Computational theories of interaction and agency

Computational theories of interaction and agency

BOOKREPORTS Nonlinear Ovtimization and Aoolicntions. (1996). 367 pages. $110.00. Contents: Edited by G. Di Pil10 and F. Giannessi. 127 Plenum Press,...

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BOOKREPORTS Nonlinear Ovtimization and Aoolicntions. (1996). 367 pages. $110.00. Contents:

Edited by G. Di Pil10 and F. Giannessi.

127 Plenum Press, New York.

1. Towards a discrete Newton method with memory for large-scale optimization (R.H. Byrd, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu). 2. On regularity for generalized systems and applications (M. Castellani, G. Mastroeni and M. Pappalardo). 3. An algorithm using quadratic interpolation for unconstrained derivative free optimiaation (A.R. Conn and P.L. Toint). 4. Massively parallel solution of large scale network flow problems (R. De Leone, E. Merelli and S. Buti). 5. Correction theorems for nonsmooth systems (V.F. Dem’yanov). 6. Successive projection methods for the solution of overdetermined nonlinear systems (M.A. Dinis-Ehrhardt and J.M. Martinez). 7. On exact augmented Lagrangian functions in nonlinear programming (G. Di Pil10 and S. Lucidi). 8. Space-transformation technique: The state of the art. (Y.G. Evtushenko and G.Z. Vitali). 9. Inexact Newton methods for semismooth equations with applications to variational inequality problems (F. Faccinei, A. Fischer and C. Kanzow). 10. Accessing realistic mixed complementarity problems within MATLAB (M.C. Farris and T.F. Rutherford). ll. Merit functions for variational inequality and complementarity problems (M. Fukushima). 12. Some remarks on penalization for variational inequalities and generalizations (F. Giannessi). 13. Globally convergent online minimization algorithms for neural network training (L. Grippo). 14. Semismoothness and superlinear convergente in nonsmooth optimization and nonsmooth equations (H. Jiang, L. Qi, X. Chen and D. Sun). 15. On the solution of the monotone and nonmonotone linear complementarity problem by an infessible interior point algorithm (J. Júdice, L. Fernandes and A. Lima). 16. Ergodic results in subgradient optimization (T. Larsson, M. Patriksson and A.B. Strömberg). 17. Proto-derivatives and the geometry of solution mappings in nonlinear programming (A.B. Levy and R.T. Rockafellar). 18. Numeri& results for unconstrained optimization without derivatives (S. Lucidi and M. Sciandrone). 19. Hierarchical systems with weighted reaction set (L. Mallozzi and J. Morgan). 20. Mathematical programming in machine learning (O.L. Mangasarian). 21. Smoothing techniques for macromolecular global optimization (J.J. Moré and Z. Wu). 22. Continuous approaches to discrete optimization problems (P.M. Pards los). 23. Homotopies based on nonsmooth equations for solving nonlinear variational inequalities (H. Sellami and S.M. Robinson). 24. ABS methods for KT equations (E. Spedicato, Z. Chen and E. Bodon). Contributors. Index. Comvutational Theorie8 of Intemction and Aaency. Edited by Philip E. Agre and Stanley J. Rosenschein. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1995). 767 pages. $50.00. Contents: Series foreword. Preface. Computational research on interaction and agency (P.E. Agre). Sensorimotor transformation in the worlds of frogs and robots (M.A. Arbib and J.-S. Liaw). Learning to act using real-time dynamic programming (A.G. Barto, S.J. Bradtke and S.P. Singh). Learning dynamics: Systems identification for percep tually challenged agents (K. Basye, T. Dean and L.P. Kaelbling). A dynamical systems perpective on agentenvironment interaction (R.D. Beer). On information invariants in robotics (B.R. Donald). The stabilization on environments (K.J. Hammond, T.M. Converse and J.W. Grass). An architecture for adaptive intelligent systems (B. Hayes-Roth). Analysis of adaptation and environment (1. Horswill). The intelligent use of space (D. Kirsh). Indexical knowledge and robot action-A logical account (Y. Lespérance and H.J. Levesque). Exploiting patterns of interaction to achieve reactive behavior (D.M. Lyons and A.J. Hendriks). A situated view of representation and control (S.J. Rosenschein and L.P. Kaelbling). The use of dynamics in an intelligent controller for a space faring rescue robot (M. Schoppers). On social laws for artificial agent societies: Off-line design (Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz). Instructions, intentions, and expectations (B. Webber, N. Badler, B. Di Eugenio, C. Geib, L. Levison and M. Moore). Reinforcement learning of non-Markov decision processes (S.D. Whitehead and L.-J. Lin). Book review of From Animals to Animats: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Jean-Arcady Meyer and Stewart W. Wilson, Editors (M. Brand, P. Prokopowicz and C. Elliott). Book review of Reasoning Agents in a Dynamic World: The Fmme Problem, Kenneth Ford and Patrick J. Hayes, Editors (J.A. Toth). Book review of Artijîcial Life, Christopher G. Langton, Editor, Artificial Life IZ, Christopher G. Langton, Charles Taylor, J. Doyne Farmer and Steen Rasmussen, Editors, and Artìfìcial Life IZ: Video Proceedings, Christopher G. Langton, Editor (S.W. Smoliar). Book review of Planning and Control, Thomas Dean and Michael Wellman (J. Hendler). Book review of Vision, Instruction, and Action, David Chapman (D.M. Lyons). Tonics in Advanced Scientific ComDutation. By R. E. Crandall. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. (1996). 340 pages. $49.00. Contents: Preface. 1. Selected numerical algorithms. 2. Evaluation of constants and functions. 3. Number-theoretical algorithms. 4. Transforms. 5. Nonlinear and complex systems. 6. Data manipulation. Appendix. Referencee. Index. MIT Prees, Cambridge, MA. (1995). Citw of Bits: SDace. Place. and the Infobahn. By William J. Mitchell. 225 pages. $10.00. Contents: 1. Pulling glass. 2. Electronic agoras. 3. Cyborg citizens. 4. Recombinant architecture. 5. Soft cities. 6. Bit biz. 7. Getting to the good bits. Notes. Surf sitea. Acknowledgements. Index.