evidently the case with the tongue;red saunders, of each one drachm ; and we may with great probability rectified spirits of wine, water, of conjecture, that the same conse- each eight ounces. quence also takes place in the Balsam of Honey.—Balsam of stomach. As likewise the juices tolu, honey, of each one pound ; of the stomach are the immediate rectified spirits of wine, one gallon. Scot’s Pills.—Barbadoes aloes, agents in digestion, that process must be disturbed in proportion one pound ; black hellebore root, as its secretions are deficient or jalap root, prepared kali, of each one ounce; oil of aniseed, four vitiated.—Abernethy. drachms ; simple syrup, a suffiCOMPOSITIONS OF QUACK cient quantity.—Gray’s Phar. MEDICINES. TABLE TALK.
Dalby’s Carminative.-
of opium, four drachms and a half; Faux-pas in High Life.—We tincture of assafoetida, two drachms mentioned an occurrence of this and a half; oil of carraways, three description a few days since. The scruples ; oil of peppermint, six lady and gentleman have, by this scruples; tincture of castor, six time, it, is supposed, reached drachms and a half; rectified spi- France. The partners of their rits of wine, six drachms ; put two flight were two of the lady’s childrachms into each bottle,withmag- dren. The remaining three have nesia one drachm, and fill up with been left at home. The Gay Losimple syrup and a little rectified thario is a member of a certa.in spirits of wine. high assembly, and is much noted Daffy’s Elixir.—Seuna leaves, for what are generally called affour ounces; santile wood sbav- fairs of gallantry. It is conjecings, dried elecampane root, ani- tured that the injured husband seeds, carraway-seeds, coriander- means to appeal for, redress to seeds, liquorice root, of each two the laws of his country.—Dublin ounces ; raisins (stoned), eight Evening Post. At the time of the plague in proof spirit, six pounds. Spilbury’s Antiscorbutic Drops. London, a noted body-searcher - Corrosive sublimate, gentian’ lived, whose name was Snacks. root, dried orange-peel, of eachHis business increased so fas t, two drachms ; crude antimony,, that finding he could not compass
ounces ;