284 urban areas and other works of man The other ~s f r o m images made =n infrared hght (Band 7), and it accentuates water and topographical differen...
284 urban areas and other works of man The other ~s f r o m images made =n infrared hght (Band 7), and it accentuates water and topographical differences Both versions have the State boundaries outhned with broken white hnes The USDA has avadable for sale more expensively priced photographic cop~es of the mosmc m a variety of s~zes and costs, mostly for use by scientists and technicians Copies of the U S mosaic may be or dered prepmd for $1 25 each f r o m the Branch of Distribution, U S GeologmalSurvey, 1200 South Lads S t , Arhngton, Va 22202 Orders should specify either Band 5 or Band 7
COMPUTER PROGRAMMES The Institute for Pubhclty and Exchange of Geomechanics Computer Programs (IPEGCP) has been established on behalf of the ISSMFE and the ISRM to assist =n the pubhcity and exchange of computer programs associated with geomechamcs prob lems In add=t=on the Inst=tute rams to =mprove the standard of documentation of programs and hlghhght techmques that enable greater machine independence Sc=en t~sts and engineers who have developed, tested and fully documented computer pro-
grams, especially those related to mathemat Lcal modelling, are invited to submit their programs to the Institute in the required format Detads of the required standards for pro grammmg and documentation and other m formations may be obtained f r o m The Secretary, IPEGCP, CSIRO Division of Applied Geomechamcs, P O Box 54, Mt Waverley, Vic 3149, Austraha
A third revised and enlarged edition has just appeared The (provisional) subdwlslons of the Precambrlan have been added, the geochronometr~c scale has been made hnear (w~thm certain intervals, of course) main orogemc events have been hsted more attention has been given to stratlgraph~c classlftcatlons of the Southern Hemisphere as well as to the classdlcatlon of the Quaternary and Late Neogene Palaeomagnetlc events of the past 5M years have been incorporated whde glacial, archaeological and lunar classifications have been presented m separate tables An index is included CopLes (w~th a minimum order of 10 copies at Dfl 5 0 0 p e r copy) can be ordered f r o m Elsevier Scien t~fic Pubhshmg Company, P O Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands