Copyri ght © (FAC 11th Triennial Wo rld Congress, T allinn , Estonia, USSR , 1990
COMPUTER INTEGRATED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION K. Hatou, H. Nishina and Y. Hashimoto Department of Biomechanical Systems, Ehime University, M atsuyama, Japan
Abstract Greenhouse production of vegetables has been remarkably developed.
Furthermore. vegetables could be
cultivated in the factory where such environmental factors as light intensity and temperature are controlled just like in process industries.
In the system, many computers are used for environmental
control, nutrient control and management of cultivation.
Of course, the artificial intelligence is also
introduced for the expert system for control and diagnosis of the cultivated vegetables. hand,
On the other
progress in automated mechanization for seeding and transplanting has made "greenhouse
automation" fit for practical use just like "factory automation (FA)" in industries. Now, process industries are rationalized based on the concept of so called "Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM)", Therefore, it might be noted that the system in the agricultural production such as the vegetable factory should also be considered based on the concept of CIM, That is the "Computer Integrated Agricultural Production (ClAP)". In this paper, we examine the vegetable factory from the "ClAP" point of view. Computer network composed of both us ual personal computer for environmental control and the special computer for the artificial in t elligence is examined. It seems evident that the ClAP discussed in this paper is expected as the most effective system in the
coming generation. Keywords Computer application; Artificial intelligence; Control application; Agriculture INTRODUCTION
first plant factory in the world was built in Denmark. But
Environmental control in the plant factory with artificial
cultivation stage is treated as a manufacturing process, and
lighting is similar to that in the growth chamber. On the
several cultivating processes are combined into a batch
other hand,
in the plant factory using solar energy,
process and controlled as assembling line. This makes a
environmental control is similar to that in the greenhouse. Con trolling the en vironmen t in greenhouse is difficult from
grea t change in the concept of agriculture, and impacts the
the engineering
because of the great
Since then, several plant factories have been developed in
disturbance from sunlight.
the world.
In environmental control of greenhouse, great progress has
environmental control system like a large growth chamber
been made in Holland as the leader in the world on this
(Hashimoto, 1987). In this system, the emphasis is laid on
the history is not so long.
point of
In the original system, the
image of the traditional cultivation in the world. Now, the plant factory noticed in Japan has
It is impossible to introduce all the results that
the process control other than on manufacturing process. It
they have achieved in this limited space, Summarizing the researches about greenhouse control from the dynamical
is the system with standardized cultivating process, with
which the maximum production can be realized in the short
approach, we can consider that experiments are mainly
period, In detail, the system can make plants grow three to
carried out based on transport phenomena by Bot (1983),
five times faster than in the field cultivation by supplying
feedback control by Udink ten Cate (1983), controller by
the twenty-four daily illumination hours with artificial
Tantau (1981), control algorithm and the relation between
lighting system,
problem and computer,
At present,
research is
controlling the C0 2 concentration in
several times of that in the natural environment and
introduced to the optimal control or adaptive control for
regulating temperature, pH and EC in the optimal state.
energy saving in the greenhouse.
This system is not only used to save !abor, it aims at making
Comparing with the greenhouse, perhaps plant factory is not
the plant productivity to the maximum by applying an
so familiar to our readers.
Therefore, we would like t o
optimal environmental control for the cultivation.
describe it in more detail.
When plant is limited for
system is the factory in which computer and all the sensors
producing vegetable only, it is sometimes called vegetable
are invested to reduce the personal expenses to get the
If we are asked to find the origin of the plant
maximum harvest in the short period. In other words, this system is the factory automation in agriculture.
factory, we should go back to thirty years ago when the
Control algorith.
Data acquisition
Manil1ulation for environ.ental control r-
(a) Outside cl iute data
(e) Hu.idity D/ A or/and Relay
(b) Ins ide data (c)
(d) Air te.perature
(0 Light intensity (g) CO. concentration
Plant response (physiological ecological) data
(h) Nutrient solution
(a) Air te.perature, Hu.idity, Light intensity, Wind, etc. (b) Air te.perature, Hu.idity, Light intensity, CO. concentration, Nutrient solution (Te.perature, EC, pH, Ion concentration), etc. (c) Transpiration flo~ Photosynthetic rate , Respiration rate, Leaf te.perature , Translocation, etc. Fig. I
Co.puter aided cultivation syste. for greenhouse and plant factory .
Now in the plant factory, not only vegetables are produced,
all the sub-systems by one micro computer into a time
but also the cultivation of mushroom and horse-radish are
sharing system. To control the environment more flexibly,
Although it is difficult to say that cultivating
it is necessary to change the set point of the environment
systems for various crops are not different from the process control or the system automation point of view, they may be
and the system parameters disturbed by the sudden changes in the outside. This belongs to adaptive control problem. To
much the same.
reduce the cost to the minimum or increase some element in
the crops to the maximum, the optimal stress is needed. This can be solved with the optimal con trol theory . For these
situations, experience of the diligent farmer is important. AI system is responsible for the problem.
The computer aided cultivation system is shown in Fig. l CHashimoto, 1984). Computer calculates the data obtained from the change of the environmental factors and the
responses of the plants based on various algorithm, and
determines the optimal operation for the environmental control. At present, in the general commercial system, the
It will be appreciated to prospect that agricultural system
data about the plant responses to the environmental changes
based on the en vironmen tal con trol should be approached
is not integrated into the control system. Desperate efforts
from three aspects, i. e., process optimization, labor saving
are made to control the environment in a constant with feedback control algorithm. Present situation shows that
and information. At first, to promote the process optimization including the
the en vironmen tal control is primitive and the computer is
hydroponic system and the shoot system, the identification
not used efficiently.
of the rela tion between the en vironmen tal change and the physiological ecology of plants can not be lacked. In
To improve computer utilization, in
Holland and other countries, computer is entrusted to make decision from cultivation to all the management.
another word, it is important to improve the environmental
Changing the environment and stimulating the plant by
control from the basic to advanced level.
various stresses with the reference of plant response or
sensors and instruments for measuring the plant responses play an important part for the identification. In the
controlling the environment based on biotronics are the
Certainly, the
works that the computer can best do. But at present, this is
hydroponic cultivation, there comes a limitation when only
only on researching level
use is the problem to be solved in the future.
concentration in nutrient solution can not be controlled
Now, we would like to survey the computer control of
properly without the practical use of ion sensors.
cultivating environment from the engineering point of view.
Next, let us discuss the problem of labor saving.
Micro computer is usually used. Environmental factors including the light, temperature, humidity and C02
controlled environmental cultivation system, human labor is necessary in seeding, transplan ting, harvesting and
concentration can be divided into several sub-systems when
spreading farm chemicals. Automation about those works are
In the
respectively. But several
being studied, and good results have already been obtained
minutes of sampling time will be sufficient enough for
in the application of robots to transplant in tissue culture
controlling the environmental factors, furthermore, only
and harvest fruits.
very short time is needed for processing sampled data in PID
intelligent robot and intelligent tele robot will substitute
control algorithm, therefore, it is not difficult to combine
the human labor in greenhouse and plant factory.
those factors
are con trolled
In the near future, robot including
r------ ............. --- .. ----- .. -........ _- ..... --_ . -- .... ---_ .. -- ...................... -_ ........ _.... ----. Cultivation Systea (Greenhouse or Plant Factory) Coaputer for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Knowledge Base
Coaputer for Measureaent and Control
Environaental Factor Air teaperature, Huaidity Light intensi ty C02 concentration Nutrient solution (Teaperature, EC, pH, Ion concentration)
LAN 0- .. - - - - - - - - - _ .... _ - - - .. - .
:, Data base
.------------ .... ------.
,--.-- ...... _---_ ...... _--, : Identi fication :, and control ,
Cultivation Manageaent Disease ,l __ • _________________ Insect pest , .........
l Fig.2
Tab I e 1
... _..
, _. PI ant Response . -- ------; : Transpiration flow : Photosynthetic rate : Respiration rate : Leaf teaperature : Translocation , .. ---- .. - .. -- _. ----- .. -- ..... - ---_.
_----_ .... _------ .....
Conceptional system of Computer Integrated Agricultural Production (ClAP).
Languages used in mai n menu.
Main Menu
Mi cro COlIPuter AI Computer
Identification and Control
Expert Sys tea
Agricultural Strategies
Necessary menu is chosen through the
conversation between operator and computer. Four main menu are prepared; these are "LAW, "Identification and Control", "Expert System" and "Agricultural Strategies" as shown in the left part of Fig. 3. Each menu is used for the purpose described in the right part of Fig. 3. The languages used in the main menu are shown in Table 1. Menu for "LAW deals with computer communication with proper protocol. Menu for "Identification and Control" is always used for
• Extended Self-contained Prolog.
identification of the physical environment and on-line
As to the informationization of the environmental control
computing for feedback loop of the environment, and also used for data base of the culti va ting en vironmen t. This
system, it can be predicted that LAN (Local Area Network)
menu is mainly mathematical and physical.
will be built. Factory automation in industries has been arranged by the protocol using large computer system. In
hand, menu for "Expert System" is more biological. and use of AI computer is inevitable. Whole cultivating processes of
the solar plant factory or greenhouse. computer network is
some crops are supported by this menu, choosing the type of
On the other
necessary for realizing the optimal control (Hashimoto,
the cultivated crop. In the important stage through the
1985a). These system may become a LAN system like the factory automation. Furthermore, by the practical use of AI
whole cultivating term, the status of the crop is able to be discriminated based on the AI computer. Thus, the adequate
system. advanced environmental control with expert system
set-point ef the environmental control could be decided
and the plant diagnosis system will be popularized as the
based on the status of the crop. Finally, the menu for "Agricultural Strategies" is expected for CIM in agriculture,
development of information processing.
in other words, for high-level decision from the management point of view.
EXPERT SYSTEM FOR DIAGNOSIS OF CROP DISEASE Fig.2 shows the recent system for ClAP. The system has the computer network composed of both usual micro-computer for environmental control of crops and the special computer for
We would like to present the expert system for diagnosis of disease. Several reports (Hoshi, 1988 etc.) are presented
the artificial intelligence.
about plant disease using micro-computer with BASIC or C.
The status of the crops is
identified based on the knowledge base accumulated from the
But there seems no paper about the system described here
experts, who have a lot of experiences through the cultivation, as well as the data base obtained from scientific
such as in the computer network containing AI computer with Prolog.
measurements. Then. effective control strategy is decided for
The expert system consists of human interface, WM (working
the successful cultivation. The structure of the software is unable to be easily understood from the system diagram,
memory). knowledge base and inference engine as shown in
though the concept of the system is not so complicated.
Into the WM through the human interface. The processes are
Therefore, more detailed diagram is shown in Fig.3.
Fig. 4.
The facts such as disease symptom are introduced
programmed as shown below. This is the question which ask
shows menu displayed on CRT as the output of the main
the stage of growth of plant.
Menu for LAN 1- I. CoIIIPuter cOllllllunication aaong lIIicro cOlllputers 1- 2.CoIIIPuter cOllllllunication between AI cOlllputer and lIIicro cOlllputer Menu for Identification and Control 2- 1. Environlllental condition Air telllperature , Hu.idi ty Light intensity C02 concentration Nutrient solution (TelllPerature, EC, pH, Ion concentration) ,
• ••
2-2.Plant response : Transpiration flow Photosynthetic rate Respiration rate Leaf temperature 2- 3.System identification 2-4. Control
Main Menu 1. LAN 2. Identification and Control 3. Expert System 4. Agricultural Strategies
Menu for Expert System 3-1.Choice of crops ;
Micro computer NEC PC98XF
Main CPU aeaory
Hard disk
EPSON PC- 286VE 802864. 6MB
AI coaputer MITSUBISHI MELCOM PSI n (Personal Sequential Inference lIIachine) Micro program type CPU 53bits/tlord Main lIIelllory 40MB Hard disk 140MB
....... _------ ---- ----_ ........................ -_ ...... ..
: Tomato : Orange : Me Ion
3-2. Discrimination of crop status
: : : :
Normal Abnoraal Disease I nsect pest : . . . .. .. _--------_ .... _... __ .......... - .......... --- .. -3-3. Decision of set-points ........ _.................... -- ... -------------
: Constant desired value : Adapti ve : Optiaal
L .. ____________ .................. ___ .... ___ .... ___ ... ..
Menu for Agricultural Strategies 4-1 . Production cost 4-2. Adjustlllent of harvest time 4-3 . Market inforaation
Main lIIenu and sub-IIIenu of ClAP.
CONCLUSION ClAP is composed of four sub-systems. which are "LAW. "Identification and Control". "Expert System" and "Agricultural Strategies". These sub-systems cover the
process control of plant factory (greenhouse). plant factory automation and
just like CIM in process
industries. For industrization of agricultural production. biological characteristics have been big barriers. which is quite different from non-biological production. But it might be
expected that utilization of computer network containing
Expert systell in AI cOIIputer.
the expert system is free from the barrier.
Even in the
environmental control system for cultivating crops. it seems evident that ClAP proposed in this paper should be the most % What stage of growth?
reasonable system.
class Ouestion_6 has : questionCClass) :Item = [("Ouestion_6:What stage of growth?",
no_select, _, off), {"Harvest stage", pick_up, Harvest_stage, _, off),
{"Seedling stage", pick_up,Seedling_stage,_, off),
G. P. A. (1983). Greenhouse climate: from physical processes to a dynamic mode!. pp. 240. Agricultural University. Wageningen. The Netherlands.
("CNext step)", do_it, _, off) J,
Hashimoto. Y. and T. Morimoto. (1984). System identification
: selectCifmen u, Stage, I t erns);
of plant response for optimal cultivation in greenhouses. Proc. 9th IFAC World Congress. Vo!. 7:
2039-2044. Pergamon Press. Oxford. Hashimoto. Y.• T. Morimoto and T. Fukuyama.<1985a). Some speaking plant approach to the synthesis of control
Rules of various diseases are stored in the knowledge base. The following is one of the programmed rules. That is a rule of gray mold of tomato, and the contents are that disease
system in the greenhouse.
symptom appears in young fruits and that the color of mold
Horticulturae. 174:
Hashimoto. Y. and T. Morimoto. <1985b). Identification of water relation and C02 uptake in physiological
is gray. % Rule of gray mold
ecological processes in a controlled environment. Proc.
class rule_28 has : referenceCClass) :-
IFAC 7th Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation: 1677-1681. Pergamon Press.
: factCifwm, Disease_symptom, Young_fruits, _, _),
Oxford. Hashimoto. Y.. Y. Yi.. T. Morimoto. F. Nyunoya. H. Nishina
: factCifwm, Col or _of_mold. Gra y. _. _).
: processCifName_oLdisease. Gray _mold. 0. 8):
identification of the growth process in a vegetable
: referenceCClass) : - true:
10th IFAC World Congress.
338-343. Hoshi. T.. and T. Kozai. (1988). Disease and pest diagnosis
Inference of disease is carried out in the inference engine using rules such as shown above. The following indicates
that three rules are referenced in order to inference whether
Computer Technology-Knowledge Based Systems in
Agriculture-. Deutsche Landwirts hafts-Gesellschaft.
the disease is gray mold.
Frankfurt: 457-472. Tantau. H. -J. (1981).
% Reference rules of gray mold
The ITG digital greenhouse climate
control system for energy conservation. Proc. 8th IFAC World Congress. Vo!. 7: 3617-3620. Pergaman
class Gray _maId has : inference
: reference(ifrule_29):
Press. Oxford. ten Ca te. A. J. (1983).
Modelling and (adaptive)
control of greenhouse climate. pp. 159. Agricultural
: reference
University. Wageningen. The Netherlands.
end. The result of inference is introduced into the WM. and is shown on CRT. This expert system works well and makes collect diagnosis.