Complex-forming properties of polyvalent cations with brown-coal humates

Complex-forming properties of polyvalent cations with brown-coal humates

04 Characterization of itches by ultrasonic method. I. 95102576 Apparatus and preliminary resu P to Tanaka, A. et al., Carbon, 1994, 32, (a), 1137-114...

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04 Characterization of itches by ultrasonic method. I. 95102576 Apparatus and preliminary resu P to Tanaka, A. et al., Carbon, 1994, 32, (a), 1137-1141. An ultrasonic technique is used as a method to elucidate the molecular structure and aggregation state of itches. Quinoline insoluble-free pitch (A), hydrogenated pitch (B), an B mesophase pitch (C) were chosen. Polarizing optical microscope observation and solvent extraction analysis were also used to help understand the ultrasonic data. For pitches A and B, peaks on the curve of the attenuation coefficient agamst tern shifted discretely to hi her temperatures after heat treatment at 4 $2:: oitch C. a oeak ascriba t le to mesoohase was found. Thus. it was found that ihe i&sti~ation of pitches by means of their ultrasonic properties leads to a good description of their surface and changes occurring during heat treatment. Characterlzatlon of tars from the pyrolysls of a coal 95102577 llquefactlon extract fraction Sebnem Madrali, E. et al., Energy & Fuels, Mar.-Apr. 1995, 9, (2), 7hQ_7lA

Mechanisms dominating pyrolytic processes in coal were investigated by pyrolyzing a well-characterized liquefaction extract; this is likely to contain the metaplastic tar-precursor phase formed during pyrolysis of most coal mass soluble in liquefaction. Experiments were carried out in a wiremesh pyrolysis reactor at two heating rates (1 and 1000 K s.’ at 500 and 700°C. Molecular mass distributions of the extract and of the tars produced from it were compared by size exclusion chromatography and W and evaporative analyzers in series. Structural comparisons were carrried out by planar chromatography and FT-IR spectroscopy. Chemical activation of coals uslng alkall metal 95102570 hydroxldes, oxldes end carbonates Lebgas, D. et al., Bull. Sot. Chim. Fr., 1994, 131, (7), 763-773. (In French) The paper describes the preparation of active carbons starting from two coals originating from Freyming and Oignies (France). Various hydroxides, oxides and alkali carbonates were used but cesium derivatives were emohasized. The interpretation of the CO, adsorption isotherms showed clear diffemces among-the various reagents: CsOtiwas more efficient than KOH and Cs,O was even more active than CsOH. Chemical Mructure of asphaltenss from Kansk95102579 Achlnsk brown coal semlcoklng tsr Platonov? V. V. Zh. Prikl. Khim. (XPeterburg), 1994, 67, (3), 487-491. (In Russian) Discusses a study of the structure of asphaltenes separated at up to 3.50” from the semicoking tar. A liquid chromatographic method for asphaltene separation was is also described. Co-productlon of ammonla and methanol 95102580 Tsujimoto, M. and Deitas, Y. (Assigned to) Toyo Engineering Corp., JAP. Pat.. JP.O6,234,517, Aug. 1994. _ A process for the manufacture of NH which comprises decarbonation, methanolization, compressing, and synt h esis. Corn arlson between two green cokes obtalned 95102591 from coal tar pltc l! and petroleum pitch Loustalet, D. and Oberlin, A. L. Carbon, 1994, 32, ( , 1384-1387. By varying process time, the coking of petroleum pitch ‘7Ashland 240) can give coke having the same amount of volatiles and the same size and shape of drops as coke obtained from coal-tar pitch. The molecular weight range, microstructure, macrostructure, and microhardness of both pitches and the cokes obtained from them are different. A comparison of the flammablllty of alumlnlum 95102582 sieve trays end alumlnlum packing in alr sepsratlon units Kirzinger, A. and Lassmann, E. Gas Separation & Purification, 1995, 9, (l), 49-57. In this paper experiments are described to compare the flammability of aluminium sieve trays, which have been used for more than 30 years in distillation columns, with aluminium packing under similar conditions. Competltlve reactions durlng plasma arcing of car95102583 bonsceous materials Pang, L. S. et al., Energy & Fuel, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (I), 38-44. Fullerene and pencil production has been studied by electrical arcing in various atmospheres. A range of different materials have been used as anode and the products have been studied using high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatogra hy-mass spectrometry, stable isotope mass suectrometrv. and electron an s*hght microscopy. In a methane atmosphere &th graph&, the residual methane carbon iiisotopically heavy because lighter methane is consumed. A different result is obtained with anodes containing hvdroeen the carbon of the oroduct eas can be sliehtlv isotooitally lighyer’or hiavier than the origi& anodematerial. ten-materiks containing hydrogen are used as anode, polycyclic hydrocarbons are produced. This is also true if graphite is used with a hydrogen atmosphere.

By-products related to fuels

Complex-formlng propertles of polyvalent catlons 95102504 with brown-coal humates Lyubchenko, V. I. et al., Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (4), 28-32. (In Russian) Sulphonation increased by a factor of 2 the Ca’+, Cu’*, and Fe’+ complexing capacity of brown coal humates which are considered as adsorbents for wastewater treatment.

95102585 Composltlon and structure of hydrocarbon components of hydrogenation of heavy tar from eemlcoklng of Cheremkhovo coals Belik, N. A. et al., K/aim. Tverd Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (4), 93-103. (In Russian)

Correlation of Indexes of the 95102596 phlsm of anthracites Ulanovskii, M. L. et al., Koks I&m., 1994, (8), The pa er .discusses how a statistically significant lished ! etween the optical reflection coefficient emitted volatile compounds and electric resistance ing the degree of metamorphism of anthracites electrodes.

degree of metamor2-4. (In Russian) corrklation was estabof vitrinite, volume of as indexes characterizfor the production of

Design of an optlmum combined system for prepa95102587 ration of alcohols from brown coal Nalvotov. A. Y. and Pustvl’nikov. Y. L. Khim. Tverd. Tool. II - (Moscow). I 1994, (4), 73-80. (In Russian) Describes a systematic a preach towards designing a combined system for the manufacture of alto g 01s from brown coal. The strategy for optimum design is presented as a two-level problem with coordination of local convergence criteria and determination of extensive parametsers on the fist level, rognosis of intensive development of subsystems, and determination o P technology and construction parameters.

Dynamic Interfacial tenslon between bitumen and 95102588 aaueoue sodlum hvdroxlde solutions Xi, Y. Energy & Fiels, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (1), 148-154. Dynamic interfacial tension between bitumen-in-toluene solutions (0.1-10 wt%) and aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions (O-5 wt%) were measured by drop volume method. The results of these measurements were analyzed on the basis of two models. The two models! based on diffusion-controlled adsorption, provided good fits to the dynarmc interfacial tension data. The kinetic parameters and equilibrium interfacial tension were derived and were found to depend on both bitumen concentration in the oil phase and sodium hydroxide concentration in the aqueous phase. Equilibrium interfacial tensions decrease considerably with the increase of the concentration of bitumen or sodium hydroxide.

The effect of coal addltlon on solvent hydrogena95102589 tlon and coal conversion In s model alkylnaphthalene solvent Rothenberger,K S. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (3), 688-694. The paper discusses how the addition of even small amounts of coal can dramatically affect the catalytic hydrogenation of model two-ring aromatic solvents. The catalyst, a novel, unsupported molybdenum catalyst performed during a separate solvent hydrogenation stop, appears to be selectivity deactivated toward solvent hydrogenation, but not coal conversion. The effect is observed in two model solvent systems, 1-methylnaphthalene and Panasol.

The effect of coal dust-fly ash mbdure on the 95102590 hydration of Portland cement Singh, N. B. et al., Cemento, 1993, 90, (4), 231-238. Discusses the effect of coal dust-fly ash mixtures on the hydration of ordinary Portland cement.

Effect of fineness of calcium-sulfate fly ashes on 95102591 the properties of autoclaved building materials Pytel, Z. and Malolepszy, J. Stud Environ. Sci., 1994, 60, 909-915.

Electrically conducting cells 95102592 Patil, A. 0. and Kelemen, S. R. Energy &Fuels, 192-193.


1995, 9, (I),

Eruptlons of mlnlng wastes 95l02593 Zborshchik, M. P. et al., IN. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved Gorn. Zh., 1994, (3), 4-9. (In Russian) Discusses the eruptions of coal mining wastes which were prevented by vacuum degassing and surface treatment with 3-51 suspension of lime.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

May 1995