known frequency range (l-1 1 Hz). Both studies described the dependence of the acceleration estimates on the nature of the smoothing and dircrentiating algorithms and the cutotT frequencies sclcctcd for the low-pass filters. Thcsc studies showed further that an appropriate selection of the filtering parameters can result in high-quality estimates of the acceleration, although the quality of the estimates deteriorated by an improper selection of the parameters. By adding some assumptions on the nature of the noise in the displacement measurements and the frequency content of the original displacement signal, Lanshammar (1982a. b) calculated a lower bound on
the expected noise in the estimated derivatives. All of the above studies point to the need to obtain additional informtion about the displacement signal and, most importantly, its frequency content before one can assessthe quality of force estimates that are based on differentiation of the displacement signal. This paper describesa new approach that combines the position information measured by an accurate optoelectronic system, a six degrees of freedom rigid body analysis and the acceleration information measured by a single triaxial accelerometer to provide an accurate and reliable estimate of joint forces.
The noninvasive estimation of intersegmental resultant (net) joint forces in a multilink system is based on the solution of Newton’s equation of rigid body motion. Each link is isolated as a free body, and the vector sum of the forces acting on it is equated to the mass of the link times the acceleration of its center of mass. The forces acting on each link in physiological systems include the forces arising from muscles, ligaments and surface contact, the weight of the link and any other external forces applied to the link. II one considers typical multilink systems in biomcchanics. such as the lower limb during locomotion, or the upper limb in manipulation tasks, one can model the links as rigid bodies conncctcd by joints and interacting with the cnvironmcnt through forces applied at the interface. By lumping together all the internal forces acting around a joint as a single net force, the computational process of calculating the joint forces can be simplified, leaving the intcrscgmrntal resultant joint forces as the only unknowns. Joint forces in this paper will refer to intersegmental resultants, not articular contact forces. By measuring the forces at the interface of the most distal link and the environment, and measuring the acceleration of the link center of mass, the only unknown left in this equation is the force at the proximal joint. Therefore, solving this equation for the unknown force enables us to repeat the process for the more proximal link, using the recently calculated force as the known distal joint force for this link. A conceptual framework for the serial calculation of the joint forces will require therefore. two kinds of input: (I) the force components at the interface with the environment, and (2) the acceleration of the center of mass of each link. The measurement of the force components is usually carried out by a force transducer. This could be a force plate in tasks such as walking or running or an array of strain gauges in upper limb manipulation experiments. The measurement of the acceleration of the link center of mass presents a technical challenge for two reasons: the accelerometer cannot usually be
Position and accclcration mcasurcmcnts for joint force cstlmalion
to the center of mass in physiological
gravity from the accelerometer
output. so that equa-
tems and. as discussed earlier in the paper, its output
tion (2) becomes
signal is sensitive to the field of gravity.
a .ecri~romc,tr = *.M. + b x r + u x b x rl + Tdc.
biomechanical attached
can be
to the surface of the link (e.g. the skin over-
lying the shank)
as close to the center of mass as
possible. The following for extracting output
sections describe a technique
an accurate estimate of the link’s center
of mass acceleration ometer
In a typical
the accelerometer
by correcting
The acceleration
of that link.
Aa = a.,,,I~rOm~l~r- PC,M.-T8,g=Oxr+Wx(Wxr). (6) The error introduced corrected
of a point P on a rigid body at a
by the terms containing
if the angular
by differentiating
system 0. is given by the equation:
spatial orientation
If the angular
B=wx(wxr); velocity
angles generated
time derivatives
0 is chosen at the center of mass of the
rigid body, and point P represents the attachment accelerometer.
describes the acceleration erometer.
a,=aC,M. and a,,
Since o 1 (UJx r). sin(0,.,,, I ,) = 1. Therefore.
by the accel-
a.,,.l.rom.c.r =a,,,,+ci,xr+c,,x(m~r)+g”~,
we have
IBI=lw12 IrlsW,,).
system (BCS). The error introduced
in the real accclcr-
of mass due to the o!T-center
r and the orientation
of the ;Icccleromcter
A + B. the magnitude of thevector
is given by
lCl=J l A I2 +
whcrc gllrs is the gravity vector in the body coordinate
(I) becomes
at the center
x r and
As the vector C-
A =ti
vector of the rigid lAl=lG~l
of a triaxial
Let C=Aa.
are too
using the
body. If the origin
can be obtained
noisy, one can at least assess the error a,=a,+Li)xr+Wx(Wxr),
r can be
velocity and acceleration
the link are known. This information
distance r from the origin of the body fixed coordinate
where UJ is the angular
is, there-
the raw acceler-
using the independently
about the spatial motion
The error in the center of mass acceleration
11%I2 + 21A I I BI cos(0, J.
By substituting equations (7) and (9) into (10). WC have dcrivcd an expression for the magnitude
of the accel-
cration error in terms of the angular velocity, angular acceleration
and displacement
of the accelerometer
relative to the center of mass:
in space is. therefore,
The largest error would occur if A 11 B. &I 1 r and
w 1
In this case the angles become The acceleration
Equation AF-mAa.
Since the accelerometer entation
of that link should be determined
the efiect of the field of gravity
with the body link, the spatial
the translation
system that
and orientation
MIT-developed an
The resulting joint force error is
of the link
system and a
was used for this study
in order to
six degrees of freedom analysis of rigid body motion.
output. This process can be achieved by
in space using a position measurement The
(I I), therefore, becomes
is attached rigidly to and is
o”,=u&$,=90’. . .
0 A,s=o.
error Aa results in a joint force error
that is equal to
package TRACK\0
of the spatial orientation reference
(dubbed optoelecand
for the
of the link in
matrix T,, was used to subtract the effect of
(13) indicates that the maximum
force error
resulting from the effect of the off-center-of-mass tion of the accelerometer
of the body segment. the displacement ometer angular
of the acceler-
to the link’s center of mass and the
square of the angular plotting
is linearly related to the mass
is proportional
velocity of the rigid body. By
the error in the force estimate per unit mass
and unit distance, as shown in Fig. 1. one can get a quantitative
assessment of the maximum
Fig. I. The error in joint force estimates (per unit mass of the link per unit distance from the link center of mass) as a function of the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the link. The units of the error function are N kg- * m- I.
errors in the value of a given joint force. As an illustration of this process consider the task of estimating the hip forces of a subject who weighs 600 N walking at a pace of 0.7 ms-‘. Kinematic mcasurcments of the thigh motion provided approximate values of the angular velocity and accclcration of that link. The swing phase involed angular rotation of the thigh with approximate values of Itil= I5 rad s’~, Iwl=5 rad s-t. An accelerometer that is attached to the thigh (whose mass is estimated as 7 kg) at a distance of 10 cm from the thigh’s center of mass will, therefore, produce an error in the force estimate of 28 N. Such an error could be quite substantial considering that the joint force during swing phase is of the order of 50 N. although the absolute values of the force are quite small. A correspondng calculation for the stance phase, with values of IhIrad s-‘, Iwj = 1.5 rad s- I, would result in an error of 3 N, when the order of magnitude of the joint force is 600 N. The situation could be quite different for more dynamic applications such as running or jumping, underlying the need to use such an error analysis. By using better measurements of the angular rotation of the rigid link, coupled with estimates of the mass of the link and the displacement of the accelerometer, one can better estimate the acceleration of the center of mass, and thereby achieve a better estimate of the joint forces. The theoretical approach combining position measurement, six degrees of freedom kinematic analysis and accelerometry is illustrated on a compound two degrees of freedom pendulum instrumented with an array of strain gauges. The mechanical system was used to conduct a three-way comparison: joint forces measured by the strain gauges were compared with the estimates of the integrated segment and the estimates based on position measurements alone. As pointed out earlier, the use of accelerometers involves
overcoming two hurdles: the effect ol gravity and the oti-center-of-mass attachment of the accclcromcter. In an attempt to isolate these errors, the accclcromcter setup described in this paper was attached to the center of mass of the pendulum. enabling us to study the efTect of combining orientation information and accelerometry to dynamically calibrate the accelcromcter.
The experimental setup shown in Fig. 2 consisted of a two degrees of freedom pendulum mounted on two vertical supports. Two sets of bearings provided the two degrees of freedom: bearings I and 2 enabled rotation around a ftxed horizontal axis (axis l-2). and bearings 3 and 4 enabled rotation around an axis that was fixed with respect to the horizontal beam (axis 34). By locking bearings 3 and 4 the pendulum could swing in a single degree of freedom rotation. The vertical support beams were instrumented with an array of strain gauges that directly measured the joint axial forces and moments. The details of the strain gauge locations, signal conditioning and processing are given in the Appendix. The integrated segment used for the synchronous kinematic measurements is described in Fig. 3. The infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are used for position measurements and the triaxial accelerometer (model EGA38-f-10 manufactured by Entran Devices, Fairfield, NJ) is used for linear acceleration measurements. The LEDs and the linear accelerometer were attached to the rigid lexan segment that was bolted to the pendulum; therefore, the segment performed the
Positlon and acceleration measurements for joint fora estimation
(axis l-2)
f:ig. 2. The expcriment;~l .sc~up:an instrumented two dcgrrxs of freedom pendulum. with an array of strain gauges attached to the stationary vertical suppurts.
TrlplrLEDMarker TrlaxlalAccelerometer
IntegratedSegment Fig. 3. The integrated kinematic segment showing the LED ’ markers and the location of the ucalcrometcr.
same rigid body motion as the pendulum. The center of mass of the pendulum was determined from the mechanical drawing. and a small hole was drilled at the center. The accelcromctcr was attached such that its location corresponded to the theoretically calculated center of mass of the pendulum. The WATSMART optoelectronic system (Northern Digital. Ontario, Canada) with two infrared-sensitive cameras was used for the three-dimensional reconstruction of
the spatial location of each LED. The analog data from the accelerometer and the strain gauges were synchronized with the position measurements of the WATSMART system using the WATSCOPE A/D unit. The kinematic data were sampled at I00 Hz and the analog data at 300 Hz. The data were saved on an IBM-AT and later transferred to a DEC.VAX I l/750 for processing. The quantitative comparison of kinematic or dynamic variables that describe the motion of a rigid body in space requires that the comparison be done in a single coordinate system. The different measurement elements described in Fig. 2 clearly illustrate the difficulties arising from such a requirement. The spatial coordinates that describe the motion of the LEDs are measured in a coordinate system attached to the cameras and, since the cameras are stationary, it can be viewed as an inertial reference system. The accelcration is measured by the accelerometer along axes that arc fixed with respect to the segment. Since the segment is rigidly attached to the pendulum, these axes can be viewed as describing a coordinate system centered on the pendulum. Such a coordina:c system is usually referred to as a body-centered coordinate system (or BCS). The strain gauges are fixed to the
Z. LADIN and GE Wu
stationary vertical supports and. therefore, their output is measured in a laboratory-fixed inertial reference system. DATA PROCESSING
is attached to the horizontal support bar (see Fig 2) and. therefore. has one axis that passesthrough bearings 1 and 2 and is fixed with respect to the inertial reference system. The coordinate transformation between the I coordinate system and the B coordinate system was obtained in two steps: rotating I around the X, axis by the angle 0t. a processthat results in the T coordinate system. A second rotation by the angle 6z transforms the T coordinate system into the final body coordinate system B. The three coordinate systems have the following relationships:
The processing of the experimental data was performed on a DEC-VAX 1 l/750 computer and is depicted in Fig. 4. First, the strain gauge outputs from five bridges were combined to obtain the joint force components in the inertial reference system (see the Appendix for details). Next, the instantaneous spatial x,=x,, position and orientation of the pendulum in the labor(14) us= Yr. atory-fixed inertial reference system was calculated MIT-developed software package using the The rotation angles 0, and 8, were directly obTRACK’P. This package (Antonsson. 1982; Antonstained from TRACK0 and substituted into the transson and Mann, 1989) calculates the six degrees of formation matrices T,, and Tr, given by the following freedom of a rigid segment moving through space, equations: expressed in an inertial reference system. The spatial orientation of the segment calculated this way was used to subtract the efTectof gravity from the accelerometer output and obtain the actual spatial kinematic acceleration of the moving segment in the inertial reference system. Since the accelerometer was mounted at the pendulum’s center of gravity, the measured acceleration was considcrcd to bc the accclcration of the ccntcr of mass. This value was then used to calculate the lumped joint forces. i.e. the forces acting T,, dcscribcs the rotation transformation rrom j to i. on the bearings. and to compare the cstimatcd WIUCS Thcreforc. the transformation from B to I is given by to the forces mcasurcd by the strain gauges. Three coordinate systems were used in the com0 sin 0, cos 0, putational process: the inertial rcfcrcncc system I which is attached to the vertical supports; the body= cos 0, -cosU,sinI), . ((7) sin U, sin 0, fixed coordinate system B moving with the ( -sin Uzcos U, sin U, cosu,cosu, i pendulum; and a transition coordinate system T that The inverse of the matrix T,, gives the transformation T,, from I to B. T,, was used to transform the vector describing the gravity acceleration g to the body coordinate system and extract the acceleration of the center of mass ac,“, from the accelerometer I signal a.,Ccl.rom.l.raccording to the following equa3-D marker LOcatiOn tion: aC.M.= a.ccclcrom.t.r-Tatg-
I Inverse
The acceleration of the center ol mass (measured originally in the body coordinate system) was transformed into the inertial reference system and substituted into the pendulum’s equation of motion. This resulted in equation (19) with the joint forces F as the only unknown, since m is the known mass of the pendulum. The estimates of the joint forces were compared directly to the components measured by the strain gauges as both were given in the inertial reference system. F+mg=mTn+c.~.-
I Joint
Fig. 4. Flow chart for the data processing.
A second comparison was conducted by estimating the linear accelerations based on the position measurements alone as calculated by TRACK”. The kinematic variables were low-pass filtered with different
cutoff frequencies noise ratio.
and acceleration measurements for jomt force cstlmallon
in order to improve estimated
the signal to
The spatial
were then
bined rotation
substituted into equation (19). resulting in estimates of are based e.xclusicel_v on the
the joint
forces that
with the force measurements
were then
by the strain
of the pendulum
Fig. 2) is shown in Fig. 5. The translation tional coordinates the laboratory
of the pendulum
and Y coordinates bimodal
The angular The estimation
of joint forces is based on the meas-
urement or estimation of translational
of the second time derivatives
sented in this section compare measurements
The results pre-
the estimates and the
of the accelerations
of the pendulum
system. Even though the X rotation
of the
place. the
two-axes rotation.
show that the bulk of the
occurs around the X and Y axes. with only a
small component amount
and rota-
are described in
seem to give the impression
identifies the motion as a combined
in a com-
around axes I-? and 3-4 (as defined in
there is only a single-axis
of rotation
the Z axis. The
of noise in the WATSMART
and in the calculations
of freedom by TRACK’
can be estimated
from this
center of mass, and the effects of such estimates on the
figure, as no filtering of the raw data was performed.
appears that in a well-controlled
force predictions.
and their orthogonal laboratory
The resultant
components coordinate
force estimates
are described in the
the one where translational
the experiment noise
of the six degrees
was performed,, order
Fig. 5. Spatial trajectory of the pendulum during a combined two degrees of freedom rotation: (a-c) dcscribc the linear displaccmcnts of the intcgratcd segment; (d-f) describe the angular orientation of the pendulum. Raw unfiltcrcd data described in the laboratory coordinate system.
such as the
0.5 mm
2. LADIN and GE Wu
[Fig. 5(c)] and the rotational noise is about I-2” [Fig. 5(f)]. Since the noise seems to be of fixed amplitude, its relative contamination of the signal depends on the amplitude of the signal: the larger the signal (e.g. the rotation around the Y axis), the less significant the noise is. The estimation ot joint forces requires the knowledge of the mass and the acceleration of the rigid body moving through space. The three components of the linear acceleration. described in the inertial reference system, are described in Fig. 6. The acceleration measurements are compared with two estimates generated by TRACK’? one with a 5 Hz low-pass filter and the other with a IS Hz low-pass filter. Filtering was obtained by applying a third-order Butterworth filter forward and backward in time to eliminate any phase shifts. A careful comparison of the two filtered trajectories shows that the estimates obtained with the 5 Hz low-pass filter arecloser to the acceleration measurements, thereby suggesting that this cutoff frequency is more appropriate to use for this particular motion. The curves shown in Fig. 6 demonstrate the known end ctfects of the Butterworth filter as the error in the acceleration cstimatcs incrcascs signilicantly at the beginning and the end of the time window of 3 s dcscribcd in the figure. The cstimatcd and mcasurcd joint forces arc shown in Fig. 7. The X. Y and % components of the joint
force and its total magnitude as measured by the strain gauges are compared with the force estimates by the accelerometer and by TRACK’: estimated accelerations with 5 Hz and 15 Hz low-pass filters. The estimated forces based on the acceleration measurements are practically on top of the measured force trajectories. thus making those estimates highly accurate. The estimated forces based on the acceleration estimates show a clear dependence on the cutoff frequency of the filter used in the estimation process: the 5 Hz low-pass filter generates much better estimates of the joint forces, especially close to the beginning and the end of the trajectory. It is interesting to note that the Y and Z components of the measured force traces (by the strain gauges) show a smallamplitude (less than 1 N). high-frequency oscillation on top of the basic trace. This oscillation is captured by the force estimates based on the acceleration measurements,and does not exist in the traces generated by applying the 5 Hz low-pass filter to the acceleration rstinrotes. The traces generated by the I5 Hz low-pass filter applied to the acceleration estimcues do show the high-frequency oscillations, but their amplitude is so large that any estimates based on these values will contain a large amount of error. The magnitude of the total force calculated from the three orthogonal components shows a good corrcspondcncc bctwccn the mcasurcd force values and
Fig. 6. Linear accelerationsmeasuredby the accelcromctcr(solid tine) and TRACK” (dashedlines): a,,,,-kinematic data filteredwith a 5 Hz low-pass filter. qo,- kinematicdata filteredwith a I5 Hz lowpas.5filter.
Poseion anJ acceleration measurements for jotnt lorcc csrimat~on
I 1
I 3
48 . 461 0
I 1
2 -
461 0 703
Fs ---Fa
I 3
Fs --+I15
481 0 (cl
I 3
Fig. 7. Measured and estimated joint lorces: the three orthogonal components F,. F, and F, and the total force F,. F,-force measured by the strain gauges; F,- force estimated by the integrated sensor: F,o,, F ,, ,-force estimated by TRACK’0 with 5 Hz and IS Hz low-pass filters, respectively.
2. LADIN and GE WV
the values based on the acceleration The
capturing value
not only the basic oscillation
but also the high-frequency
in the force
of the force estimates based on the accel-
estimates shows
pondence is obtained
that the best overall
by applying
the 5 Hz low-pass
basic harmonic
miss the high-frequency
yet it will undoubtedly
tories based only on position scribed in Fig. 7 demonstrate entiated good
signal with
The force trajec-
and de-
this point: the differ-
the 5 Hz low-pass
of the low-frequency
misses the high-frequency
filter shows
oscillation, oscillations.
force estimate that is based on the differentiated
The noise level is not uniform. and the examination of the 15 Hz low-pass filter trace (at points away from
error in the values of the predicted
changes from 2 N for the X and Z components for the Y component
to 7 N
of the joint force. The resulting
noise in the total force estimates is on the order of 5 N,
with the I5 Hz low-pass filter is able to track the high-
the ends of the time trajectory)
shows that its value
yet The
As an illustration
but its noisy output of the applicability
proach to the study of kinesiological
creates a force.
of this ap-
ankle and knee forces during the stance phase of slow
representing almost 50% of the measured force value.
ments were attached to the foot and shank of the right
5 Hz
are described
in Fig. 9. Two
deviations of about I N from the actual force levels (at
leg of a female walker (whose weight was 52 kgf). and
1.6 s), and much smaller values throughout
the forces during
the trajectory.
the rest of
The edge effects of the filter, i.e. estim-
ate contamination
next to the beginning
and the end
The examination
of the joint force trajectories
eratcd by the compound measured
motion of the pendulum
tion to the basic harmonic
of 0.711 Hz. thcrc is
that is most apparent
decomposition in Fig. 8 &arty
of the low-frcqucncy
force trajectory,
of the force shows the
of the
yet it also shows the distinct compon-
cnt at the frcqucncy expected
whose low-pass than
in the X and Y components
the force. The frcqucncy
at a frcqucncy
mcasurcmcnts dominance
by the strain gauges rcvcals that, in addi-
10 Hz may
of approximatcty
a ditfcrentiating
12 fiz
bc able to accurately
ft is
filter has a cutoff frequency
Fig. 8. Frequency
lates into a speed of about without
of the tract. extend to about 0.4s.
of less
the stance phase of slow barefoot
walking at an average speed of 0.57 m sfiltering
’ (that trans-
1.3 mph) were calculated
the acceleration
or the orientation
data. The net joint forces show the characteristic peak’ shape, with a first maximum reprcscnting
the dcccleration
of the falling body. The
second peak has an approximate body weight. the upward
value of 115%
It occurs just bcforc toe-off, rctlccting accclcration
force component overall
of the body. The dominant
is in the vertical direction.
smallest component The
after heel strike.
and the
is in the mcdial ~latcral direction.
rcllccts the dominant
in the pattcrn
of the forces
elTcct of the foot/tloor
action forces, For a lower limb in static equilibrium, the difference
be the weight of the shank,
of measured and estimated joint rorces: F.-strain F.-force estimates by the inkgrated segment.
the ankle
gauge measured
Positron and accclcration
for joint fora
Ankle and Knee Joint Forces in Lab Coordinate System
I 0
Time [S]
. 1
Tlme [S]
Fig.9. The forces in the ankle and knee joints during barefoot slow walking. The joint force components applied to the distal body segment arc dcscribcd in the laboratory coordinate system. The ankle forccs dcscribc the forces transmitted to the foot. and the kncv forces dcscribc the foras transmitted to the shank. The axes arc lab&d according to the following convention: X is the medial-lateral direction, with the medial direction b&g positive; Y is the anterior-posterior direction. with the posterior direction as posilivc and % is the vertical direction. with the upward direction being positive.
only the % component of the force. Since this weight represents only a small fraction of the Z foot/floor interaction force. it has a small effect on the overall magnitude of the net joint force. The most notable difference between the two patterns is the transient right after heel strike. The transient in the total knee force estimate includes a short peak that is due to the transients in the anterior/posterior and vertical directions and does not exist in the ankle joint force. Even though the magnitude of this transient may be small for such a slow activity, it represents a piece of information that would be eliminated by applying the standard low-pass filters that are currently used in kinesiological analysis. Furthermore, since this transient originates from the inertial acceleration of the shank, one would expect its value to increase in faster activities such as running or jumping. making the use of accelerometers imperative in such studies. DlSCU.SSlON
The integrated kinematic segment described in this study was daigncd to improve the quality of joint fora estimates that arc based on the solution of the ‘inverse dynamics problem’. The comparison of the joint force measurements by the strain gauges with the estimates based on the integrated segment and with those based on the position measurement alone
clcurly shows the bcncfit arising from the integration of position and acceleration measurements. The close correspondence between the estimated and the mcasurcd forces suggests that by integrating the three elements that comprise such an estimation-namely, accurate position measurements. rigid body kinematic analysis that extracts the six coordinates of spatial motion of a rigid body, and the use of this information to dynamically calibrate the acceleration measurements of the linear acalcrometer-one can obtain highquality ‘noninvasive’ estimates of joint forces. The long-term goal of using the integrated sensor centers on the improvement in the estimates of scgmental acceleration offered by this technique. Such an improvement is based on the elimination of the smoothing and/or filtering that is required for the derivation of segmental acaleration estimates from position data. The immediate result of such an improvement would be the increase in the frequency range of useful joint load estimates. The current approach for estimating human joint forces in kinesiological applications is based on measurcmcnts of the three-dimensional position of body-fixed markers and the calculation of the second time derivatives of the position data. This procedure is prone to errors and requires the use of low-pass filters or smoothing algorithms to reduce the noise generated by this process. Clearly, any information whose frequency con-
tent exceeds the filter’s cutoff frequency will be elimin-
estimate the acceleration
in this process. Such a smoothing
might be appropriate frequencies
for the description
of slow activities
of the basic
such as slow walking;
however, it fails to capture transients that exist during such activities content.
have a much
and Mann
quency range of I5 Hz in measurements plate while 4&60
et al. (1980)
a fre-
using a force
a range of
bone up to
is properly preloaded to the skin. These
estimates could be even further improved
by introdu-
cing models of the soft tissue, and computationally correcting
the measurements
celerometer. tially
of the skin-mounted
The end result will enable us to substan-
increase the frequency
estimates of joint
range of the dynamic
Any physical activity that is faster than
slow walking derirahes
to accurately
by cofcularing
one has to use accelerometers
for introducing
to the skin presents the
skin motion
ing to new and possibly significant
this problem
c’tul. (1980) described a study that used two one attached to the tihicl and the other
plate. They
the skin-mounted similar
the tibia using a poly-
that the tracings from
’ . . . broadly
to those from the tibia’ although
some distortions
in the form
frcqucncy components swing’, rcndcring the estimation
of the loss of high-
(higher than 50 J Jz) and ‘ovcr-
this measurement
the skeletal
IJ~ hudi~tg.
of the r(iIr
to use the skin-mounted evaluate
they noted
They proceeded
acceleromctcr acceleration
as the input to
(2) in a series of studies dealing with the propagation of vibrations examined.
in bone, the effects olsoft
of a skin-mounted
tissues on
Saha and Lakes (1977)
that the
soft tissue artifacts could be reduced by spring-loading the accelerometer, determinded ometer,
that by properly
i.e. pushing
et ul. (1984)
the acceler-
the accelerometer
skin, one can overcome
the damping
effects of the
interposed soft tissue. One needs to keep in mind that the frequency
these appli-
cations extend to IOOOHz, substantially range of interest in kinesiological (3) Trujillo
tissue covering
Busby (1990)
bone acceleration
the soft
system. based on
that was able to estimate
Even though
their model is one-
and is based on a linear characterization
could be incorporated
into any scheme using skin-
that arises from the above publi-
cations is that skin-mounted noninvasive
and a software package
the six degrees of freedom
segment (TRACK’?)
measureof a rigid
was used to calculate the spatial
of a compound
with a single
that was attached
to the seg-
mental center of mass. The accelerometer
output was
to account
for the effects of the JieJd of
gravity, and then used to solve the ‘inverse dynamics problem’ and calculate the joint forces. The estimated joint forces were compared the joint
to direct measurements
forces that were produced
strain gauges attached the pendulum.
by an array
to the stationary
The application
of of
supports of
of this approach
to the
study of human joint loading rcvcalcd high-frcqucncy transients
that exist even in such slow activities
slow walking. multiple
ted in the literature of joint ration
force estimation. provided
fully subtract
The dynamic
the elTect of gravity
the accelerometer,
to a single triaxial
proach provided
the computational of required
by the integrated
the need to perform
spatial calibus to success-
from the output ol
thus simplifying
process and reducing the amount mentation
schemes sugges-
are not necessary for the purpose
instruThe ap-
segment eliminates
time integration
of the acceler-
ometer signal for the purpose of estimating
the posi-
tion of the body segment. The excellent correlation and the force measurements culations i&y
of the segmental
on position measurements
to perform omctcr
based exclus-
are accurate enough
of the acceier-
It appears that such an approach
is more accurate the multiple
suggests that spatial cal-
and computationally
and position measurements simpler
system and the parameter
error model of the accelerometer
in the literature.
The conclusion
ment system (WATSMART) that calculates
of calcu-
forces is presented. An experimental used an optoelectronic
between the force estimates by the integrated
of the soft tissue, it does suggest an approach mounted
using the output from a skin-moun-
ted accelcromcter. dimensional
the bone as a second-order
They described a computational dynamic
tem that
for the purpose
The results of this study suggest that the elaborate
heel strike for diJTercnt footwear.
the reading
that combines
and acceleration
on the skin overlying
to suggest that
can be avoided,
accelerometers: mounted
errors. However,
there is some evidence in the literature
A new approach position
lating joint
measure the segmental acceleration.
the time
If’ there is a need to
study such phenomena
would, therefore, involve force compon-
ents that cannot be e&mated
of Hz,
Hz in a study that used a bone-pin-mounted
(1985) reported
of the underlying
ol hundreds
that could
provide a accurately
Acknowlrdypmenr-This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. EET-8809060 and by a grant from the Whitakcr Foundation.
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The dynamic forces due IO the motion of the pendulum cause deformations of the two vertical supports that suspend it. The strains resulting from the deformations are linearly related to the local stresses according to Hooke’s law. This appendix describes the installation, calibration and signal conditioning used to measure lhc local strains, and the calculations used IO derive the joint loads tha: gave rise to the measured strains. Forcr and .~lrtw unulysis The free-body diagram of the pendulum-supporting tcm is shown in Fig. Al. The lumped joint loads are F= {F,. M = {M,.
F”. F,}. M,. M,}.
The supporting forces and moments at points 0, and 0, arc given by the following termr F,=IFz,. F, =
F,,, Fz,I.
i F,,, F,,. F,, I.
M,=IM,,. M,,. M,,ls M,=tM,,. M,,. Mm}. The equilibrium
for the forces are:
F, = -(F,,
+ F,,).
Since there are no torsional loads transferred from the pendulum to the supporting structure. the moments &f,, and M,, arc zero. The moment equations for a cross-section located at a distance of I, from 0, on the left support are, therefore, given by the following equations: M L,.=
M 2,s -0. Four separate sites on the surfaa of the support (lahelcd pl. ~2, p3. p4) were chosen for stressanalysis. where pl and p3
were in the Y-Z plane along the - Y and + Y directions, respectively, p2 and p4 were in the X-Z plane along the + X and
(see Fig
The tensile
2. LADIN and GE WV
P2 x
view of crosn srction I
Ilz!%PI 2d u
Fig. Al. Free-body diagram of the pendulum supporting system.
stressesat these four points arc
used to calculate the unknown forces at the support 0, according to the following equations:
F,, (M,,-F,,l2,I)‘!
%(z*)‘~+ %h)=~+
F,, W,,+F,,I~*I)J 1
F,, (MS,-F,,Ir,IV uIJ(fd=~I u,.w~-
’ *
’ bw
W4-k,l) L
F,, Of,, + F,, 121I Id I
Wlz,l-Id) (~,l(~l)-~,,(~,)-~,,(~*)+~,,(~,))~
where A is the cross-sectionalarea, 1 is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectionwith respect to the X or Y axis, d is half of the side length of the cross-section.The set of four redundant equations described above rcquircd the instrumentation of a
The analysis for the right vertical support was done in a similar manner by instrumenting two cross-sections on the right vertical support. The equations for the forces at the supports 0, and 0, were then substituted into equation (A3), with the following set of cquations’for the three orthogonal components of the joint force:
2 second site. so that the foras at 0, could be uniquely determined. The second set of measurements was obtained by instrumenting a cross-section at a distance of :s from 0,. The local stressesobtained from the strain gauges were then
Srrain gauge iastallarion, condirioning and calibration The strain is linearly related to the stress at the same location; therefore. equation (A7) is still valid when the
Position and acceleration measurements for joint force estimation
appropriately scakd stressese are substituted for the strains .s. The strains used for computing the joint loads were measured by strain gauges FAE-0635-S6EL from BLH Electronics. Inc. (Waltham. MA) with a gauge resistance of 350 n The locations of the corresponding cross-sectionson both supports were chosen in such a way that they had equal distanas to 0, and 0,. The strain gauges were glued carefully to the desired positions on both vertical supports at four cross-sections, with the sensitive axis parallel to the longitudinal axes of the vertical supports, and left to dry for 24 h at room temperature. The leads of appropriate gauges were then connected in Wheatstone bridge configurations to provide an output that is proportional to the resistance changes of each arm. Each Wheatstone bridge was conditioned using one strain gauge amplifier. It included a high-performance strain gauge conditioner 2B3lJ from Analog Devias (Norwood. MA) and a second-stage amplifier to increase the total gain. The
strain gauge conditioner consists of an adjustable bridge excitation. a highquality instrumentation amplifier, and a three-pole low-pass filter. The excitation voltage was adjusted to 4 V in order to increase the molutioa and compensate for the heat drifting. With a total gain of lO.ooO the maximum drift was less than IO0 mV h- ’ after IS min of warm up. The calibration was done on each channel separately. First, the position of the sensitive axis of the channel was adjusted to coincide with the direction of the gravity vector, while the amplifier’s output was adjusted to zero. Then. a series of standard weights of 5 lb were hung off the support, and a calibration curve was plotted for each channel. The linearity of each channel depended on the installation of the strain gauges. The maximum nonlinearity was less than 1% for a full operation range of f IS V. The error due to the strain gauge’s transverse sensitivity and installation was less than 0.8%.