Impetus to assembly language programming Assembly Language: Architecture and Structured Programming by C Jinshong Hwang and Darryl E Gibson. Published by Prentice-Hall. 556~~. $32.95. Pundits have predicted the demise of assembly language programming since the first high-level ‘autocodes’ appeared in the early 1950s. However, despite the growing use of system languages like c and hardware oriented languages like PL/Z,assembly language use will not end until compilers can produce code as optimal as that from an experienced programmer. The explosive growth of microprocessor based systems has given a new impetus to assembly language programming where compact code and fast response is needed, for example with real-time control, data capture and display. Older operating systems are written in assembly language, as are the kernels and device drivers of more recent systems, and so many system programmers still manipulate mnemonics. There are good pedagogic as well as practical reasons for studying assembly language. It provides insight into
how a CPU behaves as a dynamic entity and awareness of the implementation implications of high-level language constructs, particularly data structures. This book seeks to teach assembly programming through language MACRO-11 - the assembly language for the PDP 11 range. The choice of MACRO-I 1 is eminently reasonable: the PDP 11 is a 16-bit machine with general purpose registers and a broad range of addressing modes. It may be more complex (and more expensive) than an 8-bit architecture but is a better basis for moving to other assembly languages. Sadly, this book does not live up to the promise of its subtitle. As with so many books, structured programming is tacked onto a traditional presentation with the base bones listed in the first chapter and forgotten until the seventh. Structured programming is a language independent methodology and should be dealt with in some depth before a particular language is introduced. When at last we meet structured programming it is introduced through
‘Hwang-Denning charts’ which are yet another sort of structured flow chart. However, assembly code programs derived from H-D charts are then documented in structured pseudocode. It would have been so much easier to present structured programming through the pseudocode right from the start and omit the H-D charts entirely. The book could then have concentrated on the MACRO-l 1 implementation of Structured designs. Nonetheless, the book gives a good grounding in PDP 11 basics and the coverage of MACRO- 11,is thorough and well presented. Floating point processing and linkage to high-level languages are also dealt with in some detail but the treatment of I/O and interrupt handling is rather brief. This book might serve as a backup text for an assembly language course or as a source reference for a novice programmer.
Books received
implementing a knowledge-based expert system in the PC environment, using the PASCAL language. Features of the book include proven techniques for building an from elementary expert system, engineering to system architecture. It knowledge-base offers a sample demonstrating an expert system in action and practical tips on how to use system in common an expert problem-solving environments.
lished by William Heinemann. 134~~. &15.00. Expanded and updated to take account of new developments in the field and the provisions of the Data Protection Act, this book offers a broad approach to computer security management. The book focuses on three main areas: policy, procedures and planning, and covers topics such as physical safety, confidentiality, fraud and insurance risks and disaster recovery. Aimed at data processing managers, accountants, auditors and man-
Programming Expert System in PASCAL by Brian Saw:yer and Dennis L Foster. Published by John Wiley. 186~~. X16.45. Artificial intelligence for the personal computer user has arrived. Expert systems, once the domain of academic research, are offering new opportunities in commercial software. This book is a do-it-yourself guide to planning, ‘designing, writing, and
~0128 no 10
Computer Security, a Handbook for Management by Leonard H Fine. Pub-
GREG MICHAELSON Heriot-Watt University
agement consultants, it is also a handbook for security experts and specialists involved in installing and operating computers.
Introducing Electronic Filing by P A Wilson. Published by NCC Publications. lS4pp. El I SO. There is now a growing awareness of the value of information as a corporate resource. A proper attitude to information held on hard copy is required before the needs for electronic filing and retrieval (RFR) can be assessed. This book explores the value of information with particular attention to decision making, the changing information environment and aspects of the knowledge industry. The scope for electronic filing and retrieval is considered in the light of the future
business environment and long term goals. The book is a companion volume to another NCC publication, Electronic Filing - Products and Suppliers by the same author.
Planning Budgeting and Control for Data Processing by Thomas J Francl, W Thomas Lin and Miklos A Vasarhe&. Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK). 180~~. $27.45. Managers of DP departments constantly face project delays, production volume overloads and other problems. This book offers an alternative method with zero base budgeting which is specifically geared to MIS departments. Techniques described in the book
Sheila King, Butterworth PO Box 63, Surrey GU2 Telephone: Please send COMPUTER I would
help the user identify, classify, qualify and quantify every activity. Zero budgeting can also be used for project control, charge back and other areas.
Instrument Technology. Automatic Instruments and Measun’ng Systems by Rudolf Radnai and Edward G Kingham. Published by Butterworths. 170pp. $17.50. This book is about automation in the field of electrical measurements. The need for very high rates of data acquisition has led to a widening interest in the automatic instrumentation linked with computer systems. This in turn has led to the development of a wide range of new electrical and electronic devices and to the need for standardization of instruments, particularly of interfaces.
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