15 December 1978
and Joshua JORTNER
of Chemistry,
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Received 31 August 1978
We discuss the conditions for Anderson localization of an electronic excitation in an impurity band of an isotopically mixed omit sohd and dwell on the experimental impkations of this phenomenon.
1. Prologue
2. Effects of disorder
Recent experimental studies of triplet electronic energy transfer (EET) in isotopically mixed benzene [l] , naphthalene [Z-5] and phenazine [6] at low temperatures have established the existence of a “critical” concentration Z of the isotopic impurity below which EET in the impurity bad, as interrogated by trapping by energy sinks (chemical supertraps [l-S] or impurity dimers [6]), is abruptly switched off. We have proposed [7,8] that ?? for triplet EET is a manifestation of the Anderson transition (AT) from extended to localized states [9] *, occurring as a consequence of diagonal disorder, which originates from +&e inhomogeneous broadening (IB) of the site-excitation energies. This proposal was not received with overwhelming enthusiasm by Monberg and Kopelman (MK) [1 I] who prefer their “dynamic percolation” kinetic model [2-51. As organic solids are expected to provide extremely useful model systems for the understanding of electronic structure and dynamics in disordered materials, it is important to explore further the theoretical foundation and the experimental implications of the AT model for EET in isotopic impurity bands of organic solids.
Three general types of disorder will be considered, together with their effects on the electronic structure and dynamics in an impurity band: (A) Substitutional disorder in a random binary alloy. While early work [12] proposed that substitutional disorder results in localization. it is now agreed 1133 that this type of disorder does not result in localized states in the monomer impurity band_ (B) Off-diagonal disorder arising from the interimpurity excitation-exchange integrals J,due to the random distribution of impurities, and which does not result in localization [14]. (C) Diagonal structural disorder, originating from the IB, W, of the diagonal site-excitation energies, which is expected to result in the AT [9,10]. In a binary alloy sources (A) and (B) of disorder always prevail and do not lead to localization_ One should now inqu:ze what is the evidence for IB of isotopic impurity states? MK have proposed [1 l] that W is negligibly small, in contrast to our original conjecture [7] that W = 0.1-5 cm-l. This dispute has to be settled on the basis of experimental data. Chemical substitution in organic solids results in well documented IB, which was probed by studies of hole-burning and of coherent optical effects 11%171. A more subtle question is what is the magnitude of IB originating from random strains as well as small local perturbation induced by the isotopic impurity_ The recent experimental observations of substantial, W = 4 cm-l, inhomogeneous broadening of dilute isotopic
* Lye [lo] applied the Andersot EET in ruby_
model to localization of
60. mmber
impurity state5 of phenazine in pheMZineiig [63 and of W =: 0.1 cm-1 for the monomer band of naphthalene in naphthalene-dg 1181 provide support to our proposal [?I that localization cf electronic excitations in isotopically-mixed crystals can occur as th;. consequence of diagonal disorder.
3. The AT
where 2 is the coordination number. The Iocalization in the centre of the band will then occur provided that [9,10,19]
4. Energetics of the impurity band We have now and of u on the gether with eqs. -aate of c. It is 6
15 December 1978
tegral between a pair of impurities separated by n host molecules is determined by the superexchange interaction J = L@/AY
to determine the dependence of .T impurity concentration C, which to(1) and (2) will result in the &iigenerally agreed that the transfer in-
where 0 is the nearest-neighbour exchange and A represents the trapdepth. We have used [7,8,19] a continuum approximation recastingJ in the form J = B exp [-@r/d
We have now to consider the interplay between the effects of diagonal disorder (IB) and of offdiagonal disorder (distribution of J terms). UtiQing the localization function method [I43 we have demonstrated 1191 that the simultaneous effects of IB, expressed in terms of W, and of the spread o in the J transfer integrals results in the shift of c to lower values than those predicted in the basis of the original AT model when o = 0. In the limit of large o/W, z * 0 and no AT is exhibited. For an exactly soluble model which involves Iorentzian distributions of the site excitation energies and of the transfer integrals the original AT model applies when [19] WfaZ
o = InCAi@ ,
where r is the interimpurity separation and d the lattice constant_ Three cdculations of (J) were recently performed by us. (A) As a preliminary estimate we took (J) 0: exp(-c&j) where Q = r(3/2) (&J-I/2 d corresponds to the Wigner-Seitz radius in a 2-D system, which is of interest to us for the study of the triplet impurity band in naphthalene and in phenazinc. (B) Next, a proper configurational averaging of eq. (3a) was employed setting J = Jdi PfJy where P(J) is the distribution function of J. For a 2-D system we got 1191