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COMPLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OF TOCOLYTIC AGENTS Andree Gruslin, MD,FRCSC,l Brigitte Bonin, MD, FRCSC,2 l,2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Perinatology, Ottawa General Hospital, University of Ottawa ABSTRACT
BecatLSe maternal antenatal steroid administration has been shown to improve neonatal outcome at gestational age less then 34 weeks, many obstetrical practitioners choose to tLSe tocolytic agents in an attempt to delay premature delivery and, thereby, allow enough time for steroid treatment. Unfortunately, tocolytics are not without potentially seriotLS side effects for both mother and fettLS. Our objective was to review the complications associated with variotLS tocolytic agents and describe their management. RESUME
Parce qu'il a ere demontre que l'administration de srero'ides it la mere avant la naissance ameliore Ie resultat neonatallorsque la grossesse a 34 semaines, beaucoup d'obsretriciens choisissent d'utiliser des agents tocolytiques afin de tenter de retarder l'accouchement premature et de gagner ainsi suffisamment de temps pour pouvoir administrer un traitement aux srero'ides. Les agents tocolytiques ne sont malheuretLSement pas sans effets secondaires, qui peuvent etre graves tant pour la mere que pour Ie fc£ttLS. L' etude visait it examiner les complications associees it divers agents tocolytiques et it en decrire la prise en charge. moins de
J SOC OBSTET GYNAECOL CAN 1998;20(10):953-69
KEY WORDS Tocolysis, preterm labor, risks and complications. Received on February 2nd, 1998. Revised and accepted on April 22nd, 1998.
has led to intensive efforts to find effective therapies to stop uterine activity. As early as the 1960s, some of the first ~-sympathomimetic agents were introduced and many other classes of drugs have since been added. Unfortunately, while the efficacy of tocolytics in many
Prematurity remains the leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality and still affects six to eight percent of the population.! The prevalence of this problem
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Oiane•-3s (cyprotetone acet;ne and ethmyt tstradiOI) is indKated fort~ ueaunent of women With severe acne, unresponwe to Ol'al ant•bioti<: and other ava1lable treaunents, With asSOCiated symptoms of androgenizahon. indudmg seborrhea and mild hirsutism t Diane· 35 Yloold not be ptesct1bed solety for its coouacept.ve properors. HO'NeYef, when taken as recomrnendfd, Oiat'lf·3S 'NIII PfCMde r~klble cootractptiOfl. • PleaSt refer to full prnarblng lflformatton for PftcauttOnS and pat1ent selectiOfl cmeraa
, , , cases has been questionable, their side effects have been clearly demonstrated. Because of the widespread use of these drugs and their relatively frequent side effects, it is imperative that the obstetrical practitioner be familiar with the treatment of associated complications. We will review potential maternal and fetal complications associated with tocolytic therapy and describe their management.
this type of treatment and may not warrant maternal exposure to these agents. When assessing whether or not to use tocolysis, consideration must be given to the severity of any associated disease and to the availability of tocolytic agents. Individualization of patient care becomes very important.
Before embarking on tocolytic therapy, the benefits and risks to both mother and fetus must be considered. A careful and thorough evaluation of maternal-fetal status is required prior to the initiation of therapy in order to select which patients may be appropriate candidates for tocolysis. To this end, absolute and relative contraindications to this type of therapy should be recognized (Table O. These include, as a general principle, severe maternal disease and fetal compromise. For example, patients presenting with severe pregnancy-induced hypertension or antepartum haemorrhage with haemodynamic instability, producing maternal or fetal compromise should not receive tocolysis. Using tocolysis for mothers with chorioamnionitis is not only unsafe but also ineffective. Severe intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) and non-reassuring fetal status are two concrete examples of absolute contra-indications as, under those circumstances, the intra-uterine environment is so hostile that outcome could be improved by delivery even though premature. Other contra-indications are known lethal anomalies or intra-uterine demise. Relative contraindications include a gestational age of 33 weeks or more when tocolysis would lead to very little gain, if any, in neonatal outcome. Finally, advanced preterm labour (cervix over 5 cms dilated) is likely to be refractory to
~-sympathomimetics are the most commonly used tocolytics.! This class of drugs includes such agents as isoxsuprine, salbutamol, hexoprenaline, terbutaline and ritodrine. Of these, only ritodrine has been the subject of a randomized control trial in Canada. 2 ~-agonists directly stimulate ~ receptors on the outer cell membrane activating adenylate-cyclase. This leads ultimately to reduced intracellular calcium concentrations which decrease the sensitivity of the myosin-actin unit. Two types of ~ receptors exist. ~-1 receptors are found in the heart, small intestine and adipose tissue and ~- 2 in the smooth muscle of the uterus, blood vessels, diaphragm and bronchioles. The non-selectivity of ~-sympathomimetic agents leads to side effects and complications not only for the mother but also the fetus, as these drugs are known to cross the placenta.3 Adverse effects can be divided into physiological, metabolic, cardiac and others (Table 2). They most frequently include apprehension, jitteriness, hypokalaemia, hyperglycaemia, shortness of breath with chest pain and, occasionally, electrocardiographic (ECG) changes.
Absolute Relative Absolute
.. SeverePIH .. SevereAPH .. Chorioamnionitis .. Uncontrolled diabetes .. Severe IUGR .. Non-reassuring fetal heart tracing .. Lethal congenital and/or lethal chromosomal abnormalities .. Fetal demise .. Gestational age > 33 weeks .. Advanced preterm labour
Metabolic' Renal
theartrate istroke volume coronary artery dilatation lipolysis J.GFR
Smooth muscle relaxation
Renal .
J. uterine tone
.J, bronchial tone ,J, vascular tone , .J, intestinal tone I"
gluconeogenesis glycogenolysis ,increased insulin and glucagon intracellular K+ shift t renin i aldosterone
, , , 2.
Cardiovascular Effects
Pulmonary Oedema One of the most serious complications encountered with the use of p-sympathomimetic agents is pulmonary oedema. This may affect as many as five percent of the treated population. 4 However, by paying close attention to fluid balance, this complication can be markedly diminished as was demonstrated in the large Canadian ritodrine trial where only one case of pulmonary oedema was reported in 352 patients. 2 This particular patient had unrecognized mitral stenosis which may have contributed to the development of pulmonary oedema. The underlying mechanism for the development of pulmonary oedema is likely multifactorial and usually non-cardiogenic. 4 As p-sympathomimetic stimulation induces peripheral vasodilatation, hypotension is commonly seen. In order to stabilize maternal blood pressure, intravenous fluids are used, and this may increase the risk of pulmonary oedema. Glucocorticoids administered to promote fetal lung maturation may contribute, especially when the agent used has mineralocorticoid activity. Finally, p-sympathomimetics also stimulate the renin aldosterone system and increase antidiuretic hormone levels which contribute further to fluid retention. This may be compounded by the normal physiological changes encountered in pregnancy, especially the important 35 to 40 percent increase in blood volume. Certain risk factors for the development of pulmonary oedema have been clearly identified. These include intravenous treatment (especially if given over 24 hours), anaemia, multiple gestation, low colloid oncotic pressure, chronic hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension and such infections as chorio-amnionitis and pyelonephritis (increased risk of 21 %). 6 The symptoms of pulmonary oedema are shortness of breath, haemoptysis and rales. These will be accompanied by a decrease in O 2 saturation and an increase in the A-a gradient, and should be confirmed by chest X-ray. Treatment should be initiated promptly as shown in Table 3. Arrhythmias Other cardiovascular complications include tachycardia and other arrhythmias. 1 The most common are supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and premature ventricular contractions. Women with W olffParkinson-White and Lown-Ganong-Levine syndromes
1. Prevent!pn .cf·fla1iienfS
~oid·6vetlQad:tna)tirntlin2,500~Clday of IV lacr.atePtnQ!'JTIlif saline i • closel1'l#litod·ngof iOPUVOUjput and vital signs • very close att&nti9~ tl:> sucllhigh.riskpatientsas those with~ . . . . .
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~ eon~der9i~ft\9 morphlrte10'tng IV
• 9btainA$GsiE(,:a,Q
are especially at risk. 8 Other contributing factors include hypokalaemia, hypoxaemia and myocardial ischaemia. Myocardial Effects Pregnant patients treated with B-sympathomimetics have also been found to have a major increase in cardiac output and stroke volume (40-60%) with a widened pulse pressure resulting from an increase in systolic blood pressure and a concurrent decrease in diastolic pressure.9 This may result in a decrease in coronary blood flow as well as an increase in myocardial oxygen requirements. Ultimately, this can lead to myocardial ischaemia which may also be a focus for dangerous arrhythmias. Although myocardial ischaemia and infarction are extremely rare complications, chest pain with changes in the ECG are commonly reported. In fact, in a US multicentre study, 20.6 percent of women treated with ritodrine experienced chest pain.lD Even in asymptomatic patients, ECG changes have been reported. These changes usually occur in leads V 3, V 4' 1 and 2. 8 The findings are usually those of ST segment elevation or depression, peaked P waves, inverted T waves and left axis deviation. It is interesting that these changes have usually been reported early on in the initiation of therapy and have been shown to decrease after 24 hours. One possible explanation for this is that they may only reflect a relative
, , , tachycardia or electrolyte imbalance as opposed to true ischaemia. Metabolic Effects ~-sympathomimetic stimulation of the pancreas, liver and adipose tissue account for the diabetogenic properties of these agents. They stimulate gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. Through lipolysis, free fatty acids are also increased. Glucose and insulin levels usually peak three hours after initiation of therapy in association with a shift of potassium intracellularly. Although potassium concentrations need to be monitored closely, treatment is not usually warranted unless electrocardiographic changes are present or levels fall to below two mEqJlitre. ll Given these effects, it is easy to understand why ~-sympathomimetics should not be used in the poorly controlled diabetic as they could easily precipitate a state of diabetic ketoacidosis.
fetal lung from a fluid-secreting to a fluid-absorbing organ as shown in animal studies. 16,17 In animal models, they have been shown to cause an increase in alveolar surfactant content through an increase in synthesis and/or release from alveolar cells. At present, this effect remains very controversial and more research is needed to explore the possible association. Recently, Groome et al. in a retrospective study, reported an increased incidence of intraventricular haemorrhage in newborns exposed to ritodrine in utero. 1S Although other investigators have not been able to reproduce those results,19 this remains a major concern and warrants further investigation. Finally, concerns also exist over the administration of ~-sympathomimetic agents to potentially compromised fetuses. This is so because erythropoietin levels (EPO) have been found to be elevated in fetuses exposed to ~-sympathomimetics. 20 As tissue hypoxia is a major stimulus of EPO production, it is felt that these agents might actually lead to decreased fetal oxygenation. It is, therefore, essential to ensure fetal well-being prior to their administration.
Since it has been demonstrated that ~-sympath omimetics cross the placenta, there has been much concern over potential cardiovascular and metabolic complications in the fetus and neonate. In a thorough review of the literature, Kast and Hermer concluded that, at present, there is no demonstrable risk for the fetal myocardium despite widespread use of these agents. 12 Although increases in the fetal heart rate by as much as ten percent have been documented within two hours of initiation of therapy, this effect has not been confirmed universally and no myocardial alterations have been shown in the baboon.13 This may be explained by the fact that the density of ~ adrenoreceptors in the myocardium of both premature and mature infants is lower than in the adult, and that their response to stimulation by sympathomimetic agents used clinically is much less, due to this immature sympathetic innervation. 12 Neonatal metabolic effects, however, have been seen and have included hypoglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, hypocalcaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia. At this time, controversy still exists as to whether or not ritodrine may be associated with a decrease in respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Although this could not be shown in the Canadian ritodrine triaF or in meta-analysis by King et al. ,14 several other investigators have reported this association. In a review of 247 neonates, Karem et al. 15 recently showed a significant decrease of RDS in the ritodrine-exposed infants. This result might be explained by the fact that ~-2 agonists can actually convert the
Adequate prevention should ensure that major complications associated with ~-sympathomimetics are avoided. Patients should be selected carefully for this type of therapy. Contra-indications specific to ~-sympa thomimetics deserve mention (Table 4), starting with maternal cardiovascular disease especially, as at least 14 cases of maternal deaths have been reported under these circumstances. 8 The use of these agents in diabetics should also be supervised very closely because of the potential development of diabetic ketoacidosis. This makes the use of ~-sympathomimetics contra-indicated in the poorly controlled diabetic. They should also be avoided in the compromised fetus. Close attention should be paid to fluid volume. To prevent the development of pulmonary oedema, no more
TABLE 4 CONTRA-INDICATIONS TO Il-SYMPATHOMIMETIC AGENTS Underlying cardiac disease Arrhythmia (especially Wolff-Parkinson-White and Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndromes) Poorly controlled diabetes
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time~ 8 vear.
Sterile Aqueous Suspension (Medroxyprogesterone Acetate InJectable SuspensiOn, U.S.P.)
COtrt!"a.ee;till-t- COtrfiluree. IMrrirtS>te!"ed 1 lJ,re.r If t/e,a.r;
, , , than 2,500cc/day of either Ringer's lactate or normal saline should be given. In cases of multiple pregnancies, fluid replacement should be limited further, and a total of 1,500 cc/dl is usually recommended. At the same time, fluid input and output should be monitored carefully. Close attention should be paid to electrolyte balance, and it is generally recommended that if potassium levels drop to less than two mEqJlitre or ECG changes occur, especially arrhythmias, prompt replacement of potassium is necessary. 1 If serious complications occur, treatment should be discontinued (Table 3). For example, the development of chest pain, arrhythmias, pulmonary oedema and shortness of breath should prompt immediate discontinuation of therapy. The patient should be given oxygen in order to maintain a pOz of over 60 mm Hg. Electrocardiographic monitoring should also be initiated. Oxygen saturation should be followed closely and when pulmonary oedema is suspected, arterial blood gases, ECG, chest X-ray and electrolytes need to be obtained. In cases of confirmed pulmonary oedema, the patient should undergo diuresis with lasix intravenously. Morphine may be given as necessary. If chest pain develops, serial measurements of creatinine kinase iso-enzymes is advised. In the eventuality that the patient does not respond promptly to these measures, invasive haemodynamic monitoring may become necessary along with transfer to an intensive care unit.
inhibition of calcium influx across the myometrial cell membrane could explain the tocolytic action of MgS04. It is interesting that elevated magnesium levels do not seem to affect calcium release from intracellular stores.
2. MATERNAL SIDE EFFECTS Most side effects of MgS0 4 are minor and this constitutes its major advantage over the ~-sympath omimetic drugs. Nevertheless, some major side effects can occur, although rarely, and therefore, every physician using MgS04 should be familiar with their treatment. Elliott has shown that seven percent of patients receiving MgS0 4 will experience side effects, but only two percent of them will be serious enough to warrant interruption of treatment. 22 Minor side effects are listed in Table 5. They are maximum during administration of the bolus, will mostly subside on continuous infusion and require no specific treatment. Major side effects (Table 5) include pulmonary oedema although it occurs much less frequently than with ~-sympathomimetic drugs (1.1 %22 versus up to 5%). Some authors advocate dual therapy using both MgS0 4 and ritodrine. This
• • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • •
Magnesium sulphate (MgS0 4) was first found to have tocolytic properties in 1959. 21 Although there is still controversy about its efficacy, it has become very popular because of its ease of administration, and its rare serious side effects for either the mother or the fetus. It is used as a first-line agent in numerous centres across Canada although it has not received approval as a tocolytic. 1. MECHANISM OF ACTION
It is only recently that the mechanism of action of MgS0 4 has been elucidated. 7 We now know that high extracellular concentrations of magnesium lead to an increase in intracellular concentrations of magnesium, which inhibits calcium influx through the calcium channels. As myometrial contractions :lre dependent on an increase in intracellular calcium levels leading to an activation of the myosin light chain kinase activity, this
Flushing Warmth Nausea/vomiting Dizziness Blurred vision/nystagmus Weakness Lethargy Drymouth Headaches Paralytic ileus/constipation Mild vasodilatation/decreased blood pressure/palpitations • Chest heaviness • Urinary retention • Alterations in calcium metabolism Pulmonary oedema (1.1 %) Loss of reflexes (10 mEq/L or 12 mg/dl) Respiratory depression (15 mEq/L or 18 mg/dl) Cardiac arrest (> 30 mEq/L or > 36 mg/dl) Neuromusc.ular blockade
SpeCific • Myasthaenia Gravis Contra-indications • Heart block • Renal impairment • Do not use with: - calcium channel blockers - aminoglycosides Other
• .I. maternal bone mineralization
, , , increases the risk of pulmonary oedema to 46 percent without changing the outcome and, therefore, cannot be recommended. 23,24 Magnesium sulphate is mostly excreted by the kidneys, and intoxication is a well-known risk of this type of therapy. It is important to ensure that renal function is normal in patients receiving MgS04. As serum magnesium levels increase, the patient will experience different signs and symptoms, and she should be followed closely. Reflexes should be assessed, as these will disappear first. Respiratory depression requiring ventilatory support can happen, and at very high magnesium levels, cardiac arrest will occur. Serum levels at which the patient will experience these different symptoms are listed in Table S.2S If signs of intoxication occur, MgS04 should be stopped immediately and the patient should be given calcium gluconate to reverse the effects of the MgS0 4. The response will not be instantaneous and ventilatory support may be required. Maternal contra-indications to MgS04 are listed in Table 5. There is an increased risk of neuromuscular blockade and severe hypotension in patients receiving both MgS04 and calcium channel blockers. This should be avoided. 26 A potentiation of neuromuscular weakness has also been reported when gentamicin or other aminoglycosides are used.27 Because, unlike j3-sympathomimetics, there is no tachyphylaxis, MgS0 4 can be used for longer periods. s In fact, when necessary, it can be given to patients with resistant pretenn labour for a prolonged period with minimal maternal side effects. 2s-3o Secondary to alterations in calcium metabolism and prolonged bed rest, a decrease in maternal bone mineralization was noted with longterm treatment (average 26 days).3! The clinical significance of these changes remains unclear.
TABLE!),"" ,,--
";~GN~Si~Mis.uI.~HAle'BatAI.,ANO~EONATALSIOe , ' "" , ", ""'. " , "if~EdtS,'
, ':;. .Hype~a9n!!!~mia . ,,"'+'" Kypo~hy¢et~lea~ia'{1} ',' , -Bl:lrl~rd~in.r~litati~n (7)
nervous system depression. This should be taken into account when fetal well-being is assessed. The neonate may be hypotonic or lethargic for a few hours after birth, but this is not severe enough to require treatment. 34 Hypermagnesaemia, if present, will resolve within 48 hours. 3s The effect of MgS04 on neonatal calcium concentration is unclear. Levels have been reported as being high, normal and 10wY-31 Some authors have also reported demineralization of the bones and even congenital rickets in neonates whose mothers had received MgS04 for long periods (more than 7 days).38,39 The clinical significance of these bony changes is unknown as they disappear rapidly and, in fact, a recent study has failed to confirm this association. 40 Antenatal treatment with magnesium sulphate has also been linked to a decrease in the risk of cerebral palsy in very low birth weight infants in several observational studiesY-44 A recent study by Grether et al, 4S has reassured us that the possible neuroprotective effect in infants surviving the neonatal period is not explained by selective early mortality of MgS04-exposed infants. In this same work, the study group was restricted to exclude women whose labour was too advanced for tocolytic treatment, who had maternal or fetal indications for immediate delivery or other contra-indications to tocolysis, or who had pre-eclampsia. In this selective subgroup they found no excess of deaths among those infants exposed to magnesium in utero. In fact, after controlling for all the possible confounders, they observed a strongly negative association between in utero exposure to magnesium sulphate and neonatal death, suggesting a possible protective effect from magnesium sulphate. Further randomized trials are currently underway to evaluate magnesium sulphate as a neuroprotective agent. These studies will also
No severe fetal or neonatal side effects have been reported. The fetal heart rate pattern may be modified, with a slight decrease in baseline and a loss of reactivity, especially at high doses. There may also be a decrease in breathing movements. No significant effect on fetal tone or gross body movements and amniotic fluid volume has been encountered. 32 A blunted response to vibroacoustic stimulation has also been reported. 33 These changes do not reflect compromise but central
.;.; tI~e_;i\1lqn9~terrn andshon;.term Variability "" ;.,ti~(~'.iri'fjtalbreathlhsml)!ternents , .,', ,.. 'BlknteH·r~~'tQ,¥lbrm.(:ol\i$tlc'stimUlati~n
, , , Antiprostaglandin agents include aspirin, ibuprofen and the more widely used indomethacin. Another compound, sulindac, is also under investigation for potential use as a tocolytic agent. Indomethacin is a competitive inhibitor that acts by blocking the conversion of arachidonic acid into the intermediate endoperoxide prostaglandin O 2, which is subsequently converted to POE 2 and POF 2a . The effects of indomethacin are reversible once drug levels decline. 48
provide us with additional data on neonatal mortality in pre term infants. 4.
Fetal and neonatal side effects are minor and do not warrant treatment. Minor maternal side effects will also be transient and require no intervention. To avoid major complications, patients should be carefully selected, excessive hydration should be avoided, the patient should be regularly assessed for signs of intoxication and magnesium serum levels should be measured if the patient is at risk. In the event of intoxication, the magnesium sulphate infusion should be stopped immediately, the antidote given and oxygen therapy and ventilatory support should be readily available. As MgS04 is eliminated by the kidneys, active diuresis is recommended.
Most of the maternal side effects are minimal and are related to the route of administration of the drug (Table 8). Because antiprostaglandins have antipyretic properties, they can mask signs of infection and should be avoided in patients with ruptured membranes. Maternal contra-indications to their use are listed in Table 9. This class of agents is mostly metabolized by the liver and so, hepatic dysfunction is a contra-indication to their use. Three cases of acute maternal renal insufficiency have also been reported with documented elevation of serum creatinine levels and oliguria. 49 This effect is thought to be secondary to a change in regulation of renal blood
Prostaglandins are important in the process of myometrial contractions and labour. They act by raising intracellular calcium levels in human myometrial cells through an influx of calcium from the extracellular to the intracellular milieu. They also stimulate intracellular calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This increase in intracellular calcium concentrations activates the myosin light chain kinase and phosphorylation of the myosin light chain leading to myometrial contraction. 46 Prostaglandins also favour more effective and coordinated muscle contractions by stimulating gap junction formationY
TABLES ANTIPROSTAGLANDINS. MATERNAL SIDE EFFECTS Nausea/vomiting Pyrosis Diarrhoea Proctitis/rectal bleeding Headaches Tinnitus/vertigo Allergic skin rash Increased bleeding time Rarely: - Acute renal insufficiency - Hypertensive crisis - Depression/psychosis
- Select patients carefully (see contra-indications)
- Avoid fluid overload - Monitor reflexes closely - Magnesium serum levels should be measured if patient at risk of intoxication
Treatment of
- Discontinue magnesium infusion
Active peptic ulcer disease
Pulse oximetry , O 2 by mask PRN Ventilatory support PRN Calcium gluconate 19IV in ten percent solution given over three minutes - Diuresis (furosemide 20-40 mg IV PRN)
Renal dysfunction
Hepatic dysfunction Allergy to salicylate Asthma Poorly controlled hypertension
*Combined prescriptions of levonorgestrel OC 's in Canada. Sub 501-Jg OC market. 3 t
The most common adverse reaction reported w ith oral contraceptives is nausea and vomiting occurring in approximately 10% or fewer patients during the first cycle.
§ Mode with recyclable vinyl.
®Registered !rode mark of Berlex Canada Inc . References: l. Yuzpe, AA Gynecol Endocrinol 1995; 9 (Suppl 2) :29-73 . 2 . lachnit-Fixson, U., et al. Proceedings of the World Congress of Fertility and Sterility. Dublin, lrelond, Rollond R (Ed) MTP Press , 1983 :71 -79 _ 3 . IMS Canada Compuscript, data ending February 1997 .
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, , , more than 48 hours. However, this has been shown to be transient, as all Doppler indices reverted to normal rapidly after discontinuation of treatment. 51 ,58 The ductus is also more sensitive as gestational age increases. Indomethacin should not be used in pregnancies of 32 weeks or more. Moise 59 found that 28 percent of exposed fetuses will suffer from premature closure of the ductus and that it will happen in 70 percent of fetuses by 31 weeks. Vermillion60 described an even higher incidence of closure with 50 percent of fetuses exposed being affected in total and 70 percent of fetuses by 31 weeks gestation. Both authors demonstrated closure as early as 25 weeks gestation. Neonates who received indomethacin while in utero seem to have become sensitized as they do not respond as well to medical treatment of patent ductus ateriosus (PDA) and more infants require surgicalligation (37% versus 13%).61 Oligohydramnios is also associated with in utero exposure to indomethacin. Fetal urinary output decreases as early as five hours after initiation of therapy.62 This tocolytic is, thus, the ideal treatment for preterm labour secondary to polyhydramniosY.64 Renal dysfunction is partially reversible but some authors have described prolonged neonatal renal insufficiency secondary to in utero exposure. 65 If indomethacin is to be used, discontinuation of treatment after 48 to hours is recommended. Alternatively, the fetus can be followed closely with ultrasound assessments of amniotic fluid volume and ductal flow. The drug should be stopped immediately if oligohydramnios or velocity changes in the ductus are detected. Recently, a compound by the name of sulindac has been under investigation as a potential tocolytic. This drug is closely related structurally to indomethacin but is a prodrug with little or no placental transfer shown in animal studies. 66 In the treatment of refractory preterm labour, Carlan et al. 67 have shown it to be as effective as indomethacin with fewer fetal side effects. It does affect
flow and glomerular filtration rate in susceptible patients predisposed to overactive local vasoconstriction. It is reversible and the mean recovery time is five days. Indomethacin should not be used simultaneously with aminoglycosides or any nephrotoxic drugs 50 or in patients with already impaired renal function. Its use concurrently with beta blockers has also resulted in hypertensive crises in mothers. 51 Antiprostaglandins sometimes will prolong the bleeding time as much as twice the normal. No change in prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time (anT) have been observed. 52 There is at least a theoretical risk of increased bleeding at the time of delivery and an epidural may not be an option for some patients. This is especially true shortly after receiving the medication, as maternal peak levels are reached in one to two hours. 1 Depression and psychosis have been described with longterm treatment with indomethacin (more than 7 days).53
A. Immediate/Short Term Effects Both fetal and neonatal side effects have been described (Table 10). In utero, there are two well described complications. Closure of the ductus arteriosus has been seen with long-term use of indomethacin (> 48h) but not with short-term therapy.54,55 This can lead to tricuspid regurgitation, congestive heart failure, hydrops and eventually, death. 56 Doppler studies have confirmed closure of the ductus with treatment given for
In utero closure of the ductus leading to: - tricuspid regurgitation - congestive heart failure - hydrops - death Oligohydramnios
- necrotizing enterocolitis - Grade II to IV intraventricular haemorrhage - patent ductus arteriosus with failure to respond to medical treatment and an increase in requirement of surgical ligations - renal dysfunction - bronchopulmonary dysplasia or respiratory distress syndrome
TABLE 11 ANTI PROSTAGLANDINS. FETAL CONTRA-INDICATIONS - Ductus-dependent fetal cardiac defects - Gestational age:> 32 weeks - Intra-uterine growth restriction - Oligohydramnios
Rarely: - isolated small bowel perforations
, , , the ductus but decreases in pulsatility indices appear only 24 hours after initiation of treatment, are of less importance and are transient, reverting to normal even with continuation of treatment. This new agent appears promising but more research is needed before clinical use can be recommended. Neonatal side effects are also of concern. Changes in neutrophil and platelet function but not in number have been described in neonates receiving indomethacin for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Indomethacin inhibits platelets from producing cyclo-oxygenase products and prolongs the bleeding time. 68 Similar changes could occur in newborns exposed to this same therapy in utero. Mesenteric, cerebral and renal haemodynamic changes are also seen in these circumstances. This may explain the association seen with in utero exposure to indomethacin and the increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (19% versus 2%), grade II to IV intraventricular haemorrhages, patent ductus arteriosus (62% versus 44%)61,69 and renal insufficiency.65 Major 69 also reported an even higher incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis if neonates were exposed to indomethacin for more than 48 hours with an interval to delivery ofless than 24 hours. This reported increase in complications remains controversial however, as other authors have not confirmed these findings. 70 ,71 Isolated small bowel perforations have also been reported. 72 ,73 Additionally, neonates are at increased risk of persistent fetal circulation, pulmonary artery hypertrophy, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and respiratory distress.
TABLE. 12 PREVENTION OF ANTIPROSTAGlANDIN SIDE EFFECTS AND'COMPLlCAT10NS -Do not use for more than 48 to 72 hours _ Monitor ductal Doppler indices ,... Monitor amniotic fluid volume ,... Discontinue treatment if changes occur ,... Do not use in patients with premature rupture of membranes, oligohydramnios . ,... Limit to pregnancies < 32 weeks - Do not use if delivery anticipated in less than 24 hours - Inform neonatologist of in utero exposure
pregnancies ofless than 32 weeks. As neonatal complications, especially necrotizing entercolitis/9are more frequent if the fetus is exposed to indomethacin close to the time of birth, it is best to avoid using it in patients in whom it is unlikely to achieve a delay in delivery of more than 24 hours. The neonatologist should also be aware of in utero exposure to be given every opportunity to try and minimize neonatal complications. CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS (TABLE 13)
The use of calcium channel blockers as tocolytic agents is becoming more widespread. 75 Their mechanism of action involves the blockage of voltage-dependent calcium channels on the cell membrane, reducing intracellular calcium concentration, thereby preventing
B. Long-term Effects
Al-Alaiyan et al. 74 studied neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants exposed to indomethacin antenatally and found no significant difference in fine and gross motor, adaptive and language skills at six and 12 months of age. This study was retrospective, however, with a small sample size and a short follow-up period. More work needs to be done in this area before any conclusion can be drawn.
CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKADE 1.' Ensure patient is not treated with MgS04 and nounder.lying liver disease 2. Use nifedipine per os and avoid sublingual route (could precipitate hypotension)
3. Follow liver function tests if long-term treatment Minor side effects:
,... mild hypotension - nausea - flushing - headache Major side effects and complications: ,... hepatotoxicity ,... hypotension - neuromuscular blockade
Avoiding prolonged use, monitoring ductal flows and amniotic fluid volume closely and stopping the medication as soon as changes occur are important for the prevention of complications from indomethacin. It should not be used in patients at risk of infection or with oligohydramnios. Its use should also be limited to
Treatment of severe complications:
1. Oiscontinue nifedipine . 2. Ventilatory and haemodynamic support 3. Calcium gluconate 19m IV
myometrial cell contraction. Their first use as tocolytics was reported in 1971 with the introduction of verapamil, which was soon replaced by nifedipine as verapamil was found to slow the atrial ventricular conduction in the heart. Since then, nifedipine has been investigated further and found in many trials to compare favourably to ~-agonists. 76
fetal PaOz and 0z saturations, the same has not been confirmed in the human, and so far, there is no evidence of detrimental effects of these drugs on the fetus and neonate. 4.
Selection of patients for tocolysis is of major importance. Patients with liver disease or who require MgS04 are not suitable candidates for nifedipine. Complications and side effects are usually mild and do not generally warrant intervention. However, in the rare case of significant hypotension or neuromuscular blockade, immediate action is necessary, including the discontinuation of treatment, oxygen supplementation and ventilatory as well as haemodynamic support. Calcium gluconate can be administered at a dosage of one gram intravenously over two to three minutes. Obviously, if MgS04 has been administered concomitantly, it should be discontinued immediately. Overall, the use of nifedipine as a tocolytic agent is gaining more widespread acceptance and nifedipine appears to be well tolerated. Its side effects and compfications are often reported as less common and less severe than those of ~-agonists, and its efficacy appears similar. Its use as a tocolytic agent deserves further investigation.
Recently, research efforts have focused on the development of more organ-specific tocolytics in order to increase efficacy and decrease side effects. Oxytocin antagonists may fulfill these criteria. These agents work by competitive inhibition of oxytocin binding to receptors in both the myometrium and decidua. 8) It has been demonstrated that decidua and membranes can bind radio-labelled oxytocin and that in the rat model, both in vivo and in vitro, synthetic oxytocin antagonist inhibited oxytocin induced contraction. S) The same effects were found in human myometrium in vitro. More recently, in a randomized placebo controlled trial, oxytocin antagonists were found to decrease pre term uterine activity significantly.84 Two small uncontrolled studies have also suggested that these agents could in fact delay premature delivery in over 50 percent of patients. 85 ,86 As oxytocin antagonists are very specific and only affect the breast and the uterus, it is expected that adverse effects and complications would be very rare. To
Initial animal studies involving monkeys, sheep and goats have demonstrated a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow following exposure to calcium channel blockers. Doppler studies of human fetuses have failed to show any alteration in the maternal or fetal circulation. 79 ,82 While animal studies have shown a decrease in
Most studies have found similar effectiveness and emphasized that side effects were much less common with calcium channel blockers than with ~-sympath omimetics. 76.78 As an example, while maternal diastolic blood pressure was found to be slightly decreased with nifedipine (from 68.5 mmHg to 64.5 mmHg) it was still less so than with ritodrine (from 68.3 mmHg to 51.8 mmHg).78,79 However, most side effects and complications are still related to the peripheral vasodilation induced by this class of agents. This results in nausea, flushing, headaches and dizziness. The practitioner should also be aware of reported cases of hepatotoxicity following the use of nifedipine and should monitor liver function if this drug is to be administered for a prolonged period.8o In addition, the concomitant use of MgS0 4 is contra-indicated as this can result in serious neuromuscular blockade. Finally, concerns have been raised recently over the safety of calcium channel blockers administration to the general population. 8l Reports on the use of short-acting agents have shown a slight increase in cardiovascular mortality, gastro-intestinal bleeding and certain cancers. So far, none of these complications has been reported in the obstetrical population. The major differences between populations (older patients often with underlying cardiac disease, prior myocardial infarction) and the duration of use probably explains why this has not been a concern for the pregnant patient. However, most recommend the use of these agents in their long-acting forms if possible and for the shortest possible duration. 3.
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date, only symptoms of nausea and vomiting have been reported. There have been no fetal or neonatal complications nor any maternal cardiovascular or metabolic disturbances. The available data on oxytocin antagonists as tocolytics are promising, and it appears that this class of agent would be associated with far fewer maternal and fetal complications and toxicities. REFERENCES 1.
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